Pm game

My first ever full-time job, as a 17 y/o, was working in a specialist games shop in the mid '70's. This was just pre the computer games boom -- all the games were board games. We had a huge selection of TSR wargames which were played on hex grids, and walls and walls of little metal D&D figures.

The shop was well-known as a place where the staff had all, between them, played every game it sold. I played all the maths-based games, like Go and mancala. We had some real experts in there, games inventors and designers, who'd give mini TED talks about their games.

The people who came in for the D&D figurines were usually shy goths. They painted them beautifully and brought them in to show us.

That was probably the favourite job I've had.
I was always a Ranger. Then the bloody DM would go an pick an adventure in a Metropolis just to be annoying.

babe, I was playing paladins when Eye of the Beholder was the best AD&D game going.
Fuck, I actually remember that game. Good old days when graphics were bad, the story was good and the gameplay was unforgiving. I think Betrayal at Krondor was released around the same time? Now that was a gem.
So, a veteran gamer but playing a paladin... tsk tsk
Fuck, I actually remember that game. Good old days when graphics were bad, the story was good and the gameplay was unforgiving. I think Betrayal at Krondor was released around the same time? Now that was a gem.
So, a veteran gamer but playing a paladin... tsk tsk
Baldur's Gate still stands head and shoulders over the rest
I've never played D&D... only the D&D PC games because I was lame and didn't have nerdy friends. Also I like watching d&d streamers :LOL:

If I did play D&D I would be a wild magic sorcerer, because that is so me. Tides of Chaos baby!
Baldur's Gate still stands head and shoulders over the rest
Planescape: Torment for me, but BG was great too.

Roleplayer since 1985, beginning with The Dark Eye. Although I sold all my 1e and 2e AD&D stuff a few years ago for a couple of thousand euros. Yes, I had a lot of stuff.
Planescape: Torment for me, but BG was great too.

Roleplayer since 1985, beginning with The Dark Eye. Although I sold all my 1e and 2e AD&D stuff a few years ago for a couple of thousand euros. Yes, I had a lot of stuff.
I never played those board games because same as Jackie, I didn't have any friends who were into it. 🫤
Video games, RPG and Strategy ones were my drug of choice for quite a while.
May be an image of text that says 'PM GAME post this card and anyone can send you something inyour in our PM it can be a CO npliment, a pic, an insult... anything...''PM GAME post this card and anyone can send you something inyour in our PM it can be a CO npliment, a pic, an insult... anything...'

had this on FB. lets see how hard it can go here?

Bringing this back to focus... curious to hear from @Helgamite if they received anything worth the trouble (not asking for details, a yes or no would suffice.)
You asked me a perfectly reasonable question in a totally polite manner - and even apologized for contacting me.

We’re good. No problems with your behavior at all.

Don’t let how some guys behave stop you from reaching out. No one hates guys here - people are just people.

TBH - I thankfully get less attention now - word has got out that I’m really 98 yo.

98 and still stunning I bet ;)
I first came across it on an episode of The Nanny. Someone wonders how come Fran's grandmother Yetta has so many dates, and Fran answers something along the lines of "being able to remove her teeth."
Aware of the show - but before my time
I assume you played Planescape Torment as well which came out a bit after BG. Which one did you like better?
Strangely enough, no.

But a few years ago I discovered Pillars of Eternity, and from there Pillars of Eternity 2 - Deadfire, which is, frankly, one of the most brilliant Baldur's Gate-like RPGs I've ever played.

But Serana remains my true love.
bits fall off after sustained use.

Mmm, sustained use.

It's best to focus on gaining another four levels first so that you can cast Resurrection. If you're a cleric of a woodland deity you will then also gain access to Animal Form and can then... ahem... explore alternate body configurations why is everyone staring at me like that?

Resurrection gets expensive though with material components. Reincarnation is cheaper and with the random element it's like a key party for one.

(But probably better stick to the editions where you're not going to reincarnate into something that would be banned on Lit.)
