Pocket Kingdoms and Little Empires a Napoleonic Wargame OOC

Aw, nothing personal, blackpenman. Jagged and I have been talking about another char for me, a Queen perhaps. I'll make sure she doesn't hate Russians. :)
I kinda feel alone here. I mean, ThinkerLover's character has harem's character, and no doubt all the other character's hate Russians, so indirectly, they hate my character.

"Uneasy lies the head who wears the crown..."
Most Interesting...

I've enjoyed the correspondence as well it is a welcome addition to how characters communicate. Illness has dragged me down all weekend, but this week I know I can get some inspired work done.

This should be a lot of fun. Any outstanding world questions people have? I will give an update of current events and how I've played this games out in the past for guidelines soon though. I see people doing a lot and I might even start an empire of my own...well we shall see. This should be a fun game.

“Four things greater than all things are, - Women and Horses and Power and War” Rudyard Kipling quote
Ah Mantra always looking at the map and wondering what he can take next most would mostly just be considered with this map...


This is enjoyable to have you back.


As to the Americans they're still a British colony in this reality. They hold the lower part of North America while the French hold Canada and recently took hold of Venezuela. Though it should be clear they have much more self rule, and are treated like Englishmen though more like their country cousins. Indians tribes have formed states and have been both friend and enemy to the European powers in the region. Alaska remains an independent frontier with both Russians and others exploring it and trading with the local powerful tribes. Spain still has a weak hold on the rest of it's "new world" empire though it's not the power it once was and do much more than defend it.

The British actively trade with India, but don't own it, though they do hold Australia and China. There have been several expeditions that have included thousands of native troops to take India and other territories, but there has been no lasting success as of late. Japan's Shogun also currently takes advice and arms from them. The French Foreign Legion and colonial forces hold Southeast Asia, but are constantly fighting bandits and warlords.

France just recently took control of Egypt with the return of Napoleon, but the rest of the Middle East is a political mess which Ottoman Empire claims to rule. North Africa is much the same with various tribes claiming they have absolute rule of the region, and engage in piracy in the Mediterranean.
as an empire, what does Russia rule? Do they rule Ukraine, Poland, Russia, and Siberia? Am I missing some parts, or adding some?

Russia's Empire includes everything on the list...or at least it did before it fell apart hence why you have a starting area. The other territories the Czars once ruled have long since broken free. You have a lot of work to do.


Mdme Dumonde,

Excellency, I will entreat your kindness and ask that you do, indeed, see to my affairs in the Lancaberis Inn. I can find no more fitting justice than to offer my poor late partner's share of the profits to your grace. I trust the additional income shall be very welcome in these troubling times since Mssr. Napoleon wreaks havoc on our noble compatriots and taps our resources for the benefit of his ambition.

Indeed, you must accompany me at my estate ere in Galicia, I absolutely insist! There is an activity ocurring on the 15th of this month of the kind I think you will find most endearing to your appetites. I would encourage you to bring one fine gown for dining and don't trouble yourself with more baggage. All shall be provided.

I eagerly look forward to your arrival, my cadet shall ensure your safe arrival.

Col. Renier, Galicia
We should be starting this week. Look out for the thread...back on track and should have a normal work schedule which will let me write.
Rebellions Anarchists

No matter who well you rule there will always be those who aren't happy with your reign and wish to bring you down. As you empire expands people will fight to break away. How you deal with these troubles will measure you as a leader.
A simplified Ranking System and Unit Size

British Army Germany Army

Private Grenadier*

Corporal Unteroffizier
Sergeant Unterfeldwebel
Lieutenant Oberleutnant
Captain Hauptmann
Major Major
Colonel Oberst
General General

Navy Army Rank
Seaman Private
Petty Officer Corporal
Chief Petty Officer Sergeant
Midshipman Cadet
Ensign Officer Candidate
Lieutenant Lieutenant
Lieutenant Commander Captain
Commander Major
Captain Colonel
Commodore General
Admiral Field Marshal

*(Though I like this chart it gave this name for a normal German soldier while grenadiers are considered to be elite by every other source)

Grand Army.........250,000+

If you wish to create units smaller than a company simply form a detachment of troops. Example: a twenty man detachment of infantry was scent to secure the custom's house. Want to add troops to a unit form an attachment. Example: twenty five cavalrymen were attached to the infantry company to be scouts.

Basic Descriptions*

The most prestigious regiments are always the King's (or Queen's) Own, who guard the throne and monarch. These regiments, all cavalry, are made up of aristocrats and nobles. The next rank is the regular cavalry, made up of hussars (light skirmishers with the flashiest uniforms), dragoons (mounted riflemen who get off their horses to shoot), cuirassiers (who wear metal breastplates) and lancers (who use lances in shock charges.) The cavalry are the glamorous ones; they get the best uniforms, they must be skilled with sword, horse, lance, and gun, and they don't have to slog through the mud.

The next most important regiments are the artillery, who handle cannons and mortars. Below the artillery are the line infantry, made up of grenadiers (who are usually tall, so they can throw farther), fusiliers (light musketeers being rapidly replaced by carbineers, who use light rifles), and the regular rifle companies. At the bottom are the supply corps and the engineers (who specialize in blowing things up.)

*As the title says I cut and pasted what I liked and tried to make things simple, so we could all at least work with a basic framework. So we all know what someone is saying when they write something like a company is occupying the village or a regiment size mob is looting near the south side of the city. There are all kinds of units and troops out there and I encourage you to put them in the field, but explain and describe them here.
Well the in character thread is up....Hope everyone had a good weekend. Any questions before you begin posting? Hope all the info was useful.
Make a link to it to make it easier for us to get to, then we can subscribe to it. Aso, what do you want our first posts to have in them?
So do I still have people who want to write and play out the wargame?
Well write what ever you like....whatever you want to accomplish in a three month block of time. Break the actions up into categories, and post what you're doing. I will reply to it as soon as I can. I have a three day weekend coming, but will be back ready to reply soon.

Sending letters off to a friend, ordering troops to drill, investigating spies or expanding the palace. Whatever you want to do or know.
S then, we aren't actually playing our characters, just making their decisions? At part is a bit unclear to me.
S then, we aren't actually playing our characters, just making their decisions? At part is a bit unclear to me.


In a sense, yes, but there will be RP opportunities and interactions with each other as well. I hope to have my turn posted tonight and you can see what I did for my first turn...and there will be an opportunity to come and visit too.
Well we're off to a good start...well done. I hope to see more posts, but I will respond shortly to those who have posted.

As I said before good to have you back Mantra.