Slave to the Succubus


Apr 5, 2009
((Closed For Myself and Rocket1010))

IC: Angelica Mason

It was her birthday today. She was eighteen years old now. She was older, a woman now. Which was good because Angelica felt different.

She sat up from her bed and rubbed the sleep from her eyes groggily. She'd had dreams last night. They were quickly fading from her memory, but the pieces of them she could remember....they weren't...they were...well...they weren't at all PG rated...In fact she wouldn't have classified them as NC17 either for that matter. They'd be somewhere in the XXX range. Shocking for her. She didn't think she'd had such a perverted subconscious.

Where did that come from. She'd never had those types of dreams. She'd never seen much point to pornos or sex or even dating ever before in her life, but now, she guessed, she was a full on woman, and womanhood brought thoughts of love and boys didn't it. God, the things she did to the boy in her dreams. Some of it was scary as hell even to her, even as she felt a yearning for them deep down in her...lady place down there. How fucked up was that?

She was eighteen now...and she was subconsciously a pervert apparently.

Angelica threw the sheets off herself revealing long alabaster legs. They swung over the bed and she rose up from it stretching. She padded over to the bathroom and got a shower running. As the warm water ran over her naked body. She used her hands to smooth the storebought body lotion over her newly eighteen tight young body. She'd never noticed before, but she was very very hot and attractive with breast that seemed full yet stand out firm and perky from her chest and laugh in the face of gravity's pull on them. She had a flat tummy too, and wide hips, and long legs. She didn't like one thing though. She was much too hairy between her legs. Images from her dreams pulling her dreamboy's face between her legs feeling his lips against her smooth hairless skin rampaged through her mind. She took the shaving cream and razor she normally used for her legs and spent a good twenty minutes in the shower making certain that all that hair was gone.

She couldn't say why other than she liked the feel of her dreamboy's lips against her bare skin down there in her dreams, and it seemed an impulse she just had to act on.

She dried off again marveling at how attractive she was, something she never really considered too deeply before she became a woman today. Why hadn't she? She'd had tons of boys in school to ask her out, but she always had politely turned them away. Why on Earth had she done that to so many virile boys? Why had she never partook of the bounty of sexually active teens surrounding her before? She'd heard things about what went on between her girlfriends and their boyfriends before. Now that she was eighteen she wanted the same, excitement, the same, sex.

She took a long time to get dressed. She wore some tight jeans that hugged her long legs and tight liittle but like the denim was just painted over them, and a crop top her cousin had gotten her as a gag christmas present. She'd never before wore it. She found it at the very bottom of her drawer, and it fit perfectly showing off her flat little tummy and showcasing her big, full, beautiful breasts magnificently.

She went downstairs to the kitchen. She grabbed a granola bar and a bottle of water to serve as her breakfast. Her mother was busy dealing with her little baby sister who was wailing out a storm as she was teething. Her little brother was busy playing with his batman action figures instead of eating his fruit loops.Her dad was already heading out the steaming travel mug in hand exclaiming he was late for work again. She went out the back door headed for the backyard to the house next door.

This was the house of her best friend ever since 2nd grade. She smiled as she came up to the back door and knocked. This was going to be a great day. It was summer break, her eighteenth birthday, and she was going to spend the day with the person in all the world she felt closest to. When he answered the door she stood there stunned. She hadn't put two and two together, but he looked just like the boy in all those naughty dreams she'd just had.

She shook herself as he stood in the doorway stunned as well looking her up and down in her sexy little outfit. She quite liked the way he was looking at her. She wanted him to look at her like that all the time.

She gave him a big brilliant smile. "Well, aren't you going to say, 'Happy Birthday, Angelica'?" She laughed flipping her golden hair over her shoulder and stepping inside. "And you owe me a birthday present, don't you?"
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Jake Waldron woke that morning with a big smile on his face. His best friend was turning eighteen today and he had a gift for her and hoped she would like it. They had been friends for about ten years, ever since they were in second grade. Since they were neighbors, they hung out together over the years, going to movies, studying together, and sticking up for each other to bullies at school. They were best friends and he noticed, as they got older, she was turning into a very beautiful women and figured since they were friends, that's as far as it would go.

They each tried dating but it seemed they always ended up doing thing together. He was sure that some day she would find a man, marry, and move away. Lately, though, he had been having more sensual thoughts about Angelica but he resisted any urges to try anything .... they were just close friends. He knew he was in love with her but he would keep it his secret and he would do just about anything for her.

Taking his shower, he thought of how Angelica told last week she was excited because she was turning eighteen and thought something special would happen. He had turned eighteen two months earlier and told her he thought the same thing and then found out everything seemed nothing changed. One thing he did notice, she was blossoming and sometimes late at night he would think of her and feel his cock thicken. There were a few nights when he had to relieve his sexual tension, thinking of her in her sexy swim suit. He wished he could do something about it but since they had been friends for so long, he didn't think he had a chance with her.

Jake went down to breakfast seeing his father watching the morning news on television while eating his breakfast. His mom told him his older sister was not coming home from college for the summer since she found a job on campus. Jake was happy to hear that knowing he had the house to himself during the day.

After breakfast, his mom and dad got ready to leave for work. His mom worked for a local doctor as the head receptionist and his dad was an accountant. Jake had been told he should look at accounting when he heads to college but as of now he wasn't sure what he wanted to do with the rest of his life.

With the house to himself, he was playing a game on his computer when her heard the knock on the back door and smiled. It had to be Angelica. He answered the door without a shirt since she had seen him half naked numerous times. When he opened the door, she was standing there in an absolutely sexy outfit. He had never seen her in anything that resembled the outfit she was wearing.

Something seemed different about her this morning as he watched her eyes scanning his muscular frame. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something definitely was different. She looked awful sexy in her outfit and for a moment, those late night thoughts swirled in his head.

It was an awkward moment and then she asked in a sweet sensual tone. "Well, aren't you going to say, 'Happy Birthday, Angelica'? And you owe me a birthday present, don't you?"

He gave her a brilliant smile and laughed with her. "Come on in." When she entered the kitchen he took her into his arms and gave her a big hug an kiss on the cheek. "Happy Birthday Angelica and yes I did get you a present." He led her into the dining room and gave her a nicely wrapped box, excited to see her open it.

Jake saw a smile crease her face when she saw the Infinity friendship bracelet. "I hope you like it. I thought this would be something to signify our eternal friendship." As she slipped it on, he asked, "so what would you like to do on your birthday. We have the whole day to ourselves."
IC Angelica Mason

She gave him a big brilliant smile. "Well, aren't you going to say, 'Happy Birthday, Angelica'?" She laughed flipping her golden hair over her shoulder and stepping inside. "And you owe me a birthday present, don't you?"

She stepped inside his kitchen noting the keys to his parents' cars were gone and the coffemaker's pot had only a little left in it and looked like it'd gone cold. Also she'd overheard Jake's mom tell him that his older sister was staying in college for her job in town. That meant they were the only ones in the house, and likely be that way for most of the day.

Why did that excite her so much? Butterflies were rampaging throughout her stomach. She'd spent the whole day with Jake yesterday and hadn't gotten so much as a flutter there. She turned around to lean against the kitchen counter to look at her best friend again.

It was so odd. She had never realized how good looking Jake was before. She'd seen without his shirt on before, but was somehow different. Angelica wanted to reach out and touch his muscled chest, run her fingers over each of those abs. She needed to lick her way down every muscular contour of his torso from shoulder down to the waistband of those Levis he was wearing. Unconsciously she licked her lips staring at the feast of flesh on display for her. She wanted to see what would happen when she drug her nails down them. She wanted to find out what yummy little whimpers he'd make if she bit those manly little nipples, tugged, and twisted them.

In the meantime, Jake smiled radiantly at her and laughed, "Happy Birthday Angelica and yes I did get you a present."

"Really," She beamed at the thoughtfulness of Jake as he led her out of the kitchen and into his dining room. It also gave Angelica a chance to admire Jake's muscular back and how it flowed down to his hips and the cutest most fascinating rump her mouth had ever watered over.

It was weird. She had never quite had spent so much time admiring Jake's rear end, but now here she was wondering whether how much it would shake if she spanked it with her hand. Would her hand leave a red handprint on it? Her hand itched to find out for a moment before he turned around lifting a wrapped box for her.

She reached up and took it from him. She began to gingerly unwrap the present a beaming smile plastered over her face. When it was finally opened she lifted the beautiful handcrafted leather bracelet out of the box. "Oh, Jake...this is so must've cost you so much money."

"I hope you like it," He said humbly, "I thought this would be something to signify our eternal friendship."

"Eternal friendship," She repeated her finger tracing over the infinity symbol tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. "It's beautiful, Jake. It's perfect. I love it."

He helped her slip it over her wrist tying it so it'd snugly fit on her arm.

"So, what would you like to do on your birthday," He asked her, "We have the whole day to ourselves."

Her mind was filled with a ton of things for them to do that were wholly inappropriate for her to suggest here, but they were so very tempting. "Oh, I don't know. How about we stream some movies and stay in all day together?"
"Eternal friendship," She repeated her finger tracing over the infinity symbol tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. "It's beautiful, Jake. It's perfect. I love it."

Jake smiled and was happy his best friend loved his birthday present. As he helped Angelica put on the leather he couldn't help but notice the white crop top she decided to wear today. Her long blonde strands hung down over her one shoulder, laying nicely on one breast. It was not a top he had seen her wear before and it was sexy. With each little movement of her arms, her breasts giggled a little and he found himself fantasizing about them, imagining what they looked like. With no bra to hold them in, he could see the outline of her nipples pressing against the soft fabric. What would it be like to touch and kiss them, he wondered and then caught himself. He shouldn't be thinking those kind of thoughts about his best friend.

He had seen her naked breasts one time, about six months back, hen they were at a park and it started to rain. They both got soaked but luckily they had hoodies in the car. She had told him to turn his back but he inadvertently turned too soon and caught a glimpse of them.

She seemed to be thinking of something else when her eyes cast from bracelet to his face as he waited for her answer. It was her day and he was going to do whatever she wanted to do. It was her special day. "Oh, I don't know. How about we stream some movies and stay in all day together?"

"If that's what you want to do for your birthday." He took her hand in his and raised it to his lips, kissing the back of her hand as if she were royalty. "Then that's what we'll do," he laughed. "Let's go to the basement where we can be comfortable."

Jake's father had installed a television with a 72" screen, making one of the rooms into somewhat of a theatre with surround sound. The room had a large leather sofa facing the television and some other soft leather chairs. A pool table sat behind the sofa and a full service bar was located along one wall.

He and Angelica had watched a lot of movies and sports programs in the past with and without parents or some friends. Today it would only be her and Jake and he liked that idea. They took up their usual positions on the sofa sitting next to each other as Jake picked up the remote.

'God she smells good this morning,' he thought as he handed the remote to her. "Today is your day princess or should your title for the day will be queen," he laughed. "Since this is your special day you get to choose whatever you like .... love .... romance .... thriller .... scary .... whatever."

Jake could see Angelica was hesitant and undecided to pick a movie. When she skipped past 50 Shades of Grey to look at other selections and then started over again on the string of movies, Jake suggested they watch that movie. Her look seemed to be one of relief as she pressed the play button. Settling into the leather sofa, they watched the opening credits and he couldn't help but look sideways to see her breasts in the white crop top and then his eyes caught her creamy white thighs. They were spread a little and he could only imagine what lie beneath those Levi jean shorts that were cut right to the top of her thighs.

The movie started and he couldn't shake the thought that today of all days, she looked so delicious. Was it because she turned eighteen today or was this the first time he really saw her for more than a friend? The beginning of the movie was pretty tame with Anastasia and Cristian having coffee and getting to know each other. But when Christian shows Anastasia the bondage room, Jake squirmed a little and noticed Angelica did the same. It reminded him of a dream he had recently but he kept quiet, watching the interaction between the characters.

He wondered how Angelica liked the scenes where Christian was dominating Anastasia. Throughout their long relationship as friends she was always the one with suggestions on what to do and where to go. While they did some of the things he wanted to do, it was more her ideas that they followed up on. Was he sweating as the movie droned on, seeing her being dominated by him?

When Jake watched the part when Anastasia askes Christian to demonstrate how he would "punish" her for rule-breaking, he held his breath for a moment and looked at Angelica, seeing her looking at him. Would she whip his buttocks with a belt and make him count each strike out loud? Jake felt a shiver hit his entire body, thinking about the dream he had a few nights ago.

After that scene, Jake looked at Angelica who seemed deeply into the movie. "That scene reminds of a dream I had the other night." She looked at him as he glanced back and forth from her to the movie. "I was in Mrs. Brown's English class. "You know how strict she could be. Well, I don't know what I did but I dreamed I was standing in front of her desk. She was commenting how I was failing." He saw her eyes now trained on him and not the movie. "You know I always got some of the highest marks in the class but for some reason she wasn't happy. Well after she berated me for a bit, she walked around the desk and told me to drop my pants and put my hands on the desk. For some reason, in my dream, I did as she asked and then she took her yardstick and proceeded to spank me, making me count the hits."

Jake stopped talking, seeing what appeared to him as a strange look on his best friends face. There was a look in her eyes he had never seen before. He shook off the strange feeling and asked, "Have you ever had dreams like that Angelica?"
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IC: Angelica Mason

The movie kept playing, but Angelica was no longer watching. It had provoked certain responses from her of something like a twisted fascination, especially in the scene where Christian Grey introduced Anastasia Steele to his 'red room of pain'. She was lost as thoughts and images stampeded through her mind's eye at the very thought of what she was seeing. It brought back fickle fleeting memories of her dreams of her and Jake. Then Jake put in his own recounting of a dream he'd had of Mrs. Brown from English class.

She listened transported with every word he uttered, and then came the words that would change everything for them both.

"Have you ever had dreams like that Angelica?"

Her eyes opened wide and she turned to look at him and shook her head. "No, never." That was it then, and it was the truth. She had never experienced such dreams before....until... She bit her lip as he reacted and then she looked down at her hands anything not to look him in the eye as she admitted. ".That is...Until...last night..."

she still didn't look at him as she explained further. "But they were really kinda fucked if It was your dream about Mrs. Brown. I would have bend over her desk and I would use my hand to spank you, hard, until your butt was bright red and sore and throbbing, until you were crying from the pain like when you fell out of that tree when we were kids and broke your arm. And the thing is it wouldn't be like in your dream where Mrs. Brown punished you for my dream I'd spank you until you were crying from the pain not because you did anything wrong. I would do it simply because I wanted to..."

Her hands went up and covered her face. "How fucked up is that, Jake?"

"There was one where I wore that white sundress that you said made me look like an angel, remember?" She said recounting what little she could recall of her dreams. "I made you strip naked for me, some kind of stripper. Then I'd tie you to your own bed, naked. I'd bend over and look you in the eye as I reached under my dress and pulled down my panties. I'd lay them on your chest so you'd be able to smell how wet I was for this. Then I'd climb and we'd do it...or I guess I would do it on you. I'd sit on you rolling my hips and lifting them up and down. The sundress kept it all hidden from you, because I didn't want you to see it. You could only feel me squeezing around you. Then I started shaking and swearing...I think I had an orgasm from doing it on you like that. And you were shaking too, but not because you were having an orgasm. You were grunting like in the middle of lifting something really heavy and rolling your head from side to side, and begging me, pleading with me to let you come too. I would just smile down at you and shake my head no. I'd get off of you and kiss you on the cheek and walk away leaving you wet and throbbing and unfulfilled, Jake..."

"You see, how fucked up that is, Jake?" She buried her face in her hands. "I couldn't just let you have an orgasm too. I wanted you to suffer without one."

Her nipples had hardened and stood out clearly through her crop top for him to see, and her legs were tightly held together to hide just how dripping wet recounting her dreams from last night had made her.

"What does that say about me?" She sobbed, "I'm a mean, terrible, awful person."
IC: Jake Waldron

Jake felt like an idiot telling Angelica his dream about Mrs. Brown spanking him with her yardstick when she said she's never had dreams like that. He felt deflated, seeing her bite her lip wondering if he should have kept his mouth shut. What would she think of him? Then a moment later, he saw her staring at her hands and then say, "That is...Until...last night..."

His eyes opened wide, forgetting about the movie, seeing her look away from him as she told him how she would have bent him over the desk and use her hand to spank him. Jake felt a tremor crash through his body, thinking about her, his best friend, spanking him with her bare hand until it was bright red and sore, making him cry from the pain just as he did when he fell out of the tree.

Jake recalled vividly that day when they were playing in a large oak tree. They were ten years old, playing Tarzan and Jane when he slipped and fell. He remembered crying for a long time while Angelica simply looked on as if he shouldn't be showing his weakness. She was always the strong and daring one and now sitting next to him, telling him she would administer the punishment not because he was failing but because she would want to do it. And he knew instantly she would get a lot of pleasure spanking him.

"How fucked up is that, Jake?" He pulled her hands away from her face. "It's not fucked up Angelica ..... it was just a dream and nothing else. We all have weird dreams. Then she added, "There was one where I wore that white sundress that you said made me look like an angel, remember?" "Yes I remember," he said remembering how he felt his cock thicken when he told her at the time, wondering, what she was wearing underneath the dress.
He was shocked when she told him how she would make him strip really slow and she'd tie him to the bed. This was the first time they had talked about sexual dreams and Jake could feel his cock stirring in his jeans as she continued with her dream. Each detail she mentioned was making him forget they were best friends who never did anything sexual together. Where was this leading? Was it because of her birthday? Did she really think of him being naked, tied to the bed and then fucking him?

He felt a shiver run down his spine as she told him about hiding her pussy from his eyes as she rode him until she thought she had an orgasm and him p
leading with her to let him cum but she would get off him and walk out leaving him to suffer at not having an orgasm. He actually found it quite erotic that she was dreaming about him.

"You see, how fucked up that is, Jake? ...... I couldn't just let you have an orgasm too. I wanted you to suffer without one." He saw her hard nipples poking out of the crop top and at that point he wanted her, wanted to feel her breasts in his hands and then kiss them. He put his arm around her drawing her close to him as she told him, "What does that say about me? ...... I'm a mean, terrible, awful person."
He reached to her, cupping her chin and turning her face to him. He stared into her eyes, seeing something he had not seen in her. It was a look of lust. Was it for him? "You are not a terrible ... awful ... person Angelica. What your dream says Angelica is that it was all a dream. We all have dreams that are so different than in real life and just because you had a dream of tying me to a bed, which by the way sounds very sexy and I would not resist. And not wanting me to have an orgasm doesn't mean you'd actually do it."

His words that he found it sexy to be tied to a bed with her riding him rattled around in his head. This was the first time they had ventured into talking about sex with each other. Before today, they teased about boyfriends and girlfriends but never between them. He stopped talking, realizing they have never been more than best friends for ten years. During that time, they had not come on to each other sexually but was that about to change?

He leaned closer to her, his lips mere inches from hers as he said, "I never gave you your birthday kiss." His lips met hers and he felt her arms circle his neck drawing him into a deep kiss. His hand slid from her chin and landed on her breast, feeling the hard nipple and hearing a soft moan into the kiss. It was the first time they had kissed like this and he felt his cock react as she didn't resist to his hand squeezing her breast.

When the kiss broke, they were both breathing a little harder and they just stared into each other's eyes. He waited for her to say something but before she could speak, he had an idea. Standing and pulling her up, he told her, "It's your birthday and what better way to make it more memorable than to give you another gift." He saw her eyes widen as he led her to the pool table. "I forgot to tell you that in my dream, my cock got very hard when she spanked me and then she made me fuck her on her desk." He put his hands on the pool table, his ass facing Angelica.

"Since you had a very vivid dream ...... I want you to spank me for your birthday Angelica ...... please ....... I want to feel your hand on my ass ..... making it red ..... and we have the house to ourselves and I will do whatever makes you happy," he pleaded and then whispered, "whatever your heart desires I will do whatever." He knew if they followed through their relationship would change and he waited to see what she would do next.
IC: Angelica Mason

"What does that say about me?" She sobbed, "I'm a mean, terrible, awful person."

When he should be horrified of her unconscious desires revealed by her confessions of what she had dreamed of doing to him he instead wrapped her up in his arms. Holding her close to his heart she heard him say, "You are not a terrible...awful..person Angelica."

"But my dreams..." She protested.

"What your dream says, Angelica, is that it was all a dream." He cupped her chin to stare into her eyes seeing deep into her to her very core, "We all have dreams that are so different in real life and just because you had a dream of tying me to a bed, which by the way sounds very and I would not resist. And not wanting me to have an orgasm doesn't mean you'd actually do it."

Angelica stared at him her mouth agape. This was the first time they had ever ventured into anything resembling sex between them, even hypothetically. She had never ever considered him as anything other than her best friend. Why was that? To be fair she hadn't really thought about such things with her previous boyfriends. She had only had dated any of those other boys because it was what people expected of her. Yet sexual relations were something she had never understood or felt-that is-until this morning with Jake.

She wanted him, now. She saw that Jake was sexually attractive and she wanted to engage in sex with him. He was just her best friend since second grade...and now she wanted to unspeakably erotic things to him. Deep within her, her dreams had awakened a need, a hunger, for Jake that both frightened and fascinated her.

"I never gave you your birthday kiss." He leaned in close, so close, she could smell the scent of him, shampoo, body lotion, deodorant and the earthy scent of a young virile and potent man.

"Jake," She whispered his name wrapping her arms around the back of his shoulders keeping him close as they sealed the distance between them and the kiss, their first real one, was given birth to.

It was good. It was great. The contact of lips, her tongue slipping inside to wrangle with his stirred the hungry beast deep within her especially when she felt his hand over her breast. She had no idea how erotic a man's hands there could be and it made their kiss more assertive as she took more and more of an aggressive and hungry tenor to their embrace. Then finally it broke and she sat there panting for air as they matched eyes.

Suddenly he pulled them both up onto their feet telling her,
"It's your birthday and what better way to make it more memorable than to give you another gift."

He had pulled them over around the sofa to the pool table behind them. She looked at him eyes widening as she wondered just what he was suggesting here.

"I forgot to tell you that in my dream, my cock got very hard when she spanked me," He explained to her, "And then she made me fuck her on her desk."

He turned away from her facing the pool table and bent at the waist until his head rested on the felt surface and his hands lay flat on it. His denim covered ass was up in the air and pointed right at her. "Since you had a very vivid dream...I want you to spank me for your birthday, Angelica."

"Jake," She gasped staring at his ass as it stood out to her hypnotically, "Are you serious?"

"Please...I want to feel your hand on my ass...making it red." He pleaded with her, "And we have the house to ourselves and I will do whatever makes you happy."

"Jake, are you sure," She asked raising her hand towards that cute tight jean-covered butt. It was trembling, not in fear. She wasn't afraid, not really. She was trembling from the opposite of fear. That hungry, needy, part of her wanted this. Angelica wanted it so so much, but she valued her relationship with Jake so much also. One step. That's all she needed for her hand to touch that butt. One step between her and what she wanted.

"Whatever your heart desires I will do...whatever." He stated devoutly.
(Continued for Length)

IC: Angelica Mason

She bit her lip and took that one step. Her fingers traced over the seams of the pants her palm flat cupping the cute tight little curve. His reaction cause an almost instinctual response of her other hand on the back of his head pressing it hard against the pool table's surface as the hand on his buttock began to explore. "Keep your head down flat, Jake."

Her voice was another person's. She sounded harder, more confident of what she was doing-even though she was completely flying by the seat of her pants here-well, the seat of Jake's pants actually. Her stopped, fingers squeezed the meat of his ass. She wished she could feel it, his skin against hers, and then she realized she could, and nothing could stop her from getting it, not Jake, and not her own flimsy and unimportant inhibitions.

"Don't move, Jake. Stay perfectly still or else." She ordered stepping right behind him right up against that adorable ass. She reached down around his waist. Her fingers working the fastenings of his jeans until they came undone. She hooked her thumbs under it and his underwear pushing them down over his buttocks to his thighs. She stepped back admiring the sight of his bare-naked butt. "Happy birthday to me." She was surprised to hear her singsong with a hungry sexy note to the words.

Her hand touched his back, between the shoulder blade trailing down his spine as she admired how his broad muscular body flowed down to the tight cute little white buttocks being offered up for her enjoyment. "As I recall it's customary on one's birthday to receive a birthday spanking. Eighteen years and then one to grow on, Jake. You'll count them out and ask me for the next one, or I'm going to have to start all over again."

She raised her hand, "If you can't take it and want it to stop. Say the words 'birthday cake', understand?"

Once he showed that he understood her hand came down, hard with a thunderous clap that could be overheard throughout the basement-even over the now forgotten movie still playing on the TV. She watched fascinated with how the blow impacted right on the meaty curve of his right buttock with a ripple of the force radiating from where her hand had landed on it. His reaction was immediate and she had to press down with the hand on his back to keep him in place.

She raised it again waiting for him to start the count at one and ask her for the next one. "I'm waiting, toy."


That was what he was now. Her plaything. Her Toy. She was already soaking her panties with how much this was turning her on.
IC: Jake Waldron and Angelica Mason

Lying over the edge of the pool table, Jake waited for Angelica to say or do something. Her soft sensual voice still ringing in his head, just as they sealed their first kiss, "Jake." This kiss was so different than the ones they shared in the past which were simple pecks on the cheek. Once, their lips met briefly when they were at a school dance, and upon hearing a noise, their heads turned in opposite directions, their lips meeting for only a few seconds. They both backed off quickly, issuing apologies.

He ran his tongue over his lips, tasting her cherry lipstick, savoring the taste and feel. He expected the kiss to be brief but she put her arms around him, pulling him against her. Their tongues tangled and it was a kiss like nothing he had experienced before. He could still feel the softness of her breast when he cupped and massaged it. Lying over the pool table, he recalled how Angelica's embrace tightened and her fingernails scrapping the skin on his back.

But this kiss was anything but an accident. Lately, he had thoughts of kissing her, wondering what it would feel like to really kiss her. A few times he had the chance but he chickened out at the last moment. But this morning was different and he couldn't put his finger on it but something had changed between them. When the opportunity presented itself, he found the courage to give her a real kiss and he enjoyed it.

He was still trying to figure out what possessed him to pull her the pool table, telling her to spank him. Was it the dream of his teacher spanking him and then riding him hard on her desk? Was it the movie, 50 Shades of Grey that ignited something in them? Was it her dream of tying him to the bed and fucking him as if he were a wild stallion needing to be tamed? Whatever it was, their relationship was changing. He had secretly adored her for years but didn't tell her because he was afraid she would laugh at him. Now he was leaning over the pool table his cheek and palms resting on the soft felt covering.

Now he was waiting .... waiting for her to spank him, having given her the green light since it was her birthday. Why was she hesitating? Did he miscalculate? Should he stand and offer an apology, telling her he was sorry? He could feel her presence behind him and then her felt a hand cupping a muscular cheek and he jerked a little, raising his head to turn and look at her. A hand landed on the back of his head pushing it back to the green felt surface.

"Keep your head down flat, Jake." Her voice had taken on a more authoritative sound. The feel of her fingers rummaging over his jeans made his cock thicken and press against the front of the tight jeans. He was about to say something, when her words sent a ominous feeling through him. "Don't move, Jake. Stay perfectly still or else."

His hips swayed a little feeling her hips pressing against his backside as her hands reached around him, fumbling with the button and zipper. He heard her breathing go deeper as she pushed his jeans over his hips, exposing his ass to her. He felt his cock spring free from the jeans and even though he couldn't see it, he knew it was swaying and standing at attention. A smile crossed his face, hearing her sing "Happy birthday to me." The sensual tone in which she sang it reminded him of the video of Marilyn Monroe singing to President John Kennedy in the 60's. It was an iconic video and raised a lot of conversation about them having an affair.

A shiver consumed his entire body when he felt her hand start at his muscular shoulders and make a trail down his spine. A low whispered moan came out as her hand lingered on his waist. He was hoping she would continue and reach between his thighs and feel what she did to him. But instead she said in what he could only imagine was a sarcastic tone. "As I recall it's customary on one's birthday to receive a birthday spanking. Eighteen years and then one to grow on, Jake. You'll count them out and ask me for the next one, or I'm going to have to start all over again."

He waited for the first swat thinking he had asked for this. He was a little nervous but then calmed his fears thinking how small her hands were compared to his. For a brief moment, he smiled and thought her spanking can't be all that bad. His breath was caught in his throat waiting for the first smack. What was she waiting for? And then he felt her leaning over his naked ass, her jeans scrapping against his ass cheeks, hearing her say, "If you can't take it and want it to stop. Say the words 'birthday cake', understand?"
A BDSM video came to mind where the dominatrix told her submissive to pick a word or phrase if the punishment got to the point where they couldn't take any more pain. How in the hell did Angelica know? Did she watch bondage videos too? It was not the right time to ask and he simply said, "yes I understand."

This was new territory for them and he waited for the first slap, figuring this was just a playful game plus with her small hand, how hard could she hit? He figured the first few strikes would be light but would he be able to take all eighteen plus one. It didn't seem insurmountable and they were playing a game, weren't they?

Whatever he thought about her small hand not inflicting pain instantly dissolved when he felt a spike of pain in his right buttock cheek accompanied by a loud sound resounding in the room. It took a moment for his brain to register what happened as his hips jerked forward in response causing his body and head to rise a little off the green felt surface. He felt her hand pressing his shoulders back down to the table top surface as the pain quickly subsided.

'This isn't too bad,' he thought, seeing her staring at him out of the corner of his eyes. Then he saw her gaze switch to his naked ass. Licking his lips, he was about to tell her when he heard words that would forever change their sexual relationship. "I'm waiting, toy."

TOY .... The word tore through his brain like a run away freight train. Did she think he was just a plaything? Somehow the word gave him a chill and thrill as he called out, "ONE! ...... may I have another please?"
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Continued for length
IC: Jake Waldron and Angelica Mason

Closing his eyes, he waited expectantly for the next swat and when it came he felt a sharp pain in his left buttock but he was able to keep his hips from jerking forward. "TWO! ..... may I have another please?"

The pain in his left buttock was similar to the first one, sharp but not lasting. His quick response seemed to please her as another smack hit his right ass cheek. "THREE! ..... may I have another please?"

This one had a bit more sting, feeling a bit more pain. It hurt a little more but it was tolerable. Then just as quickly he felt another sharp pain in his left ass cheek, feeling a bit more pain. "FOUR! ..... may I have another please?"

The third hit on his right ass cheek had more of a lasting sting and he grimaced knowing what he was about to feel on the next strike. "FIVE! ..... please may I have another?"

Angelica wore a smile, rubbing her hand over this right cheek seeing the presence of red. She pulled her arm back and hit the left cheek hard, hearing a slight grunt come from Jake and hearing him call out, "SIX! ...... may I have another please?"

With three smacks already on each cheek she grinned, deciding to change it up a little as strikes seven, eight, nine, and ten landed on his right ass cheek. The redness was starting to glow a bit more and said as she rubbed the reddened cheek, "very good toy ...... would you like more?"

Jake had expected the blows to alternate and was surprised when she directed each smack to his right cheek. He felt a slight burning sensation as he groaned, "yes I want more ..... please may I have more?" As expected the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth were on his left ass cheek and now he felt a burning sensation in that ass cheek as well.

Angelica looked at his reddened left buttock, smiling at her handiwork and couldn't help but touch and rub it just as she had the other cheek. Her panties were soaked and she was breathing a little harder as she asked Jake, "you've been very good so far toy .... are you ready for more?"

Jake wanted to stand but he knew he couldn't. It would ruin everything. This was just like his dream of being spanked by Mrs. Brown but this was not a dream and he was enjoying having his best friend spanking him. His cock felt hard like a pole and his breathing became harder and he grunted knowing the next blows would hurt more. "yes .... please I want more."

It seemed the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth hits were harder and more painful making him grit his teeth, grimace, and let out louder groans. His body was tense, his cock hard and pointing at the floor knowing there were only three more hits. Could he handle it?

He knew his ass was red, knowing hits seventeen and eighteen would hurt the most, sending burning sensations to every nerve ending in his body. He closed his eyes and withstood each smack, grunting and groaning through clenched teeth telling his best friend that he wanted more. His ass felt like it was on fire and he closed his eyes, thinking it was all over.

But then he heard her voice, "and don't forget there is one to grow on." It had been difficult keeping his body prone, lying over the pool table but he had accomplished it. He wasn't prepared for the last smack that made his body lurch forward. Immense pain seared his brain, realizing she had hit him as hard as she could with everything she could muster. His ass felt like someone had lit a blow torch and burned him.

But it was over and he lay panting on the table, feeling her hands on his ass, rubbing the reddened cheeks. What else did she have planned for her birthday? His words, "Whatever your heart desires I will do...whatever." He was her birthday present.
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IC: Angelica Mason

But it was over and he lay panting on the table, feeling her hands on his ass, rubbing the reddened cheeks. What else did she have planned for her birthday? His words, "Whatever your heart desires I will do...whatever." He was her birthday present.

Hearing him announce that made Angelica's heart soar. Her hand still stung from how hard she'd spanked him, and his butt was a bright angry red color, yet Jake had made that promise to her still. It truly touched her. She rested her hand over one of the crimson orbs, and once again marveled at how warm it felt to her touch. She explored his abused buttocks freely. She adored the hitch in his voice from the needles of pain it must make him feel as she did so, but he stood still taking it like a good little toy.

"It must sting, doesn't it, toy?" She giggled after giving the reddened flesh a good pinch, She lowered down to her knees so she was face to face with her handiwork. She leaned in and gave a small kiss on the reddest part of his left buttock. "There. All better now?" She began kissing it again and again, right cheek, left cheek, and so on.

She sensed motion in front of him and pulled back from administering her little kisses to his cute little butt. "Are you still hard, even after going through all that?"

After hearing his affirmative she commanded him. "Turn around. I want to see it."

It was a little awkward for him to do considering his pants were still bunched around his thighs, but Jake somehow managed to comply with her order.

"I've never actually seen one up close like this before." It was indeed still hard, and it stood out proud and stiff before her face. She was only inches away from it. She looked up to meet Jake's eyes. "It's so big. How can it even fit inside me like this, Toy?"

She looked back down to his erection right in front of her face. "This is Jake's thing...his penis...your cock..." She giggled again at the ridiculous word. "Why do people call it that? It doesn't look like a chicken to me at all. It'd be more appropriate to call it an elephant instead."

She looked up into his eyes with a smile saying. "I want to touch it...your toy."

She reached up with her hand staring at it, and slowly, tentatively, put her finger to the tip. She traced the curve of it's crown noting the bead of liquid from the opening there. "It's so soft, yet hard at the same time, and warm too. I love it."

She scooped up some of the liquid on her finger and lifted it to her lips. "Ooooh," She mewed as the flavor of his arousal made her core clench and the gush of her own juices flood even more, "It tastes really good. I want more." She told him.

"Show me how you do it. Reach down and touch it, like you do it...when you.... what's the word...oh yeah...masturbate for me, Jake."

When he reached down took hold of himself, she watched fascinated with the adeptness of someone who knew what they were doing. His hand stroked slow up and down, but too slow...was Jake being hesitant to really get into masturbating in front of her as she watched.

"I know how I can help you, toy." She looked up at him and raised her hands to the crop top peeling the fabric down until her breasts popped free. "Ta da."

"I recall catching you staring at these a few times. Somehow, I didn't think too much about it at the time, but guys are really crazy about these, aren't you?" She said cupping and lifting them up as if she was offering them to him. His hand had picked up speed stroking his elephant, she noted with glee. "Why? They're just my boobs. You know Kimberly on the Cheersquad at school has bigger ones, right? Mine are kinda big, but not really all that impressive. Certainly not in comparison to hers."

"That's right, toy," She told him as his masturbation continued. "I want to see it. Show it to me. Show me the power seeing my boobs has on you." She smiled up at him as his hand flew. "Are you going to do it, Jake? Are you going to shoot your cream. I want it. Give it to me. Shoot it all over these boobs. C'mon, do it, Jake, do it. I want it. Give me another birthday present, now, toy."

When he came he came a lot. She was surprised when it shot out and it splattered across her breasts, and chest, and one shot arced high landing on her face. It covered her cheek and nose and over her lips. After orgasming that hard Jake collapse to his knees catching his breath as she giggled.

"That was amazing. I'm covered in your cream, Jake." She giggled again and licked her lips and was instantly struck as her pussy gushed and clenched. "Oooooh, you taste so good. I think I orgasmed too. At least a little." She proceeded to use her fingers to scoop up what he'd left on her face and chest and lick them up. Each time she did she experienced that joyous gush and clench down there. "I love it, Jake." She cupped and lifted up her breasts so she could lick his come off lick by lick experience a miniature orgasm each time. "I want more."
Jake was breathing hard, feeling the pain in his ass cheeks still burning as his best friend touched, caressed, and then kissed each cheek over and over. While she seemed to be enjoying herself, he felt his cock swaying and wondered what she might have in mind for him. Would she be like Mrs. Brown in his dreams and demand that he get on the table and she would ride him? He wasn't sure what she was thinking when she told him to turn around because she wanted to see his cock.

He felt a little embarrassed letting her see his cock up close for the first time. He remembered the rain incident but that was just a brief view she got of his cock. Now, he as being asked to stand in front of her as she knelt before him. He felt self-conscious standing in front of Angelica listening to her tell him she'd never seen one up close. He looked down at his swaying cock just inches from her face and lips. Just a little thrust of his hips would have caused his cock to rub against her lips.

"It's so big. How can it even fit inside me like this, Toy?" He wanted to sound confident, having seen large cocks in porn videos. "I'm sure it will fit. I would be glad to show you." But she seemed to ignore his reference and seemed, to him, to make fun of the name and then calling his cock, elephant as she looked up at him with a humorous smile. "I want to touch it...your toy."

Jake stood still as his best friend touched the tip and he smiled hearing her say it's soft and hard and she loved it. 'Maybe she's going to push him back on the table,' he thought watching her capture some of his liquid and then taste it, saying
"It tastes really good. I want more."

He felt really embarrassed when she asked him to masturbate. That was something men did in the privacy of their bedrooms and not in front of their best friends. But his words that he would do whatever she wanted because it was her birthday rang loudly in his ears. When he started to stroke it slowly, he could see she knew he was hesitating, saying she knew how she could help him.

A wild shiver tore through him when she exposed her breasts, cupping them, lifting them as if for his inspection. His hand picked up some speed while she rambled on about men wanting to see women's tits. She referred to Kimberly who was really stacked and stating her own boobs were not impressive.

His breathing was getting a bit harder as he gazed on her beautiful breasts, her nipples hard and pointing at him. "I wouldn't say your breasts are not impressive ..... I like the way they look. I'd like to touch and kiss them." He felt a little embarrassed telling her but he had thoughts, late at night after going out with her, about burying his cock between them but he remained silent, stroking is cock and staring at her boobs.

She ignored his comment about touching her breasts and then when she demanded him to cum it spurred him to stroke his cock faster. As he gazed on her half naked body, he began imagining all sorts of erotic sexual fantasies. She was sucking his cock .... they were fucking on the pool table ..... in his bedroom ..... tied to the bed ..... fucking in the kitchen ..... putting his cock between her tits and fucking until he spurted all over her face .... his brain was in overload mode as he listened to her tell him to shoot it all over her boobs. And then he closed his eyes, images rolling around in his brain as he exploded. His cock was shooting ribbons of sperm and when he opened his eyes, he saw his spunk flying and landing all over her tits and face until his balls were depleted.

Each breath was labored, hard, and ragged and after unloading every drop he had, he collapsed to his knees in front of her, seeing her smile and hearing her giggling. He watched as she scooped up his cream and licking her fingers clean telling him she thought she had an orgasm at least a little one. He licked his lips, wishing it was his lips as he watched her lift her breasts, licking his cum off and saying, "I love it, Jake. I want more."

Jake wasn't sure how to take her request. Whenever he masturbated in bed, he was usually done after an orgasm. There were a few exceptions when, after watching a really good sensual porn video, he was still horny. But he hadn't done that in a long time. But now, here he was listening to his very sexy best friend telling him she wanted more and he knew he would do anything to give her what she wanted. It was her birthday!

"I want to give you more. I may need a little help from you Angelica. I can't just will my cock to get hard so soon after an orgasm."

He saw her look at his now limp cock and then glance down at her tits. "You need to help me clean up first," he heard her say as she grabbed his head with her hands, pulling it between her breasts and telling him to finish cleaning up his mess. He saw a
small residue of his cum between her tits. He started to lean forward when he felt her hands on his head pulling it toward her tits, hearing her tell him to lick the rest of his creamy cum off her. Jake didn't resist her, how could he; he was her toy. As he licked his cum from her skin, he wondered what else she had in store for him.

Pushing his head back, he saw what could only be describe was pure lust in her eyes. He saw her eyes scan his body, looking down at his limp cock. He knew he had to do something or the spell between them would be broken. Their relationship was purely friendly before today but now that she spanked him and told him she wanted more, he knew things between them would never be the same.

Kneeling in front of her, he put his hands behind his back like he had seen some submissive males do in porn videos and stared at her gorgeous tits before lifting his eyes to hers. "As your toy, tell me what you want me to do to make my cock hard and to please you." He glanced down at her jeans seeing a big wet spot caused by her orgasm. "Tell your toy what you want and he will do it for you. Do you want me to lick your pussy or maybe you want to suck your toys cock until he's hard and ready to fuck you?"

Jake couldn't believe what he was saying to his best friend as he saw her thinking, a smirk widening on her face. What was she thinking? "Please tell your toy what you need so he can satisfy you ....."
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IC: Angelica Mason

"That was amazing. I'm covered in your cream, Jake." She giggled again and licked her lips and was instantly struck as her pussy gushed and clenched. "Oooooh, you taste so good. I think I orgasmed too. At least a little." She proceeded to use her fingers to scoop up what he'd left on her face and chest and lick them up. Each time she did she experienced that joyous gush and clench down there. "I love it, Jake." She cupped and lifted up her breasts so she could lick his come off lick by lick experience a miniature orgasm each time. "I want more."

"I want to give you more. I may need a little help from you Angelica. I can't just will my cock to get hard so soon after an orgasm."

She pouted at this. Her girlfriends in the cheerleading squad, like Kimberly, often complained about how their boyfriends were usually done after the first time. She found it very disappointing to discover Jake was one of those boys. It wasn't fair, of course. It was silly and irrational, and she should be more considerate of Jake's feelings, and she should rise above such childish feelings...but she wanted more of his cock and his come now.

Then a sudden, wild idea bubbled up, and she giggled as she said, "You need to help me clean up first." She then reached up and grabbed his head and pulled him face first into her perky breasts still sticky with his come. She giggled like a schoolgirl at the teasing. "Lick every drop you can find off of me, Toy."

She cooed when she felt his tongue on the bare skin in the valley between her breasts. This was the first time she and Jake had done such a thing as this. She should be afraid of how fast this was all going, but she was on a rollercoaster right now and could only just hang on for the wild ride with her sudden erotic impulses unleashed bubbling up in her mind it seemed. As soon as it manjfested she was acting on it without self-filtering. She trusted Jake like no one else she knew. Of anyone in the world to explore these aspects of her burgeoning sexuality with she'd only ever choose him above anyone else.

She pulled his head away from her chest his face covered in saliva and the remnants of his own spend from earlier. Angelicia stared down into her eyes as naughty, naughty ideas percolated through her mind's eye of what she could do to her toy next. She didn't go anywhere near wondering what this meant to their relationship. Angelica was firmly stuck in the here and now.

"Oh Jake, I have so many ideas running through my head," She murmured into those eyes staring up wide and vulnerable into hers, "There's so many dirty things I've never thought of before, but want to try out with you, to you, for you...I don't know where to begin, but I do know I need your thing...your toy...hard and stiff and big again to start, understand?"

She saw recognition blossom in those eyes and noted how he pulled his hands behind his back. It was an action that caused a thrill, a shiver, to course down her spine to induce a fresh gush of her juice from her very wet and very very neglected tight little virgin pussy. He looked up into her eyes and calmly said to her in turn,
"As your toy, tell me what you want me to do to make my cock hard and to please you."

"I don't know, Jake," She admitted to him, "I've never done anything like this before...there's things, wild and scary things I can think of, but...I want it to be first time with you."

He glanced down at her jeans seeing a big wet spot caused by her orgasm. "Tell your toy what you want and he will do it for you. Do you want me to lick your pussy or maybe you want to suck your toys cock until he's hard and ready to fuck you?"

Those suggestions caused frissons of arousal to shoot through her as images of them doing just that formed in her mind's eye. She smirked as one became more solid, more enticing to her.

"Please," He added desperate for direction from her...his...his mistress-yeah, she liked the sound of that. "Tell your toy what you need so he can satisfy you ....."

"I want you to get up and lie down on top of the pool table, toy." She said in a tone that made her feel giddy over how firm and commanding she'd made it, "Take your pants off if that helps, but be quick about it, or else." She had no idea what or else meant but the possibilities flying through her head was making her gush more and more.

When he had done what she'd ordered and now lay naked on his father's pool table face up with his spent and rather lazy cock laying limp and useless on his belly. She stood facing away from him and looked over her shoulder back at him as Angelica bent over pulling her own jeans down and off of her. Still bent over she smiled at him as she hooked her thumbs under the elastic of her panties and pushed them down next. "You know, I've never done this before, Jake."

Naked, save for the sandals on her feet she held the panties she'd been wearing still moist with a big wet spot from her arousal over his head. It was very fragrant, and she was certain it was close enough that it took possession of his nostrils fully. "You know that I've had a couple boyfriends before, right?"

"But I've never let them get this far ever before, Jake." She continued climbing up onto the felt surface of the pool table he lay upon. "So I've never actually done it with a guy before. I want it to be something special, and I want the first one to be you, toy."

Her cheeks had reddened, and a blush colored her stern face as she laid her soaked panties over his face. "I want your cock to be the one to take my virginity, but I need it hard and stiff to do that Jake."

She climbed over him with her knees on either side of his head. She faced his feet and could see his young muscular teenaged body laid out on the pool table before her. Her toy open for her entertainment. She knelt over his face covered with her soaked through panties. He could see over them straight up to the place those panties had covered on her just moments before. It was a place no boy had ever seen of her ever before, but Jake was staring up at it now. "Do you see it, toy?"

She looked down at him staring up at it. She reached down and parted the lips open for him. Some of the moisture from her fell landing on her panties over his nose. "I want it right here. I want it hard, Jake. I want it to last, and I want it to be something special we'll remember for years to come."

She lowered it to right over his face. "Do you want to touch it? Do you want to taste it?"

Before he could respond she pulled away. "Well, you're not gonna, Toy. Not until you get your cock hard again...I want to see you stroke it again."
IC: Jake Waldron

Jake heard her demand and felt an excited shiver wash over his body. "I want you to get up and lie down on top of the pool table, toy ...... Take your pants off if that helps, but be quick about it, or else." He stood up, wondering what she meant by "or else." Quickly pushing his pants off and stepping out of them he saw her greedy eyes fixated on his soft cock as if she were mesmerized by it.

Climbing onto the pool table he felt a little anxious. What did Angelica have in mind? Whatever it was, he knew he would go along with her request. It was her birthday and he was caught up in something he couldn't explain. This morning when they were watching the movie, everything seemed normal between the same ole Jake and Angelica spending a quiet day together. But something happened during the movie that seemed to have brought out some deep hidden desires in each of them. And now, it was as if they were on a train that had no stops, just barreling forward toward the final destination. As he lay on the table, watching Angelica stand and look at his naked body, he wondered what was the final destination?

His right hand reached for his flaccid cock, slowly stroking it as if trying like hell to get it hard again. That's what she wanted ..... his cock rock hard. She gazed at his body and then he saw her turn away from him, looking back over her shoulder while she bent over slipping her jeans over her hips, revealing a nice set of ass cheeks. He felt tingling sensations in his balls when she stripped off her underwear, saying "You know, I've never done this before, Jake."

"I know," he replied seeing her holding the soaked panties in one hand but Jake's eyes were focused on her nakedness. Her perky breasts with hard nipples pointing at him were amazing. His eyes wandered to her shaven mound, seeing some glistening moisture coating her lips and feeling another twinge of lust in his cock.

His eyes moved upward to the panties she was now holding over his head, seeing a large wet spot that was evidence of her excitement when she spanked him. The distinct smell of her arousal met his nostrils and he sniffed in deeply, enjoying the rich aroma as she snickered,
"You know that I've had a couple boyfriends before, right?"
How could he not know she had some boyfriends? They shared almost everything and while he knew she had a couple of boyfriends, she also knew he had some girlfriends. Between the two of them, their boy and girl friends never seemed to last long. Usually after a short courting with other people, they found themselves back together again going on friendly outings. At least that's what they called them.

"Yes I know you've had a couple of boyfriends," he responded wondering where this was going.

"But I've never let them get this far ever before, Jake." He saw her climbing up onto the table her breasts swaying seductively, wondering what she was going to do. Was she going to help him get his cock hard and then what? Her voice was dripping with seduction and he felt a huge surge of lust when she spoke. "So I've never actually done it with a guy before. I want it to be something special, and I want the first one to be you, toy."

He felt his cock thicken and jerk at her admission she was a virgin and he let out a small moan with the thought that she wanted him to be the first one to plunge his cock into her pussy. He stroked his cock a bit faster trying to wish it to get hard, fast.

He sniffed at the soiled panties when she placed them on his face, smelling the rich aroma of her sex. Squeezing his cock, trying to will it to ger hard again, he inhaled her fragrance, hearing her say, "I want your cock to be the one to take my virginity, but I need it hard and stiff to do that Jake."

"I'm trying," he groaned feeling his cock thicken a little more but it was no where rock hard. He again thought she might help him get it hard as she knelt above his prone body. But instead of leaning over his body and grabbing his cock, he saw her settle over his face, one knee on either side of his head, his eyes staring at the shaved pussy lips, seeing moisture dripping from inside.

"Do you see it, toy?"
"Yes I see it ..... it's beautiful..... " he stammered, at a loss for words. He let out a soft moan when she put her fingers on her soft lips and pried them open, revealing the pink skin and clit. Another tremor rocked his body and he squeezed his cock harder, hearing her tell him where she wanted his hard cock.

"I want it right here. I want it hard, Jake. I want it to last, and I want it to be something special we'll remember for years to come." When she lowered her hips until his eyes were almost touching her moist skin, he felt some of her juices drop onto her panties. "Do you want to touch it? Do you want to taste it?"

"Uhhh ...... ye..... " but his response was cut short when Angelica said in a very stern tone, "Well, you're not gonna, Toy. Not until you get your cock hard again...I want to see you stroke it again."

He had been squeezing and stroking his cock, knowing she was watching him, waiting for the muscle to grow to full length and girth. He couldn't see her face but her pussy was swaying just inches above his face. The thought of having sex with Angelica and taking her virginity, excited and scared him at the same time. Excited to do something he had thought about late at night. And scared, hoping he could last long and make her happy.

The sight of her pussy and the smell of her sex on her panties was exciting and his hand moved up and down faster. Maybe he was trying too hard as his cock seemed to get to a certain point and stop thickening and growing. It had been a few minutes and he wondered if it ever was going to get hard for her.

He couldn't see her but he felt her body shifting, feeling her hands on either side of his hips and her hard nipples scraping across his abdomen. She was bending over him and all he could think about was her mouth on his cock. Was she going to help him? And with her body leaning over his, it seemed to help his efforts and then he saw her pussy getting closer to his face.

"I want to taste you," he called out through the damp panties and thought he heard a soft chuckle. And then he felt her pussy on his nose and then on her damp panties. She was rubbing her pussy against his face on her panties. This is not what he wanted. He wanted her bare pussy rubbing against his mouth so he could push his tongue into her crevice and lick her clit and hear her moaning. But she seemed to be content to just tease him.

Pushing his tongue into the damp panties, feeling her hips moving slowly back and forth, wishing he had the real thing sliding on his face. He felt his cock begin to thicken more and then he moaned when he felt a warm stream of air caressing the head of his cock. His hips jerked, envisioning her mouth hovering just over his cock. Why won't she just take my into her mouth and finish making him hard?

His whole body felt like it was on fire, knowing he was getting very close. He could feel the veins popping from the skin and then he felt moisture ..... she was spitting on his cock making it slick. That was doing the trick. He could feel blood flowing into his cock and his balls filling with sperm. His body began to squirm on the table and she had to know he was there ..... at full mast ..... ready to do her bidding.

The word "mistress" popped into his head and he wondered if that would spark Angelica to let him lick and suck her pussy. It was her birthday and they were playing this game. Why not play as though she was his mistress. "Mistress .... please let me lick your pussy ..... my cock is hard just as you demanded." There was a moment where he felt her body freeze and wondered if maybe he said the wrong thing.
IC: Angelica Mason

Before he could respond she pulled away. "Well, you're not gonna, Toy. Not until you get your cock hard again...I want to see you stroke it again."

Angelica bent over him staring down at his flaccid cock. It didn't look as big or as intimidating to her now. It didn't look as cute to her either. Yet, that said however, she was still fascinated as she watched Jake's hand reach down and take hold of his...cock.

She loved how that word sounded over her tongue, or how it sounded in her mind's ear. It was so crass, and indelicate. Such a name was the epitome of masculinity to her. She found it sexy and arousing.

She was mesmerized watching him hold his cock. The way his fingers curled around it in a firm but easy grasp. She watched fascinated as he stroked it the base of it up to the tip giving it a little bit of a corkscrewing motion.

"Is this how you do it, Jake?" She asked him breathlessly. "When you're all alone and you start to masturbate? Is it like this? Do you think of me when you do this?"

She oohed as she noticed his throbbing cock grow a little stiffer and bigger as his hand pumped it like that. She glanced back at him, "Are you thinking about doing it with me right now? Is that what is making it start getting big and hard again, Toy?"

"Stroke faster for me, Toy," She found herself ordering as she hunched bent down even more for a closer look. Her face was a mere inch away from the tip getting a front row view of him jacking off his rapidly growing erection. "I want to see it, Jake."

She watched him stroke it, and it get bigger and stiffer. "What do you want, Jake?"

"I want to taste you." He called out behind the panties she'd laid over his face. Taste her? She thought about that. Several of her girlfriends often talked about their boyfriends 'going down on them' or 'eating them out'. Some said it was the greatest experience ever, and some called it merely okay....based on the boys' eagerness and skill at doing it to them. She wondered if Jake would be any good at it.

In the meantime, his cock was right in front of her face as his hand masturbated it for her cutting off that train of thought, "Good boy, toy. Keep at it. I want it to get bigger and harder. I want to see it."

There was a bead of clear liquid welling up at the little slit at the very tip. "I want to taste it." Acting out on the impulse she reached out with her tongue and swept the tip over the slit collecting the liquid pooling there and pulling it back in to enjoy the taste of the clear liquid as it rolled down over her tastebuds.

"Mmmm," She cooed, "Soooo good. I want more." Her hips rocked in an unconscious need to find something to fill the growing urgency of a unexplored by fingers, tongue, or cock little pussy.

"You said you wanted to taste me too, right, Jake?" She said lowering down to where that virgin pussy was a hairsbreadth from sitting on the panties laid over his mouth. "I want my pussy to taste as good on your tongue as your liquid did on mine."

She lowered it down and set herself on the panties over her face. She moved to get comfortable and discovered that his chin, and lips, and nose did amazing things to her if she dragged that little button of a 'clit' over them. "Ohh, Jake. Your face was made for my pussy to sit on and ride." She began sawing her 'clit' back and forth over them rubbing her soaked panties down into his face. She squealed when she felt his tongue through the fabric push between the lips of her 'pussy' .

He moaned and she gasped as his cock noticeably throbbed and thickened. She was beginning to drool watching it get bigger and harder up close like this, and suddenly without questioning it she collected that saliva and spat it onto his cock.

That did something to him because Jake was now squirming his hand stroking his cock. He was big again, thick, and full now. Throbbing in anticipation for what she'd do next. She just stared at it transfixed. Jake's cock was magnificent, beautiful. It looked positively delicious to Angelica.

Was he about to burst?

"Mistress," The word he called her did something wonderful and awe inspiring to her deep down the second he uttered it. Then he continued beseeching her, "Please let me lick your cock is hard just like you demanded."

She stopped then at his words. A cascade of impulses battling in her head. She had no idea where most of these were coming from. Some were centered around somehow denying Jake, and others involved indulging his desire for her pussy. She bit her lip reaching between them and ripping the panties from his face and throwing them to the floor. Her pussy settled back down now directly onto his mouth, but now completely seating herself onto him and wriggling her sex into it as her face screwed up into a lewd expression, "Eat my pussy, toy. I want you to taste my liquids like I did yours. I want you to crave it like I do for yours. Get it in there, now. Make your mistress come around your tongue."

Her hand covered his stilling it from stroking his erection anymore. "I want to do it." She exclaimed parting her lips and sealing the tip of his beautiful cock in a kiss. Her tongue lapped the yummy clear juice welling up from the slit there. and her cheeks hollowed as she tried to suck up more of it out of his cock like drinking a delicious beverage up through a straw. The hand over his directed him to stroked his shaft in a slow pace as she did.
IC: Jake Waldron

"Is this how you do it, Jake? .......... When you're all alone and you start to masturbate? Is it like this? Do you think of me when you do this?"

Jake tried to answer through the wet panties covering his face but his response was muffled. "Yes ...... yes I think of you," he said as a partial lie. Yes, he thought of her but not exclusively but that may change after this special birthday for Angelica. Laying in his bed at night he also thought of her friends Jennifer, Molly, and Crystal while stroking his cock. They were all hot just like Angelica but it wasn't until recently when he started really thinking of her. He resisted imagining his best friend because he thought it bad to think of her in that way. But recently, his thoughts turned to more erotic thoughts as he lay in bed late at night and thoughts of sex interfered with his sleep.

When she asked, "Are you thinking about doing it with me right now? Is that what is making it start getting big and hard again, Toy?"

With her pussy so close to his face even though he couldn't see it because of her soaked panties covering it, he was thinking of her wanting to fuck her. He wasn't sure if she could hear his muffled voice but he answered, "Yes I'm thinking of doing it with you." Maybe she heard him or maybe not but her next words sounded so dominant and he could feel her hot breath on the tip of his cock.

"Stroke faster for me, Toy, ........ I want to see it, Jake."

Jake waited pensively after he answered her question about what did he want and he answered that he wanted to taster her. It seemed like minutes passed before he heard her speak. He was hoping for her to pull the wet panties off his face but the answer was not what he was hoping for. "Good boy, toy. Keep at it. I want it to get bigger and harder. I want to see it."
Instead of him getting to taste her pussy, he heard her soft voice saying
"I want to taste it." It was as if he gave her an idea and then he felt her tongue slicing over the slit and his hips jerked a little and his cock got harder. He heard her voice filled with excitement, "Mmmm," She cooed, "Soooo good. I want more."

Jake felt her hips move, her panties moving slightly and feeling it press against his face. He wanted the real thing and not just her panties sliding on his mouth. He wanted to plunge his tongue into her and thought it might happen when she called out,
"You said you wanted to taste me too, right, Jake? ................. I want my pussy to taste as good on your tongue as your liquid did on mine."

"Yes I want your to taste your pussy." The words slipped from his lips as he felt a weight pressing down on his face. But it wasn't her flesh he felt; it was her pussy moving back and forth against wet panties and hearing her cooing, "Ohh, Jake. Your face was made for my pussy to sit on and ride."

If he couldn't have her real flesh to feast on, he would do the next best thing. Sticking his tongue out as far as it would reach, he felt how the thin lace offered little resistance from feeling the real thing. When he felt her pressing harder against his face, his tongue split her lips open and he heard a loud squeal of pleasure. He was sure he touched her love button.

The feel of her pussy on his tongue and the sudden wetness on his cock finished making his cock rock hard again. His fingers squeezed his cock, sliding more easily with the moisture. The word mistress slipped from his lips and as he asked to lick her pussy, he wondered why he used that word ..... mistress. He had heard it used in some porno videos in the context of a woman having superior control over a man or woman.

Everything seemed to stop. Her hips stopped pressing against his face. His hand stopped stroking his cock. Did the utterance of the word mistress cause the stoppage? Was she going to stop everything and get off him? It seemed a million thoughts flew around in his head. She was moving on top of him and he felt her hand snake between their bodies.

The next thing he knew he was looking close up at his first pussy in the flesh. He had seen woman's pussies on porn videos but never one up so close and personal. The soft lips guarded the entrance, her honey glistening on them made his cock twitch. He didn't get an extended viewing of her pussy, seeing it move swiftly to cover his face and hearing, "Eat my pussy, toy. I want you to taste my liquids like I did yours. I want you to crave it like I do for yours. Get it in there, now. Make your mistress come around your tongue."
He half-smiled hearing her use the word, mistress. Evidently she was getting into this wonderful birthday game. Jake wasted no time extending his tongue between the soft outer lips, really tasting her juices for the first time. Venturing forth, his tongue slid along the inner layer of silky skin until it made contact with a small button-like object. He knew he hit the jackpot when her hips suddenly bucked away and then settled back down on his face. When his tongue touched it again, he got the same response, her hips jerking away only to return.

He felt her hand on his, holding it steady, not allowing him to stroke his cock. And then he heard her call out, "I want to do it." It was his turn for his hips bounce upward when he felt her soft lips kiss the tip of his cock and then feeling her lips tighten around it and begin sucking on it while he felt her hand, moving his hand, slowly stroking his cock.

Jake was in heaven. This was a first for him to have a very beautiful pussy on his lips for him to lick and suck. And he was pretty sure this was the first time for Angelica. Yeah, they both dated other people. He had touched other girls breasts through their blouses and bras but never had the chance to touch any other private part. He was pretty sure Angelica may have touched some boys cock through their trousers and was pretty sure they both would have known if the other gone further with anyone else.

Her words of wanting him to make his mistress cum bounced around in his head. While one hand was being held captive by Angelica, stroking his cock, his other hand was free. Grabbing her ass cheek with it, he was strong enough to stop her hips from bucking hard when his tongue hit the magic spot. His fingers dug into the soft buttock, holding it steady and against him, allowingis tongue to go searching.

Slipping down along the silky pink skin, he stopped at her opening, tasting the juices flowing from within. "Mmmm you taste great mistress," he cooed lapping up the secretions. Extending his tongue, he swirled it around the opening, teasing it until his tongue slipped inside, hearing her loud squeal. He thought of his tongue as a small cock and began to tongue fuck her hole, feeling her hips gyrating on his face.

Her pussy, smashing against his face was beyond wonderful ..... it was absolutely magnificent. He was enthralled with Angelica's pussy, teasing her hole where he wanted to stick his cock and then sliding his tongue up along the silky skin to tease her clit. And her clit was like the center of her sexual universe. Every time he touched it with his tongue, her body quivered and bucked but always came back for more stimulation. He sensed she was getting closer to an orgasm as the pace of her hips got more energetic, more demanding.

And while he was concentrating on pleasuring her pussy, he felt her lips begin to take more of his cock into her mouth. He never anticipated this type of birthday celebration when he saw her at his door. His cock was now rock hard, standing at attention, feeling her teeth scrap along the tip, causing his hips to buck like hers did. His breathing became heavier, as the sensations she was imparting on his cock increased.
IC: Angelica Mason

Her hand covered his stilling it from stroking his erection anymore. "I want to do it." She exclaimed parting her lips and sealing the tip of his beautiful cock in a kiss. Her tongue lapped the yummy clear juice welling up from the slit there. and her cheeks hollowed as she tried to suck up more of it out of his cock like drinking a delicious beverage up through a straw. The hand over his directed him to stroked his shaft in a slow pace as she did.

It was so good. This was heaven. She had her lips on the tip of Jake's penis-his cock-she was beginning to fall in love with the sound of that word. It wasn't just the sound of the name she loved about it, but she loved the taste and texture of it against her lips and tongue. She could do this forever and be content, but...but there were so many rather crazy and enticing things bubbling up into her imagination right now. Things she would never have even contemplated before, but now...she wanted to try them all on Jake, right fucking now.

His tongue was doing distractingly amazing things to Angelica's girly place-her pussy-she loved the sound of that word too. Feeling his tongue diving between her lips and then he found a place at the top of the lips, a nubbin, that once touched by his tongue she jolted at sudden spike of sensation shooting through her. She pressed her sex back down onto his face yearning for more. It was so soooo good. She loved it. She loved this. She loved doing it with Jake, She loved making love with her best friend.

Oh god, here she was kissing the tip of Jake's cock as he 'went down' on her pussy. This was crazy. She would never have even contemplated doing any of these things with him before today, but she couldn't pull away now. His tongue and mouth was doing such magic to her, and whatever spell he was performing upon her it was quickly coming to an explosive culmination. She could feel it...something...powerful and volcanic rising...being fed by Jake's wonderfully delicious attentions to her pussy down there.

"Oh toy...ooooh..yesss!" She exclaimed pulling away from his cock now fully hard, "Oh Jake. Make it happen. I want to come even harder than when I licked your come off my breasts. Ooooh...Jaaaake!!!!"

She screamed at the top of her lungs grinding her pussy down onto his face as it erupted out from her. Her body shook and quivered flooding his mouth and face with her juices staining the surface of the pool table as the orgasm was unleashed at last, and what a whopper it was. Her eyes rolled up into her head as everything was painted blurry white for several eternal heartbeats. Then she collapsed rolling off him.

When her eyes opened back up it had been a few minutes and she looked up into Jake's concerned face. She smiled dreamily and giggled with utter contentment. "I want more, Jake."

She reached out a hand fingers tracing his hard cock. It was hot and throbbed under her fingertips. To him she ordered. "Do it now, toy. Put it in me...slow...I don't want it to hurt too much. Losing it should be something special not full of pain." She opened her legs wide for him. "Come on. Make me a woman."
Jake could feel Angelica's body becoming more out of control, bouncing each time he touched her clit with his tongue. Some boys in school talked about the sweet taste of eating pussy and Jake always wondered what it would be like. And now on this day, his best friends birthday, he was getting a taste of her pussy and he absolutely loved it.

It was getting harder to hold her down with one hand as her body began to quiver and shake every time his tongue flicked at the slipper pearl. Pulling his other hand away from his cock, it gave him more leverage to hold her down. And it was a good thing he did as her body seemed to be out of control and he heard her loud demand,
"Oh toy...ooooh..yesss! ............. Oh Jake. Make it happen. I want to come even harder than when I licked your come off my breasts. Ooooh...Jaaaake!!!!"

His hands held on tightly to her ass, feeling as though an earthquake was about to hit; her body shook violently, quivering, shaking, and bouncing wildly as a torrent of her juices washed his face. There was so much fluid flowing from her pussy that it ran down his cheeks onto the soft green felt. He tired to drink as much as he could, continuing to lick and suck the savory delicacy. He wondered if the river of juices were ever going to stop and each time his tongue touched her clit, her body jerked until she pulled away and rolled off him.

Wiping her nectar from his lips with the back of his hand, he heard her heavy breathing, seeing her breasts rising and falling with each deep breath. He rolled toward her, his fully hard cock scraping the side of her face as he got to his knees, staring down at his best friend. His cock was waving in the air as he looked down at her, her eyes closed and her breathing ragged, wondering if everything was alright.

He smiled when her eyes opened and was about to ask if she was ok when he saw her smile and heard her giggle, "I want more, Jake." He was speechless for a moment, seeing her fingers tracing his hard cock. He wondered what was going to happen as he was a virgin and had no experience with women. He and Angelica, were best friends but what was happening today was changing their relationship and right now he was taking in her naked breasts heaving up and down with each breath as her fingertips slid along his veiny cock.

And then she announced in a very demanding voice.
"Do it now, toy. Put it in me...slow...I don't want it to hurt too much. Losing it should be something special not full of pain." He saw her legs spread wide open and in the same demanding tone, added, "Come on. Make me a woman."

Her voice was firm and demanding, her eyes staring at him and then at his cock. She knew he was a virgin too but that didn't seem to matter. She wanted him to break her cherry. He knew there was no cherry but it was a common term used by the boys in school who boasted of having sex with a girl for the first time. Jake thought of some comments about the girls crying because it hurt and he hoped he would not hurt his best friend.

Kneeling between Angelica's thighs he looked at her pussy, seeing some of her juices still glistening on the lips. He felt his cock throb and he wondered how it would feel once he was inside her. Glancing up, he saw her piercing eyes staring at him as he rubbed the tip of his cock over her lips like he had seen in some porn videos.

Once he had it aligned, he placed his hands on either side of her and slowly pushing his hips forward, feeling some resistance. Was that the cherry? But then the bulging head of his cock, pushed past the muscles guarding her opening and popped inside. "Ooooohhhhh mmmmmm," he moaned feeling the intense heat of her sex permeating into the head.

He heard her soft moan and pushed further finding another barrier. Was this the cherry? Whatever was inside her was stopping his cock from making further advances. He saw her face wince with what appeared to be pain as he pushed a little harder, hearing her groan louder and then it was like breaking through a wall, feeling his cock slide deeper inside her, hearing an even louder groan.

Her eyes were glued to his face and it seemed she was in a different universe as his cock cock advanced. The further he entered her, the more intense the heat and he felt a gigantic shiver of sensations course through his body. His cock twitched and throbbed as it lay inside her and he was breathing hard. This was it ..... he was not a virgin any longer and he made her a woman.
Jake saw her mouth open as her hands grab onto his shoulders and he felt his cock fully inside her. His hips began to grind against her hips. "Did your toy do ok?" he asked hoping he didn't hurt her.
IC: Angelica Mason

She reached out a hand fingers tracing his hard cock. It was hot and throbbed under her fingertips. To him she ordered. "Do it now, toy. Put it in me...slow...I don't want it to hurt too much. Losing it should be something special not full of pain." She opened her legs wide for him. "Come on. Make me a woman."

Angelica wanted this, genuinely wanted this. She wanted it down to the very core of her being. Jake was the only person she wanted to be her first, and she wanted so deeply to be his first in turn. She wanted his cock to be the first one to drive her to orgasm like before around it. She wanted her pussy to be the first one to drive him to orgasm deep within.

She sounded firm and demanding, she knew, but the truth was that she was feeling more desperate and helpless than confident or in anywhere near in charge. Still, she watched him react to her plea as if it was a command from the goddess he worshipped. Such a good boy.

He moved on the pool table to between her spread thighs. He looked down at her glistening wet sex and then back up to her eyes. "Do it, toy. Now."

He leaned over her so his hands were on either side of her and his face hovered over hers. He rubbed the tip against her never-before-breached lips then looked back up to her eyes. She hoped he could see the desire and the need being lit within them for this moment to occur.

She looked back into his eyes and ordered, "Do it now, Jake. I want you to do it, give it to me, now."

Her hands curled around her shoulders staring into his eyes as he pushed his hips forward and she felt the blunt tip of his cock pressing against her lips pushing them open around it. She gasped as it slowly pushed a little more deeper.

"Ooooohhhhh," She heard him gasp as his cock stretched the lips of her open for the whole head to move past "mmmmmm,"

Angelica bit her lip but couldn't hold back her own moan in return feeling how much he was stretching her wide open and he hadn't even gotten the whole thing in all the way yet. Then he butted against something that made her fingers clutch his shoulders tighter and her mouth hang open on a cry stuck in her lungs as pain lanced through her from the barrier that guarded her maidenhood. He pressed against it again and she groaned out loud as nails dug into his shoulders. Then it gave way ripping an even louder moan out of her as he pushed past it, nails dragging down his shoulders as he did.

Her whole world was the cock plowing deeper into her folds as she stared into Jake's eyes lost to the world outside this basement. He was being slow, and gentle, and considerate, and it still hurt, but the pain was not all there was. What was the sensation behind the pain....the best word she could come up for it felt...right to her, somehow?

He was breathing hard concentrating so completely on this task she had ordered him to undertake for her, and staring into her eyes as she stared into hers. It was beautiful, incredible, and exhilarating. She never felt such perfect connection to another person before.

Then he was fully seated inside and he experimentally ground against her while he was inside her all the way. She seized up at cavalcade of sensation that caused to rampage throughout her body at that.

He asked her seeking approval,
"Did your toy do ok?"

In response she moaned out, "So big!" Her legs curled up around his hips crossing her ankles over his buttocks. "Don't're so big inside me."

They stayed like that for a long moment staring into each other's eyes with his cock all the way inside her pussy as she adjusted to just how freaking big he was. Then as she was beginning to feel more accustomed to this, she lifted her head off the surface of the table and locked her lips with hers in a soul-searing kiss. Her hands scratched a trail down to reddened and sore buttocks. She broke the kiss pulling his bottom lip between her teeth as her nails dug into the pained flesh of his ass before she released his lip. "Now, toy, slowly, do it, a little bit out, and slowly back in. Make me feel every inch, Jake."

He complied.... oh lord, did he comply with her orders. It felt sore, but a good sore. In fact the sensation of pain was fast fading leaving only the goodness of doing it...they were making love, having sex, they were 'fucking'! She was finally a woman, now!

He was slow and tender with her, and it made the moment all the more special, and magical. She felt so in tune, and connected with Jake at that moment. Which is why she somehow knew exactly when he was about to orgasm. "Don't you dare, toy! Hold on for me. That's an order!" She growled into his ear. "I'm almost there. You've done so well so far. Don't ruin it now. You make me come, Jake. Hold it so we can come at the same time. That's an order from your mistress."
Seeing the look of pain on her face and hearing her hurtful groan, he felt he needed to get her approval that he didn't hurt her, "Did your toy do ok?"

He smiled when she moaned, "So big!" And then he felt her legs curl around his hips, her ankles hooking together over his ass and telling him, "Don't're so big inside me."

He knew she was a virgin like him and felt a sense of pride that she thought he had a big stick. The guys in school couldn't help but compare sizes when they were in the shower after football or gym. His member was similar in size when flaccid, as the other jocks. He never got into a discussion about size when some of the guys like Gary, Bill, and Ed talked about having sex with the cheerleaders. They would go on about how the girls loved seeing their big long cocks. He didn't know if what they were saying was true or not and knowing Angelica was friends with some of the girls. Did she hear any of the girls talking?

With his cock embedded deep inside her, he obeyed her request, not moving but feeling the intense heat of her sex; it felt so good and then she shifted a little and he wasn't sure what was happening. But when she lifted her head and gave him a kiss he would remember for a long time, he moaned into the kiss, feeling her fingernails scraping along each side until they reached his ass cheeks. As the kiss deepened, he felt the muscles surrounding his cock begin to pulse almost as if she were squeezing a bottle to get at its contents.

He winced, feeling sharp pain when she broke the kiss, nipping his lower lip with her teeth and simultaneously digging her fingernails into his still sore reddened ass. His eyes were centered on her crystal blue eyes, seeing a soft smile as she said in a very even seductive tone, "Now, toy, slowly, do it, a little bit out, and slowly back in. Make me feel every inch, Jake."

Staring into her eyes, he responded, "yes mistress." He liked this game they were playing. It was like years past when they played games and they took turns being in charge. This was her birthday and he was more than happy to play this game of mistress and toy. Didn't he tell her she could do whatever made her happy on her special day.

His first movements were jerky, having never fucked a girl before. He moved only a millimeter backward and then forward, not really sure how fast he should be fucking her. Yeah, he watched a lot of porn videos where sometimes the fucking was slow and sometimes fast and hard. Then he realized this was the real thing. He was actually fucking his best friend, someone he knew very well over the years and until recently hadn't thought of her in this way.

After a few more tentative short baby thrusts, he pulled back further until he felt the head of his cock just inside her entrance. Slowly and seemingly taking forever, he pushed his hips forward, sending his thick manhood back into the depths of her sex. Jake wasn't sure if the pain he caused was gone or had subsided. He took his time, pulling back, feeling her muscles squeezing around his cock until he was almost out and then pushing it back into the welcoming heat.

There was something else he felt, a certain slipperiness ...... a slickness that made his cock move smoother inside her. He had tasted her nectar when he licked and sucked her pussy a little while back. And now, each movement back into her seemed easier and it had an effect on him. It was as if small electrical pulses were penetrating his cock, sending wild sensations to every nerve ending in his body and especially the part of the brain that controls orgasms.

They were moving magically together, kissing and staring at each other while their hips moved rhythmically as if they had done this act before. His slow methodical thrusts were met by her hips pushing up allowing his cock to dive deep into her. The thought of pre-ejaculation crept into his mind. He overheard some of the girls at school talking in the locker room after practice. The door was partially blocked open by the janitor and he heard some girls laughing about how their boyfriends shot their load just by the girls playing with them. But he didn't seem to have any trouble keeping his cock hard for Angelica.

His hips began to move a little faster and his breathing was becoming more harsh and he could feel that familiar sensation when he lay in bed stroking himself. Her body was starting to match his, hips grinding against his, her breathing becoming more rough. Was she ready to cum? he wondered as his hips began to drive harder against her.

He saw her eyes searching his face and she must have noticed a definite change as she called out loudly in a very demanding tone, "Don't you dare, toy! Hold on for me. That's an order!" he heard her gruff growl in his ear "I'm almost there. You've done so well so far. Don't ruin it now. You make me come, Jake. Hold it so we can come at the same time. That's an order from your mistress."
Jake stopped thrusting, his cock halfway inside her, staring at her. He saw her facial expression take on a new persona, acting as if she was a real mistress. It turned him on that she was playing the role and to him, it sounded like what he heard mistress' say in porn videos. Her face took on a stern feature that seemed to indicate if he came before her, he would be disciplined if he didn't do as she commanded.
He could play the game too. "I'm trying mistress ..... ooohhhh mistress ...... I'm really trying," he called out feeling the urge becoming more dominate in his body. He slowed down, pushing his cock until she was full and then stopping hoping his actions would lessen the demanding urge. But as he held his cock deep inside her, feeling her vaginal muscles, squeezing his cock tighter as if trying to make him cum.
He pulled back, feeling the extreme tightness of her sex caressing his cock and making the sensations ten times worse. He stared into her eyes, seeing she was also on the climatic threshold too. Her body was beginning to undulate under him, her fingernails digging into his ass cheeks as her hips rose up to greet his oncoming thrust.
It was a game but it seemed so real. She was his mistress and was demanding him to obey her. His eyes conveyed his need to fill her and he uttered in a hoarse voice, "please mistress ..... let me give you what you so desire." He was panting hard, trying to hold off from exploding, wanting to hold off for his mistress. It seemed it was like when the coaches made them do extreme exercises to see who would quit first. He didn't want to disappoint Angelica, not on her birthday.

One more time, he called out, his face a mask of concentration, grimacing from trying to hold off. "Please mistress ....."
IC: Angelica Mason

He was slow and tender with her, and it made the moment all the more special, and magical. She felt so in tune, and connected with Jake at that moment. Which is why she somehow knew exactly when he was about to orgasm. "Don't you dare, toy! Hold on for me. That's an order!" She growled into his ear. "I'm almost there. You've done so well so far. Don't ruin it now. You make me come, Jake. Hold it so we can come at the same time. That's an order from your mistress."

His obedience was immediate and extremely empowering for Angelica. He froze holding it on the brink of coming. She could tell...somehow...she knew, and she also knew when it was safe for him to resume. "Now, Jake." She told him with what she hoped was a rather stern Mistress-ly confidence to it even though she had no clue exactly how or why she was telling him this so assertively. "Now do it slowly again."

"I'm trying Mistress..." He said pushing in and pulling out only a little. She could see the strain of the exertion he was under, "...Ooooh Mistress...I'm really trying."

He stopped again and she moaned, He was so big, but the pain had faded away. Now, his big cock being inside her like this, stretching her out, filling her up, moving in and out drove only sensations of pleasure streaking out from her pussy throughout her whole body.

This was sex. Alot of the other girls talked about it as something great or something good but ultimately disappointing. Angelica had never really seen the appeal to it before. Except now. She now understood for the first time what the big deal over it was. She loved this. She loved being fucked by Jake, her toy. She loved having his cock inside of her like this, making her a real woman. She loved how good and powerful it was making her feel. She loved this. She loved sex.

"Toy," She demanded as nails dug harder into his reddened buttocks, "You will hold on for me. Obey your mistress, understood?"
He pulled back and she moaned staring into his eyes feeling the delicious sensation even as her pussy tried to pull him back inside, and then again when he pushed back in as her hips lifted up off the billiards table to welcome his thrust home inside of her. "Ohhh yessss...Jaaaake. Fuck your Mistress. Oh my god, make us come together."

He looked into her eyes with a desperate need for her, and perhaps he would see the same need in her own eyes staring back as he thrust in and out slow but powerfully driving her higher and higher. Oh it was so good. She loved having sex with her toy, her best friend, her Jake.
His voice was hoarse with strain and a desperate need.
"Please Mistress...let me give you what you so desire."

She moaned as he thrust loving the strain he was under. So many thoughts, naughty and wicked bubbled through her brains about making it more difficult or just denying him further...but those eyes...Jake's eyes...made her choose what they both so deeply wanted.

Her words flowed like water from a faucet as she sailed with him up to the precipice and off into heaven itself. "I want it, Toy. Give it to me. Fuck me more. Harder. Make me come around your cock as it fills me with your seed. I want it. Together. At the same time. Give it to us. Give it to us, Jake. Oh my god. I'm right there. Do it Jake. Now. Oh god. I think I'm coming. Come with me Jake. Come with me. Obey your Mistress. Ohhhhhh...."

Her words trailed off into a wordless moan as her body clenched around him convulsing and flooding with her liquid. Nails scratched deep as toes curled and eyes rolled into the back of her head as her first ever orgasm from having sexual intercourse ran roughshod throughout her. And she wasn't the only one. Jake too was having his first orgasm from sexual intercourse, and it seemed just as big a whopper of one for him as well.

It was perhaps only a few seconds, but it seemed to last and last and last feeling his come flooding her like that, pleasure sweeping through both of them, but there was something else going on underneath all that. In that moment she felt so very connected with Jake, her best friend, her toy, her lover, her possession, her minion, her slave. As well as something else she couldn't really name, but it felt exhilerating and magnificent and empowering. She felt like she could run for miles, climb mountains, and swim oceans...hell because of this feeling she thought she might even be able to jump off a cliff and fly off like superman. It was amazing.

She was new now. She was a brand-new woman. Her name was Angelica Mason and she loved sex. She loved having sex with this boy. She loved being this new version of her now, and she loved sharing it with her best friend and lover and toy, Jake, her Jake.

Then it was over, and Jake collapsed exhausted on top of her. He was much larger than her and all of his weight was lying upon her slender body, but she seemed not to be bothered by this. He lay atop her and she was not feeling crushed by this. Her arms and legs curled around his prone body as she felt his erection depleting within her and listened to the soft sounds of his breathing as unconsciousness had claimed him.

Tenderly she stroked his back and kissed his cheek whispering into his ear. "Rest well, my toy. You'll need it. For your mistress wants you to fuck her again."

They lay like that atop Jake's father's billiards table for a long time. Two hours passed and going into three before Jake began to stir awake once more. When his eyes opened she smiled stroking his cheek. She simply said to him with bubbly giggle, "Best birthday ever."
One more time he called out, his face a mask of concentration, grimacing from trying to hold off. "Please mistress ....."

He heard her moan and hoped she would grant him his plea. Her eyes were steely at the same time, soft as if she were in her own little world of pleasure. Did she hear him? He was straining hard not to erupt into her, wanting to please her on her birthday. What was she thinking as he stared hard into her eyes, trying to use telepathy? Surely her emotions and feelings were taut with wanting to release the sexual tension inside her. He sensed she was about to say something and he waited like a hungry animal.

And when she started to spew words into his needy ears, "I want it, Toy. Give it to me. Fuck me more. Harder. Make me come around your cock as it fills me with your seed. I want it. Together. At the same time. Give it to us. Give it to us, Jake. Oh my god. I'm right there. Do it Jake. Now. Oh god. I think I'm coming. Come with me Jake. Come with me. Obey your Mistress. Ohhhhhh...." he felt his cock begin to throb intensely. It took a moment to realize what Angelica told him, no ..... commanded him as his hips began to piston faster against her willing hips.

"Yes ....... mistress," was all he could muster as his mind filled with dizzying thoughts and a kaleidoscope of colors. The muscles surrounding his cock pulsed and squeezed hard urging his balls to give up the seed they stored for her. He felt her sharp fingernails digging into his ass but he didn't care about the pain. Her body quivered and thrashed about on the pool table, seeing her eyes tightly closed and her breathing matched his and he knew she was also in a state of orgasm too. The pain in his ass was overrode by the intense throbbing and sudden explosion of his semen shooting deep inside Angelica, his best friend, and it was all he cared about. His breathing was hard .... rough ..... hitching ..... as his cock throbbed over and over sending rivulets of his seed until he had no more to contribute.

Each breath was deep, inhaling oxygen as if he had just completed a mile run in the fastest time ever. When he finally opened his eyes, he saw her eyes were closed and he felt a new connection to his best friend. This was something he had thought about at night watching porn films and his orgasm just now was something much more intense. The feeling of her muscles clenching, urging him to cum, and being with her was so much different than bringing on an orgasm with his hand. It was a moment he knew he would cherish for the rest of his life and he became a man with his best friend.

His heart fluttered with a new feeling for his best friend, hoping she felt the same way about him. He loved the game they played and wanted more. But right now he was exhausted from the birthday games and put his head on her shoulder, feeling her arms and legs wrap around him, cradling him as if he was in a cocoon. "Thank you mistress," he whispered, still trying to get control of his breathing.

He felt the soft kiss on her cheek and the whisper in his ear, "Rest well, my toy. You'll need it. For your mistress wants you to fuck her again." A smile creased his face and the one thought that streaked across his brain evaporated. He had a moment just after ejaculating inside her that she might not want to do it again. But her words reassured him that she liked what they did and wanted more. Then his eyes closed and he relaxed in the cocoon of his best friend, his new lover, his mistress, Angelica.

His eyes fluttered open, finding himself still on the pool table now lying beside her, his arms wrapped around her. The first thing he saw was the smiling face of his best friend smiling at him, her fingertips caressing his cheek. It was exhilarating to see her sweet smile and hearing her sweet giggly voice saying, "Best birthday ever."
"I'm glad you liked your presents." HIs mind was whirling with multiple thoughts of what just happened and then her remembered part of her words before he fell asleep ...... toy ...... your mistress wants you to fuck her again.

Any thoughts of them not doing this again evaporated in his brain. It was as if what they did opened a door that had been closed for a long time. It was something he had thought about but never could find the courage to take it to the next step. But today .... her birthday .... changed all that. He chuckle at the thought of doing it again, playing mistress and toy and jokingly said, "I liked playing the game and any time my mistress wants his toy ..... she can have him."
He thought he saw her facial expression change a little at his mention of the game. He dismissed it as he caressed her cheek, staring stared into her bright blue eyes before he leaned forward for a kiss. His lips were eagerly received and his arms circled her, pulling her tight against him. Her nipples grazed against his chest and his leg slid between her thighs letting his limp member rest against her lower abdomen.

Was this the afterglow he had heard about when a person has just had sex? If it was, he wanted it to last forever. In his arms he held his best friend for years and today they opened a new chapter, a chapter that was more intimate. He loved the feel of their lips touching while their tongues teased and played. His hands moved over her back and down to her ass, cupping a soft rump, squeezing it, feeling her body responding. This was a moment he never wanted to end but knew they had to, at some point, get off the hard felt pool table surface.

When she half rolled onto her back, he pressed himself against her, his hand that had been squeezing her ass now slid upward over her tight abdomen, to capture a breast. He loved her breast and until today he wondered what it would be like to touch them. And now that they had taken each other's cherries, so to speak, he felt comfortable running his fingers over her nakedness.

He was thrilled and couldn't get over the feeling that her birthday present changed their relationship. After caressing her breasts, their kiss broke, both breathing a bit harder but seemingly happier. "Let's get off this hard table and sit on the sofa."

They moved to the sofa, his arm around her and she snuggling into him. Jake felt a moment of awkwardness now that they had did the deed, as some people say. Where was this relationship to go? He turned slightly toward her, cupping her chin in his large hand and staring directly into her eyes.

"Angelica I really ..... I really enjoyed what we just did. I know it was the first time for both of us and it felt so special doing it with you ..... my best friend. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and I hope you were serious when you said you want to fuck me again ..... nothing would make me happier .... making you happy." Then in a jovial spirit he added, "your birthday is not over yet and ..... and ...." he had a bit of difficulty saying it but he finally said with a big smile .... "if you want to play mistress and toy again .... I'm all in. It's your birthday and I grant you anything you want to do on your special day."

He wondered what she would say as he leaned forward to kiss her lightly on the lips and pulled back waiting to see how she would like to spend the rest of her birthday.
IC: Angelica Mason

They lay like that atop Jake's father's billiards table for a long time. Two hours passed and going into three before Jake began to stir awake once more. When his eyes opened, she smiled stroking his cheek. She simply said to him with bubbly giggle, "Best birthday ever."

At that Jake's smile while dopey and adorable was bright enough it could light up the darkest of rooms, "I'm glad you liked your presents."

Angelica smiled to him considering that now something fundamental had changed between them. He was still her best friend, but now there was something new along with it. They were something different now. Friends plus something else now. She was not sure where they were going now. For some reason she just didn't care to devote that much effort into thinking on that. Angelica was too wrapped up in the moment, and the fact that her relationship with Jake was clearly shoved into the backseat of her brain for the time being.

"Who knew sex was so much fun," She laughed sitting up to admire Jake's naked body again. This was her best friend's body, her toy to play with whenever she wanted. God, it made her want to make love to him all over again just thinking that.

"I liked playing the game," He chuckled in response, "And any time my mistress wants her toy...she can have him."

At his statement her smile faded. She didn't like that he'd called it a game. It was more to her, much more. It was serious, at least it was to her. "I will have you," She told him in response to his words, "Whenever I want you, Jake,"

Still Jake wrapped her up in a warm hug and stared into her eyes. They kissed and she enjoyed the feel of her nipples rubbing against his broad chest. They curled into each other tangled limbs atop the billiards table. His hand strayed to her butt, and hers were fascinated tracing the contours of every one of his muscles. This was nice. She liked this feeling of connection and tenderness. Next time she made use of her toy she would definitely do this just like this again.

But alas like all good things this wonderfully tender moment had to end eventually. He suggested to her,
"Let's get off this hard table and sit on the sofa."

She nodded rising up from the table and jumping down from it. She stretched not bothering to pick up her clothes she looked back at Jake as he lethargically climbed down from the table groaning from sudden aches and pains. But gingerly followed after her to sit his naked rump on the leather sofa.

She pointed at the TV. "I think we missed out on the rest of the movie, Jake. Should we rewatch it?"

Ignoring that he reached out and cupped her chin so she'd turn to look him in the eye as he stated,
"Angelica I really ..... I really enjoyed what we just did. I know it was the first time for both of us and it felt so special doing it with you ..... my best friend. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and I hope you were serious when you said you want to fuck me again ..... nothing would make me happier .... making you happy." Then he added with a cheerful grin, "Your birthday is not over yet and ..... and ...." He paused trying to get the words out before continuing. "If you want to play mistress and toy again .... I'm all in. It's your birthday and I grant you anything you want to do on your special day."

She looked back rapt into his eyes as he leaned in to plant his lips against hers before breaking away to see her reaction to that.

She smirked, "You're such a silly dork." She laughed. "Of course you're gonna be my toy again. Like I'd ever let you go now, Jake." She leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. "We're something new now, and I don't want to go back to what we were. No, I won't do it. So, get ready. I'm never gonna stop being your mistress, ever." She patted his head like he was a particularly adorable puppy.

She leaned back and said, "Look at me, Jake. I'm completely naked in front of you and I don't even feel the slightest bit self-conscious about it, and I should, but I don't. You're naked and I should feel embarrassed about that too, but I'm not."

"Something's happened to me last night," She surmised, "Something has changed me more than just those dreams...and I haven't even dealt with any of that stuff either." She laughed leaning in to be eye to eye with him, "I'm different now, and I don't feel scared about it, because I get to explore the new me with you." She smiled. "Making you my toy feels right to me, and exploring this whole new side of me... being your mistress...discovering the side of me that's all about doing sex and's too much fun...I can't just turn my back on it now."

She leaned in to kiss him just out of impulse moving across the sofa to start making out with him, properly this time. Her tongue delving inside to tango with his. Her naked body pressed up against his. Her breast. pressed against his side. Moving on impulse again her hand grabbed his wrist and moved it to cup and hold her free breast. She wasn't sure why, but if felt right to her to do so.

Against his lips she murmured as the other hand reached down to the still soft elephant, "I want to try everything that pops into my head with you, and I want to do everything and anything that's ever made this hard in your shorts...."
IC: Jake Waldron

Jake was a bit surprised when Angelica smirked after the tender kiss, "You're such a silly dork ...... Of course you're gonna be my toy again. Like I'd ever let you go now, Jake." He smiled when she kissed his cheek, saying, "We're something new now, and I don't want to go back to what we were. No, I won't do it. So, get ready. I'm never gonna stop being your mistress, ever." He tone of voice and her whole demeanor and mannerisms toward him seemed to have changed today and now he felt she was humoring herself when she patted his head affectionately like he was a pet.

Her voice was one of self confidence as she leaned back into the soft leather, saying, "Look at me, Jake. I'm completely naked in front of you and I don't even feel the slightest bit self-conscious about it, and I should, but I don't. You're naked and I should feel embarrassed about that too, but I'm not." His eyes surveyed her beautiful body and he couldn't help but smile and agree. She was right, they were sitting in his father's basement totally naked and not thinking of covering up after a bout of sexual pleasure.

Was it her birthday that brought about this change? Just a few days ago they would have scrambled to get their clothes on but today somehow felt very different and he listened to her. "Something's happened to me last night .... Something has changed me more than just those dreams...and I haven't even dealt with any of that stuff either." He saw a smile on her face as she leaned toward him, their eyes locked together. "I'm different now, and I don't feel scared about it, because I get to explore the new me with you." He saw another smile crease her face. "Making you my toy feels right to me, and exploring this whole new side of me... being your mistress...discovering the side of me that's all about doing sex and's too much fun...I can't just turn my back on it now."

Jake felt a shiver and then a more violent tremor flow through him as his brain tired to process and make sense of what she was saying. She was talking about exploring the new her with him and she was making him her toy ....... her plaything and she was to be his mistress. What did all this mean?

It hit him she was not playing a game of mistress and toy. No, she was deadly serious that she would be his mistress and he would be her toy, exploring sex and stuff with him. Was he to become someone she could control and use for her personal pleasure? He was sure of it just from the way she was talking as if he had no say in the matter. The thought of what she said hit like a ton of bricks and he was speechless for the moment as she took the initiative, leaning toward him, kissing him as she moved across the sofa to start making out with him.

His moment of shock disappeared as her tongue slipped into his mouth probing while he sucked on it. He could feel blood begin to flow into his cock, making it begin to harden from its soft state as their tongues probed each other's mouth. Her body felt so right pressing against his, feeling one hard nipple poking into his side while they passionately kissed.

As the kiss deepened and their bodies pressed against each other, he felt her hand grab his wrist and move it to her free breast. The soft pliable flesh felt so good in his hand while his fingers squeezed it hearing soft moaning sounds from her. Caressing the flesh led his fingers to find the hard pebble, feeling its roughness as he gripped it between his thumb and forefinger. Twisting the pebble and then pulling it taut, knowing she could feel it caused more moaning sounds from Angelica.

And while he was caressing and teasing her breast, he felt her hand reach for his cock and he emitted a low groan when her fingers wrapped around it, hearing her murmur, "I want to try everything that pops into my head with you, and I want to do everything and anything that's ever made this hard in your shorts...."
"Yes my mistress," he moaned into her lips just before they crushed against hers. The ensuing kiss was torrid, lips pressing against one another with lust on their minds. As the kiss flourished, breaking for only a moment before resuming, he knew he was caught like a fish, hook, line, and sinker. There was no way he was going to lose Angelica. He didn't know what was going to happen but he knew he was going to try and please his best friend for years ...... now his mistress.

He had seen porn movies of mistress' and their subs or slaves. Would she be like them? Some were very cruel while others were more sensitive and sensual, bringing pleasure to both the mistress and sub. Is that what he is now, a sub to her? Someone who will do whatever the mistress wants and desires to bring pleasure or pain? He was a mess with conflicting thoughts as they kissed and fondled each other.
Breaking the kiss, he looked into her smoldering eyes seeing something he had never seen before, a strong determined gaze that didn't wavier. His breathing matched hers, a bit heavier from the kissing as he tried to make sense of all that happened today ...... her birthday. He knew one thing .... he didn't want to lose her as a friend.

His mind was a swirl of thoughts as to what Angelica wanted and needed to satisfy her new found self. He was determined to help her find the pleasure she sought as he looked deep into her eyes. "Angelica ..... my mistress ..... I want to please you in any manner you desire. I want to give you pleasure and giving you pleasure will give me pleasure."

He stopped for a moment, his fingers squeezing her breast, thinking and then saying, "Mistress tell your toy .... your servant .... what would make you happy right now. What can I do to make you happy ..... to bring pleasure to you .... to us." It was a bold move on his part, knowing that in that instant, he most liking was giving up control to her and handing the reins, so to speak, to Angelica for her to do with as she wished with him for her pleasure and his.
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IC: Angelica Mason

Against his lips she murmured as the other hand reached down to the still soft elephant, "I want to try everything that pops into my head with you, and I want to do everything and anything that's ever made this hard in your shorts...."

"Yes, my Mistress." He moaned as her fingers traced his length marveling as it throbbed from her touch.

Her heart melted at his use of that title and Angelica kissed him for it. At first out of affection, but soon it had evolved into a reflection of her growing hunger for more from Jake, her best friend, her toy. She had him, always. He was hers, and hers alone now. She felt complete, and so very very ready for more, and eager to explore with Jake this change happening within her.

The kiss broke and he looked into her eyes seeing...what? Her? The new her, perhaps?

"Angelica ..... my mistress ..... I want to please you in any manner you desire." He vowed. "I want to give you pleasure and giving you pleasure will give me pleasure."
She smiled at that, "I know. I can see your sincere desire in your eyes...feel it in the way you kiss me back. I just know you mean it." He fingers curled around his growing erection tracing it up the length and back down, pumping it purely by instinct. It felt so appropriate in her hand like this, despite not knowing exactly what she was doing to him. Angelica greatly hoped Jake found just as much pleasure in what she was doing as she was finding from his actions. "I want you again. I just can't get enough of you, Jake."

His fingers squeezed her breast hearing that as he told her in response.
"Mistress tell your toy .... your servant .... what would make you happy right now. What can I do to make you happy ..... to bring pleasure to you .... to us."

Her smile broadened feeling as if he was submitting to her not as a game, but with his whole heart now. "Oh Jake, my favorite toy....I love hearing you say that. I'm so happy." She kissed him on the lips again as her fingers stroked his cock to hardness again. "I have so many ideas...I can barely decide. I want to suck this cock like those sluts Kelly Mendoza and Amber Gaines always brag about doing to their boyfriends. I want to brag about how I took you all the way in my throat too..."

Her stroking paused, "...But...I also want to tie you up..and blindfold I can kiss and lick and nibble anywhere on your body from your toes to your earlobes anywhere...I want to do that for as long as I want and all you can do is just lie there tied up and take it until I give you the mercy of letting you come for me, your mistress."

She shook her head. "I want to ride you like Kelly and Amber told me...cowgirl style they called it, oh, and also I want you to put in my butt too...Kelly and Amber say they'll never let their boyfriends do that to them, but with you I want to do what they'd never have the courage to do, and I want to shove that in their stupid smug faces the next time they make fun of me for being uninterested in sex too."

"I have so many ideas how to use you as my toy, Jake," She laughed stroking his cock to hardness again, "I can't decide which I want to do first." She kissed him again stopping with him throbbing hard in her hand and letting it go, "So let me mull it over a little longer, before deciding how to play with my favorite toy again, okay?"

She got up giggling over leaving him in the state he was in and began making her way for the stairs back to the kitchen. "I'm thirsty want me to get you something to drink too?"