Star Trek : Species Zero

OC: Don't worry, CountessDeWinter, Section 31 doesn't really 'follow' the Starfleet regulations... they're the Starfleet equivelant of the Romulan Tal'shiar or the Cardassian Obsidian Order - Prime directive? pah! who needs it? Dirk13 and RG, not to be a pain but, a vulcan and a klingon aren't really suitable here - perhaps a half-romulan and a half-klingon instead? (pretty much the same I know, but makes it more likely that Section 31 recruited you - they have something of a xenophobic view).

So the current team aboard the Cerebus (now an 8-crew ship) -

Captain Johnathan Wilkinson
First Officer (Commander) Steve Angle
Lieutenant Sienna Tallwood, Security
Lieutenant Robert Riley, Engineer
Lieutenant Kyle O'Connor, Helmsman
Lieutenant Sperk Jones, Science
Lieutenant Escahual Jiguild, Weapons
Doctor (Lieutenant) Alia Spencer, Medical

A lot of Lt's I know, but Section 31 pick their operatives from the cream of the crop.

"Five... four... three... two... one... initiating temporal drive..." said Kyle, and the Cerebus began to shudder as it jumped forwards in space, yet backwards in time. It was pretty much how it had felt in the holo simulations we had trained in of the jump, yet the simulations couldn't predict what we'd find at the other end. We were going back over two and a half thousand years...

The viewscreen flickered and went black. "We're experiencing a power drain... compensating" said Robert.

"How long before we re-enter the timestream?" I asked, turning to Sperk.

"Eight minutes, forty-two seconds" he stated.

"Power fluctuations compensated" Robert said, and the viewscreen flickered back up, showing a swirling multi-hued field of colours, almost like an ancient kaleidoscope.

Suddenly, a voice said from behind me "Rather dull, isn't it?"

"Intruder on the bridge!" shouted Sienna, and I looked over my shoulder to see a man stood behind my chair. He yawned, then looked down at me. He was wearing a Starfleet admiral's uniform. Sienna and Escahual both had their phasers out and pointed in his direction, though he looked unconcerned by this fact.

He glanced across at Steve. He tilted his head, smiled, and then clicked his fingers. There was a brief flash of light about Steve's chin and then my first officer was sporting a more fuller, neatly-trimmed beard than his usual goatee.

"Hmm, now you do look just like Riker" said our visitor, "descended from him, aren't you? Hope you're not as boring as he was - he never wanted to play any of my games".

"Q" I said, "what are you doing here?"

"Tell you what I am doing here?" said Q, "what, and spoil the surprise?"

"You were responsible for introducing the Federation to the Borg in the first-" Steve began, his right hand up to his chin, feeling his slight transformation, but Q interrupted him.

"Oh, I'm not here to interfere with your hush-hush mission" he said, with a conspiratorial whisper and a sly wink, "but yes, I was, wasn't I?" he added, with an almost proud air to voice.

"Captain, according to the temporal drive display, we're re-enter the timeline now in Eight hundred and forty-two years" said Sperk. He managed to sound calm as he said it. Q smiled.

"Oh, did I do that?" he said.

"Put us back on track or-" I started, my voice flushed with anger.

"Or what? You'll have those two fire those nasty phasers at me? Oh, I'm so frightened".

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Oh, just a little game I'd like you all to play... for old time's sake, you might say" he replied, smiling at his obvious joke.

"Very well, Q, I don't think you leave us much-"

"Splendid!" he said, clapping his hands, and there was a flash of light.

When I had blinked it from my eyes, we were no longer aboard the Cerebus. We were standing together in a dark forest, lit by the moonlight above from the single moon...


"Now then..." said Q. I and the others looked up to see him perched on a branch above us, "there's a castle somewhere off in that direction" he said, with a wave of his hand which must have encompassed a full 180 degrees, "and a wicked Queen is holding her subjects under a magical spell... you must save the wretches - I mean, unfortunate commonfolk - from her evil ways..."

"Is this somehow meant to relate to the Borg Queen and the drones?" I asked.

"Tisk tisk" Said Q, waving a finger, "finish the game and I'll answer your question, and put you back aboard your Cerebus. With the time left back to what it should be, of course. Oh, you're not dressed for the part..."

He clicked his fingers again and there was a flash of light. Suddenly, I found myself out of my black Section 31 Captain's uniform and instead wearing a heavy suit of armour made from interlocking metal rings, a white tabard with a black two-headed dog emblazoned on the front, which was the same design as the shield on my left arm. A long-bladed sword hung in a scabbard at the belt I wore.

"Well, Sir Wilkinson" said Q, "fare thee well!" and he disappeared.

OOC: I suddenly thought of Q as I was writing the post... what do you think, a good twist folks?

[Edited by Kepic on 10-31-2000 at 11:36 AM]
OOC: I LOVE it!!!!

but what are us wenches to do? I don't see us in armor (okay, well maybe Sienna the security officer). I'm dry in the idea well here unless unless you want me to wield a lance...
OOC: How about an amazon-style archer or something CdW?
OOC: Okay, I think I can handle that...if we're each going to be a different warrior type? That sounds intriguing hmmmmmm.....
First Officer Steve Angle

OOC: Nice touch with Q.I knew I should have brushed up on medevial(sp?) attire and weapons.
IC: I find myself in a suit of chain mail armor and a more typical armor helmet.I have a two foot diameter shield with a spike sticking out of the center,and a one handed battle axe."Captain,I recomend that you stay behind me for now."I say to him as I can not remove the habit of protecting the captain that I learned at the academy.
ooc: KICK ASS!!!!!! As Spock Would say
"This is Highly Illogical" BUT WHO CARES! *Cackles* Hmmmmm, I guess this makes spock a Mage or an Alchamist...The med officer is probably a healer, A Druid of sorts..As for everyone else...
Helmsman: A Shipwright of sorts prehaps? Just my opnions...
Weapons: Heh, the Dark Knight, We're talkin the strongest of the bunch, the big warrior type guy who uses everything from bows to axes..
First officer: A Squire To The Commander Prehaps? That would make the most sense to me....
Engineer: A War Machine Operatior, Like catapaults, Ballistas, and other such kick arse things...
Everyone else is a knight, Also, The security Person has 20 some odd Lesser Amazons/knights Under her command. you know those guys in the red outfits who die to prove the situation is serious...The Security Person is AMAZON, VERY strong and Strong willed, this makes the MOST Sense to me and it gives the crew....Well it's uniqeness, As for equiptment (sorry for taking charge but we need a FEW Specifics...)

Commander: Magical Broadsword, Full Plate Armor, Magic Shield, A List of things that must be done and a fully funcional comminicator badge, NOTE: Everyone has the com badges except they look like amulets now.
First Officer: Leather Armor, Short Swords, And other such things needed to tend to the needs of the commander.
Security: bow and arrows, Leather Armor that is VERY flexable, Whip, And whatever else you think you need as a security officer.
Science: Wizards Robes, Spell Book, Foci Wand (the thing that allows him to use magic) A Long Wooden Staff, and a Tricorder That...sort of works but acts more like an oracle..
Engineer:Work Clothes, Tools, Inside of the ship you now have the following with ample ammo, A balista, a Catapault, a battering ram, and a greek fire machine, you also have a great knack for fixing things (as if SCOTTYS Decendant didnt..)
Helmsman: A curved blade, a Sextant, Map of the area surrounding the castle, A Good shield and stout steel-ringed armor.
Weapons: I leave it to your imagination on weapons, no guns though, Steel armor, Steel Helm, Steel sheild, and a Book describing all the weapons of this land..
Medical: A Med-kit, Surgical tools, I'll leave the outfit to you but it's somthing simple..oh and you carry all a manner of herbs, Potions, and Tools for alchamy, along with a hefty book on the subject, this i also leave to your imagination.

If anyone has any problem with ANY Of these set ups please post your complaints before we start, I wrote this out to prevent..
A.Confusion about what they have,
B.God Charicters,
C.Total disorder and chaos.

Thank you and enjoy the RP!

OCC: I love it!! Thanks anyway, Roland, but I like to write my own characters.

IC: "What the...," I muttered as my Starfleet uniform was replaced with a light plate-mail corselet, short skirt, and knee-high leather boots. Over my arms and shins were additional plated of hammered metal and on my head was a light helm with dragon wings that folded down over the sides of my face. On one hip was a small sword, on the other, a bolo.

Confused, but still in an agressive stance, I looked to the Captain. "Your orders, sir?" I asked, eyeing Q intently.
Capt J Wilkinson

"I can handle myself, as you well know Steve... you haven't beaten me in any of the melee holodeck scenario's yet" I said, with a wink, "but you're right... if anything happens to me, you've got the command. The Cerebus computer has the briefing for the next stage of the mission... your passcode will access it in my absence. Q might certainly be something the temporal jump holo simulation could never predict, but we're all going to get through this, right?".
ooc; All A Suggestion for those of us who need a little help, So Don worry bout it *grins*besides, it's not like i spent a full ten minutes thinking it out *LOL* ah well...
ic: *Sperk took a step back as the Robes flashed around him, The wooden staff appearing in his hands* It appears we have all been given different equiptments to suit our Specialtys Captain..I belive we should Exit this ship as quickly as possible to Observe the surrounding lands and find out as much as we can about this evil queen, That seems to be the most logical path I can think of Right now...Then We will need to devise a stratagy..*Sperk nodded, eyeing Q with a hint of anger, he never did like him...Neither had any of his decendants..*
First Officer Steve Angle

IC: Right sir,we will get through this together.
OOC: I prefer to write my characters attire unless kepic does it.It is his story btw.
OOC: I'm with Kitten and macdaddy, I like to have a little more creative leeway :)

IC: I glanced at Lt. Tallwood and the others, then down at myself. Good grief! Like everyone else at the Academy, I knew of the exploits of Q, but certainly hadn't been expecting him on this mission.
My...armor? certainly didn't look as functional as the Captain's or the other men's. If I looked like Lt. Tallwood, crap! I was going to have to work extra hard to supress my pheremones. I can do it with a special concoction I cooked up in the lab, but without the meds, it's trickier. (OOC:this is a SEXUAL role play, after all ;)) I glanced around for potential herbal substitutes, noted one, then looked to the Captain for his orders...
Ooc; Ack! I make A Few Suggestions and you all come down on me! Yeesh-o-Man Cant a Guy give some IDEAS!?
OOC: I didn't mean to come down on you so hard,but it seemed like you were taking control.Try suggesting next time.I really appreciate the thought though.
Capt J... er... Sir Wilkinson

I sighed, then looked around at the others.

"The Q and their games" I said, with a shrug, "well, let's play this one out, and get back to the mission".

"We don't have any gaurantee that Q will put us back in the Cerebus when we end this game, Captain" said Speck.

"I realise that, Speck" I replied, "but he's one of the Q, and we're not exactly in a position to bargain..."

"Nice to hear a human say that... if only Picard had been so easy to get on with..." said Q's voice out of no-where.

"Well Q, first I would like your guarantee once we're through with this one game of yours you'll do as you say".

There was a pause.

"Very well, the other Q insist that I keep my word..." he said.

I smiled. There was a faint rattling sound... like dice?

"First, lets find that 'castle'" I said, heading off in what I figured to be the approximate central direction in which Q had waved his hand earlier.
OOC: Lets see... I'll take charge here, if you don't mind, thank you very much... RG, Speck is a wizard like the one in the old D&D cartoons... pulling anything but what he really wants out of his hat... hmm... ;)... no, seriously, everyone here can pick their own style of character. We're all here to have fun, after all. If anyone goes over the top, I won't be afraid to comment on the fact. I am controlling the Q, after all :D

"Suggestions, team?" I asked, as we walked through the moon-lit forest. Speck had somehow conjured up a ball of light to help make the ground clearer to view. He was looking at it almost as if he didn't understand how it got there.

"I only said we could do with a little light..." he had said, "this is a most illogical setting..."
First Officer Steve Angle

"Sir I think this is the best plan of action",I reply then I notice the light ball that Speck conjured up."Hey Speck is that logical?"I ask."Captain,does this mean that we will develope a characteristic power?"I ask the captain,hopeing if we did I got something amazing.

"Will everyone please STOP looking at me!"

I couldn't believe it, everyone else was covered in armour and clothing, and what did I get? A helmet with a face plate, a bit of chainmail on my right arm, a metal shinguard on my left leg, a single leather strap across my chest, a pair of sandles and a LOINCLOTH!! Thanks very much Q!

I hefted my trident and slung my net over my shoulder, before following the others, grumbling to myself.

[Edited by Friendly Dragon on 10-31-2000 at 03:35 PM]
Sir Wilkinson

"I'm not sure what 'rules' Q is playing this by... I've got a feeling we're more like pieces in the game than actual players..." I replied, "but lets press ahead, we can try and figure this out as we go..."

After about an hours trek, the tree's began to thin out, and the 'castle' came into view. I wide moat, with dark, muddy water, circled the base of the foreboding wall, of solid black stone. Green baleful light flickered in the few arrowslits that were set into the towering turrets at the corner. There was an obvious gate, but there was also at least 20 metres between both banks, and the drawbridge was raised.
Escagual Jiguild

As i walk up to the captin and the others, i realize that my clothing had changed, i had a giant sword in one hand, and in the other a large shield, my clothing was now a metal helmet, my entire body was covered in armor, and a chain like thing under it. I looked over at the captin who was surprised at my atire.

"Well looks like this well be fun..." I swing the sword, then see a holster for it, as i sheath it, i look around. After hearing the Q, and from what i had heard about them...i didn't like what was happening. "so...what now?" i look over at Sienna who was now in a very provoking clothes, and the others in older clothing as well. what would happen as the Q controled the world around us...

OCC: Dearest Roland, tis not a thing, baby! I just finished RL troll hunting in another thread, so I might be a tad bit edgy.

I think it's Sperk, not Speck. <raising and lowering hands> group deep breath, are we good now? ;)

IC: I quickly assessed the situation. The castle looked strong, but not inpenetrable. The drawbridge was held with the standard rope configuration, which could be easily lowered if the rope was severed. Not the best way to enter, but an option.

Surely there had to be another way in. In the event of siege, the castle occupants would need an alternate route of egress. Narrowing my eyes, I found what I was seeking, a area of brush that was very trampled.

"Sir, I believe I may have found a hidden entrance to the castle, permission to investigate?" While I awaited the Captain's decision, I noticed how little Kyle's loincloth left to the imagination. I wondered if his outfit left him feeling the breeze like mine did.
Ooc: THANK YOU! Now What can SPERK Do.....Ah I Know!
ic: *Grumbling somthing about logic, Sperk examined the situation before them Taking his hat off and scratching his head,* This is HIGHLY illogical..*He sighed and spotted the same thing about the draw bridge and then brought up a point* The Drawbridge is straight up, Severing the rope will not be enough, we will need to find a way to pull it down as well, and then to not get hurt in the process...Hmmmm..*he thought, really wishing he had a Grappling hook, Putting his hand into the hat he drew out a Rabbit and he blinked, trying again he pulled out a copy of playboy and blushed tossing that away, he kept trying for a grappling hook or somthing, getting all a manner of strange items while everyone snickered at his antics*
First Officer Steve Angle

*runs and grabs the playboy*"OH MY a classic,the first ever Chyna issue from nov.2000 and in mint condition!"*tucks away for safe keeping*"Hey Sperk,what do you have planned?"I ask him.
Dr. Alia

Stiffling a giggle at Lt. Sperk and Cmdr. Angle, I went over to stand by the Captain.
"Captain," I said, trying to keep the breeze from blowing my skirt up over my ass so I might retain some of that God-like aura doctors possess, "we should consider that this is merely a fascimille of Earth not our actual home and be wary of pathogens. Those spores over there look suspitiously like something I was just reading about in one of my journals."
The Captain looked at me strangely, and I realized my controls were slipping and my mind again clamped down hard on my phereomones. We certainly didn't need a wild orgy to distract us from this important mission...