OOC: Immortals War

Sorry everyone but I need to take a break for a week. I will not let this thread die and will be back but I just need to recharge my batteries.

I hope that this doesn't anger too many people.

See you all for now.
Don't worry darling, we know that you won't let it die and believe me, I'll keep it going for you. I promise :D

As for the rest of it, nice posting people. I can't wait to see what else comes up.
Okily dokily my little minions (technically Angelus' but still *shrug* :D )

Sorry to say all, but I've got the flu. Kinda why I've disappeared for the past few days, but still.... Anyway, I thought I'd give you a heads up. I don't feel like posting, sorry but I'll be back, I assure you. My brain's gone and done a runner.... :p

Feel free to post though :D
Hello? I know that Angelus is away (he's gone and gotten himself sick!) but I was wondering, are people still interested in this thread?
At the moment, I'm just a rogue element. I'm in the war, on the side of the half bloods, but I kinda do things my own way. I was waiting for a good storyline to come along that I could attach myself to as at the moment I'm just floating around in the story.