OOC: Star Trek: Frontiers casting call.

He doesn't need to be cheif secruity, that's cool. That could be his whole thing. In his transfer, he was demoted from cheif since he showed an unwillingness to work with his former captian.
Cool beans, jump in whenever you like then fella, the more people in the thread, the more there will be to read. *Grinning* God, I am already digging this!
I could kiss you, Raven, I really could

and now, for the charicter of the biggest Trecker of all time:

Name: Sharna Onyx
Race: Half Betazoid, Half Vulcan
Age: 20
Rank: Ensign, fresh out of the academy.

Sharna has thrived to be apart of Starfleet like her Father, Verian the now Vulcan ambasidor to the Gama Quardrent. A specialest in OPS and Science, Sharna could honestly fill any position on the ship. She holds empathic abilties from her mother, yet has the control over her own emotions as a propper Vulcan should have.
I believe their called Trekkie's

so this is taking place after voyager made it back to the alpha quadrent?
Hello all:

I am Marc and would love to play a bit part (or several).

Character 1 =
Graduate from Starfleet Academy

Just recently promoted to Lieutenant for heroism during a disaster. Fourteen months ago, LJG (lieutenant junior grade) Denoitnem served on NCC 2893-B, the third ship bearing the name Stargazer. A Borg attack on the vessel left the crew nearly destroyed and Denoitnem as the highest ranking of the five living. He was able to use the main deflector to block the collective from the Borg sphere and then use the ship as a projectile weapon, destroying the sphere and leaving him and his four companions in a shuttlecraft.

It took the federation a week to find them, but he was promoted for bravery and for his awe inspiring defeat of a Borg vessel. The Enterprise picked his crew up and also salvaged a few valuable items from the nearly destroyed sphere. The Enterprise left at high warp as a Borg cube entered its scanning range.

Before his days in Starfleet, he spent his boyhood on a Ferengi Marauder, son of a Daimon named Qog. Only because of his cousin Quark's good relationship with the Federation could he attend SFA.
Well, thats a kiss I wouldn't turn down Basia!

Yes, the thread takes place well after Voyager's return, by a decade at least.

Also, since the crew is such a strange mix, part of its mission could be to simply see if all the members aboard can work well as a team...
Wait, let's just clear something.
Didn't Voyager and Janeway (the old one) destroy the borg when they made it home? Gave the entire collective a virus.
So, isn't the borg gone then?
you have to remember, the enterprise did the same thing. they set some borg loose with an indeviduality program. It spread and soon a race of borg, not just a collection, began acting on their own independant of the hive. remember Hew? remember Data's brother? remember how data's brother enlisted the help of these indevidualized borg? (a great clifhanger by the way)
Good point...

My character has been "on Ice" so it wouldn't affect me unless I chose to make it...suspension of disbelief and all that...however, according to our story, the Borg apparently survived anyway. Hell, why not, perhaps there were two seperate collectives...if I recall, some of the Borg had defected from the collective on TNG to follow Lore, Data's brother, in the last episode Lore was in. I might be mistaken on how that ended...but wasn't that before Voyager?
Oh, well...either way, there can be a way some of them survived, possibly creating a new civilization...
Oh, and True_Life, if you read this...I was thinking that, since your character seemed to have a chip on his sholder about that promotion (no offense) our two character scould have a non-violent type fued over the post...
U like?

We must have posted at almost the same time...with pretty much the same thought...
Glad to see that my character is fitting in okay... see yous on the IC board. *teleports away*

Name : Mackenzie Calhoun ( Reall Name: M'K'N'ZY )
Home Planet: Xenex
Eyes: Purpel
Hair: black
Muscular build
Scar on left cheak
Was A star fleat Captian Resined
Age: 40 ( Still looks 20)
At age nineteen Was the leader of his planet Led in a revelotion
than joind Starfleat. Doring his first Comand He lost his ship and every one on it. And than resigned. Than Was reinstated for A humanitairiean mission He was given comand of the U.S.S. Excalibur. It was destroyed two years later. Every one survived except Calhoun. His Body Was Never Found . the missions he had befor he died were legondairy.

OOC: hows that

Fuck...damn distractions!

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Very cool Mistress:

Please do post in the IC thread, it will be wonderful to have another alien aboard
God damn wrong thread! LMAO.

Ravenloft, babe, you sure you want me in the thread? LOL

Moving post to the right thread LOL!
His Body Was never Found in the novels So I figerd Id play hime As if he didnt realy die Just was thought to be dead.
Still recruting?

Hi Ravenloft! I was wondering if this ship was still in need of any female crew members and what positions may still be open? (Big time Star Trek fan here... This could be fun! *grin*)
Actually, yes, we could use you in the thread... It seems Mistress has bummed out of her role, do you think you would be capable of taking over her character? Otherwise I can assure you, the thread will die. She is the other alien of my characters race... T'ralimira I think her name was. Give it a read through and tell me what you think.
Ravenloft said:
Actually, yes, we could use you in the thread... It seems Mistress has bummed out of her role, do you think you would be capable of taking over her character? Otherwise I can assure you, the thread will die. She is the other alien of my characters race... T'ralimira I think her name was. Give it a read through and tell me what you think.

Excuse me........that is my role your giving away there and I'm not done with it just yet.
Hey now Relax! *grin*

I'm not looking to step on anyones toes by taking their role! *laugh*... If Mistress is still wanting the role and is willing to keep her character alive, then in all fairness, the role is hers.... But if you have anything else open, I would still love to join the crew/cast....