Perdition-Last Chance, OOC [Open]

“Hey Damieeeen. I’m like, totally looking forward to seeing you. Maybe we could like, make out while I break your legs, or if we’re feeling really adventurous we could totally say what we hate about each other while I destroy your ass.”
When you’re as big as Kuznet, everyone is a sub. <_<

So, would you like me to time-skip, and if so, where do you want me to stop? Should I leave Sayori out of the post?
Hmm. I suppose we could do a little morning greeting for everyone if you want, or you can go ahead and just skip to when they find some other survivors. Are we going to spend a day or two with these survivors before the things happen? As far as Sayori, yea, maybe we should leave her out for just a moment. We could do a little with Jesse and Tommy here soon. I need to have Tommy and Randy at least convince the little hot potato to leave the base. :D

I'll do a little more with Niles later down the road. Maybe before Kuznet actually catches Damien but after Damien rescues Cora, Quint, and Sayori.

Niles will be needing a good way to redeem himself, and I bet getting a hold of Damien will be the perfect thing to put himself back in the Generals good graces :devil:
Okay, sounds good to me. I’m feeling we could do a morning greeting first before they take off. That way we can have more of le cute snek. Hmm...honestly, I think it would be fun to spend at least a night with the thirsty bunch before hell opens up.

That way we can have them creep on everybody and have Cora ready to throw down by the end.

Indeed, Niles might even get a treat for being a good, good boi. :D
*Robo cop squeeing noises* XD

Ooh, and maybe Cora will have the chance to throw a verbal bitchslap to the guy who hits on anything that walks :D

Yes, at least one day with the little trio. Hmm, should I throw in a random survivor as well? Make it a somewhat small group? Maybe I could toss in just a normal chick who just happened upon these two and is trying to just survive :D
Maybe Cora will throw in a literal bitchslap to the guy. :D After all, there will be butt-touching at some point. BUTT- TOUCHING! D:

You could totally add another chick. Maybe it’s the mechanic’s new apprentice or the gas station attendant. Perhaps... she’s an army person in disguise! Dun dun duuuun! Or just a normal chick is fine. :D
Butt touching?! D:

Cora probably won't tell Damien about that one >.> She won't want him to literally kill the man >.>

Although it might be pretty obvious when the guy comes walkin out lookin like Miroku :D
Maybe it’ll be an “accident,” who knows? Or he might try to downplay it as a joke and say that she’s overreacting. Although yeah. If Damien gets wind that he groped her, he’d have to put the boots to him- medium style, at the very least. Sabastian might have to keep his mouth shut too or Vin might get ideas as well. I might even have the guy try to playfully grab Sabastian’s junk or Cora’s boob. Mwahahaha! Unlimited power!

As for thirsty slut, she will probably zero in on Damien when she finds out that Vin and Sabastian are going at it. If they come across a river or something, she could pull the whole “I lost my bikini top, so I’m going to press my boobs against you until someone gets me a replacement.” :D
Careful Poprockz! Don't let the power go to your head! XD

Although, if she does that, Cora might be the one doing some murderin >.>
Heheh, Cora with her fists out, being held back by Sabastian as he keeps telling her it’s not worth it. Lol
Horny boi walking by, looking at the two of them and simply saying, "hot." before walking away."

The Damien watching from behind a tree, getting out the needle.
Sabastian, picking everyone up and walking away.

Who says that was a glimpse of the future...? :devil:

Also, you mean like a real earthquake? D: You okay?
Yea real earthquake. California, we get them pretty often. It's like being on a fun boat ride for about three or four seconds :D

Ha, I can actually imagine him pickimg everyone up. And the car XD

Like, fuck this, we don't need to fix it XD
Earthquakes are spooky. <_<

Fuck this shit, I'm out~!

Sabastian flips them off as he walks off into the distance with his group like some weird tentacle monster.
I mean, they can be. We usually don't get any big one's though. I've only experience two big ones, but even then, the most that happened was the cups and plates shook and rattled on the shelves for about a minute, and then it was over. Nothing even fell down.

Now, watching the sky go from a beautiful blue to dark grey and raining down ashes in about an hours time is downright fucking terrifying. Everything gets tinted orange and it looks like a goddamn nuclear war apocalypse. >_>