Sci-Fi Futuristic Underground Slave Trade

Chicklet said:
Okay, so I've edited that part to put a little more info. It's about 3 pages long, the conversation where she agrees to go, and then her interview with the "agency." I'm going to keep that part, but put it in later in the story. (just a little FYI)

So next I'm putting Chloe on the space station, already in the brothel. This is going to be the begining of the story. I'm thinking that she's there, whimpering while some guy fucks her brains out. I'm not really sure yet, haven't started writing it, actually, but I'll keep ya posted, people!


That's the shit! Can't wait to read this one.

Chicklet said:
Okay, so I've edited that part to put a little more info. It's about 3 pages long, the conversation where she agrees to go, and then her interview with the "agency." I'm going to keep that part, but put it in later in the story. (just a little FYI)

So next I'm putting Chloe on the space station, already in the brothel. This is going to be the begining of the story. I'm thinking that she's there, whimpering while some guy fucks her brains out. I'm not really sure yet, haven't started writing it, actually, but I'll keep ya posted, people!


Not wanting this to vanish until Chick is back so she finishes it
I just had to bump it back to the top were it belongs
yeah has this been even worked on yet i wanted to read this ?
Sci-Fi Futuristic Underground

Let me know when you post your Western. As for Futuristic slave story. Please do not mix slavery with Bondage, Bondage would be a way that a person signs him/herself for a specific period of time to either pay off a debt or so as to get to a place. That would be a great thread Slavery is forced bondage with no end in sight. I think you would have better ideas, adventures and situations with Bondage. I think that because the person would be a willing partner in the activities. Locations, well you have several spacestations that are known to Sci-Fier's. How about Downbellow on Babalon-5. In the Startrek Universe you have to take into consideration that it is a more idealist Universe, so you need to deal with everyone trying to shut you down big time.
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...are you talking about, like, mixing slavery with b/d? Because I'm really big into b/d and I really like nonconsent "slavery" themes. I want to do something with this story that's more like slavery though without much straight bondage or discipline.

I haven't gone very far with this story YET but it's one that I AM going to do. I got distracted by my "twins" stories - everyone check them out. Part three should be up any second, it's the best.

I'll let everyone know when this story does get done, and for the record it's borrowing some aspects of the "western" genre, but IS set in futuristic space.

The problem with slavery in a high technology society, is that not only does technology make slave labour obsolete, but also counter productive. Slavery only works in a high tech society if it is as sexual slavery, or a BDSM version of sexual slavery, or if the slave is a status symbol commodity. Unless the society has renounced all technology, employment of slave labour is not an economically feasible social model.

[For example, if the Amish emigrated to another solar system, they could logically take their slaves with them.] :eek:

The only "logical" example I can remember, is a novel called: "Space Relations" by Donald Barr. In it, slavery was maintained for its "style" rather than for its efficiency. [A slave labour economic system was maintained, in spite of its obvious inferiority, to continue the planet's fully functioning BDSM Lifestyle, imposed by the planet's original articles of settlement.] :confused:

Other than that, I can only recall the GOR novels by John Norman. That was a barbaric low tech society - including socially approved slavery - overseen by a high tech "superior alien race" providing the space travel.

It has been a while, but I can not remember any valid reason WHY the superior race bothered setting up this low tech barbaric society; other than to meet the requirements of the plot. :rolleyes:
my slaves are of the sexual sort, being brought to the ship or colony to live in brothels and be used by the miners

just to clarify.

Interesting idea. Not entirely unlike my story ('a tribal epic of mousemen' as somebody, I don't recall who, once called it.).

I would ask for permission to take a stab at it, but I havent' been able to write anything decent for a while. :(

Anyway, the rest of this is just some flavor suggestions.

In a futuristic society, mind-control devices might exist, which would easily prevent any thoughts of rebellion or escape by the slaves. Physical restrants wouldn't even be necessary.

On long trips (interstellar, for example), the crew and any other living thing on board would most likely be put in suspended animation, an only revived at the end of the trip or in an emergency.

That's about all I've got. I was up all night, so I'm not thinking clearly right not.
Quasimodem said:
The problem with slavery in a high technology society, is that not only does technology make slave labour obsolete, but also counter productive. Slavery only works in a high tech society if it is as sexual slavery, or a BDSM version of sexual slavery, or if the slave is a status symbol commodity. Unless the society has renounced all technology, employment of slave labour is not an economically feasible social model.

Why do you think so? What about sweat shops to make shoes etc? Our technology does allow for larger democracies, but it also gives the possibility for a smaller number of people to control a much larger group than was possible in the past.

Oh, here is an idea for a peice of technology related to brothels etc: A device that tracks others eye movements, and induces pleasure in the skin where someone is looking. The dancers could literally feel the gaze of patrons sliding over them. Perhaps they eventually become addicted. Eye tracking (with cameras) and pleasure induction both exist today.

ps, my Q&A tale is SF that sort of has pirates and slavery.
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Sci-Fi Futuristic Underground

Hey Chicklet,
On my post, Bondage is the the idea of a person going into a type of contract for a specific period of time, for the purpose of either paying off a debt or for passage to a specific place. There was a time when people did this, kind of a consentual slavery. If your into Bondage and non-consent stories, OK I would contine to read the stories. But I think you can get into many more thing using this version of Bondage, because you have willing partners in your adventures. Bye the way have you figured out what or which spacestation your going to put this adventure?
Chicklet said:
my slaves are of the sexual sort, being brought to the ship or colony to live in brothels and be used by the miners

just to clarify.


hows this going Chick
Im interested too. There are so few SF plots discussed here.

If you need any ideas thats great, because I am far to lazy to write my own stuff right now.
Peter, go ahead and post any ideas. I'm still in the brainstorming process for this story, really, but I'm definatly going to write it soon.

Would love to hear what everyone has to say.

How about technology then? I think that keeping it all in the solar system with relatively low technology would be a good idea. I mean not warp drive that takes you anywhere in a few minutes;

Keeps everything grungier too. Think oil tankers, and oil tanker crew, taking weeks or even several months a journey; hauling rocks of iron or ice.

Most people just wouldnt have need to travel. Easier to converse by video mail, with lags of no more than an hour. That also means that actual conditions can be misrepresented easily.

ion drive:

And what are they mining?

By the way, there was a wild-west style SF movie with Sean Connery that this reminds me of... I think he was a lawman sent to clean up some varmints harrassing a mining colony around jupiter.. Had a one word title. Outback? badlands? not sure.

went and had a look for it: its called OutLand!!!!!!!

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Sci-Fi Futuristic Underground

I think Peterpan got it right, the grungier it is the fewer problems you have. Even better instead of opening up at some space station. you can travel on a slave ship that docks at the various places. Since it takes time to go from one place to another you can pick up slaves in different places and have time before you need to move on because of the Law. Oh by the way remember you have both Male and female slaves. You are going to have males and female customers. I myself am not into the Guy lifestyle, but I'm sure there are reades out there that are. Also you have the Bi lifestyle that enjoy Gay. Like they say in spanish (rough translation) For one's desires colors were made.
By the way, a question occurs to me: there does not seem to be enough reason to require slavery yet. I mean, It would seem easier just to pay them, given they have an entire world to hire from). What if earth is now a utopia, but also verging on puritanical?

Weaponry: I never liked lasers myself. How about guns that are just smarter than todays: smaller, high velocity bullets. Guns that use gyros to lock onto a target and twist slightly in your hand to keep a lock. Guns that program each bullet to detonate into harmless powder before they can damage the hull. Bullets that drill into a spacesuit to deliver a nonlethal drug and seal the hole behind them. The weapons have to be able to penetrate a suit but not puncture the hull, and hulls would often be thinner than suits.

I reckon propulsion should be fusion. I think Nasa's current favorite for fusion propulsion is the GMD Fusion Propulsion system (Gas Dynamic Mirror, being the method of containing the super hot hydrogen ions) I don't have any real numbers, but say you could get across the solar system in a week or two with about 1g acceleration to the midpoint, then turning around and deaccelerating all the way to the destination. This also means you would have effective gravity all the way there, from the accelerating floor pushing up against your feet. If voyages take longer, a spinning section of the craft could provide gravity.

Computers: certainly smaller and faster. Everything in todays desktops compressed into a pair of glasses or even contact lenses. Buttons may become a thing of the past, and quaint. Instead a virtual control panel could pop up on request. Sort of like a startrek hologram but in fact it is just being projected onto your retina from contact lenses or similar.

Genetic engineering a possibility. People looking the way they want to look, being able to fix almost anything about themselves even their personalitys. the problem being that if you go to far you are no longer yourself, you have replaced yourself with a mishmash of hollywood idols. Perhaps fresh, unsterotyped personalitys would become more valuable than other factors because all other factors can be manufactured.
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Space Slavery

The story I'm writing now isn't exactly using slaves, but kidnapping girls to take to this mining ship to use in brothel like situations. It's like the west, that way, when the lack of women in California sparked up a million brothels. My prostitutes are being held against their will, but have been coerced into signing contracts that bind them there legally.

Maybe later I'll do a more interesting space slavery story = )
Still, with the planet as it is today there are people starving. With a whole world to pick from it would be easy to find six hundred women willing to give it a try. This would make kidnapping unnecessary, even if they find themselves effectively imprisoned by the exorbatent cost of getting home. That suggests to me that earth has become much more civilised than it is now.

alternatively, what if earth was not letting fertile women off-planet. A rule that was initially for health reasons but has become a way of preventing the mining coloneys from becoming independ in a economic system where everything is produced out around the belt and gas giants where materials are abundant. Then the miners would have to use illegal channels to get the women off planet.

If the spacers want wives, perhaps they have some idea of eugenics which means they only want women that have superiour health and brains, and are kidnapping women from uiversites etc
bored, bored, bored...

sigh. nobody panders to me.

Howabout the women wearing a fluroesant dye, and the club being lit with fluroesant lights in such a way that they appear to be in a brightly lit room but everybody else is in darkness, little more than black sihilloettes.

I also had the idea of 'spending a shift in the dime machine' being some unexplained unpopular task.

If gravity is being maintained by the stations spin (or the spinning section of a ship) howabout the main room (or a casino), with gravity around the walls from the spin and zero-gee acts at the center where there is no spin. Cranning your head up would be uncomfortable, so people would lounge on couches.
This sort of thing is going on right now more than we realise. There's been several brothels busted in London where eastern European or far eastern organised crime gangs, Triads and Russian mafia I guess, have been bringing in illegal immigrants. Promising them work as waitresses or maids, but once here sticking them in brothels. The women, with little knowledge of Britain and mostly unable to speak English are too frightened of the "heavies" minding the brothels to try to escape.

So getting back to the point of the thread, if the girls in the brothel are unable to communicate with their clients then the only idea they have of life outside the walls is what their captors tell them. They can tell the women that the police will put them in prison or deport them or that the police already know all about them and have been paid off. The reality could be, as it is in London that if the police could be informed that the women would be freed and the slavers locked up.
i just want to say that I really, REALLY appreciate this thread! Let's keep the brainstorms coming!

How about some problems to solve?

..on another subject, Anyone found successful formulae for writing collaboratively? I've considered roleplay and the choo site, but neither really fit the bill. roleplay has no orchestration of plot, choo forces you to write linearly and get it right first time. I was thinking more along the lines of having a general beginning, middle and end, writing page long sections only where you are really enthused and the writing flows, and hoping the thing begins to knit. The scheme is to NEVER need to write filler and explanations just to get from point A to point B. Thats my big problem with writing currently.