RP's with an anime flavor.

Hey, you should see the picture for the Student class in the BESM d20 book. Wow. Those skirts are awesome.
Yes! Absolutely!

Hmmm. I wonder if they sell them anywhere?

I mean, places they'd let me into. ^_^;;
I'll go to Japan with my little half-sister! I'm sure they have plenty there.

Or I could order one online. But then I'd have to wade through all the websites of Japanese schoolgirls selling their underwear for profit.
You know... I think they have an contest at Howtodrawmanga.com for an authentic Japanese school-girl unform...
.... i'm so confused.... lets statrty with what does BESM mean?
Khadgar said:
.... i'm so confused.... lets statrty with what does BESM mean?
Big Eyes, Small Mouth. Some anime RPG thingy. I'm trying to find an copie to judge it, but theres none to be found..(Just my luck...)

Yep ... Hy is does act like a giant robot ... *rollseyes*


Does no one read my post in ORP ... Sheeze ... I explained it yesterday ...
of course i do.... maybe just not so that i remembered it in acronym or whatever it is stylin's
Well, I told one of my older cousins about BESM at the family reunion, and he thought it was cool once he realized it wasn't BDSM.

i hate to sound like an ing-no-ray- moose but...

Jacobo_Curious said:
Well, I told one of my older cousins about BESM at the family reunion, and he thought it was cool once he realized it wasn't BDSM.


what does BDSM stand for
And for that matter what am I standing for? Prehaps I should sit down.
*puts on her teachers uniform*

Ahem ~

BDSM = Bondage, Domination, Submission, Masochism

BESM = Big Eyes Small Mouth = Anime Roleplaying Books by Guardians of Order
cats said:
Notice she makes no effort to explain what I stand for.

*a crop comes out of nowhere & smacks cats on the behind*

I heard that mister ...

cats = curious animal that stalks