Pocket Kingdoms and Little Empires a Napoleonic Wargame OOC

How things work

First welcome to another player on the global stage. I like your character and to tell you the truth I find it an interesting take on the rebel or wealthy up and comer in Paris. I will have to think of an interesting list of resources for you after I complete the work on the others. All I ask is do something I do. Proof your writing before you post. Give it a read and you will catch many mistakes. Makes things easier to understand...at least for me anyway.

How I envision things working is that each "turn" is a block of three months to get things done. These are large scale tasks like building ships, recruiting troops, and other large scale projects. Other things like discussions with other players, meeting a lover, or even simply shorter tasks are done in real time. One should be able to sit down with someone for tea and get answers right away, but winning a campaign should take longer. I am open to suggestions.

I also see this all occurring in the 1780's and taking it from there. This is an alternative earth, so history isn't exactly like ours. Since we have several different players I plan to give a brief historical update and current events before we begin. This will allow you to slip into things.

I see some interesting things happening in Paris....Ah Russia has so many possibilities, and Britain needs to be an Empire.
Sorry about the typos. I am on the road and doing most of my correspondence by iPad. When do we get started?
Not a problem it happens....In the next day or so. I was stuck at work for 12 hours today, which wasn't supposed to happen. The next few days should provide me with the time I need to launch the story effectively. Still plenty of room for others....

And please if you have any more questions or ideas you'd all like to share please post them.
I am sorry to say this Jagged, but I am growing I patient. It has been several days sinc ei joined this thread, and you still haven't completed my profile. Is something up? If it is, the I am sorry, but I am not known for my patience.
If one is to journey Saint Petersburg the city that bears the name of your territory one can only be moved by the site of the massive modern city. For you it is the city of your birth where you grew up, and now call home. Some call the palace the Winter Palace, but for you it is simply home. A place where you'd run around with your childhood friends, and play soldier in the courtyards. The Neva river is where you sailed, and you prayed in the Saint Isaac's Cathedral (at least pretended too). This is Russia for you, but that won't stop you from building an Empire....

Name: Ivan Visotsky
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Ethnic Background: He is secretly a Jew

Your family claim to the thrown is very strong at least on paper anyway, but after all isn't that all that matters. Your true mother Malka was of good peasant stock. A beautiful woman who wrote poetry and was tutor to your older brother, and in time became lover to your father in the palace. Katrina a Finnish Princess was your father's wife at the time cared little about the affair as long as it was discrete. Sadly after a difficult birth Katrina's second child died not long after birth. In her grief she adopted you, and raised her as your own, but did keep your mother on staff for years even after you no longer required a tutor. To your father you are simply his son, and no one speaks of the unmarked grave by the cathedral.

Physical Description: Strong, muscular, and quite the handsome fellow. He is tall for a Russian, numbering over 6ft 5". He has dark, dark brown hair, and slightly tanned skin. He is built for cold weather, so he has hair all over his body. He has caught the gaze of many a woman, and has used his attractiveness too reach his goals.

Personality: He rarely entirely shares his opinion, for he wishes to hide the fact he is a Jew. If he brought up that fact, he would lose his throne. He became Tsar while in his early teens, but took control quickly, and has kept control with an iron fist. He tries to give all of his subjects equal rights, but is finding it extremely hard to do. He is okay with ding just about anything to reach his goals, from assassination to seducing.

Skills: Can speak, read and write Russian, English, and French. Has some skill with weapons, and is a excellent strategist. He is skilled in geography, as well as public speaking.

Skill Items
-In your personal library you have some 1400 books on language and the many cultures that make up Russia.

-In addition you have another 1000 books sent from courts around Europe giving you a great deal of knowledge about the outside world in a number of different topics.

-While you have access to the fortress's armory and that of the city you have over a hundred stacks of arms. Typically in every stack you will find several uniforms, pikes, muskets, ammunition pouches, and swords. You have also a fine collection of swords, and a number of exotic weapons given to the family as gifts. Never mind the palace is filled with hundreds of weapons on display.

-Peter and Paul two Streltsy guards who have been very loyal to your father since before you were born have a acted as your body guards and weapons trainers for years.

-Your map room off the library rivals any in Europe. With a massive globe and hundreds of books, charts, and maps it is one of the best geographical sources for information in Europe. Regularly the palace receives requests from nobles, scholars, and admirals wanting to study or copy maps.

-Charlot a French actor, opera singer, and magician to name a few of his talents came to the palace some years ago to entertain, but never seemed to leave. He has been a good friend and to earn his keep he regularly performs for visitors, but he also has helped you with public speaking and making every personal appearance memorable.

Career Path: Was raised in a palace, and hasn't done much else then learn. He while his older brother was still alive, he pursued to become a soldier, but then when his brother died of fever, he had to give it up.

Career Items
-In order to learn your trade of soldiering you were given command of the uniquely formed Red and Blue regiments. While a military unit normally only has one type of soldier yours were organized has 800 infantrymen, 300 cavalry men, and 100 artillery men. Each regiment has a colonel as "adviser." The idea was for you to be able to maneuver the units against each other as part of their training. Though technically reserve units your father did call them up from time to time, and they have experienced combat. They are to be considered royal units and are for show as well as battle.

-You have the "honorary" rank of palace commander while the day to day operations are left to others. The unit includes a regiment of 1,000 strong veteran guards men selected specially for protecting the palace. The are outfitted like every solider, but they also carry swords. In the palace 500 regular soldiers are on grounds and handle task like repairs, firefighting, and internal security. Another 500 civilians, former soldiers, police officers, and foreign agents in your pay make up the "royal police force" though it technically doesn't exist. In later historians might refer to them as the secret police, but you know better. They're essential to protecting the monarchy.

-60 fine cavalry horses in your personal stable complete with a staff to attend to them.

-The Uragan, the Stoyky, and the Zhemchug three frigates anchored in the river. Crewed and armed they were from a time when your brother had interest in the navy and you flirted with joining the navy. They have been used in the past to take diplomats to countries like Sweden and beyond.

-One complete baggage train for travel. Whether you're changing locations for pleasure or business you can take your whole royal court with you and put it under tents.

Family Background: Part of the Romanov Dynasty, his mother was a Jewess, but hid this fact from his brother and father. Only he knew it, and he swore to follow in his mother's footsteps.

Family Background Items
-Keys to a fine house on the edge of the city proper. There lives Zuzanna a polish opera singer who is very beautiful, and was your brother's mistress. She has several small children, but is discrete about who is the father. She currently receives a large allowance from the royal treasury.

-Katrina might have suffered from depression, but above all things she did love you as a son. You have inherited a number of estates in Finland, and they do generate descent income. You serve monthly reports, and whatever items produced from the estates.

-A small number of books and private papers that belonged to your mother. Not worth anything, but they mean a lot to you.

-You have the clearest line of succession to the thrown, but every noble house in Russia has ties to each other, so be ready for a challenge. Currently though the political situation is stable, and you have all the documentation.

-The loyalty of the Neva River Garrison. The fort protects the approach to the city and was ordinarily built to deal with a possible Swedish invasion. Currently the garrison is at full strength and numbers 1200.

-The Finnish Legion was made up of Finns from the border and living in Russia. Loyal to your adopted mother they fought bravely in the campaigns in Poland before the fall of the empire, and have a strong hatred for the French and Polish alike. While they carry your banner they also carry the Finnish royal banner. They're at a impressive 6,000 strong, but many other Europeans serve in the unit now, and a dozen different languages can be heard in their depots. You have the honorary rank of Colonel.

Current Military and Political Situation
When you took the throne the army was 50,000 strong with about half that number due to leave service (three year enlistments coming to an end). An additional 30,000 troops are available, but they're militia and often don't want to fight far from home. Also their quality varies. Your fleet is filled with good quality older ships that the navy says can be improved quickly if necessary.

Your family is well liked by the people and there are the usual demands for more work, less taxes, and more improvements to the country. The church wants you to do more for them, and the merchant class is growing. The nobles for the most part are happy with things, but want more favors if you're planning to go to war any time soon.

Moscow's Tsar has ties to the last emperor and is still sending out demands for troops and taxes like the old days. Afanasiy has a decent army, but his request are tactfully ignored. Livonia's Borya is demanding you marry his lovely daughter Nadezhda. In the past he's been an ally and she is a pleasant, but simple girl who you barely know. Smolensk is neutral as they fight among themselves for control of the throne. The Ukraine is also in a state of chaos as clans of cossacks battle for control of the state and peasants form bands out of protection. Poland has a new King Friderich and Queen Waleria who are very popular with the people and are rebuilding the country along with new frontier forts.
England would appear to be the best of of the Empires, because it at least has it's core states of London, Wales, Ireland, Yorkshire, Scotland. Overseas though the situation is less stable. The lower half of north America is still under their control, but Indians and rebels are a constant problem. France is in the north and Spain is in the south dealing with it's own rebellions. Holdings in Africa and Asia have similar problems, but despite it all Britain endures. Trade still generates massive profits, but for every ship of cargo that comes in a regiment of troops goes out to some foreign shore.

Name: Khandi De Arthac

Gender: Male

Age: 42

Nationality: English

Ethnic Background: European

Physical Description: Khandi is slight of build and could be called diminutive. He wears boots with heels allowing him to be a bit taller. He covers himself in silks and satin's as well as lace. By all accounts a dandy, with an atmosphere of perfume that precedes him, he is a controller of people. Most of the great houses have at least one of his spies on their staff

Skills: He speaks French, German and Russian

Skill Items

-You have 4 well made carriages complete with horses, footmen, guards, and teamsters for each one. They could rival those of any royal house and contain several secret compartments for items like weapons and documents.

-Various sets of keys for a number of government buildings, embassies, and palaces. You also have a good lock picking set.

-You have some 100 books on different languages and courts around Europe.

-You have 19 trunks of fine gentlemanly clothes and shoes that fit your dandy image.

-The Cassandra A sloop was a fore-and-aft rigged ship type, with only one mast. Used both as merchant as pirate ships, it is a fast and agile and required a very small minimal crew (even a one-man crew could be enough for your sloop) but could also carry up to 100 crew and passengers. Normally you'd carry 60 to 80 crewmen and 0 to 16 cannons on one deck on the sides. The British Royal Navy sloops had a comparable crew and artillery, but merchant ships had much smaller crews. The Cassandra is sitting in a dry dock in London in need of some repairs from your last adventure.

-A collection of fine swords given to you by a lonely widow.

-Crated up at the moment you have 3 fine bedroom sets complete with bedding and silk sheets and fine pillows.

-The Downing Street Irregulars 152 street urchins, servants, embassy guards, aids to politicians, and other spies who makeup your network that gives you all the news that is unfit to print in London. Each day your Butler Desmond summaries their findings and tells you over breakfast.

Family Background: It is said that Khandi appeared one day and before that on one had heard of him. He tells people that he sprung full grown from Zeus's forehead similar to Athena and he says that he is much prettier that Athena and dresses better.

Background Items

-You have a small estate in the Netherlands which produces apples and other crops.

- You have a 20% share in a French fur trading company in Eastern Canada.

-You have a seat on the board of a small Swiss bank and receive regular reports.

-You have 48 Sowar light cavalrymen mercenaries (Indian horseman armed with sword and carbine). They're lead by a British captain and Sargent.

-A large cache of exotic and erotic items from the Middle East and Greece.
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The good news is most of your estates sells off to your neighbors who are happy to expand their estates, and property around Paris doesn't go cheap. The bad news is your friends and contacts are more than happy to help you settle in the Austrian Empire. It is still intact despite having fought recent wars with both Russia and France. Land is cheap and with the simple promise to take a reserve commission in the army you're a citizen in no time. They send you to Galicia to be part of the army of the frontier. Which you soon find is where they send all non-Austrians to serve. A collection of small forts supported by some 40,000 troops are the army of the frontier. The Russians are nearby and so are the Turks. Welcome to the Austrian Empire!

Name: Msr. Paul-Henri Renier

Gender: male

Age: 40

Nationality: French/Prussian

Ethnic Background: Western European

Physical Description: In almost all features, unnotable. Black, straight hair cropped close to the scalp, worn under a powdered wig. Lean but not particularly muscular but with a very cunning stare. Piercing gaze and very intense, angular face.

Personality: Ambitious, yet charming. Of very few intimate friends but an intense listener with connections among papist and heathen, black and white, revolutionary and loyalist. He is the quintissential politician, always the first with a witty joke and a persuasive voice. A natural leader.

Skills: An eloquent orator. A skilled hunter and sportsman with a tenacious love of golf and tennis. A skilled chessmaster and educated mathematician. Well-read in classic and contemporary literature, philosophy and music. An above average marksman and well-versed leader. A scarcely adequate dancer but a decent violinist and painter. Fluent in French, German and English.

-Martin your childhood teacher has made the trip with you. A scholar and intellectually he can speak on a number of topics. Before having to speak you often seek his council.

-You have 15 finally crafted hunting muskets each with a complete set of supplies.

- You also have 9 fine hunting dogs.

-Marrok your head games keeper for years he is a crack shot, and is a fine cook specializing in game meats. He brings with him a staff of 17 game wardens, stable boys, and kitchen help.

-You have 6 trunks of gear for various sports.

-You have 5 trunks of fine clothing for formal occasions as well as uniforms for your new military.

- You have 15 chess sets of various styles, and some are very expensive. Your old friend Felix comes with them. Besides securing the baggage he's a skilled gambler especially with cards, and you often found him drinking in the park in Paris playing games of chess for money.

-Jolie a lovely artist model who posed for you and friends several times comes along as well.

-A room full of artist supplies which Jolie takes care of and it can all easily be shipped in boxes.

- You have the responsibility of handling 40 young Prussian cadets. The young men were sent back to France with you for schooling and to learn about French culture so they can learn and be better soldiers. You receive a monthly stipend for their expenses, but it is seldom enough. There are 3 years left on your contract. They have uniforms and weapons and live a mixture of military and civilian life.

-Your private library has 700 books covering various subjects written in French, German and English.

Career Path: Paul-Henri avoided military service in France by attending school in Prussia, where his father sent him to school to train to become an officer in hopes he would find clerical work ultimately and avoid the battlefield that His fathr had seen too much of while serving. Having completed his studies there, Paul-Henri returned to Paris to enlist in the army but found himself fallen on hard times when his mother fell ill to small pox and even an officer's salary would not suffice. Laboring diligently He was able to pass the bar and enter into work as a barrister where he earned a good living executing the estates of aristocrats. Well-connected in the aristocracy, he found himself with frequent occasions to invest and create wealth with information on markets available to wealthy clients. Having amassed serious wealth, Paul-Henri soon found himself one of their wealthiest and influential men in Paris. Now, with Revolution brewing, Paul-Henri sees an opportunity to make a nobleman of himself and begins to conspire how he can play an important role in the new government. With Napoleon's distrust of him, though, it was obvious the future was not bright for Paul-Henri's ambitions. When his mother died, his father lost all hope of joy and drank himself in a sorrowful grave. Nothing left to connect him to Paris, Paul-Henri sells his estates and seeks out a new life in Austria where his old military school connections and fabulous wealth afford him new opportunities to pursue a life in politics.

-One complete and fairly up-to-date French law books

-While you were in Austria working out the final details you took up residence in fine town house in the capital of Vienna. It was cheaper for you to buy it, and it is ready any time you need it. It has a small staff of 4 servants.

-While you are not a Prussian and didn't serve in the military you're training and a member of the nobility allows you to be a member of their Army's officer's club. This pass allows you on any of their military facilities to have a drink, and is honored in many other German states as well. It can at least get you in the door of many beer halls and other institutions that are closed off.

-Legal Councilor to the Cardinal of Paris. Well not really, but you were one of many lawyers the church employed and that came with a host of privileges and helpful documents. You can now find lodging at any church or church owned institution like a university. You're welcomed at many tables and letters of recommendations are just a letter away. You could even visit Rome.

-Connections within the horse guard. In France you have many friends among the nobility, and those who served are happy to do favors for a friend that can help them out as well.

-After centuries of Spanish rule the French hold the Northern territory collectively know as Venezuela. The Spanish still hold the rest of South America and Central America, but France now dominates the sugar trade along with other valuable commodities. How long it will last is anyone's guess. It applies to you in the following ways....

One of your clients who had ties to the Spanish crown became behind in his bills and turned over his sugar plantation to you as payment. It is of modest size for the area, but it turns a decent profit. The overseer sends you regular reports, but he has also mentioned that a deal is already in place where you have local tribe in your pay. The tribe can promise 100 warriors to deal with any problems that might arise.

Through connections in the navy you now are able to sponsor privateers. While the government endorses them in war time in peace time they're no different than pirates. More you invest the greater your share, but it's a risky business.

-Membership in the Hellfire club. A society where industrialists, nobles, military people, and scientists meet and drink. It is also known for it's wild parties and orgies, but if one wants to make connections there is no better place. The have chapters all over Europe, but are headquartered in London.

-An Austrian country estate seized from a traitor. It is not far from your frontier posting and is near a small town which profits from selling good to the forces on the frontier. The house is impressive with fine wood work and extensive farm land, and you're told there is plenty of game. Problem it is disrepair and has been looted. It will take some work, but will become a fine home someday soon.

Family Background: His father a retired officer and a mildly successful dye merchant and his mother the heiress of a disgraced aristocratic family that had been stripped of it's title and lands by the crown some generations ago. He had three older sisters but Paul-Henri was the only child to survive to adulthood.

Family Items

-Your father's sword.

-You recently found out after leaving Paris that you have a 49% stake in the Lancaberis Inn. A posh inn not far from the highway near a village on the lands of Countess Sophia Bogdanov of Le Rêve Springs. You do recall your father drinking and staying there often. Now his partner wants to know if you wish to receive cash or services like your father did previously. He also makes mention in his letter he doesn't have the gold at this time to buy out your stake, but is happy to work things out with you because of his friendship with your father.

-Furniture and other items from your mother's family home.

-A large workshop and a few warehouses that were part of your father's dye business. It is still someone successful, but you've had no involvement in it for some time.

-Family correspondence which mentions family in the Austrian Empire.
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((I will be away from the PC for the next few days. A friend is visiting from out of town. Whoo hoo!))
Enjoy your time with your visitor, and when you return there will be a fun story for you to write about. Take care.:rose:
Correspondence with Madame Dumonde and sundry others

To Lady Dumonde, for immediate and most private delivery.


Many salutations from my exile in the outskirts of Austria. My sincerest hopes that this gentleman finds you in the best of health. He is one of my finest cadets, a boy raised in a monastery, his studies at seminary prior to his service have left him inexperienced in matters of the world in spite of his being considered quite handsome. I trust you will treat him well and find him useful to your service for as long as you may require and to any ends you deem adequate. His family believes him to be deployed on the frontier and he is bound to an oath of secrecy. I've no legitimate use for him at this time and trust you will make him earn his soldiery in the best fashion that best pleases you. Find with him these volumes from my personal library which touch on subjects that I understand are of your fancy.

Having sold off my interests in the country, I had hoped to be done with my homeland forever in my new pursuits but have learned of late that some interests of my late father's remain in my ineritance in an partnership in the Lancaberis Inn, within the coasts of your domain. I regret to inform you that in my correspondence with my departed fathers partner, one Msr. Lesange, has alerted me to his seditious envy of your wealth. He has told me that he considers you an unworthy and undignified stewardess and I do consider it my duty to inform you that according to the most noble laws of France you are within your right to execute him if evidence of this shameful activity was generated on your property. I herein furnish you with such affidavits and correspondence as you may require to that end. I leave his judgement in your capable hands.

Your humble servant ever,
PH Renier, Esq.

To Herr Dranslich, to be opened only in his hands, on penalty of death to the bearer.

Most noble Sir,

Your health, as mine, be our mutual blessing from He that is not mentioned herein. "D- as t--- w---."

In accordance to the mysteries to which we are both initiates, I formally request the presence of your Vienna brothers to an event on the 15th of the month following at my new estate to christen it with the revelries unique to the mysteries of our order. The gentleman who brings you these letters shall commission transport on your behalf and his counterpart at the estate shall secure on my treasury the entertainment, amenities and "companionship" for as many brothers as you may bring. Please make them as many nobles and persons of mention as can be hoped for and you shall find your efforts well-rewarded.

Your brother in our noble mysteries,
PH Renier

To Señor Gutierrez, groundskeeper

Estimado Señor,

I trust this correspondence finds you well. With it, you will find this gentleman carries gold sufficient for your salary and those of your fellowservants, as you requested in your earlier correspondence. In future endeavors, I would ask that you take your salary from the profits of the harvest and I entrust to your competence to investigate surrounding real estate and invest my profits wisely. Expand the plantation and create a work force competent to generate fuller profits and when I arrive to visit in the next few years, you will find my generosity most accomodating.

Yours in our Lord Christ,
PH Renier

To Cmdte General Htendrick, including all reports.

Salutes from the frontlines, sir. Enclosed, please find the inventory requested.

It is my sad duty to inform you that upon my arrival, 16 men-at-arms were caught in the attempt at deserting, rather than serve under a Frenchman. I obliged their aspirations to escape service. Their personal effects and letters of condolence to their families are enclosed. In related news, I am happy to report that gallows have been completed in all of our fortifications on the frontier and summarily proven.

Your faithful subordinate,
Col. Renier, Galicia

Off to a fantastic start and I like how your letters are sent...I just have a few questions.

The first letter is clearly to another player, but you know you have 40 cadets right?

Who are you sending the second letter too?

The third and forth are very clear, and glad you gave the characters names. I will have responses for them once I hear back from you about the second letter.

Off to a great start, and I will post the main thread soon.
Off to a fantastic start and I like how your letters are sent...I just have a few questions.

The first letter is clearly to another player, but you know you have 40 cadets right?

Who are you sending the second letter too?

The third and forth are very clear, and glad you gave the characters names. I will have responses for them once I hear back from you about the second letter.

Off to a great start, and I will post the main thread soon.

("Do as thou wilt" is the motto of the Hellfire club. It was top secret, hence the codified way of writing it. Vienna would have a chapter and a man who organized the festivities.)
I thought so just wanted to confirm I'll reply shortly.
Oh, what the Hell....

Character Bio:

Name: Leopold Von Habsburg
Gender: M
Age: 28
Nationality: Germanic
Ethnic Background: European
Family Motto: Die Menschen führen; das Land verteidigen

Physical Description: 5’9”, 170 lbs, short, black hair w/handlebar moustache, deep green eyes and wears reading glasses

Personality: Somewhat introverted and quiet, Leopold can be best described as a ‘people watcher’, seeming shy and demure but always watching, analyzing and studying the scene around him. When he does come forward to speak, he does so with the confidence and strength of one who knows the situation and the knowledge to back up his words. Even though he was raised in the luxury of royalty, Leopold is very practical and down to earth, shunning the flamboyant and extravagant and dispensing with the pomp and ceremony of his station as much as possible, save for appearance’s sake.

Family Background: Leopold is the middle child of High King, Lord Freidrich and Lady Gerda von Habsburg, Empirical rulers for the German Empire. With his eldest brothers, Wulfgang and Gunter being taken under wing in the military as well as the imperial court in Berlin, Leopold and his younger brother Peter, were sent into the educational seats of learning within the Roman Catholic Church. The Empire later fought a tedious, 5 year war with Denmark which left both countries battered, stalemated and forced into an uneasy truce. While militarily a draw, Germany suffered the greater moral loss as the war claimed the life of Prince Gunter von Habsburg as well as many, many other young men.
Sensing weakness, the Prussians, encouraged and backed by Poland, attempted a seditious uprising against Germany in an attempt to unseat Freidrich and place one of their own as Emperor and Prussia as the ruling kingdom of the empire. Again the German armies marched and successfully crushed the rebellion and ended the dream of Prussian dominance, but likewise again, tragedy struck the royal family with the Heir Apparent, Crown Prince Wulfgang von Habsburg lying dead in a snowy field deep within subjugated Prussia. Weakened by war on two sides, Freidrich allowed his youngest son Peter to take his vows in Rome and join the Catholic Church while their youngest child and only daughter was married to Duke Ulrich von Hauer of Rheinland to strengthen the family alliance.
Not a year after the insurrection ended, Emperor Freidrich also fell ill. Some said it was a broken heart for the loss of his two sons, or perhaps the weariness from having waged war against his own subjects, but his closest advisors knew the truth. The Emperor was struck down by a coward’s weapon; poison. The assassin was rooted out from among the royal staff, but he too killed himself before revealing any secrets.

Career Path: Like his elder brothers, Leopold too served in the Imperial Calvary, rising to the rank of Hauptmann (Captain). While Leopold was described as a ‘good equestrian and a decent cavalryman’, he found himself more at home in the Quartermaster’s offices, learning and discovering what truly made an army function. Serving for only 6 years and seeing only light skirmishing during the German/Danish war, Leopold was sent with his brother Peter into the Papal States to study in greater depth with the church in Italy. While the brothers both received their higher education and formed bonds with the church, Leopold studies aligned with economics, business, accounting and geography while Peter strove deeper into history, literature, theology and the Word of God. It was shortly after Peter took his vows in Rome that a royal messenger found him and bade him return to Berlin…..

Skills: Leopold possesses a keen, analytical mind with a gift for numbers and organizing. Were he not a royal, he would make an excellent businessman. While not used to rulership or the Imperial Court, he does have a great understanding of what makes a nation work and how to run one efficiently. A skill he fully intends to apply to the German economy and treasury. While his military experience is limited, Leopold does know logistics and the needed support system for a military. He can speak, read and write German, Latin, Italian, and French and can speak Russian.
Another Player joins..

Well I have to work tonight, but I will reply to this shortly with a good profile. So we're clear you want the whole Empire?

German Empire (Prussia, Berlin, Saxony, Rhine, Bavaria)

Great to have you on board for yet another campaign. Thought you'd enjoy the picture.



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Well I have to work tonight, but I will reply to this shortly with a good profile. So we're clear you want the whole Empire?

German Empire (Prussia, Berlin, Saxony, Rhine, Bavaria)

No, I want the whole world, but I will start with the German Empire. :D

Thanks for the Pic, and if there had been an Italian Empire, I would have taken it instead.
Ah yes the modest Mantra is back on the field. Now that we're clear I think I can do the update. As usual a good back story.
Fighting a cold and have to work tonight, but half way done with Mantra's profile. I think he'll be very pleased.

Hey folks plenty of more room for interesting characters. Don't need to lead a nation to play, because so much is going on in the background for both the wargamer and roleplayer.
Leopold Von Habsburg
German Empire includes Prussia, Berlin, Saxony, Rhine, and Bavaria.

Skill Items

-1200 Books on politics, business, and history. Most in your native German with a number in French and Italian also.

-The Eagle Standard and other items from the Legio XVII of Rome. They should be sitting in a museum, but they've been on loan to the palace for years.

-Fine collection of cavalry sabers mostly given to the family as gifts.

-100 military manuals on Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery.

-You have been a patron of Eduard one of the finest map makers in the Empire. His cottage and rather large workshop are on the palace grounds. Along with maps he tries to include military report and recent census reports.

-On the grounds of the military academy long with research and development, the artillery, cavalry, and infantry schools is your addition. The quartermaster school teaches logistics rather than tactics, and while it isn't the most favorite place for young officers most begrudgingly go their.

-Magdeburg is the location of the university. Since you and your other brother had such academic interests Gentlemen Gottfried Liebniz who runs the school has set aside a few building for royal use. The four buildings including a pub have their own set of police guards, a small library, and sleeping quarters fitting a royal visitor. There is also space for select students to study and work on projects. In the past mostly your friends.

-The Navy Yard in Rostock if it can be called that is really a small ship yard flying your nation's flag. It only really has a few navy officers to speak of, and a contingent of light infantry on "sea duty." The navy never has really had a patron, and your father as those before him relied on allies and privateers to handle the work at sea. There is an admiral's residence there left empty since no one has assumed the rank and you stayed there when you studied maritime logistics. The yard as of now simply does repairs, and only has the capacity to build frigates. Denmark routinely blockaded it staying just out of range of what few guns are there to protect the important trade port during the war.

-A blessed Standard of your family given to you by the Pope. Most of your countrymen are Protestantism, and your family is Catholicism. He hopes to see the church spread under your reign. That went so well last time....

-You have 6 fine race horses.

-In Munich, Bavaria there is a lot of industrial work being done. You have rooms on the grounds of the palace of the former royal family. It is there where you first held court while returning home in the wake of your father's death.

-Trincomalee, Ceylon is a prosperous Dutch Colony. The Dutch like others have made inroads into Asia, and now free of the French Empire (Napoleon wishes to rebuild tenfold) they're only expanding their trade routes around the globe. During the war you realized how much profit there is in tea and got in on the ground floor of one of their largest plantations off the coast of India. You discretely do business through a Swiss bank and lawyers, and find you’re making a good profit quarterly.

-Elsie is a former nun and school teacher to you and your siblings. She's a good writer and researcher and understands the way of court. She hasn't worn the habit some time, but is devoted to god and your family. She fills the role of one of your personal secretaries.

Career Items

-One Swiss Infantry Regiment hired through your banking contacts. They're elite infantry, but often times they're used as guards for the palace. Your eldest brother had four such units in the field and they rivaled even your enemy’s Scottish guards.

-One company of Prussian Grenadiers. Only large, brave men become grenadiers, because it takes a big chap to throw one properly. Even their uniform makes them look bigger thanks to the pointed grenadier's cap; a tricorne gets in the way of a good throw. Grenades are a simple cast iron ball, with a fuse sticking out of the top.

-One regiment of Death's Head Hussars. Superb horsemen they're good for strategic scouting to locate the enemy. They are armed with curved sabers and smoothbore carbine muskets. Their gaudy, almost popinjay uniforms should not lead enemies to underestimate them as mere dandies – these are trained, disciplined and dangerous soldiers. Your father gave each son one regiment, and your's has recently returned Berlin after a tour of duty patrolling the Prussian frontier.

-A group of 40 Catholic Priests, nuns, monks, and other religious pilgrims that have traveled with you in hopes of increasing the number of Catholics in your Providences, and beyond if you're to conquest other nations. Father Gottfried Arnold former soldier and slaver turned priest leads the group.

-Karl Moor a seasoned spy master occupies a coach inn near the border of Denmark and is a wealth of information the region on both sides of the border.

-Shares in a joint-stock company Company of Merchant Adventurers based out of the Netherlands. While you're role is hidden from the rest of the investors you control 23% of the shares. Meant to develop trade in North America the company is still small, but is building trading posts as well as fostering relationships with the native tribes. While no gold has been traded yet, but commodities like lumber, furs, and tobacco are making descent returns.

-A small horse farm not far from the capital in Berlin. Many fine warhorses and racing horses are there.

-You are a pen pal with a number of clergy in Rome and aboard.

Family Background Items

-You have all your brothers' personal items, but the regiments of those who died have been integrated into the regular army.

- Alexander zu Dohna-Schlobitten a long time adviser this former general knows a great deal about the inner workings of your military. He is often traveling in Saxony.

-Membership and knighthood in Knights of St. John. The Knights of St. John hold the tiny island of Malta as their sole territory. They possess one formidable army and an active fleet. They are a fairly pleasant minor nation, almost never declaring war on anyone aside from the Barbary Pirates, fighting piracy, and usually accepting proposals to become protectorates.

-Your mother currently resides in Bavaria, and lives in a Château. She enjoys the quiet life there. The home is technically your's.

-One company of Frei-korps. They skirmishers used to counter enemy light troops that cause problems to the highly regimented Prussian regulars. Those recruited into the Frei-korps include foreign mercenaries, ex-prisoners and deserters from other armies. Their less-than-reputable nature makes the Frei-Korps perfect for raids and independent operations where the ability to live off the land (by stealing) is more important than parade ground drill. They travel light and their uniforms are deliberate plain to avoid drawing unwelcome attention.

Let me know if you have any issues or questions....
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To Lady Dumonde, for immediate and most private delivery.


Many salutations from my exile in the outskirts of Austria. My sincerest hopes that this gentleman finds you in the best of health. He is one of my finest cadets, a boy raised in a monastery, his studies at seminary prior to his service have left him inexperienced in matters of the world in spite of his being considered quite handsome. I trust you will treat him well and find him useful to your service for as long as you may require and to any ends you deem adequate. His family believes him to be deployed on the frontier and he is bound to an oath of secrecy. I've no legitimate use for him at this time and trust you will make him earn his soldiery in the best fashion that best pleases you. Find with him these volumes from my personal library which touch on subjects that I understand are of your fancy.

Having sold off my interests in the country, I had hoped to be done with my homeland forever in my new pursuits but have learned of late that some interests of my late father's remain in my ineritance in an partnership in the Lancaberis Inn, within the coasts of your domain. I regret to inform you that in my correspondence with my departed fathers partner, one Msr. Lesange, has alerted me to his seditious envy of your wealth. He has told me that he considers you an unworthy and undignified stewardess and I do consider it my duty to inform you that according to the most noble laws of France you are within your right to execute him if evidence of this shameful activity was generated on your property. I herein furnish you with such affidavits and correspondence as you may require to that end. I leave his judgement in your capable hands.

Your humble servant ever,
PH Renier, Esq.

Sir I've talked to the lady and she will respond soon....she thinks you've written very well.
Let me know if you have any issues or questions....

I do actually,

In my history, I have endured recent conflicts with The Danes, the Prussians and by proxy, the Poles; Are the Grenadiers and the Danish colony loyal to me or should I just have them all put up against the wall and shot?
As usual good freaking questions from Mantra.

I should have made it clear in the post, but these men are loyalists to their Emperor, your father, and were among those who stayed loyal during the war. Whether they hated the Poles more or liked your house is neither here nor their. There loyalty is solid. The Frei-korps were recruited after the conflict and they're a bunch of scum, but they're loyal German scum. The Swiss have reputation of being loyal as long as you're paying. Good question.


Trincomalee, Ceylon is a prosperous Dutch Colony and is in the hands of the Netherlands. You have land there and while you're a prosperous owner of a tea plantation you have the same or as little rights as any property owner. It's their country they rightfully took from the Indians....Well that sounds right for the time period anyway.

The Netherlands recently became a free country after the French Empire collapsed. Now Napoleon has returned and I will go into this in more detail in an alternative history brief, but the former general and hero of the Egyptian campaign wants to take it all back and more...

Any other question let me know. I plan to launch things shortly. We have spies, a tsar, and an emperor. The game is afoot.

I have never RP'd/gamed like this before, so you'll have to bear with me. I have done all sorts of other RPs and I write fiction. Seems I'm the only girl on board here :) So if you need some female NPCs or if we need another female char or two, I can probably help with that.


A friend of mine uses this line in his signature: "I don't want the whole world, I just want your half."


((So sorry for my delay))

My Dear Col. Renier,

Thank you so much for the loan of your cadet. I will see to his swift and thorough education. He is quite the amuse bouche.

As to the books...how well you know my tastes. I smile as I write this to you. As thanks, I am sending a collection of etchings by return courier (a man of extreme loyalty and tact). I trust the artwork will be as visually stimulating to your eyes as the books you have sent will be to my mind. I am almost tempted to take a carriage and come visit you, but alas far too many things here require my direct supervision, the least of which now is dealing with Msr. Lestrange. I do appreciate your information on his feelings concerning myself. Once his sedition is put down, should you require someone more local to the Lancaberis Inn to watch over your interests, I should be most happy to help.

Now, I must leave my letter writing to welcome your cadet properly.

With Highest Regards,
Lady Sophia Dumonde

The letter is written on expensive buff colored paper that has an exotic scent most associated with Lady Sophia. The script is elegant and very legible. It is sealed with red wax and the Dumonde crest. The etchings are large folio edition, signed and numbered by the artist (no 3 of 100) in a leather cover. They are explicit and tell the story of a dancing girl in a harem.
I kinda feel alone here. I mean, ThinkerLover's character has harem's character, and no doubt all the other character's hate Russians, so indirectly, they hate my character.