OOC West Richland Tavern by 1millionsecrets.

Well, after the stunts you pulled downstairs, I'm sure you understand. Alexa still wants to smack you, lol.
Not a problem. Won't be on much early afternoon, we're doing bloody Christmas in bloody March. . . *groans*
Christmas in March. That's interesting. I probably won't be on until mid-afternoon
Yeah. The people we're having Christmas with were in Disneyland at the time of actual Christmas and this was the earliest we could get with them. It'll be fun though.
Sorry I haven't responded. Been studying for an exam...It sucks...
Dee took her down stairs and put her in ice water to stop the fever. Tied her back so she wouldn't drown and went back up to work @*-*@
Not as kinky as you may have hoped
These are the boots that Raven is wearing.
