Remember the program that funded Solyndra? It's turning a massive profit

Weellll . . . coffee, probably not; nor tea, either. Soda pop, yes, if it has sugar (or corn syrup) in it; coffee and tea, likewise.

Granted, they are all a lot more addictive than pot.

Ok so I shouldn't have said ANYONE on the coffee/tea bit.

But even that is under the stipulation of "In moderation" I have seen multiple sources say less than 300mg or about 4-5 cups....

Caffeine in large long term doses will run you into a myriad of problems far greater than a slightly smaller but higher functioning prefrontal cortex...which is literally the worst thing they have managed to get on cannabis use after almost 90 years of trying to demonize the fuck out of it. sayz caffeine abuse, from heart disease and hypertension to ulcers and insomnia, is more destructive to the human body and mind than cannabis.
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But even that is under the stipulation of "In moderation"

:confused: What is this "moderation" of which you speak? I'm sure no True Litster knows anything about it.

Caffeine in large long term doses will run you into a myriad of problems far greater than a slightly smaller but higher functioning prefrontal cortex...which is literally the worst thing they have managed to get on cannabis use after almost 90 years of trying to demonize the fuck out of it.

Well, some other things, perhaps.

Low dosage effects

In low doses, cannabis induces mild euphoria followed by a sense of general relaxation and well-being. Users often report heightened perceptions of music, colours and taste. Its effects at these doses are best likened to those of moderate alcohol consumption, but without the same degree of motor impairment and with much lower rates of dis-inhibition towards aggression.

High dosage effects

In higher doses, cannabis can induce mild to moderate hallucinations, but will more than likely lead the user to getting hungry and perhaps a little sleepy. There is a small risk of adverse side-effects and their likelihood increases with the dosage. They range from the merely inconvenient (short-term memory loss), through to the somewhat unnerving (paranoia/anxiety) and finally to the downright unpleasant (overwhelming fear or disorientation/vomiting). There is however, an even greater risk of laughing your ass off and going about your day,[6] with a spring in your step and an overwhelming sense of the awe of nature. Upon seriously high doses, an individual may encounter mystical experiences (see below) which, in case you are worried, are all completely explicable by science without any relapse into infinite regress and complete loss of autonomy whatsoever.


Have you ever looked at your hand? I mean really looked at your hand? ...oh, yeah. Sorry, man...

Chronic misuse of cannabis has been widely identified as a significant risk factor for those with a predisposition towards developing various mental illnesses, particularly schizophrenia. However, it should be noted that people with mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar mood disorder often "self-medicate" to relieve the symptoms of their disorders. Some scientific studies of cannabis use[7] rarely take into account that the mental disorders of habitual users often go undiagnosed until after the patient has become a habitual cannabis user. It's possible that studies like the one mentioned above are politically-motivated. People with pre-existing mental disorders also tend to abuse alcohol and tobacco. Yet, similar studies linking booze and cigarettes - both legal and heavily taxed - to mental illnesses are less common than those that focus just on cannabis. Therefore, the link between cannabis use and mental illness may be an instance when correlation does not equal causation.

Recent studies also indicated that brain structures such as the amygdala and hippocampus may shrink due to extremely chronic use, on the order of five "cannabis cigarettes" a day for upwards of twenty years, in the case of one study. Preliminary research also suggests that regular cannabis use may lower IQ especially in teenagers who use regularly while their brains are developing. Further research is needed.[8]

The term "chronic" is also used colloquially to describe cannabis of unusually high quality.

The which, if it does not warrant outright prohibition of The Holy Hempweed, Praise Be, Alleluia, might possibly, just possibly, warrant age-restrictions on purchase, possession and use, such as we already apply WRT tobacco and alcohol.
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To the tune of "The Devil Went Down to Georgia":

The devil went to Jamaica
He was looking to sell some weed
He was doin' fine
They were standin' in line
It was excellent weed indeed
When he came across a young man
Who was likewise peddling pot
And the devil slid down the beach to the kid
And said, "Boy let me tell you what!
"I guess you kind of figured
"I'm a reefer head of course
"And after all this time
"I guess that I'm a connisseur of sorts
"Now your stuff smells okay
"But this could tranquilize a horse
"I'll bet a million in cash against your stash
"Cause I think mine's better than yours!"
The boy said, "My names Johnny,
"And you ain't smoked nothing yet!
"One hit of this grass will kick your ass
"You got yourself a bet!"

Johnny, roll a ball of hash
And make sure it's the bomb
Cause the devil's got the kind of stuff they smoke in Vietnam
You'll get a million smackaroos in cash if you can cope,
But if you can't, the devil gets your dope!

The devil packed a bong
With a little Acapulco Gold
And resin flew from his finger tips
As he fired up his bowl
He filled that chamber all the way
And he took a mighty hit
And as they passed it back and forth
It gave them both a coughing fit


When the bowl was finished Johnny said
"Hey man, that stuff was great,
"But fill your lungs with some of this
"And prepare to vegetate!"

Cannibis Sativa, Sweet Maryjane
The devil's in the backyard frying his brain
Zig-Zag filled with the diggity-dank
Hold on tight it will hit you like a tank

The devil nodded off
Because he knew that he was stoned
And he asked if he could by an ounce
Of the stuff that Johnny owned
Johnny said, "Devil just come on back
"If you ever wanna catch a buzz
"I done told you once
"You son of a bitch,
"Mine's the best there ever was!"

Firin' up doobies one by one
Ain't gonna stop until the bag is done
Green as a bullfrog
Sticky as glue
"Granny do you get high?" "Yes I do!"
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:confused: What is this "moderation" of which you speak? I'm sure no True Litster knows anything about it.

Pfft...not any in the 1st world, we are all gluttons.

Preliminary data that suggest?? It's totally possible..but sounds like "we are digging for another reason to fear monger and persist in the drug WHARRR!!" than the "Yep too much and it will rot you from the inside, pile of bodies sayz so." shit they have on damn near every other drug out there including all the other schedule 1 narcotics.

The which, if it does not warrant outright prohibition of The Holy Hempweed, Praise Be, Alleluia, might possibly, just possibly, warrant age-restrictions on purchase, possession and use, such as we already apply WRT tobacco and alcohol.

I'm not saying it shouldn't be treated as a mind altering substance....or that it shouldn't be regulated at all. Gotta be of age or with a parent. Wouldn't hear a peep out of me about that....

I'm saying american esp RW american attitudes and ideas on what substances are, how they effect the individual and society at large and how to best manage their consumption and or fucking retarded at best.

The god damn morons just ignore the real world in favor of "Just say no!!" and stick their heads in the sand.....then randomly make up shit to justify their stupid.
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