OOC: Star Wars - Episode VIII: The New Threat

Tynan might know him. And if he's worked with the Jedi before, there's a good chance Diora might, given her frequency in the fields. He might also have some experience with Nastasia, both being bounty hunters. It might be interesting if they aren't fond of each other... heh.

As for Republic characters.... I dunno. I can't remember half of the ones I have now. And I'm definitely well-behind in posting them up to date.

I have Star Wars Republic Commando on the X-Box, and it rocks.

BTW X-Box 360 looks fucking sweet, and the PS3 looks gay.
I am beyond lost

What is going on? I havent gotten any alerts to the thread just the ooc.

Do i need to post???

Orlanth said:
Episode III fucking rocks!

Of course it does!

Can't wait to see it, but I will. I'm not waiting four hours in line to see it. I'll go next weekend.

I went yesterday ... Sorry I didn't mention this earlier cos I slept over at my friends house we all pasted out watching Anime ...

We bought our tickets in advance & got there an hour early to get good seat ... :D

Thre were a few minor things that annoyed me ... But they didn't distract from the saber fights ... :D :D :D

Me & my 2 friends agree ... Yoda rocks!

Oh & cos I just saw this ... SW Revenge of the Cartoonist

Top ones on the 1st 2 pages are my faves so far ...
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I'm in a wheelchair, so I wasn't in a waiting line and I had my place reserved.
My only wait in line was for the theater to open ... 1st showings were at 9, 9:30 & 10 am ... We went to the 10am show ...
Arc da Rat said:
My only wait in line was for the theater to open ... 1st showings were at 9, 9:30 & 10 am ... We went to the 10am show ...

same here, I saw it this morn. it's awesome, and I was somewhat surprised that noone was there. Oh well, I'm bummed out, there's no real theatre here in San Francisco anymore, and so no staged fight/costume fun.
Arc da Rat said:
My only wait in line was for the theater to open ... 1st showings were at 9, 9:30 & 10 am ... We went to the 10am show ...
I went to the 12:01 AM showing. :D
um I've got a question about the newest post in the IC thread, I know i'm not really an authority here, but did anyone else talk to the poster?
Donsehan said:
um I've got a question about the newest post in the IC thread, I know i'm not really an authority here, but did anyone else talk to the poster?
Not I.
me neither but he's someone who plays Star Wars Galaxies ( & also got hos facts wrong, Talus is a planet in the corellia system, not a moon), & the Empire has been dead for over 50 years according to our timeline.
Abraxas Winterlight said:
me neither but he's someone who plays Star Wars Galaxies ( & also got hos facts wrong, Talus is a planet in the corellia system, not a moon), & the Empire has been dead for over 50 years according to our timeline.

There are remnants, like Anderson I believe (Orlanth's character; so he'd know for certain) but for all purposes, yes, the majority of it is gone.

Shall we Pm this new poster and get him here?

Oh, and no, I didn't talk with him.

Abraxas Winterlight said:
me neither but he's someone who plays Star Wars Galaxies ( & also got hos facts wrong, Talus is a planet in the corellia system, not a moon), & the Empire has been dead for over 50 years according to our timeline.
Plus, he couldn't possibly control Yavin and it's moons. Not with the Jedi there.


But, no harm done if he comes onboard and changes some things.
Paendragon said:
Plus, he couldn't possibly control Yavin and it's moons. Not with the Jedi there.


But, no harm done if he comes onboard and changes some things.

that was my point, the areas he mentions are spread apart and well the facts are all wrong, in the universe that we're in at least.
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Quiet_Cool said:
There are remnants, like Anderson I believe (Orlanth's character; so he'd know for certain) but for all purposes, yes, the majority of it is gone.

Shall we Pm this new poster and get him here?

Oh, and no, I didn't talk with him.

Anderson and his fleet were destroyed near the beginning of Episode VIII. He was the last of the non-Sith Imperial fleet.