OOC - League of Ultimate Villany

-twiddles fingers nervously- Well,
cause, I am all new and I feel like
I haven't earned the right to do any
thing cool... and like. I don't want
people NOT to join. I think that would
be a bigger bummer than it suddenly

But I REALLY would like to do the above
one. But I doubt there is much interest
in Cowboys that can ride mechanical
horses and shoot laser beams. XD

Nice. Nice. I want to murder people too.
You show me how to shoot. You do it.
You do it now! I want to learn the ways
of the great Master. ^^
Sadly I'm not allowed to kill yet.
As you can see I am still learning.
Padawan I am.

And ask for Timber if he'll join coz I'm game for any of the RP ideas you mentioned so far.
Q Q Lame dood. Very lame indeed.
But the instant you become Master.
I want to be your Padawan. XD Oh,
no wait. You cannot be a Master till
your Padawan becomes a Jedi Knight
themselves.... hmm.. that poses a big
problem, now doesn't it? Why do I know
so much about Star Wars? Don't ask.....
You may not like the answer. XD

-tugs on Tim's shirt- Hey! HEY! HEEEEYYY!
Stop ignoring me dammit! The Mistress of
Evil is beckoning you!
-snickers and slinks off to check if there isn't a RP in need of his special skills-
All is well Tim. Never fear.
Nothing you can possibly do
will smash my sunny disposition. :3
Exsanguination, or a violent interruption of the Medula Oblongata would probably do the trick :)

But I would never harm my SBFF
TIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
I have returned from doing
things I probably shouldn't.
Like making grown men cry
and piss their pants.... or both.
THERE!?!?!? -peeks into bushes- Okay,
so you aren't stalking me, that's a first.

Whatcha doin'?
Made another Normandy
post. Going for Sam now,
since I have put it off as
long as my laziness would
allow. XD I was playing some
old PS2 games, to relive my
teens. Legacy of Kain I & II
and Defiance. Dynasty Warriors
2, Primal... I miss the days of
games that had great storylines...
-stumbles in bleary-eyed and sits down in front of lap top sipping on a huge mug of coffee, mumbling about oversleeping and scratching stubble on the chin as posts are being read-
With that razor? Nope you will just cut my pretty face. I'd rather look like a Hobo than Allen Brown
No dood. Come on. I swear. I
will make you look very awesome.
No cuts or blood. -steps closer-
You will look prettier in fact.
-sits back, silenced .45 pistol in hand, evil grin on lips-
No thank you, but thank you for the offer,
I'll believe I look all ruggedly handsome as is
Aww... that's a serious bummer.
But. I will admit. The rugged look
does suit you. -holds up firing pin-
But your gun will do you no favors
without this.....Just sayin' -biggrin-
*sneaks up behind Dizzy and caresses her boobs, then catches the firing pin when she drops it in surprise and throws it back to DK, and scampers away*
-watches Tim's hand get snapped
into the bear trap she strategically
placed between her breasts-

Nice try Tim. I learned a few things
from my idol, Jessica Rabbit.
-crosses arms- You do not
amuse me sir. I can withstand
your prying. I am the Mistress
of Tease, as well as Evil. ALL Evil.
Might I add.

-pours salt on Tim's arm- Is that Bactine?
Awesome. Glad I could help
SBFF! Now you have an awesome
bear trap wound, you can tell all
the ladies you fought off a family
of bears while stuck in a bear trap.
It's a sure fire way to get below the
belt lovin'.-biggrin-