Self-Pleasure Saturday


and lol, I was recently humble bragging that I still don't need to wake up at night to pee. I may be flabby everywhere else, but bladder of steel. However, I also appreciate the reality that my humble brag has become my bladder not waking me up at night to pee rather than a statement like I'm walking around looking like hell, have a cold, no makeup, hair not done, in sweats, and this dude actually stops to chat me up. I am not sure it is really winning when bladder control is a key selling point. oh and teeth, may not be perfect, but still all mine haha.
There is a lot to be said for bladder control. You just don't appreciate how important it is till you loose it.
tried bifocal glasses for a few minutes, hated them, they felt so wrong. tried bifocal contacts and could see nothing anywhere, I was damn near blind.
Talk to your eye doctor about LASIK surgery and see if you're a good candidate for it. You can go two routes with it, have one eye corrected for distance and the other for reading. Or, both eyes are corrected for distance, and then use reading glasses. They also do this for cataract surgery, which I'll be looking at going through with myself in the not-so-distant future.
One warning though on LASIK surgery, in some individuals, it can end up causing cataracts. And FWIW people can develop cataracts at far younger ages than we would presume.
Also, as an aside, you happen to not only have a very pretty face but also have lovely eyes.
Talk to your eye doctor about LASIK surgery and see if you're a good candidate for it. You can go two routes with it, have one eye corrected for distance and the other for reading. Or, both eyes are corrected for distance, and then use reading glasses. They also do this for cataract surgery, which I'll be looking at going through with myself in the not-so-distant future.
One warning though on LASIK surgery, in some individuals, it can end up causing cataracts. And FWIW people can develop cataracts at far younger ages than we would presume.
Also, as an aside, you happen to not only have a very pretty face but also have lovely eyes.
I could, like I could probably find a place willing to do it, but not recommended as my prescriptions on both side is mild and accuracy is only to the half diopter so -0.50 +0.50. My vision is now -1.25, +1.00, so my satisfaction would likely not be very high, which is why they prefer moderate issues. My distance has actually improved, and my mid range is fine. Since I didn't like progressives, and don't have headaches, he honestly recommended wearing neither when I don't need, as my distance prescription now hurts my mid and makes reading up close really hard, and my reading hurts my mid and makes distance impossible. I never wear reading unless wearing contacts, I wear distance for driving and sometimes watching TV, depending on show and tv and room lighting. Most of the time my distance glasses function as a headband lol. I now only wear contacts for Halloween because I stopped being able sleep in them before I lost the ability to read with my glasses on. Apparently lax contact care also gets more difficult with age sigh, and they never were worth daily effort lol. Technically, I might even be able to pass the dmv distance vision test now. You have to score 20/70 here, or about -1.25. I got my first license in PA when I was -1.5 or about 20/100 and they were 20/40, so I've just always carried the lens restriction from state to state.
Gone fishin
well, I was glad to see you join, even if just temporary.
I could, like I could probably find a place willing to do it, but not recommended as my prescriptions on both side is mild and accuracy is only to the half diopter so -0.50 +0.50. My vision is now -1.25, +1.00, so my satisfaction would likely not be very high, which is why they prefer moderate issues. My distance has actually improved, and my mid range is fine. Since I didn't like progressives, and don't have headaches, he honestly recommended wearing neither when I don't need, as my distance prescription now hurts my mid and makes reading up close really hard, and my reading hurts my mid and makes distance impossible. I never wear reading unless wearing contacts, I wear distance for driving and sometimes watching TV, depending on show and tv and room lighting. Most of the time my distance glasses function as a headband lol. I now only wear contacts for Halloween because I stopped being able sleep in them before I lost the ability to read with my glasses on. Apparently lax contact care also gets more difficult with age sigh, and they never were worth daily effort lol. Technically, I might even be able to pass the dmv distance vision test now. You have to score 20/70 here, or about -1.25. I got my first license in PA when I was -1.5 or about 20/100 and they were 20/40, so I've just always carried the lens restriction from state to state.

well, I was glad to see you join, even if just temporary.
So, you know I have trouble keeping up with all these threads because, you know, age.
But I don't understand what this has to do with self pleasure.
I usually take my glasses off.
Reporting back in :) It did not take long for me to get very close to the edge and have a hard time not cumming so it was a very fun half hour.

My crotch warmed up enough to brave some videos.

See how wet I got?
Wow!!! Mouthwateringly juicy!!!