OOC - League of Ultimate Villany

Well Allen Brown is asleep waiting for a response from Sam, Peg is not a whole part of the story, he usually just pops up to assassinate somebody and to irritate Allen. Also Gibbs is waiting for response from the AI and Izzy was it? So it's not me either
You are waiting on SAM? How did I
miss this? Death! You are suppose
to kick my stupid ass! How could
you let this go on without telling
me? XD
-aims kick in Dizzy's direction, fails to connect, but doesn't worry much about it either-

Yeah I am waiting on Sam, read my last post, he drops her an e-mail just before he goes to sleep :)
^^ Sorry to have made you wait
Death! It was not my intention.
I hope that my post made up for
it. :3

It will not happen again. Promises!
I have waited for longer and still am waiting so no harm done. One I thing I have is patience once the RP is a few posts into writing :)