Star Craft 2 RP

Something just occurred to me. Would Gabe be able to work with a suit even if his back is busy healing? Or is there no support system like that?
You watched the trailer for SC2, right? Then you know that the suit has plenty of support, part of which is actually embedded in the spine. Not a good idea for someone recovering from a back injury.

Besides, you kinda sorta need Michael's approval before getting Gabe's hands on that suit, and considering that he's a little preoccupied at the moment, and the fact that he has little to no reason to trust Gabe with it, I doubt Gabe is gonna get that suit any time soon.
i'm gonna do something absolutely great for DK... well... not so great if he knows what i mean...
that post was a bit weird... but i felt sorry for DK for not being a part of the story :) note to everyone...

here's the timeline

The 12 marines Arrived at Science Complex
Corporal James Died
DK's post
Kevin James surgery
Lieutenant Johnson unconscious
Captain Michael issued SOS
Captain Michael entered the engineering room

kind of confusing but you get the picture... btw DK, hope you don't mind having surgery done on you :) Van chose you because you had the most simplest form of injury :)
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I'd place Zeladar's arrival in the building around the time that Michael called for backup. I'm figuring that he'd be reaching the first floor right around the time Michael gets to the engineering room. How's that work for ya Lans?
works good with me... btw, want to help me out between the michael and the hanson post??? i might need saving
*mimics a tour bus guide*

Now, if you look off to your left, you'll see the holes made in the floor by two hydralisks just before the deaths of these two brave Marines, who then took the Zerg with them when they released the pins on their grenades. And, if you look off to your right, you'll see Captain Michael facing down a room full of Zerg. Will he make it out alive? That concludes our tour for today. Be sure to come back and see us again sometime.

As long as they don't figure out that he has facial reconstruction did while he is under the knife I don't have much of a problem
Now, ya see? Yah not supposed tah reveal that about a main characta. If ya want some savin', leave something to save besides a corpse, okay?
By the way, how is it that we have 13 times more posts in OOC than we do in IC? Something seems a little off about that.
he wont survive IF Jedi and DK doesn't get there in one hour... that's how long the two marines will last... considering they are joined by 6 Sentinel Guardians. hahaha they'll make their stand at a corridor with the entrance guarded by turrets :)
he wont survive IF Jedi and DK doesn't get there in one hour... that's how long the two marines will last... considering they are joined by 6 Sentinel Guardians. hahaha they'll make their stand at a corridor with the entrance guarded by turrets :)

Oh, Zeladar will get there well within the hour. I just hope the security system's FoF detectors are not advanced enough to detect a cloaked Dark Templar.
just posted... hahaha sorry DK no dice... guys... i'll post Michael's part soon... just gotta go.
Take your time Lans.

Hah, stiffed again on the suit, DK. :D At least you got a rail gun. That'll come in handy if you need to shoot through walls and the like. The rail gun might pack a bit more punch, but in my mind, it's essentially a slower firing standard issue Marine Gauss rifle.
Uh...why'd you double post in IC? You do know that you can edit posts, right?
What's even stranger is that the second post has more to it than the first, which made me think you wanted to amend the first one.

And it appears the second one was posted 7 minutes after the first one.