Say it with Lyric's...

Second half of You Keep On Moving..

"....Dawn will soon be breaking
The day has just begun
You put your arms around me
Like a circle 'round the sun
Dance across the seasons
To a place that no one knows
Where...angels...fear to tread

You keep on moving
Far away, far away
You keep on moving
Far away, far away
Everyday wheels are turning
And the cry still returning"

Call you up on a Tuesday
Say "What's up"
Babe it's too late
Why'd you have to be so complicated

'Cause I'm not sure if I've seen you before
You looked familiar when I saw you
We go together like the gum on my shoes
We make out, we make out when it's too late
We go out, we go out on a Tuesday

A crowded place
Waiting for you
Am I lost why can't I find you
A silhouette that's in my head
You don't exist
You're my imagination
You don't exist
You're just a bad decision

(Chorus x2)
I come here with hopes and
Guess I came here with dreams
Now I'm all alone
I can't even get to sleep
So take my heart and break it in
Send me back to the pines
Tired of lying awake at night
Feels like I'm running outta time
"Told you I'd kill you baby, if I saw her in your eyes."
"Well tell me where's your friday nights instead of tellin lies."
"I can feel that cheap slut baby, from way across this town."
I laugh, "I bet you can smell her honey scent, when I turn the lights waaaay down."

when the blues they come a callin :chorus:
when the blues they come a callin
when the blues they come a calling
dats when the teardrops start to fall.

[When the Blues They Come]
Spooks on the 3rd Floor
You're impossible to surprise, so I'll leave this for you when you write your next one.

Am I already that gone?
I only hope that I don't disappoint you,
when I'm down here on my knees.

And sweet surrender is all that I have to give.

You took me back when I never should have left.
For that, and many other things, I love you fiercely.
My man and my strength.

Fancy lace on fancy ladies
Dandy Dans in black bowties
That's the champagne life you wanted
I was fool enough to try
I should've known I'd never make it
You can't change beer to wine
I don't belong in your world
So I'm going back to mine

A violin is just a fiddle
Only played by different hands
The violin belongs in your world
And I'm just a fiddle man
Fancy clothes can only hide me
They can't make me fit your plans
And the life I'm going back to
You could never understand

Barroom pals and goodtime gals
Slow dancin' all night long
Honky tonks filled with smoke
And good ol' country songs
Sharin' beers, smiles and tears
Until the mornin' comes
I'm going back to barroom pals
And goodtime gals

I'm so hard to handle
I'm selfish and I'm sad
- joni mitchell

They say, "You're a little much for me
You're a liability
You're a little much for me"
So they pull back, make other plans
I understand, I'm a liability
Get you wild, make you leave
I'm a little much for everyone
- Lorde
First thing we’d climb a tree,
and maybe then we’d talk.

Or sit silently, and listen to our thoughts.

Illusions of someday, cast in a golden light.
No dress rehearsals...this is our life.

For all of the dreams we’ve chased, and especially for the ones that we were unable to catch....

I don't wanna be spiteful but you someone I got spite for and
I know it ain't right but all you ever did was do me wrong, so

I hope you go broke and your IPhone breaks
And your ex shows up at your next first date
And your car gets towed so you show up late
To your shitty ass job, hope you have a bad day

Hope you lose your keys and you get locked out
And when things are looking up hope it all goes south
Cause you never gave a fuck when I opened up my mouth
I got nothing else to say, except have a bad day

You bring out the worst in me
If you feel like shit then you deserve to be
Every friend I've ever had, from my roommate to my dad
Said to cut you out my life like it was surgery
I’m standing on the rooftops shouting out...

Baby, I’m ready to go. ;)

Fuck yeah!!!!!
Freedom on the highway....
Just outside of Winnipeg.

Spectacular day.
.....and I miss you....
Like the deserts miss the rain. ❤️

Begin the countdown babe.
Everything is kicking ass here....don’t forget the signatures. you would.

See you soon. 😉
I'll walk with the moon tonight
And cut through the air with a curse like a knife
And it can float around and I can do what I like
There's no good place in town but I feel alright
I ain't gonna talk like your sweetheart, no
I'm through messing around
And I ain't gonna talk like your sweetheart, no
I'm through always letting you down
There's nothing left and I am sure that it's a sign
That maybe I'm about as good as gone
I know it's best that in this empty heart of mine
Is where I'll begin to moving on
Well I've gone and lost my faith in photographs
Cursed those martyrs that mark my past
And I long for a day when we'll look back and laugh about all this
But good luck finding your peace of mind
Being born into these brutal times
And these days I don't pray when I close my eyes
I just bite my tongue a bit harder
Hey…have you ever tried….
Really reaching out for the other side?

Dreams are for those who sleep…
Life is for us to keep.
And if you’re wondering what this song is leading to….
I wanna make it with you.

And if I chose the one that I’d like to help me through….
I’d like to make it with you. :rose:

Thanks for taking one for the team gorgeous. Ha! 😉
You can have your space, cowboy
I ain't gonna fence you in
Go on ride away, in your Silverado
Guess I'll see you 'round again
I know my place, and it ain't with you
Well, sunsets fade, and love does too
Yeah, we had our day in the sun
When a horse wants to run
There ain't no sense in closing the gate
You can have your space, cowboy
I love the colourful clothes she wears,
And the way the sunlight plays upon her hair.
I hear the sound of a gentle word,
on the wind that lifts her perfume through the air.

Close my eyes, she’s somehow closer now.

Got to keep those good vibrations….
I’m picking up good vibrations.

She’s giving me excitations. 😉

With each peal of thunder and flash of lightning my arousal grows…..
This woman is getting a solid, thorough, deep fucking tonight.

Sluts. ❤️
How people look and people stare
Well I don't think that I even care
You rot your life away and what do they give?
You're only killing yourself to live.....
Now here you go again, you say you want your freedom
Well, who am I to keep you down?
While you were out the message says
You left a number and I tried to call but they wrote it down in a
Perfect Spanish scrawl,
Perfect Spanish scrawl....
Ghost with a boner, ghost with a boner
Ghost with a boner, ghost with a boner
Ghost with a boner, ghost with a boner
Ghost with a boner, ghost with a boner

Drinking a beer, drinking a beer and bitching
Drinking a beer, drinking a beer and bitching
Drinking a beer, drinking a beer and bitching
Drinking a beer, drinking a beer and bitching

Ghost with a boner, ghost with a boner
Ghost with a boner, ghost with a boner
Ghost with a boner, ghost with a boner
Ghost with a boner, ghost with a boner
I was sitting on the edge of his bed
Staring at the headlines on the paper
He said, "look at poor gene kelly
I guess he won't be singing in the rain."

You can take away my heroes
Can you take away my pain
The cars leave their trails of hot & cold light inside my head
Like burned-in long exposure pictures
Catch the rain
Even on a sunny day
I swear I’m not excusing
I’ll cross my heart to prove it
But she seems tired ’cause we’ve been through this
...never was and never will be
You don't know how you've betrayed me
And somehow you've got everybody fooled

Without the mask, where will you hide?
Can't find yourself lost in your lie

I know the truth now
I know who you are
And I don't love you anymore
Crush, who's got a crush?
I like the way you blush
I like the way you bite
Touch, each time we touch
I wanna take too much
Keep me up all night

I wanna scratch your surface
I wanna feel your groove
I wanna be your needle
I wanna lick your wound

You wanna play with fire?
Stick and poke tattoo?
You wanna play, my new girl?
I wanna play with you