OOC - League of Ultimate Villany

I keep getting the feeling that there is a RP, but just can't remember now. Will have a look-see for you
Hey ya'll, just an update, a friend
is taking me to the hospital, since
I am coughing up blood now, which
is probably a really bad sign. XD

Anyways. I wont be on later tonight,
or maybe I will. Who knows, all I know
is, I am going to get better some time.

<3 You all
Thanks Dorment. :3
But false alarm. I forgot
I ate three containers
of strawberries and was
just coughing up berry
juice.. Boy was that awkward.
I am at home but on serious
medication. They are not sure
what is wrong with me. Will know
by tomorrow. :3

For now I get to bug all of you folks
some more. XD
Crap. We have to put up with you again...


Glad to hear it wasn't 'Coughing up Blood Serious'.

But of COURSE you have to put
up with me! Lit let me join, so
really, should take the dismay
up with them.... XD

Thanks. :3
And to rape small, innocent and helpless
victims such as the mayor's daughter.
Sounds like fun, but I'd rather just shoot the Mayor and blow up his family and the church at the funeral
Wow Dizzy's kinky. Lol. I think I can oblige. One assassinated mayor with a violated daughter coming up.
You do realize that Dizzy is doing just what Samantha would do with our characters don't you Timber? Not like I care to be honest LOL :D
LOL Nu uh!!! I am sweet and innocent
as the day that I was brought into this
world! Little birds like in snow white
sung around me as I layed gently in a
field of blooming flowers. :3

-dead bodies come crashing out of the

Ignore those. They are... Ghosts. Big ones.
Autopsies? Who said anything
about autopsies? No one, that
is who. And if you say anything
I will have to add you to the pile.....
-shoves bodies back into closet-
Aw c'mon don't spoil the fun. Tell us all about your private kinks and fetishes, we won't judge. Well, at least I won't. ;)
The lady have many secrets. :3
But for the record. I get a kick
out of being the most sinister
out of everyone. I am more eager
to play the bad guy than anything.

As I age on Lit I will reveal more.
Popcorn? With an autopsy? You are kidding right? Here try some raw hamburger and I even added a bit of seasoning. Maggot. :D

And yeah Dizzy we don't judge. We won't judge if you are more evil than us :D
*writes down a list of Dizzy's preferences*

In the words of Dr Sheldon Cooper...Fascinating. Oh and Timber I have, that is why I make pun of rotten hamburger meat.
Whell now I can not tell you that as you are the one who mentioned them. *Keeps writing in his small ineligible scrawl*