OOC: Portal to Adventure


Guardian's Desire
Dec 27, 2000
Ok everyone. Many of you have RPed with me but this is my first attempt at starting my own thread-well me and a friend I talked into joining the great people of Lit. I hope you will all like this and some of you will decide to join. It is based on a book I read a few years ago.

Here is the story: There is a group of college students that meet for a game of D&D every Saturday. The game is DMed my one of their college proffesors who will be written about by myself of Imoen depending on who starts the thread. His part is very small and not worth anyone taking over.

On this particular Saturday, they gather togather as usual and begin to play but all of a sudden they find that they are not in the game room anymore but in the world that they have been gaming in. They have also taken on the bodies of the characters they are playing with whatever weapons and powers they had in the game.

It turns out that the professor is actually from that world and has sent them back to clear his name as he has been banned from his world and cannot do it himself. In fact he has spent years building up the alchemy spell to send them back for this reason. They must accomplish this task or else remain in that world forever.

You can pick any char you want that is a standard D&D character. Elf, barbarian, wizard, sorceress, dwarf, etc. Any that you can logically think of. Please list what char you want to play.

Dont worry if you dont know D&D rules cause the game is not really going to happen and then you will be right into the midst of a world that you have to play like real life with no dice anyway. Remember that these are modern time students in a world of magic-that should make it fun and Please Please dont control people's chars too much. A little is acceptable but let the other person react as much as possible so no hard feelings arise. I know most of you are great at doing that but just a reminder to keep this fun.

Also, when you post your character please state what area you are studying in college. It will be important to the story.

I will play the amazon and Imoen will play the thief. Anyone else are welcome to join.

[Edited by Isolde on 02-24-2001 at 04:43 PM]
C'mmmmmmmmmmmmon and join!!!!

*all excited!!*

I think this has a TREMENDOUS potential for fun! Using modern day knowledge in a D&D setting. Could definitely be a hoot!

I'm not a guru like my friend Isolde *pokes and prodes the poster above*..hehe. But! I am fairly familiar with r/p and especially with her. We have a knack for weaving an interesting story, Y'all should feel free to jump on the bandwagon and we can get this thing started off with a bang! Fun and good times, guaranteed! :)

WoW, love the idea and would like to play.....
Is the Paladin an option? If not, I'll play a fighter.
Toku I would love for you to join. You are a great role player. And Paladin it is....welcome.
I would love to be a part of this thread but won't be able to post until mid March
You are always welcome, Angelius. Just look us up when you get back and we will fit you in somehow.
sounds fine Morgoth and welcome. We could use some magic users to even things out a bit now.
Thanks. This is only my 3 time being a Paladin. First time... they kicked me out of the thread. 2 time... the thread died quickly. Let's hope that neither hppens with this one.

Well, I think two Paladins are two much, I'll play a wizard instead if you guys don't mind. ;)
I don't mind. Isolde, you need to get a title. Well, you don't need one, but it is custom. (E-mail Laurel and tell her that you need a title and the one you want)
I sent one to her but I may have to get ahold of her again. Toku, I dont want you to be pushed out of what you wanted. You can be anything you want as long as it a D&D char. But you are right in the fact that there should be one of each char like in the D&D. Since you called it first than you have dibs on the Paladin. It is up to you completly.

[Edited by Isolde on 02-25-2001 at 10:30 AM]
Looking good!

Oh a paladin! What fun. *rubs her hands together gleefully* Should be a perfect acompaniment to my deliciously wicked thief. *LOL*

You know, I got to hand it to you Isolde, I'm thrilled you told me about this place. I'm having a blast already. This should be tons of fun. People shouldn't forget to include with type of race they wish to be as well as character type. Paladin would of course be human, per D&D rules, but there's some free reign with the other characters. Elf, Dwarf, Human, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, Gnome...

We have what so far? A paladin, An Amazon (warrior I'm assuming.), Wizard perhaps and a Thief.
Personally I'm throwing around the idea of having my character be a kender. They're really not thieves though, just like to uhm.. "borrow" things from time to time, completely fearless as well. I kinda like that idea. *grins* Regardless, I'm rambling. Though none of you besides Isolde know me - It tis a fond habit of mine. *L* You're sure to find this out soon enough. Now, off of this tangent and BACK to my point.

We still need a few more characters, a cleric would be good or perhaps a druid, a bard. Lots of character roles still up for grabs. You guys need to be thinking about what you're studying in college as well, as you'll still have all your modern-day knowledge with you upon transport to the other dimension. Might be handy to know a bit more than the standard college frat-boy or sorority-girl party ritual. *L* Anyhoo.. Can't wait to start. Hope we can get a few more - This is definitely going to be a blast!
I was just wondering, for all of those people out there who role play online and don't know a thing about D&D (there's probably only 1 more besides me) could someone please describe a few characters from the game. Perhaps a few of the races as well, I like being specific with my characters, and I don't want to become a cleric when I don't even know what his job or duty is.
Thank you everyone, and I do hope to be a part of this thread... soon enough.
Wizard it is......

Wizard is fine with me......so the Paladin is for Morgoth.

And a kender!!! Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! ;), darn things, hehehe.
I'll be an elf I think.
Can I play?

I would love to play a Wu Jen Hengeyokai (wizard shape shifter) who's base form is that of a cat.

This sounds like so much fun, but I really only get to post to story threads once or twice a day, so I thought that the shy/anti-social Hengeyokai would be a good race for me to play if you let me. :)
AD&D 101

k. Basic lesson in AD&D..:)

First off we'll start with races. Humans. I'm hoping ya sorta kinda know about them by now. *L* Really isn't much to say, humans are probably the most versitle and well-rounded of the AD&D races.

Dwarves! Such fun lil buggers. Not very tall, stand usually ~ 4 to 4 1/2 feet tall, but they are broad and compact - very solid! Males tend to favor long beards and groom them very carefully. Skin is typically a deep tan or light brown - Hair and eyes vary as in humans. Dwarves are considered adults about at age 50, and they can live to be over 400 years old. Dwarves get along fine with gnomes, and fairly well with humans, half-elves and halflings. They don't really get along with elves, seeing them as unpredictabel, fickle and flightly. They also mistrust half-orcs but the feeling is mutual. A typical dwarven saying would be, "The difference between a friend and an aquaintance is about a hundred years."..*L* I love that. Personality wise, they are slow to laugh and are distrustful of strangers. They value gold, gems and precious metals and tend to have a knack with crafting jewelry and weapons. They have a strong sense of justice and fight courageously. They also have a particuarly love for drink, whiskey to be precise.:)

Elves! Hauntingly beautiful creatures! They are short and slim, standing ~ 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall. The possess etheral grace and very fine features. Hair and eyes are limited only to your imagination. An efl matures ~100 years of age and can live to be over 700 years old. Elves are rather haughty. They abide by humans, halfings and gnomes. They despise dwarves and pity half-elves. Regardless they are generally peasant and gracious, even to those who fall short of elven standards. (Practically all non-elvin races!*L*)
Elves value freedom, theirs as well as others. They are of good alignment more often than not.

Gnomes are moreso known for being mechanically inclined, inventors and alchemists so to speak. Usually they prefer to stick with their own kind. They get along particuarly well with dwarves, they are a bit suspicious of the taller races. They stand only 3 to 3 1/2 feet tall and weigh ~ 40 to 45lbs. They are curious (extremely) and iquisitive and have an excellent sense of humor. They tend to be pranksters as well.. More often than not they are of good alignment. They are rarely ever hostile or malicious toward any other race, except maybe toward goblins. Nasty lil foes they are.

Half-elves are offspring of the pairing of a human and an elf. They grow quickly as for an elf, maturing at a the human age of ~20 or so years, living to be near 180 years. They have a difficult live, being for the most part not accepted by the elven communities nor the human. Humans tend to be a bit more tolerant of them though. Half-elves range from 5'1/2 feet to 6' tall. They favor humans in stature, but they tend to be fair and smoother-skinned. Hair and eye color can also vary. Half-elves tend to be neutral, being neither good or evil. They tend to get along with any of the races without much difficulty, makes them fairly good mediators.

Half-Orcs are just plain ugly creatures..*L* They are the offspring of Orcs and humans, though in my opinion I can't think that it would have been a willing union. *L* They tend to short-tempered and sullen, enjoying simple things in life. They are as tall as human, but with a grayish color to their skin. They have a sloping forehead, jutting jaw and prominent teeth - and for the icing on the cake, they have coarse body hair everywhere. They tend to live as barabarians and are proud of their scars of battle, displaying them for all to see and admire. They usually only live to ~75 years of age. They are the sworn enemies of dwarves and halflings, and only get along marginally well with humans. Depending on how a half-orc is raised determines his alignment, with orcs - evil, with humans - neutral.

Halflings are clever witty little creatures and are often found to be involved in some mischief or other. They vary from being upstanding reliable citizens to sly, devious theives. They are survivors to say the least and notoriously curious - with daring that few other races can match. They stand about 3 feet tallk and weigh ~30lbs. Their skin is usually ruddy, their hair black and straight with dark piercing eyes. Halflings get along famously with most all races (except the half-orcs) and tend to be neutral and practical.

WHEW! *L* Now, that's just the basic races of the game AD&D. There are literally *tons* of others that are created in rpg's and such, I'm under the assumption (Isolde: correct me if I'm wrong.) that most any would be welcome in this game/thread. Okay. I'll tell ya all about character roles, clerics and what not when my fingers stop cramping. *LOL* j/k. Next post will contain that.

Sounds like a great character, Celestial! Welcome aboard..*L*
Pooh...my partner has set up your list for you and yes, any char that is not too much of a streatch of the imagination is welcome.

Celestiale..you are more than welcome to join and post as often as possible. We will try not to move at the speed of light. You and Pooh are more of the great posters and this thread will be better for you being in it if you decide to.

As for your char it sounds great and I think we can work it to where it doesnt clash with Toku's wizard. Shape shifters usually have natural magical ability where a wizard's is learned and they are usually druids which is a wonderful class. And since druids are nature people your base form of a cat is perfect. For the wizard-being an elf will enhance his ability to perform the magic and that will be a plus for him.

Everyone be thinking what they want to have studied in college and I need a vote on what forum to do this in ORP or SRP. Relations within chars will, of course, be no problem no matter what if both parties are willing but I want to know everyones opinion.
okay....need help :)

I'd like to be an elven wizard-Illusionist.
I think it's most easy if I use something I allready study for my college study, which is something with Theatre and/or Film......how do you call that kind of studies on the other side of the ocean?
Toku you would be majoring in Theatre Arts. And this would include Film Making as a minor. And that is a perfect study for your character.

Thanks Love!
So now I'll be an elven Illusionist majoring in Theatre Arts and with Film Making as a minor. WoW, when do we start! I know, I know.....first some more people to take along....... ;)
*ahem* Alright class! *taps the ruler against the desk peering viciously over the rim of my glasses* We shall now discuss.... Class! *L* Or Classes more to the point. Roles and such.

First off I'm going to start with a descript on Clerics, just for poohlive. Hope this sheds a little light. :)

Clerics are faaaaaaaaaaaaabulous. Simply fabulous. They are sort of a holy character. They are the vessels and intermediates of their chosen faith, i.e. god/goddess. Good clerics heal, protect and avenge. Evil clerics pillage, destroy and sabatoge. They are of course in the same alignment as their chosen diety. They are masters of divine magic. Divine magic is especially good at healing. An inexperienced cleric can bring ppl back from the brink of death, and an experienced one can even bring back ppl who have crossed over that brink. Nifty, eh? *grins* They can turn away or even destroy undead creatures. Clerics also have some combat training. They can use simple weapons, and they are trained in the use of armor, since armor does not interfere with divine spells as it does with arcane. In an adventuring party, the cleric is everybody's friend and often the glue that holds the party together.

Below is a short (extremely!) of the other classes. If any of you want more detail (sorta like what I did with pooh above) just ask or feel free to e-mail me at hey-you@getoffamycloud.com.

Barbarian: Ferocious warrior who uses fury and instinct to bring down foes.

Bard: A performer whose music works magic - a wander, a tale-teller, an a jack-of-all trades.

Cleric: A master of divine magic and a capable warrior as well.

Druid: One who draws energy from the natural world to cast divine spells and gain strange magical powers.

Fighter: A warrior with exceptional combat capability and unequaled skill with weapons.

Monk: A martial artist whose unarmed strikes hit fast and hard - a master of exotic powers.

Paladin: A champion of justice and destroyer of evil, protected and strengthened by an array of divine powers.

Ranger: A cunning, skilled warrior of the wilderness.

Rogue (Thief): A tricky, skillful scout and spy who wins the battle by stealth rather than brute force.

Sorcerer: A spellcaster with inborn magical ability.

Wizard: A potent spellcaster schooled in the arcane arts.

All this info I found in the AD&D players handbook and there's lots of info out there on the net as well. Lemme know if you all have any questions. I'd be more than happy to assist.

Maybe not the right thread for it......but just something I have to say.
Imoen, I sooooooooooooo like the picture of the angel you have, I have a thing with angels (who? me?) and fell in love with it immediately.
Back to the thread.....sorry for the interruption.
Re: ...

Toku said:
Maybe not the right thread for it......but just something I have to say.
Imoen, I sooooooooooooo like the picture of the angel you have, I have a thing with angels (who? me?) and fell in love with it immediately.
Back to the thread.....sorry for the interruption.

Thanks! I fell for it too as soon as I saw it. *s* I believe it's a good representation of my sweet, demure, oh-so-shy nature. *goes the serious straight-faced expression* Isn't that right, Isolde?
*cough* *choke* *cough* Ummmm...yeah...on to the next subject. LOL. Anyone who needs some fresh air may step out now....j/k Imoen you know I love ya, girl...you is my best bud.

And I think we are going to be able to start sooner than planned. Probably in the next couple of days even. We have some great role players right now and a strong diversity where chars are concerned. More people can join there is plenty of time and, even after we arrive in the world, we can have people native to that world come in.

Meanwhile, I am going to try to talk my wonderfully descriptive friend here into working on the opening post and we will post soon. Sound good Imoen?

[Edited by Isolde on 02-25-2001 at 04:17 PM]