Reveal the most random fact about yourself.

I make my bed daily (with the pretty pillows that have to come off the bed in order to sleep) and I like military tight precision on the sheets. I like the fabric taught and dislike when the bottom of bed sheets are disturbed and a foot may sneak out. With that said, sometimes I need my foot out if I feel too warm. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I was diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD and it took me ten minutes to type this because I kept getting distracted by my cat.
I skydive 🪂 three to four times a year.
Random? Maybe. Impressive and inspiring? Definitely.

One of my random things? I can click with only a single finger. Like ... imagine clicking your fingers together? Now imagine you can do that whole thing - but with one finger. It could be a finger and a hard surface. A finger and your penis. A finger and your nose. A finger and thin air.

Weird but true. Apparently, that doesn't make you a celebrity no matter how many people you tell on the train.
I have 68 shards on bone shattered throughout my left shoulder. I'm basically a human storm detector.
My sodastream has me ruined. I only drink water if it's carbonated. I don't add any flavors or sweetener but I can't stand flat water anymore
My sodastream has me ruined. I only drink water if it's carbonated. I don't add any flavors or sweetener but I can't stand flat water anymore
Sodastreams are the best! I've got one too and it's such a quality of life improvement.

Have you tried using it on anything a bit alternative or weird yet? (I tried filtered fresh grapefruit and it was a confusing experience!)
Sodastreams are the best! I've got one too and it's such a quality of life improvement.

Have you tried using it on anything a bit alternative or weird yet? (I tried filtered fresh grapefruit and it was a confusing experience!)
You can put some shitty white wine in it to make a sparkling wine. Follow me here for more recipes…
Sodastreams are the best! I've got one too and it's such a quality of life improvement.

Have you tried using it on anything a bit alternative or weird yet? (I tried filtered fresh grapefruit and it was a confusing experience!)
Yeah. I've done sweet tea, apple juice and wine as well.
I love getting my teeth cleaned at the dentist
You monster.

My dentist turned on some sombre classical music, leaned me back, and said: "Just focus on the music. It'll all be over soon."

None of that boded well which meant it was an accurate foreshadowing.

You clearly have better dental care than some of us!