OOC: Immortals War

That's true. I know that will most likely happen in this thread.

One thing. Once more I have tweaked the first post in this thread so if you need any information about this thread please look at that one. If there is anything that isn't there please feel free to let me know.
i only changed sides to fit the dudes personality. And cause i didn't know i picked a side in the first place. stupid faction word.
i figured the master would equip him, and that stalker would use them in time, but not immediatly. I can take some away if you need me to. Like the arm blades.
Just remember one thing, Stalker cannot (like any other vampire) touch the silver. I would rethink the nail tips, as this would mean that Stalker is touching them and would likely die a slow death from the silver tips. Also with the arm blades, remember that he needs something (like leather) to separate the silver from his skin.

Other than that, everything is fine.
what part of the blades were lined with silver dont you get? Its a blade that is straped on to the arm with straps and a metal handgrips, but only the tip of the blade itself has silver. it also has a silver core so if the blade is sharpened, the silver don't dissapear. its like a pencil. :cathappy:
same for the nails. they are like matal bands that fit on and around the figers tipped with silver.
the wepons youve given him seem positivly divine, and will make for exilent combat for you and your enemy. cant wait to see you use them
let3us2be1free0 said:
what part of the blades were lined with silver dont you get? Its a blade that is straped on to the arm with straps and a metal handgrips, but only the tip of the blade itself has silver. it also has a silver core so if the blade is sharpened, the silver don't dissapear. its like a pencil. :cathappy:

I think he thought you meant that they were actually lined with silver, like you said in your post. If they've got straps and stuff and are only tipped with Silver, then I don't see a problem there. Remember, I've got a silver sword, myself :D
Wolfsister said:
I think he thought you meant that they were actually lined with silver, like you said in your post. If they've got straps and stuff and are only tipped with Silver, then I don't see a problem there. Remember, I've got a silver sword, myself :D
Lined with silver, like drakos cave and the gold?
Nope, my sword was forged entirely from silver about 1000 yrs ago when that sort of thing happened regularily. I've got a metal grip though which is strapped around with leather as well.
I wasn't refering to the sword, but i apreciate the information nonless. I ment if thats how you guys thought my weponds were?
Yeah, since you said the words 'lined with silver' instead of 'tipped' with silver. To avoid misreading, maybe you should put more information in your posts?
ill do that. I said he got nails tipped with silver, i guess angelus thought i ment his physical nails?
Well you didn't specify the type or size.

If they were small, just like normal nails, then how would the vampire be able to carry then around and use them without accidently hurting himself? If they're more like claws and a lot longer, then the silver tipping would be nowhere near the vampire using them.

Once again, it comes down to more precision and description in your posting. We never once thought that you meant your own actual nails or physical ones, we knew they were artificial, but like I said, more description could lead away from misconceptions. :D
Got it. ill try, just have some patience. From now on ill use some more description. And do you guys share a computer? You and angelus?
Yes we do, we're living together and we're engaged.

I have plenty of patience, Freebie. As long as you're improving, I don't mind one bit.

I notice that you're getting better at the grammar and spelling, you've got some way to go, but I congratulate you on what you've done so far. Just keep it up, okay?
ill do my best :cathappy: The cats happyist when master is pleased... purrrr.

So when your on algelus isn't? Then please let him respond in the freedom thread.
That is truly the most tasteless joke I have ever seen in my entire life. What the hell do you think you are talking about with something as stupid as that!
Im sorry. I have induced your rage. Prehaps i wasn't made to roleplay here. I seem to agrivate everyone, and that is never good at all.:(
i think they both view their relationship as a partnership of equals. I dont believe there's any master. and im sorry lad, you havent been around long enough, and thus are not nearly in anyones good graces enough to chance such a remark. I wouldnt say that, and ive known and rped with angelus and wolfsister far longer then you.
Damn straight that you have induced my rage. You make a comment like that about me because I am not here and you want to role play. If at any time I want to take a break then I think I have the right to; not to have people like you insult me in the way that you have.

I know that you thought it was a joke but it was in the worst taste possible and crossed a huge line.