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I posted a hotwife/cuckold story today. At first it was really high up with a significant amount of votes. Then it took a really hard down turn with what I can only assume are 1 bombs due to the topic of the story. I even got comments like “rubbish” which I’ve gotten on stories similar to that theme.

I know Im not supposes to take ratings too seriously. Most everyone says that on Lit as well as people who have been around. But then how do you get to be top rated? Win competitions? How do you gauge that without looking at ratings?

Its a bit discouraging as a new writer, I may need to bite the bullet again and ask for direct feedback. I had people I know read it and they said they loved it? So Im not sure of the disconnect.
I really enjoyed your latest
I think that as society "evolves" (more like devolves IMPO), they are confusing the real world with fictional world.
I write about adultery as well.
As someone who experienced it firsthand, I have a damn good understanding of how complicated it is. :LOL::LOL::LOL:

Yes, "is" being the situation in real life, I take it. The problem seems to be that certain folk read "is" inside a fictional tale and then have difficulty in understanding that the "is" simply represents someone's imagining.

No real person has been hurt, traumatised, ruined, disappointed... or even, putting things more simply still, affected in the slightest degree by the supposed events in the story.

Adultery can be sad, bad, great, dull, shiny, miserable, joyful, chilly or, yes, hot stuff... wherever an author's imagination will take him/her... when happening to make-believe characters.
Yes, "is" being the situation in real life, I take it. The problem seems to be that certain folk read "is" inside a fictional tale and then seem to have difficulty in understanding that that "is" is simply someone's imagining.

No real person has been hurt, traumatised, ruined, disappointed... or even, putting things more simply still, affected in the slightest degree by the supposed events in the story.

Adultery can be sad, bad, great, dull, shiny, miserable, joyful, chilly or, yes, hot stuff... wherever an author's imagination will take him/her... when happening to a make-believe character.
I am not currently in that situation anymore.
In this case "is" did not mean "present".

Describing cheating is up to the author of course and it's all through the lense of their eyes and POV in the story.
Unfortunately, some people just can't separate the differences between the two.
Hello everyone! I’m a relatively new writer on Literotica. I’ve been documenting my life and journey of sexual discovery and posting it on Literotica. However, I’m learning that people are VERY against cheating, almost to a toxic level. I thought all fetishes were encouraged and accepted here.

Has anyone else run into that? And while we’re at it, share your favorite cheating stories :)
Well, dint let that stop you from writing and exploring your writing style.
Lit has always had a large group of people who dislike anything to do with cheating. Especially if it is a woman who cheats and it isn't a BTB story. Loving Wives is especially biased against them. Erotic Couplings is a much more accepting category.

That said, as people have said already, just ignore the people who hate. They're usually misogynist men who hate anything that isn't their fantasy. Just write what you enjoy, I do.

Ratings aren't everything and the rating system on Lit is flawed anyway. People will find and rate your stories if you write them well. But even if they don't to me it is about how a reader enjoys the story that matters most to me. You will get positive feedback. I wouldn't use public comments as people use those to troll or vent their misogynistic rants. I get positive anonymous feedback because people only find the time to reply if they really want to.

Still get some negative feedback but not as much as back in the day. Haven't had a death threat in a decade or so.

Just enjoy your writing. The community is out there and lots of people enjoy a good cheating story.