Speaker of the House election

To get the votes, Johnson had to agree to ten demands.

The ten demands were reforming the House of Representatives' work calendar to be more in line with the Senate's (which gavels into session five days a week for the first 10 weeks of the 119th Congress), ensuring that any reconciliation package reduces the spending and the deficit "in real terms with respect to the dynamic score of tax and spending policies under recent growth trends" and to stop putting bills on the floor in defiance of the 72-hour rule that allows members to have three days to review legislation prior to a vote.

Johnson is also expected to "fully secure the border to stop the flow of illegal aliens completely," "cut rampant inflationary spending significantly to guarantee deficit reduction and a rampant path to a balanced budget," "not increase federal borrowing before real spending cuts are agreed to and in place," "reverse Biden-Harris policies immediately," deregulating health savings accounts, mandating that voters show proof of U.S. citizenship before casting ballots and banning stock trading by members of Congress.
I give him until May at the latest before they dump him.

The debt ceiling / government funding deal ended Weaker McCarthy.

Your guess on May being the latest before they dump Weaker Johnson seems a bit optimistic. Weaker McCarthy lasted until October after he passed a debt ceiling / government funding deal on May 31st, and the MAGAt coalition only needed one member to force a vote at that time - now they need nine members to force a vote to remove Weaker Johnson. The debt ceiling again needs to be addressed by May 31st, (DonOld says by June, but President Musk hasn’t weighed in yet) so I would imagine Weaker Johnson will make it until at least October if he passes a debt ceiling / government funding bill by May 31st like Weaker McCarthy did.

If Johnson can't meet those 10 demands, they won't find someone who can.
I know that and you know that, but they don't know that.
Besides, even if they knew they'd never get everything they wanted, punishing Johnson would be its own reward as far as they're concerned. Especially if he compromises with the Democrats on anything, no matter how innocuous.
I know that and you know that, but they don't know that.
Besides, even if they knew they'd never get everything they wanted, punishing Johnson would be its own reward as far as they're concerned. Especially if he compromises with the Democrats on anything, no matter how innocuous.
If he can't count on every Republican vote, he'll have to deal with Dems to get anything done at all.
If he can't count on every Republican vote, he'll have to deal with Dems to get anything done at all.
I get that. The thing is, generally speaking they are pretty good about sticking together and doing whatever Dear Leader says (remember the "Reagan robots" from the '80s?), which is why I give him a few months. You're right, sooner or later the Freedom Caucus is going to hold out for nothing short of destroying the government, and it's going to hit the fan then. I just don't think it's going to happen quite yet.