sci fi story

jail break

The guard opened the door to see Lila sitting by herself. He approched his prisoner inspecting the area. Renton lept out from behind the door and smashed the guard in back of the head, with no effect. Renton got a good look at his captor, as the guard turned his head to see what hit him. The guard, at least 7 feet tall, had a human form but resembled something like an ant. A blade drew from inside the ant's arm as it tried to rush toward Renton, who successfully ducked the blade.

Renton realized he had backed himself into a corner, as the guard advanced on him. Without a green arm wrapped around the guard's neck and twisted it, breaking the guard's neck and killing it.

Lila stood over the guard and helped Renton get to his feet. "Come on, the workers will be here soon!"

Renton and Lila disappeared down the slimy hallway again toward were Renton's cell was.
" great. lets get some food " the little boy said jumping so he could see his escort's eyes. all he got was an eyefull of boobs. not very big ones , but they were the largest he had ever seen.
" I don't know if their giving away food , kid. " Lacy looked around the tents . People were still seting them up .
"Can we find some? i'm starved" he whined. Lacy patted his head and looked around.

Major Jack Harper trodded along silently through the undergrowth. His handheld sensor tracking device was beeping softly through his earpiece. He knew that Renton was not far ahead.

Harper hugged his rail gun to his chest as he ducked low. There was a sound up ahead. Then he saw a few bird like creatures taking flight from the ground. Jack made a quick peek through his imagers. Everything looked clear for the next hundred meters or so.

He walked slowly for a few more meters. Lacy. What? What the hell did he think of her for? Harper shook his head. Yes, she was pretty. Yes, she agreed to take Daniel to Tims. She was doing that to be nice, Jack. Stop it. Get your head together. Where are you? You are in the middle of a hostile jungle on an alien world, by your fucking self.

Harper noticed something small and shiny on the jungle floor. A dart? Yes, it was. The scanner went ape-shit when he passed it over the small sliver of metal. The thing had Renton's DNA on it.

Then Jack noticed the tunnel entrance. It was well-camoflaged, but trained special forces types like him knew all about camoflage. He touched the transmit button on his tiny radio.

"Six to Base," he said. He heard the captain answer. "Located possible prisoner holding area. Moving to investigate. Location is grid four-six-zero, by two-two-one."

"Oh yeah," he added, "get a message to Lacy. Advise her I said thank you."

He heard an acknowledgement, and he closed the channel. Now, let's see what this trap-door deal is all about.......
Renton and Lila ran running down the hallway. Lila stopped him and said, "Wait, open that door, they keep the weapons there!" Renton kicked opend the door and found an armory filled with exotic weapons. He began grabbing everything he could as Lila looked out for the guards. "Hurry they're coming." Renton peered around the corner and saw several lizard like creatures running alongside with the insect-men. The soilders began firing at the two of them.

Renton picked up a grenade and threw it toward the group. It exploded eliminating they're opponents. The couple ran around a corner and saw even more guards heading their way. They hightailed it back around the corner to see that another horde of guards had been alerted. Renton handed Lila a weapon and the two began firing as the troopers advanced closer and closer to them.
Harper stepped down into the tunnel. He heard the distinct sound of weapons fire coming from a distant ancillary corridor. He moved quickly, cautiously, the railgun held at the low ready, moving quietly through the hallways and around blind corners.

Turning into a corridor, he saw a multitude of the arthropod-like creatures, walking upright and erect, almost blocking his path. There were others, too, some type of saurian species. The held weapons, and they were firing at something at the end of the corridor. The hand-held scanner was going crazy again. It was pulling Renton's DNA in from the skin cells that floated on the air currents. Renton was close. He had been this way, very recently. Jack Harper nodded his head, jacking a grenade charge into the under-barrel launcher on his railgun.

FOOOMMPPP! came the sound as the 40MM High Explosive Anti-personell Round (HEAR) grenade spat from the launcher. There was a loud clap as it detonated in the center of the group, and the sickening sounds of splatter as pieces of bodies resounded against the corridor walls.

Harper shouldered the railgun, firing as he cut down a few of them that were not in the main area of the blast. The 12MM cast steel, wedge-shaped railgun projectiles sped from the barrel, leaving a flash as they smoked into the creatures' carapaces at near the speed of light.

Harper looked toward the end of the corridor, where more were coming. There was another corridor branching off to his left. He approached it, sending another grenade into the column of advancing troops.

"RENTON!!!!!" Major Harper called. "Renton!! It's Harper!! Where you at, man?!?!"

Some type of plasma beam sizzled into the wall near him, sending dirt and a cloud of dust flying. Jack targeted the lizard-man with the railgun's holographic sight, and eliminated him.

Harper turned the corner, bringing his gun around, and then pulling it abruptly upward when he saw Renton's face. Jack half-smiled, then turned around, facing the hallway from which he came. He walked backward until he was within whispering distance of his friend.

"Thought I might find you here," Major Harper said. "Who's your friend?"
"Harper, this is Lila, she was in a high security section further down the hallway. I figured we could take her back to base camp and she could tell us a little about the inhabitants of this planet."
Let's Move

Harper nodded his head.

"Sounds good to me," he said. He looked at the weapons they both held. "How are you on ammo? I don't know how much resistance we will encounter on egress."
"Not bad, if you need more there's an armory right around the corner. Real exotic stuff."
"An armory, huh?" Jack scratched his head for a minute. "You know, the way these guys are equipped, it looks as if they are pretty used to fighting. Who are they fighting with? I mean, this whole damned place looks like a dungeon, it's obviously set up for prisoners. Have we landed on a planet at war?"

Jack looked around. Just walls and floor.

"Is there another way out, I wonder?"
Suddenly a series of explosions shook the structure. Renton looked around the corner and all he saw was fire, "What the hell are they doing?" Lila turned to the both of them, "Standard procedure, we found one of their dwellings so they're evacuating and destroying the complex."

I slowed when I saw her. SHe was on her knees, reaching out one hand toward something I couldn't see, her face appearing strangely calm, happy almost. I moved carefully forward, not wanting to alert her to my presence. The animal that drew her attention came into view then, a large creature, appearing oddly like a deer, but with fur that was a pale green and a third eye between the other two, and its antlers, small ones still, covered in yellow fuzz. I watched in amazement as she whispered, there you go. It sniffed her hand, then licked the skin. SHe giggled quietly.
THen its head raised suddenly, as if it were startled. It looked in thenopposite direction, then took off at a sprint. SHe sood, shouting after it: "Wait! Come back!"
Her shoulders slumped. It was already out of sight, withing seconds. I walked over to her and said, "It must have heard something."
I heard it then too, something that seemed not too unlike gunfire, but different still. More like Phase rounds than ordinary rounds, but there it was. I listened for a few moments longer, then heard the explosion, sudden and loud, followed by the sound of a railgun.
Dijha looked at me, scared.
"C'mon," i said, "Let's get back to camp."