part 11 of the China Pearl Inn

It was a beautiful day today. I had the windows and the doors open. However, tomorrow they are predicting rain and even cooler temps. I'm not sure how much more rain the ground around here can handle.

(well well well, look what the cat---er---monk drug in... long time no see VT)

Evening DW, or perhaps Cait? If I may be so bold. Perhaps you can send some of those rain clouds my way. It would certainly help tamp down our wildfire season
V T It has been a while sense you have stopped by. It looks like the years have not been kind to you. I see you still have your cat and have picked up another one in your travels. Can I get you a cup of tea or would you like something stronger?
Evening CG. Tea would be lovely. An herbal perhaps if you have any. I’ve found that the invincibility of youth has vanished, and sleep is easily thwarted by caffeine. Both my fur boys are thankfully still with me. My sight however … has seen better days.

It has been entirely too long since I’ve hazarded entering this space…I see you are still corrupting young ladies that venture along your crooked path, I hope you have been well?
V T I do believe that Poo Ming has quite an assortment of herbal teas. I show V T the herbal teas for her to make her selection.

I am glad your fur boys are with you. Last I saw they were still kittens. And yes, I am still corrupting young ladies and I am more than willing to once again corrupt you dear. We all have to have a hobby V T.

The years have been relatively kind to me though I have collected a verity of aches and pains.
Her fingers brush over the jar, picking up each one, unscrewing the lid to take in the scent of its contents. This one has a floral hibiscus note, the other a citrus- was it grapefruit? She settles on a jar. Chamomile, and a touch of lavender. “Do pass my compliments to Phoo Ming. This is a lovely selection and I hope to sample more in due time.”

“Corruption you say, CG that is quite a hobby. I fear I have already been corrupted. Don’t you see the horns holding up my halo?” A sly smile flits across her face, before the sobering reality of time cuts it short. “Perhaps a heating pad for those aches and pains?”
"Well V T everyone need a hobby." A roguish smile bows my lips.

"Chamomile, it is V T and I shall pass on your complements to Poo Ming," I lean in a little closer. You know he makes a career out of seducing and corrupting beauties such as yourself my dear.

"Yes, V T I see those pretty little horns holding up your halo and have found memories of writing with you and corrupting your young Miss." A soft kiss caresses VT's cheek.

"I think a long hot soak in the tub VT......scrub my back.....better yet join me." Again that roguish grin.
Evening DW, or perhaps Cait? If I may be so bold. Perhaps you can send some of those rain clouds my way. It would certainly help tamp down our wildfire season
You're welcome to them VT, if I could convince them to go. Cait will do. We've both been around here way too long to stand on ceremony and besides, you know my hubby. :)
It is just teasing rain here. Though this is the dry season here in the PACIFIC Northwest it has been quite chilly and wet this year with really hot days every now and then.
It is just teasing rain here. Though this is the dry season here in the PACIFIC Northwest it has been quite chilly and wet this year with really hot days every now and then.
*sighs* We could use a little less rain at least until the crops dry up. They are suffering though. I drove by a place that usually this time of year, has a truck filled with sweet corn and that lasts all summer. Today, I drove by them and they barely had any corn in their truck. Dryfter and I both were prepared for this because of all the rain and figured other crops are going to suffer this year too. Makes me wonder what winter is going to be like this year.
Cait I fear winter will be just as harsh but instead of heat it will be cold. :(
"Good Morning! I need coffee and breakfast food. Thinking on an empty stomach does not produce easy results. "

She made a beeline toward the coffee pot and poured some of the hot rich brew into a mug, adding cream as well.

"Ugh! It's been raining again. I swear I feel like I'm living in the Pacific Northwest instead of the Midwest. Still, it could be worse. I could be living in Canada. No disrespect intended, Canada or to the Canadians."
None taken Cait. I started out in French Canada. You and the rain keep it up and you'll have webbed feet like us in the Pacific Northwest. We are enjoying another overcast day with the temps in the lower 70's.
None taken Cait. I started out in French Canada. You and the rain keep it up and you'll have webbed feet like us in the Pacific Northwest. We are enjoying another overcast day with the temps in the lower 70's.
Hey! I had those webbed toes when I first moved to Washington state. They're just not pretty. I can't paint my toenails. Same here, overcast and temps in the lower 70's. Due to start raining again soon.
We are headed in the opposite direction Cait. Headed for sunny skies and temps in the 80's.

I pour a mug of Darjiling with a healthy splash of Irish.

Cait? I hold up the bottle of Irish.
We are headed in the opposite direction Cait. Headed for sunny skies and temps in the 80's.

I pour a mug of Darjiling with a healthy splash of Irish.

Cait? I hold up the bottle of Irish.

She held up her glass.

"Two fingers should do it, CG."
I believe in compromise Cati shall we say 2 and 1/2 fingers. A wink and I pour her the Irish.
Some Dim Sum with a cup of coffee would be a delight. I enjoy having so many choices. Well, I had a busy day, and my hours are off a bit, but I'm feeling pretty good.
He bangs out another manuscript and looks in on the residence of the Inn to see if his order is up.
She sidled in and slipped up onto the empty barstool beside him after pouring herself a mug of coffee.

"Working on it. Fireworks last night kept me up late and my creativity is slow in making an appearance."

She sipped her coffee and put in an order for some pot stickers and noodles.
Cait I know what you mean I could not head to bed until after midnight.