Really Really Experienced
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- Apr 12, 2010
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"D-d-do you still have the artifact, Nima? I'd b-b-be very interested in examining it. Or e-e-even some pictures. I-I-It seems like we've b-b-both stumbled upon the s-s-same thing. H-h-have you heard th-th-the th-th-theory th-th-that th-th-The Alliance wasn't the firsts technologically ad-ad-advanced empire? I think if w-w-we pool our resources w-w-we could perhaps p-p-prove this theory."
"I barely escaped with my life," Nima answered as they strode down the ship's boarding ramp. "Didn't have much time to swipe trinkets. Once the plasma bolts started flying, I had bigger concerns."
The felinoid tugged her robes about her and adjusted the hood to accommodate the pointed tufts of her ears. "How do the locals feel about non-humans here?"
"I plan t-t-to take Nima to diner to discuss and ex-ex-exchange ideas. If you'll s-s-so indulge me?"
"Certainly." Nima had no business of her own to attended to and this dead floating rock was hardly the pace for sightseeing, so she had nothing more important on her agenda. "Although I shudder to think what passes for cuisine here..."