Pm game

Strangely enough, no.

But a few years ago I discovered Pillars of Eternity, and from there Pillars of Eternity 2 - Deadfire, which is, frankly, one of the most brilliant Baldur's Gate-like RPGs I've ever played.

But Serana remains my true love.

Torment is worth a try; the gameplay has dated, but the story was fantastic and I still replay it every few years. I think it's still my favourite of the D&D adaptations, not just for the Sheena Easton/Jennifer Hale/Dan Castellaneta NPC interactions.

I hear great things about BG3, but that'll have to wait until I upgrade my hardware.
hear great things about BG3, but that'll have to wait until I upgrade my hardware.
You will upgrade your hardware for BG3.
babe, I was playing paladins when Eye of the Beholder was the best AD&D game going.
You kids and your electronics and new fangled gadgets. I was playing when the only option was table top with actual dice you had to roll. AD&D First Edition stuff.
You kids and your electronics and new fangled gadgets. I was playing when the only option was table top with actual dice you had to roll. AD&D First Edition stuff.
Pah, I was playing roleplaying games when all we had was finger guns and arguments about who shot who!
I got one as a combined Christmas and birthday present.

I might have gotten a finger gun for Christmas/birthday if I hadn't been too busy working the fields after returning from school on a 10-mile ride through the snow on the family mule. We went hungry that Christmas, and had to eat the mule.
You kids and your electronics and new fangled gadgets. I was playing when the only option was table top with actual dice you had to roll. AD&D First Edition stuff.
my d20 was biased towards critical fumbles, and my d10 always made me stab myself in the knee. On the odd occasion I rolled a natural 20, I'd always roll a 1 for damage.
my d20 was biased towards critical fumbles, and my d10 always made me stab myself in the knee. On the odd occasion I rolled a natural 20, I'd always roll a 1 for damage.
Some years ago I went through a phase of 7 months when I never once rolled higher than 12. And yes, it was a d20, not a d12.
my d20 was biased towards critical fumbles, and my d10 always made me stab myself in the knee. On the odd occasion I rolled a natural 20, I'd always roll a 1 for damage.
I think the dice gods did that to all of us. I found my old dice the other day, along with a few very badly painted pewter figurines. The D20 were so worn I could almost use them as marbles.