A young lieutenent came onto the command deck and relieved the young ensign that was at the helm. Quickly he scanned over the controls of the helm to make sure everything was set as it should have been to maintain a standard orbit around the planet. He tilted his head from the side to side to try to loosen the collar of the starfleet uniform. Truth be told, his uniform was rather constricting in certain areas including around his neck, that was one thing he missed about the Klingon Navy. Well that and the fact that the cruiser he had been on patrol duty so they had seen a decent amount of action.
He adjusted his collar a bit more and returned to focusing on his console once more. It was different here in this ship, in starfleet. It was gonna take a while to get used to this, he had already had one transfer to this ship after he had made an honor claim after one of the ensigns had insulted his adopted father as Duncan had been entering the officers mess hall. However due to the fact that the ensign had been related to an admiral and the fact that Duncan was the adopted son of a Klingon Thought Admiral, Duncan was given a transfer to another ship.
So he had gotten transferred here.... No real patrol duty, instead they were orbiting this planet and surveying it. Oh well, so far it wasnt too bad, a wee bit boring perhaps but then all starship duties were a bit boring at times.
He adjusted his collar a bit more and returned to focusing on his console once more. It was different here in this ship, in starfleet. It was gonna take a while to get used to this, he had already had one transfer to this ship after he had made an honor claim after one of the ensigns had insulted his adopted father as Duncan had been entering the officers mess hall. However due to the fact that the ensign had been related to an admiral and the fact that Duncan was the adopted son of a Klingon Thought Admiral, Duncan was given a transfer to another ship.
So he had gotten transferred here.... No real patrol duty, instead they were orbiting this planet and surveying it. Oh well, so far it wasnt too bad, a wee bit boring perhaps but then all starship duties were a bit boring at times.