OOC West Richland Tavern by 1millionsecrets.

Okay sorry it HHS taken so.long... stupid classes and shit. Anyway Thank you Wolfie! This thread is awesome!
Okay so, if.you guys haven't noticed Hannah enjoys.singing, but is terrified to. She also enjoys dancing but has.only danced for Troy, and as owner she feels she doesn't have the right to be.any part.of.entertainment.

(Wish my . Button worked....)
you forget I have seen you dance and heard you sing woman...I know you are good enough. I will get you on stage if I have to pick you up and carry you up there myself :)
That was a nice twist, though. Both the whole "Oh, missing person's report on Alexa" and "Oh, btw, I'm a cop."
he causes too much trouble he disappears rather quickly, don't worry. Oh and it will be all done legally
The permits excuse doesn't work. She has the proper paper work for food service, alcohol distribution and all legal zoning rights, in the air and on the property. It is currently owned by her, titles signed over for free because it was a barely legal shit hole.
Well ole Wolf just tossed the proverbial monkey wrench into Jacks scheme. And he's not responding to my posts.
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Didn't really respond to Alexa's talk, either. Most of that was bravado, in case you guys didn't catch that.
Now now.... can't respond to everything. Be nice, don't attack him, hate the.character not the rper. ^_^
Wolf did what started the cold war, mutually assured destruction that keeps things on level playing field. Ain't being mean to Jack he's added a cool element to RP :D
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