Recruiting for D&D 3.5

How much gold we starting with? Or we just getting what we want for equipment.
My Character

Wow I triple posted....

Primary attack: Great Sword with buckler

Secondary attack: Quick draw to heavy crossbow drop buckler and sword. Next round grab light spiked shield off my back and fire.

and this is where I have a queston...can you reload a heavy crossbow with a light shield on your off hand?

Grappleing: Good old dagger and spiked gauntlets
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and this is where I have a queston...can you reload a heavy crossbow with a light shield on your off hand?

I believe so, but you're still available to be hit, and since you aren't holding the shield properly, I also believe it doesn't do any good for a defensive bonus.

At 3rd level you start with 2700gp in stuff and coin.
I always prefer the human PCs, but Dwarf and whispergnome I'd consider. I know little of the Beguiler... isn't it like an illusionist?

It is actully a variant of the warmage, which is in the complete arcane or minitures book, the warmage only can cast offensive spells and does so spontaneously, it can where armor and gets a few metamagic perks. Pure offensive.

The beguiler lines up exactly with class levels. The only difrence is the beguiler is more of a rouge or sneaky type. 6+ int skills trap finding, illusion and enchant spells, the meta magic is now silient and still spell rather then empower and widen.

Any how it seems I am to be the healer or rouge of the party. Along the lines of the healer what are you feelings on psionics? And the Elan race which is basically a human with a psychicly created body.
I like your other ideas. We can be without a cleric.

But, my PC is not going down on any hairy dwarf. :devil:
How bout a hairy Half Orc? Who would go down on a midget anyways....

So I just cant use the shield bonus while re-loading. I can still use it while fireing...that works for what I want it to.

Just got to finish equipment and backround for my character
So, my character okay Vlad?

I think you have more than the 32 ability score buy.

To get 18 it costs 16 points.
17 is 13
16 is 10
15 is 8
14 is 6
13 is 5
down to
8 is 0

If you want I'll allow cannibalization to get below 8, but the trade is two down for one up. After you set the scores.
Oh... Heh, I rolled, somehow I missed where you said to use a point buy system. Sorry bout that.

str 12
dex 16
con 12
int 14
wis 12
cha 16

Does that come out right?
It is confusing when people first do it, but I think the ability score buy makes it fair for all.
At the current buy it is 38 points.
All stats start at 8
Basically it is 1 for 1 until 14
2 for 1 at 15 and 16
3 for 1 for 17 and 18
I've made hundreds of characters, just not with the point buy system. It doesn't make exceptional heros. Just my opinion though.

Here, this should work.

str 12
dex 16
con 12
int 14
wis 10
cha 14
So, I'll be playing an enchanter. Nothing fancy.

Just waiting for Vlad to start us.... :rolleyes:
I'm all set with my character so i shall be waiting for the start as well
we have 4 people no? thats enough to get started....come on I been dieing for a dnd game