Space Pirates (OOC, always open)

I guess I could go talk to Allison. Not like i have much else to do.

Yeah I guess you would need permission from Stalyz. I'd chalk it up as payback for this one time he didn't really define Kingdoms so made my corner of the sky how I saw fit with a leader that wasn't called a King (so I was already conceeding not to be a King) and then created an NPC to be mine and somehow got character jacked.
As flattering as this is, let's remember Nima's not a prize to be won or something you can just "call dibs" on. :)

I wasn't so much "calling dibs" as expressing interest. No one appreciates a nice dinner anymore...

But sorry for the tug of war lol. Everybody loves a cat girl. It's just up to Nima who gets to express that love lol.
Is there a non offensive way to say I'd love to dress the catgirl in ribbon at the end of an obstacle course and challenge Darwin to some sort of physical process that may or may not end with my kicking sand in his face? Cus if not I would NEVER do anything like that. I was just checking for a friend of mine.

And I'll try to post tommorow, my brain is not in the thinking mood at this moment.
Yeah I guess you would need permission from Stalyz. I'd chalk it up as payback for this one time he didn't really define Kingdoms so made my corner of the sky how I saw fit with a leader that wasn't called a King (so I was already conceeding not to be a King) and then created an NPC to be mine and somehow got character jacked.[/QUOTE]

I thought those were what you wanted.
Is there a non offensive way to say I'd love to dress the catgirl in ribbon at the end of an obstacle course and challenge Darwin to some sort of physical process that may or may not end with my kicking sand in his face? Cus if not I would NEVER do anything like that. I was just checking for a friend of mine.

And I'll try to post tommorow, my brain is not in the thinking mood at this moment.

Why not a game of wits instead? Maybe see who can build a robot the fastest? That would be fair right lol?
So still looking for people....? Tell me about the life of the Space Pirates.

I don't want to speak for everyone, but I think it's still open to new people. As for the life of a Space Pirate, I wouldn't know anything about that. So far we have a lot of non-pirates hanging out in a pirate bar. Space Pirates By Association just didn't sound catchy enough for a title though. :rolleyes:
So still looking for people....? Tell me about the life of the Space Pirates.

I don't want to speak for everyone, but I think it's still open to new people. As for the life of a Space Pirate, I wouldn't know anything about that. So far we have a lot of non-pirates hanging out in a pirate bar. Space Pirates By Association just didn't sound catchy enough for a title though. :rolleyes:

In a way, it's a little hard to explain.?
I thought Enceladus was Saturn's sixth moon, but I actually misread. It's the sixth largest lol. So thanks for playing it off as a test rpkitten. I promise I'm not an idiot most of the time lol.
I'm fairly big on astronomy and I still can't keep track of all the names of all the moons. That said at risk of sounding stupid how would Saturn have a sixth moon? Note: I'm not asking how it would have six, seven or however many Jupiter has moons. I'm asking is there a formal way of noting which one is moon 1 vs moon 2? Are they numbered by how far out their orbit is or something? Is Phobos Moon 1 to Deimos' Moon 2? OR does it prefer to be called Moon A as not to sound inferior to Moon 1?
I'm fairly big on astronomy and I still can't keep track of all the names of all the moons. That said at risk of sounding stupid how would Saturn have a sixth moon? Note: I'm not asking how it would have six, seven or however many Jupiter has moons. I'm asking is there a formal way of noting which one is moon 1 vs moon 2? Are they numbered by how far out their orbit is or something? Is Phobos Moon 1 to Deimos' Moon 2? OR does it prefer to be called Moon A as not to sound inferior to Moon 1?

Dude... You just blew my mind a little bit. Maybe they're listed in order of discovery? Or it could be how close to the planet they orbit like you said. I might have to look that up lol.
Somewhere there is a very angry goldfish who does not appreciate the influence el gato in el sombero had on my mind.

If were were venturing a guess I'd assume they have no formal numbering system. Some must have been discovered at the same time (or at least recorded at the same time) and I'm unaware of any law that would prevent multiple moons from sharing an orbit. Every reason i've heard for why there is no Gor/Planet X/opposite Earth deals with the fact that we know enough about gravity that if there was an earth sized object opposite us that we'd know by it's effect on other shit. So in short not that it couldn't be there. Simply that it isn't.
Somewhere there is a very angry goldfish who does not appreciate the influence el gato in el sombero had on my mind.

If were were venturing a guess I'd assume they have no formal numbering system. Some must have been discovered at the same time (or at least recorded at the same time) and I'm unaware of any law that would prevent multiple moons from sharing an orbit. Every reason i've heard for why there is no Gor/Planet X/opposite Earth deals with the fact that we know enough about gravity that if there was an earth sized object opposite us that we'd know by it's effect on other shit. So in short not that it couldn't be there. Simply that it isn't.

Ok. I know Darwin is a genius, but I'm not. I'm like two steps above idiot, so I have no clue what you said lol. You're going to have to dumb that down a lot lol.
Sorry, it comes up in Sci-Fi quite a bit so I'll start with the Sci-Fi part.

In Science Fiction it's fairly common for there to be a tenth planet in the solar system that we've never discovered. We've never discovered it because it shares an orbit with the Earth and is always on the far side of the sun from us so we can never see it.

Well that's all good and well but astronomers have more than just visual ways of spotting something. We can also detect things by their effect on gravity. I'm not up on the specifics but basically we'd know if there was a "counter Earth" because there would be signs of it.
They're named in order of ellipsoidal orbit, starting with the nearest to the planet and working outward.



And, no, I don't think you're an "idiot". Normally I wouldn't even point it out, but Nima's been painted as an academic, so she's a little more picky than I am. :)
Interesting. According to that wiki page they were originally just named, then Gallileo in a moment of sheer pettiness decided to number them via orbit and sometime later they started labeling them according to discovering order essentially because it sucks to have to rename six moons because you found a seventh that happens to be closer to the planet than the other six hense giving everybody else a +1.

Also didn't think or mean to in anyway imply that you were an idiot. I was equal parts curious and then the cat in the hat tackled my brain and hijacked my thoughts.
Hi everyone -- just a heads up that I'm scrambling to get work done in time for a trip this weekend and am swamped. I'll be away Thursday through Sunday... if I can't get a post up before I leave, it'll likely be Monday before I can.

Have fun and carry on without me!
I've no clue who or what we're waiting on but feel free to post. Somebody has to and I don't really have an idea. . .okay I've got one.


Solves every problem in the book aside from me looking at your AV thinking it looks familiar and being annoyed I can't place it.