sci fi story

Snake Pliskin

Oct 20, 2001
Hi all i just joined the site and all the science fiction stories are in depth and i know from experence that people dont like you jumping in late in a story so i figured id start a scifi story of my own and i just wanted to know if anyone else wanted partisapate in one.
the basics of it: a starship has escaped from a dying earth and the crew is the last hope for humanity. Their stardrive malfunctions and they have to crash land on a planet in the Ferdigin system (may get new system name) and its up to the crew and the colonists to carve out a new life for themselves on a unforgiving planet.

The vessel had survived entering the atmosphere, but had begun falling apart after that, pieces of it breaking off and hurling downward toward the ground and water below. The planet appeared almost exactly like Earth, except larger. Much, much larger. THe crew had handled the situatin as well as could be expected. THe ship was dying on its descent, metal casings and panels and pieces of equipments trailing through the air behind it like pieces of confetty, becoming specks behind us in mere seconds.
We'd lost few people however, as the primary components held intact until the crashlanding. The pilots had managed to get the ship over water before it hit, sinking deep into the water and causing the chambers to fill with water. THe poeple panicked, fighting for air tanks and flotation devices. Anything that might get them to the surface.
Few survived, in contrast to the tens of thousands aboard, and as I floated toward land, I realized tht, at the velocity we'd been falling at (the braking systems went during atmospheric entry) we would all have died in a land crash.
The ocean around me fought those who'd made it to the surface, seemingly angered by the disruption we'd caused, as we made our way to shore.

The first day on a new world...

My father had been an engineer, my mother one of the doctors...both had gone down with the ship. I felt nothing yet, about any of it. I guessed when it all hit hope, I would be crying my eyes out...
I stodd up, watching as others got their bearings while on shore, and yet more swam toward the sand. I wondered who all would make it, if anyone my age would or if anyone who would be useful could have survived. It seemed the crew had to be dead, as they had mostly been at their positions when the vessel crashed.
They came in one at a time, many disappearing beneath the water and never resurfacing again, coming all that way to die here on their new home. I watched, knowing neither of my parents would surface, but waiting to see who else would.

OOC: I tried not to do too much, but the first posts are defining...let me know if I went too far with this.
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Major Jack Harper

Jack Harper looked around. As a leader of Earth Defense Force's special operations team, the Special Mission Force, he had seen destruction before. The pieces of the ship that had broken away reminded him of too many times before. Harper shook his head. He didn't like that sort of thing any more. He had hoped that the new world that they had entered would bring a little peace and tranquility. It hadn't started off so good.

Jack knew that his team's job would be to scout locations and provide intelligence data back to the survey teams. Although it would be relatively easy to find suitable living areas, no one knew what type of lifeforms may be present here, hostile or otherwise.

Harper saw others reaching the shore. Some of the faces he knew, some he did not. He wasn't even on good and solid ground yet, and he was already thinking about the mission. People, Jack, he told himself. People are what is important.

Harper scanned the faces approaching. A few of his team showed up here and there. Others would follow, he knew. Where was his son?
Rick Jackson

As i looked around i saw the wreakage floating ashore as the first officer of the ship and the now commanding officer till we get everything settled. I walked around the broken pieces of ship and bodies wondering what went wrong to cause this. "I guess well never know now."
I wonder around looking for people i know or people that can help me out I walk past the captians daughter and for the life of me i couldnt think of her name. Then i saw just the man i needed "Harper Harper that you?"
Major Harper heard his name being called. He looked through the mass of wet and disheveled people and saw Rick Jackson, First Officer. Harper liked to call him "Ricky", although he would never do it in front of anyone.

"Over here, sir," Harper said, waving.

"Harper, Harper, that you?"
I heard the name spoken and recognized two things...FIrst, the man speaking was talking about Major Harper, and second, the man's voice belonged to Rick Jackson, the second in command on the vessel. They'd both survived somehow...I also noticed that some of the people coming in to shore were members of Major Harper's team. Well, there was no question whether or not we'd have leadership on this new world. The question was, with the plant life we'd brought here slowly sinking to the bottom of the ocean and our bodies possibly still in danger of toxification, even if it was only mild, then what was the plan from here on out? Set up camp on the beach, move inland, through trees that looked larger than any I'd ever seen, some of which were bare until almost the top then spread out with long limbs that hung like those of a weeping willow, and some leafless and bare, even in the warmth, with limbs that all pointed upward toward the sky. I stood there, looking at them and thinking, 'What type of animals live here? How big would they be, how dangerous?'
I glanced through the people again, trying to make a rough estimate of how many were already on the beach. I guessed over one hundred, with three times as many still working their way toward the shore. How many would make it? Half? A third?
I wasn't sure. I looked through the people who'd made it to the beach, looking for someone who looked familiar. No one at first, besides the authority figures I'd already noticed. Then I saw Dijha, the Captain's daughter, about twenty feet away. I wondered if her father had survived, then remembered the way the water had raced up toward us from the front of the vessel and realized that it had to have come from the glass paneling to the cockpit.
He couldn't have survived.
I went over to her, not sure what I would say until I reached her.
"Dijha," I began.
SHe turned to me, her face pale from crying, her eyes lifeless.
"Yes, Alex?"

"Harper, if you can gather some of your men and scan the area immediatly surrounding the beach and for god sakes man make sure that noone gets by you at all ours or native to this planet." "God i hope theres no natives at least none with advanced technology." i said remembering the Jesideives the militeristic reace that had laid seige to earth in its final days we had recived word on the intersteller communicator that earth had fallen and that we we the last humans. It was then that the engine malfunctioned and we landed here. "Also if you can organise some of the more or less healthy crew and colonists to help those already in the water and in the rear ship" pointing to a part of the ship that had broke off and was sitting on the beach a few miles away." Without waiting for a responce I yell to a handfull of people heading to the woods and to some of the people on the beach to come with me and headed tword the ship remanents.

OOC: Quiet cool are you playing 2 people or am i just reading it wrong not that i mind if you do but im just curious.

And I added the other races so that we have something to work on later.

Dijha was in shock, but I guessed that was natural. Tragedies often had that effect...multiply that effect times how many million considering...we'd found that the rest of the planet Earth was totally anihiliated, leaving us possibly the only remnants left alive (although other ships had been scheduled to launch, they probably hadn't made launch in time), then the ship goes down and the majority of us are killed, including her father, and possibly her mother.
The Major and the second commander were discussing the next course of action, but their voices were distant.
WHat to do now?
I looked back out to sea. Many of those I'd seen earlier were gone now, some now on the beach, being pulled in with the help of others now, but most of them were just gone, pulled under by the current.
What to do now?

OOC: Okay, I'm playing Alexander, but I'm also controlling Dijha, mostly because we're low on characters and we need more interaction and definition here, more characters. I'll control her for now, and if no one wants to take her, then I'll probably take her over altogether...with your permission, of course, Snake...

OOC: Its no problem with me if you take several charicters im probibly genna take another soon either a human or native dunno
OOC: hope i'm not to late

BIC:: Lacy Coll saw the water end up above . Freeing herself she swam quickly to the top and gasped for air. swimming ashore, her blonde hair stuck on her midback, she pulled in off her back and twisted it and let the water fall out. She shook the water out of her tan ears and rubbed her brown eyes. Looking around she saw two men and saw one was her captain . she quickly smoothed out her uniform and walked up to them . "I'm her cap." she said with a bright smile. sea water dripped into her mouth and she spit it out and quickly looked up shyly at the thought of her captain seeing her spit.

ooc: no your not late at all lady_raisa i made this thread so that anyone can join at any time.

Bin: I saw Lacy come outa the water and walk up to me "Hea cap she said and she proceeded to spit out some of the sea water i laughted to myself the same as always as i see her blush at the fact that she did it "Um Lacy the captian died in the crash its me Rick."
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Scouting Detail

Harper was lucky enough to have eight of the team with him so far. He detailed two men to help with the search and rescue effort on the other part of the ship that was down the beach. That left him six men. He looked at each one. Six was a pretty good number for an combat recon team. Luckily, most of the weapons crates had floated on the sea in the crash. Harper issued each man a rail gun, making sure the shaped titanium projectile magazines were full. Harper spoke to the leader of the other team helping the remaining survivors, leaving explicit orders to see to their safety.

"Sir," Harper said to Rick, "we are beginning a recon of the area. Thermal and carbonic sensors are on line, we will know if anything is out there." He saluted quickly, then stepped to the other six soldiers.

"Let's move out, people," he ordered. "Ramirez, you have point. Hourglass search pattern, 25 meter spacing."

Harper watched as Ramirez unslung his rail gun, carrying it across his chest in the ready posture. They began to move out, down the beach, heading into the surrounding terrain.

"Comms check," Harper said into the small microphone that he wore. He listened as all of his team reported in. He then spoke quickly to Rick, telling him that everything was working as it should. So far, so good.

I gave up on Dijha.
She'd probably come around, but who knew. Anyway, it made no sense to stand there..but what did make sense? I wondered, glancing around. I couldn't help those in the water...They'd be too heavy to drag in alone...
Then I saw it, a shuffle in the vegetation near the trees, vegetation that seemed to be just large leaves of grass.
The shuffle was gone in a second, but it peaked my curiosity. I walked slowly toward where the motion had taken place, then stopped a few feet away, looking for some indicatin of whatever had caused it.
Nothing for a moment, then the sudden rustle repeateditself, this time moving through the weeds and beneath the trees. I debated for only a second, then started off at a sprint behind it...
First Officer Rick

Rick gathered some men and went into the rear part of the ship that was situated on the beach. "Ok men as you know this is where we'll find the cafateria and the private quorters of the crew and passangers. So it is here that well find any survivors of the crash and some much needed supplies because as some of you know the terraformers and the colony pods were lost in the crash someday we might get to them if they wernt damaged beyond repair but for now get in and get the supplies." "Also since this area is near the forest be on your guard for any hostile native lifeforms in the ship, heres how we'll do it split into groups of three each to there own sector. Rick then proceeded to hand out weapons one railgun,lasor pistol and plasma lance to each group. Ok if you find anything or come under attack dont be affraid of using your com units to call for reinforsements. He gathered the rest up. "The rest of you guard the enterance with your life." There were solomn nods of concent. Rick gathered the men and set out into the ship. They divided up the detail and Rick, along with Dillan (My other charicter.) and some colonist headed to the Officer Hall the officers cabins were in this hall. When they got there Rick posted the colonist at the door and gave him the plasma lance. " Dont let anything not human get by this door." Rick and Dillan started cheaking the cabins but there was nothing there. "Um Rick? I dont know if you bothered to cheak but there was noone in the cabins but there was signs that there were." dillan said as they stopped in the Captians cabin "For instance" Dillan went on "Look here shreadded clothes and a pool of blood this may be because of the crash or it may be that your fear was right. We are not on this ship alone." Rick looked at Dillan. "I know why do you think i posted that colonist at the door just for this reason... HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!!!!" Rick Had just opened the last door to find a giant pile of bodies or what would have been bodies had they not been in pieces and half eaten. Something moved in the corner Rick and Dillan leveled there weapons at it just in time to see the creature jump at them. They shot it full of holes before it stoped just before it got to Dillan. "jesus what was that thing!!!!" He shouted.
"I think i said that we just had a first encounter on the planet."
"Just then screams eccod through the com unit. "Rick" Shouted a voice through the comm unit. "we got a hole shitload of compony we just got to the caf and its full of creatures." "Get outta there man!" Shouted Rick but after that all he heard was static. "Attention all men still in the ship get the hell outta here and back to camp!!!" Rick said as he was running to the exit door where he had left the colonist guarding it the door was sealed shut." Rick banged on the door and yelled in his comm unit. Colonist jerry priventes" "Its us open the door!!. Rick and Dillan heard Jerry's quiet reply "I cant do that sir the creatures are out here they already attacked me and seem to be waiting for me to die... I had to seal the door with the plasma lance so they couldent get in sorry sir..." the com transmission ended suddenly "He's Dead rick said dillan the comm unit is tuned to his body just like ours when we die so does it." Ok lets hope someone is close enough to hear us. Rick turned his comm unit to Harpers number " Harper if you can get this get to back to the camp get all your men and get out any of the heavy guns that washed asore and get to the rear ship. Turnes out we do have hostile aliens on this planet and I and My brother dillian have been sealed into the Officers Hall. Dont know how many creatures are yet there or how many of the men that came with me are still alive Hurry wile we are still here. "Rick turned to Dillan "Now Bro we wait for the calvery or for death."
Lacy bit her lip ,rubbed her eyes and looked again . He was right , he wasn't the cap. "I'm so sorry." she mummbled and walked with them to whereever they were going.She heard them enter the remains and saw two men walk into a room. She walked up to the people at the door and asked poiletly if she could enter. They looked her up and down and seeing that she was human aloud her to enter. She looked around afraid that something was watching them and heard a thud. Standing on her tip toes she saw that they had opened a door and some bodys fell out . She screamed as her big brown eyes got bigger. "OH MY GOD!" She yelled after her scream "what the hell happened to them?" they looked like someone was snacking on them . blood seeped over Lacy's one bare foot. The blood was warm, the blood must have been fresh. She knew she shouldn't have followed them. Her head got light and she stumbled to a knocked over chair. she fell into th seat and held her head and cryed . Her boy friend had been the last one to fall on the floor. Half of his face had been eaten away. His eye a sagged bag laying across his nose. "no " she cried . "not him ... this is horrible ."she cried loudly .her body shook and she fell off of the knocked over chair and into a pile of blood. The blood spalshed over her body and she hit her head on the wall forceing a curboard open and a body fell out of its resting place and landed on Lacy's foot. She screamed again as blood poured from the curboard and onto her head . She was covered in blood , a dead body lay on her feet and her boyfriend was dead. Life couldn't get worse.
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I could hear the sounds of the girl screaming...distant, but clear, echoing out of the ship chambers that had landed or washed up on the beach...I wasn't sure which.
I glanced over, seeing the other colonists looking that way, their surprised faces telling me I should be surprised.
I glanced around myself. All the others were looking in that direction. But something else had changed from a moment ago. The boy was here...what was his name? Andy? Aaron? Something like that...he was here, then gone...somewhere.
I glanced back to the vessel on the beach, realizing then that the scream meant that something was terribly wrong. The sudden feeling of surprise spiked deep into me, existing one moment after having not existed at all. My heart leapt as if it intended to burst from my chest.
I stood still, not sure if I could move then but knowing that doing so would be of no use. There was nothing I could do to help any one. I was sixteen, and thin, even for a girl...5-5 and less than 95 lbs.
I glanced out to see, noticing that no more colonists were on the water. All that would survive the sea had done so...the rest were lost.
My father would have said that and moved past it, his mind pushing the matters of emotion dealing to the back and facing the problem of what to do next already. A borne leader, he was.
But i wasn't...I wasn't a leader, or even brave...
I was scared.

OOC: I made a mistake earlier on...Alexander isn't the captain's son any more, since Dijha is his daughter and they're not bro and sis...sorry about that...I plan on editing that and changing it...we'll see how I fare at that.
Just wanted to point that out...

I heard the girl scream, but distantly...the sound was almost entirely masked by the sound of my plodding feet as I chased whatever it was I'd seen through the tall grass. The trees were all around me now, but they were scattered, at least ten feet apart at their nearest to one another.
It slowed as it approached a rock, then leapt from the grass and landing on the large stone, bouncing on its four legs as it came to rest, reminding me of a slinky coming to rest at the bottom of a staircase.
I stopped then, startled.
It stared back at me, just as afraid.
It was small, probably less than ten pounds in weight and six inches in height. It's four legs bent in the middle, each one over eight inches in length. Its main body consisted of a small round bodywith a short but noticeable neck and a even smaller round head. Both body and head were lightly clovered with blue hair. I watched as its solitary red eye scanned me as I did it.
"Calm down little guy..." I whispered, taking a slow step forward. It recoiled and I stopped, letting it relax again before continuing to close in on it.
"Settle down...just stay calm...I'm just checking out the new neighbors...we can be friends right?"
"Tay alm..." it repeated back, its voice a small chirp, reminding me of a parakeet's if they could talk.
I stopped then, surprised at this, then smiled at it.
It seemed to realize this was a positive gesture, and relaxed a little more.

OOC: I made the changes...Alex's father was an engineer now...sorry for the inconvienience...
Renton the hunter awakes

Renton awoke in the shadow of a few huge boulders. He felt something warm running down his head, it was his blood. Apparently he hit his head on something. Still A bit confused he replayed the events in his mind. "I was at the bar enjoying a boiler room with Rico and Amanda, bragging about my recent hunting expedition, then I remember a flash of light and now I'm here." He had convinced the crew to let him aboard the ship telling them he specialized in zoology and cultural anthropology. It wan't far off from the truth, as a game hunter he has to know about the various animals he hunts and the local customs but he hadn't planned on being shipwrecked. "Before I do anything I have to find everyone else, then maybe I get find some of my equipment."

Renton surveyed the area around him, pieces of the starship were scattered about. Renton began to call out, "Captain? Alexander? Harper? Anyone???"
Lacy stumbled to her feet and ran for the door. She stumbled out the doorway and tripped in the hall. Landing hard on the floor she could still feel the blood dripping on her head. Looking up she saw the ceiling was covered in human guts . She gasped and scrambled for the door to the outside . Still on all fours she tumbled out into the light. She fell a step into the warm salty water. She scrambled to her feet and ran . She didn't care where. Her jumpsuit was weighing a ton. Haveing nothering better to do she looked around and slipped it off. Left in her under clothes, a brown cut of at the stomach shirt and brown slacks that hugged her hips. she looked around again . thinking that the bodys would fall from the sky and took off into a clearing and fell to a rest. She gasped and took a breath

"You're something, aren't you?"
It turned its head, looking at me sideways like a small puppy, confused.
"Can I...?"
I trailed off. It couldn't understand me anyway.
"AN-I?" It said in return.
I stepped forward again. This time, it showed no fear and sat, watching me intently.
I reached out, wrapping my fingers around it. It watched my hands, its head cocked again as I slid my fingers under its body and started to lift it.
"Captain? Alexander? Harper? ANyone???"
The voice seemed to come from nowhere. Distant, but near and loud enough to frighten the poor thing. It leapt from my grasp and disappeared into the grass again. I looked around, this time not seeing it move at all.
I debated calling for it, then decided it may not be best to make friends with the natives just yet, especially when I was being paged by someone who seemed in at least some distress.
I debated which direction I thought it was coming from, then started through the high grass.
Renton's discovery

Renton countinued to yell his shipmates' names but heard no response. Something was moving in the nearby tall grass. "Definatly not a predator or else I wouldn't have heard it but something spooked whatever is in the grass." Regardless, the gash on his forehead would most likely attract wild animals soon, he needed to find a safe place to hide. He decided to climb a nearby tree after examing it for any evidence of leopards, who usually like to hide in trees. However, it dawned on him that the beasts on this planet may be nothing like the ones on Earth. Despite this, he decided the tree was the best place to survey the area for his fellow shipmates.

From the top of the tree, Renton saw that the debris that was once the star ship was scattered for at least a mile, reinforcing his hopes that he was not the lone survivor. "Helllllooooo" he yelled, but hear no answer. Renton rested his hand on bark of the tree to feel it had been stripped. Renton turned and examined the bark and discovered an odd symbol carved onto the stipped part of the bark. It looked almost like an upside down L with an S attached to the top of it. Renton didn't understand what the symbol was but he new one thing, he was definatly not alone.
Major Harper heard the call for help over his comms unit. The strange footprints that his point man had discovered would have to wait.

"Back to the beach!" he shouted, getting everyone's attention. "Now! Let's move like we got a purpose, people!"

The scout team immediately regrouped and double-timed back to the wreckage of the ship.

"Rick?" Harper called, both in voice and through his comm headset. "What the hell is going on here?"

Harper saw Renton up a tree. Scouting detail? It made as good sense as any right now. "Alex?" Harper called into his headset. Some movement back towards the wreckage caught his attention. He looked and saw Lacy running like she was on fire.
Harper directed the rest of the team to check with Alex and look at what Renton had found. He ran towards Lacy.

"Slow down, girl," Harper said, almost ordering. He reached his arms out to catch her. "What the hell is it?"

Renton climbed down from the tree, releaved to see his shipmates. "A word of advice people," Renton yelled "be on high alert! Several tribing civilizations on Earth used marks like these as a territory marker, a warning, directions, or instructions. We are obviously dealing with a civilization with some intelligence but they may think we are trying to invade their land and take it as an act of war." Renton then turned his attention to Harper, "Major, my equipment seems to be lost in the wreckage, do you have a sidearm I may use?"