sci fi story


"Harper get your shit and get here nowwe got severe problims containing hostile native lifeforms we need you here now the door is sealed where we are but everyone else who is still inside the ship is dead by now from these things we just got a quick look at these things before we blew it to hell we think they communicate psycicly or something because after we killed the thing in here with us they all showed up at the door to the Officers Hall Now get as many able bodied men with as many heavy weapons and get these things DEAD NOW thats an order.""

I found the man in a tree, but by then, others had gotten to him. I debated going over anyway, then decided against it. I was a seventeen year old kid. WHat was I supposed to do that they couldn't handle. They were adults, and armed, and trained to use those weapons. Armed and trained, that's two things I wasn't.
I debated looking for my new friend, then decided it best to go back and check on Dijha. SHe'd been pale and distant, two traits that seemed everywhere among the survivors, with the exception of a few.
We wold have to wait and see how many would come out of it, and how many wouldn't. WHich made me think. We'd also need an overall census, to see how many of us were left alive and what we each could do. There was much to be done. I'd have to find the highest in command and have a brief discussion with him/her.
Message to Rick

Renton heard Rick's orders over one of his shipmate's communicators. Alarmed by the orders, Renton picked up the communicator and barked into the reciever, "Rick I think that is a very bad idea, pull your men out now! We have no idea who ro what we're up against, we have no base camp, and we need to survey the area for more injured survivors from the ship. They think we're trying to invade them, pull out of there and they won't attack you!" Renton heard no response. He towards Alexander, "You want to do something kid? We've got to stop them from starting an all out war! Follow me if your interested."
Listen Renton the men are all gone except me and Dillan were trapped in the officers hall you moron! we want to pull out but if we open the damned door wich we cant do because the damn colonist plasmaed the door shut there are two of us left in here and i swear renton if we get left here and noone helps us eventually we'll die or thell leave if they leave and we manage to get this door open we'll kill you arselves now Harper i gave you a direct order close on my signal and to appease renton kill as little of the mother's as possible.
Play Time Is Over

Harper heard Rick's yelled orders. He called to several of his men.

"Sling arms and get to the interior of the ship. Brechnev, Pastorelli, you two unpack the MPG-40's, and be quick about it."

Harper handed Renton a S7 impact pistol. It fired caseless, explosive projectiles that were very effective against most soft targets. The Major had ordered his two squad sergeants to retrieve the MPG-40 shoulder-fired plasma cannons that they had packed in their assault deployment kits. Harper only hoped it would be enough.

Jack noticed Lacy, whom he was still holding in his arms. "I gotta get to them," he said. "Are you okay?"

Jack thought about his son. He knew the boy would be somewhere on the beach with the others. No time to find him now. He unslung his rail gun and headed into the remains of the downed ship.

There was plenty of shouting before the soldiers went back inside the ship. I wondered what was going on, then decided it was best if I didn't know. There was nothing I could do about it.
I could also hear someone talking loudly up in the trees beyond the beach. I guessed it was another soldier (they all tended to be loud under circumstances like these) but wasn't sure.
Surveying the beach, I saw what looked to be a small path leading away from the beach, appearing to be worn into the high grass that waited beyond it, worn in from constant use. It looked to be used by animals, like a deer path of some sort. I wondered then if there were any deer here, or any other wildlife of the sort.
What the hell, I thought, then headed for the narrow path...

Renton was barking orders, and so was Rick... I ignored Renton, Rick being in command. I understood the man's words, but in a cluthch situation, we had to think of the immediate dangers first, or so my father had once said. He'd been an engineer, but he also had done a lot of independant study in the Historic Wars department. He knew the American Civil War like the back of his hand, not to mention WWII and WW IV. Immediate dangers first, or you may not live to face the ones that were not immediate. And the immediate dangers here were whatever was on that ship.
Again, I thought, I'm not armed, and not trained. THe best thing for me to do was to get the hell out of the way and leave the soldiers to their own affairs...
I worked my way back to the beach, stopping briefly near the rock to look for the small furry creature again. When i reached the sandy ground, I saw Dijha moving slowly toward a small path further down the beach. I ran to catch up with her.
"Dijha, where are you going?"
"FOr a walk," was her reply, nonchalant. I stopped, getting the impression she wanted to be alone, then turned to walk back toward the others. They were moving around more, conversing wiht one another, most of them pointing toward the ship wreckage that waited further down the beach, soldiers now more heavily armed and prepared to go in again.
I turned and looked back. SHe'd stopped just a few feet from the edge of the grass.
"Are you coming?"

All of a sudden the creatures that were attacking the door stopped and they heared the sound of mant feet moving away then he heard weapons fire. "Dillan gimme your weapon im genna get us outta here before its 2 late." Rick took the gun as it was offered to him "Now as soon as i finish what Im going to do run into that roon pointing to the nearist door we'll only have a few seconds before the explosion." 'NOW DILLIAN" as rick flew threw the door way dillan followed a second later as the door closed they could hear the main bulkhead door to the Officers hall explode out as the centeral power unit of the laser pistol exploded. They heared a unearthly scream they ran out the door and seen that the creatures had left 2 door guards wich were now dead. Rick Looked at dillan "Grab that one we'll take it to the chief med officer to be examened naw if she wants one so bad we'll get her one later Lets get the hell outta here." into his comm unit "Harper i hope that thats you i heard shooting because we just escaped and were genna to run into you in about 3 min."

Renton approached the ship with Harper's unit. He didn't agree with Rick's orders but his captain was good enough to give Renton and his hunting buddies a lift, so he went with the orders out of respect. Harper's unit entered the ship while Renton and another soilder waited outside, to make sure nothing was attacking the unit from behind.

Suddenly a viscus fluid covered the soilder, adhering him to the side of the ship. Renton drew the S7 Harper had handed him, pointing it toward the bushes the fluid was ejected from. Then he realized what he was looking at, a huge slug like creature hid in the shrubs, advancing towards the soilder.

Renton fired at the beast, blowing it into a million gorey little pieces. Renton holstered the weapon as he tried to free the soilder. Suddenly Renton felt a sharp pain in his back, he reached his hand aound and pulled something from his left shoulderblade. He examined it and realized it was some type of dart.

Renton began to feel dizzy and sick. All he wanted to do was lie down and take a nap. He collapsed to the ground as he heard several feet shuffle through the grass. He closed his eyes, feeling like he was being carried off somewhere as the sounds of gunfire grew distant.
"Suppression fire forward!" Harper called to one of his men. The squad sergeant began to sweep the area in front of them with blasts from the plasma cannon, laying down suppression fire so Rick and the others could escape.

Harper dove ahead, rolling, and came up in a position of cover behind a bulkhead. "Hold fire! Hold fire!" he shouted. He could just make out Rick's shape coming down the corridor.

"Move your ass, Ricky!" Harper shouted. He turned to one of the squad sergeants. "When they are clear, seal that corridor!"

Jack heard some garbled traffic over his comm system. It sounded like Felding, who had been with Renton. Harper called for quiet. He listened again. Sounded like something about being sticky. Renton was gone. Did the man say carried off?

"Hold the line," Harper said to his squad leader. Jack turned around and headed toward the outside.

Rick and dillan burst through the door shooting wildly behind them when they were through the seargent sealed the door. Rick and dillan stopped to catch there breath. Wheres Harper i ask the seargent were in bigger trouble than we thought. I fin d harper outside looking confused '' Harper i hate to worsen the situation but were genna have compony in a few hours a section back there still had some power and we scaned space the Jesideives are passing threw the system and scanning the system for us they know were here also were not alone we have intellagent life well not really intellagent sort of the way we were in 8000 bc, tribal systems, that sort of thing..." "Wheres Renton i want to appologise for being an ass to him i have so much on my mind that i snapped at him to realive some of it." I then see the soldier stuck to the ship "Oh shit what the hell kinda planet have we landed on.

Renton was half awake as he was dragged through the wild jungle. He couldn't move at all, "Am I bound?" he thought "No, whatever chemicals are in this dart has numbed my arms and legs." He tried to get a good look at his captors but a buzzing noise filled his head, preventing him from concentrating.

His mind kept wandering to various hunting expeditions he had been on; hunting tigers in India, panthers in Brazil, and elephants in Africa. He was one of those hunters who made it a point to use every single part of the animal and to give the animals the most human death as possible. The images of his trips were obscured, no doubt a result of whatever toxins entered his body from the dart.

All his thoughts resembled Dali paintings, he remembered walking through the fields of North America, stalking deer. Catching a buck in his sights, he took careful aim as he rose his bow. Just when he was about to fire the ground seemed to open up and swallow him , "Wait that never happended" he thought. Then he realized his captors were dragging him into their well concealed den, a giant pit hidden under thick foliage. The dart managed to loosen from his back and fall out leaving a marker for his ship mates.
Lacy stood still limply. Not even sure if he was still here for him to listin to her she said in a dazed voice " I saw him, dead. he's dead." She couldn't really see anything except red dots everywhere. Thinking it was blood she whiped her eyes. Still dazed and confussed. She fell and sat in the water that went up to her ankles as she stood. She sat there and stared ahead. "their gone. One fell at my feet. Blood, everywhere." all she could see in her head was the body laying at her feet. and her boyfriends dead body staring lifelessly at her

is lifelessly even a word? I say it alll the time
OOC: yessum, it is a sayeth Webster

BIC: Harper looked at Rick. Then he looked at his soldier stuck to the side of the ship. Then he looked to where Lacy was still sitting in ankle-deep water. He was about to swear, when he scanned the beach and saw a brown haired boy about 8 years old. Jack smiled.

Daniel Harper ran to his dad. Jack scooped the boy up and hugged him. Jack pulled a piece of dried seeweed type plant out of the boy's head. "Where you been, son?"

"With Mr. Tims," Daniel said. Jack nodded. Tims had been assigned to Harper's Earth Defense Force unit before they had left the Sol System. Tims was an expert weapons mechanic, and a pretty damn good all-around handy man.

Jack carried the boy back over to where Rick stood. "I am going after Renton," he told his commander. "I need you to detail someone to go with me. I am leaving my team here to assist the construction crews in getting emergency shelters up."

Harper turned around and looked at Lacy, still sitting in the water. He knelt down, sitting his son on his knee. "Lacy," Harper said softly, "I need you to help me. Can you take Daniel back to where Tims is, on the beach. He's putting up shelters for my team." Harper looked at her. She was scared. He understood. "Lacy," he said. "I need your help."
Lacy looked up at him . She shook her head to get the rest of the daze away and smiled. a weak scared smile, yet still a smile . "I'd be glad to." She got up and then relized she was sitting in water. "shi--oot."she said looking behind her at her wet pants. She begain to walk to the building in progress shelters

Renton awoke on a steel table, alone in some sort of operating room. A little groggy, he took his time sitting up, gathering his thoughts while waiting to recover. He realized he was in some sort of sub-terraining base, captured by whatever natives occupied this accursed planet. He reached his hand into a pool of water, washing his face. He stared at his reflection, apparently the natives had stiched up his head wound. "How long have I been here for?" he thought.

Renton pressed his ear against the wooden door, expecting to hear his guards but he heard nothing. Renton pushed open the door and realized he was unguarded.

He ran down the dirt hallway, looking for an exit. "Strange," he thought, "you would think they would want to have at least one guard patrolling the halls." Renton heard a woman scream from down the hall, "another captive?" he thought, "I better check this one out."
Lacy turned around and waited for Daniel to catch up . She smiled when he got there and they walked together. Lacy turned to the boy " how old are you?"
"eight" he replied . He grinned from under his brown hair .
"eight? wow. your getting almost as old as i am.another less the twenty years and you'll be my age. then maybe you and me can get married. " She grinned as she scratched his hair , sending it this way and that. He grinned again
Harper looked back to where Daniel had walked away with Lacy. He nodded his head at the sight. It was good for the boy to be around a woman. It had not quite been a year since his mother had been killed by the invaders. Harper had done all he could. Sometimes, even a soldier has to give up.

But not where his son was concerned. Harper would give his last breath for that boy.

Jack wiped the mist from his eyes and looked over to Rick. "So, who is going with me to get Renton back?"

We'd walked about a half a mile before it leapt out at us, scaring the life out of me. I would have screamed had I found my breath. In stead I just froze and stared at it, my heart poinding in my chest.

The walking was slow. SHe seemed totally taken by what she was feeling. In a way, I was annoyed with that; she was in her own world, totally unreachable. In another way, I envied it; she was coping, at least on some level, while I hadn't yet even scratched the surface.
Then it came bouncing from beneath the trees to one side and landed on a relatively large stone next to us, crouching there at my waist height, its legs giving beneath it as though they were springs. It settled a moment later, looking at me as it had before.
I looked to Dijha, thinking she would be amused, but instead, she looked terrified.
THe furry little creature stared at her with peak interest, turning its head from one side to the next. It wasn't scared this time, just curious.
"Dijha," I said, trying to speak softly, "There's nothing to be afraid of..."
She slowly turned her head to me, loking at me as though I were insane.
"It won't hurt you..."
She closed her mouth then, breathed in heavily and exhaled, but her body remained rigid and her complexion pale.
I decided to illustrate. I stepped slowly toward it, closing the distance in only a few steps, as it was merely a few feet away. WHen I stood close enough to touch it, I kneeled down. It turned its attention to me then, tilted its head.
"Hello, again."
I glanced back to Dijha, who had taken a few steps backward.
"It's okay, Dijha."
She shook her head, then took a few quick steps further down the path and started to run.
"Shit," I spat. THe creature recoiled slightly.
I stood, looking down at it and saying, "It's alright, Little GUy, I'll be right back. Just stay here, okay?"
"...Itle Eye...tay...ere"
I chased after her.

i will be gone from the board for a wile due to the fact that ive just gotten married and will be on my honeymoon for a few weeks.

Congratulations on your marriage. May the Force be with you.
something other than human

As Renton ran toward the source of the screams, he realized the dirt floor was replaced with a thick coating of green slime. He followed the screams to a cloased door in the middle of a long hallway. He opened the door, "Hello, is someone here?" Renton saw the silouhette of a woman in the far corner of the room.

He approached the woman slowly, "My name is Renton, I am a captive here as well. Come with me and we'll get out of here." The figure walked into the light to show herself. Her pale green skin and hair gave her away as something other than human.

"My name is Lila, what is wrong with your complection?" Renton smiled, "Nothing, I'm a human from Earth." Lila shuddered, "You didn't come with the bugs did you?" "No not at all, I'm a prisoner like yourself." The two paused for a moment, thier silence was broken by the sound of something moving in the slime outside. Fear returned to Lila's face, "Oh no, someone's coming!"
good luck snake

Lacy neared the camp. She saw the cloth covered sticks and string tied to trees. She smiled at the little boy. "we're here"