Star Trek: The New Frontiers (IC)

((OOC: Sorry guys, my comp was having problems. I posted before, but it crashed before I could hit reply))

She smiled, "Hot chocolate would be lovely, it usually allows me to relax somewhat." Shifting on the sofa, she circumspectly admired the alien specimen before her. "If I may be allowed to ask, does your society place any value on physical appearance?"

Then she waved her hand in a dismissively gesture, "If there's anything you want to know that the computer can't provide, you can try to make me understand what it is you want. I'm sure I can get the information for you, though it might take longer than using the displays."
S'H'ara - S'H'ara's quarters

She smiled, "Hot chocolate would be lovely, it usually allows me to relax somewhat." Shifting on the sofa, she circumspectly admired the alien specimen before her. "If I may be allowed to ask, does your society place any value on physical appearance?"

Then she waved her hand in a dismissively gesture, "If there's anything you want to know that the computer can't provide, you can try to make me understand what it is you want. I'm sure I can get the information for you, though it might take longer than using the displays."

*You mean Physical attractiveness? Yes, but only for selecting a mate. Although my .. ?society? also places consideration for mental acuity.* Pausing she regarded the computer panel for a moment then caressed her arm band. A moment later and she was walking over, carrying a steaming cup of hot chocolate.

*I have many questions. How many species are involved in your collective society? How many worlds are populated? Are you at war with yourselves, or other species? Why will the computer not provided this information? Do you have vessels of peace, or only those made for Battle? How many genders do you possess as a species?*
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Marigold Doyle - S'H'Ara's Quarters

Mari took the hot chocolate gratefully, waiting only a moment before took a delicate sip. Placing it on the table top before her, she sat back a little, tapping her chin with a finger, "The United Federation of Planets has more than one hundred and fifty member planets with thousands of individual colonies mixed in. A more definite number can be listed with the computer. Try asking it for 'number of member planets in federation'."

"We are not currently at war. We don't really go in for that sort of thing anymore, not like Humanity in the past. You will find that Humanity in particular has a colourful history with war. I'm not aware of a war with any other species at the moment. We focus more on exploration within the Fleet and advancement in the Federation. We have abolished such things as currency and the like - though we have a rich mercantile market."

It might be that the phrasing from your language does not translate will with the phrasing of ours. I can help with that." She steepled her fingers, thinking back to the questions that had been asked. Grinning when she remembered the next in the list, she said, "We do not primarily make vessels for war. This vessel in particular is a prototype class. It is outfitted with far more military means in mind than our most produced classes. Mostly scientific/exploration vessels."

Her grin only got even wider, though she guessed the alien would not know the reason why, "Humanity as a whole has two genders. Male and Female. There are races that are androgenous, as well as those that have..." she pursed her lips, "Grey areas."

Then she asked a question of her own, "When looking for a mate, what kind of characteristics are looked for? And how many genders are your species? Do you mate inter-specieally? And does a mate have to be of the opposite or another gender for you?"
S'H'ara - S'H'ara's quarters

Then she asked a question of her own, "When looking for a mate, what kind of characteristics are looked for? And how many genders are your species? Do you mate inter-specieally? And does a mate have to be of the opposite or another gender for you?"

*Hmm.. my species has no specific qualities it looks for in potential mates. Unlike the.. Mandar.. we as a species are not seeking a perfect being. It will happen when it happens. Genitci experimentation does occur in that endeavor, but it is carefully observed. Serious.. hmm.. incidents .. have occured in the past that have proven it both benificial. And hazardous.*

*As for my species Gender we are three.. or one. Depending on your perspective. We all start out with both male and female genitalia. As we mature and develop mentally we select our own preference. Some remain as ?hermaphroditic?. Interspecies reproduction is possible. but can be hazardous, and not always successful. I know of three hundred genetic patterns that have been added to my species biogenetic pattern.*

*I myself have chosen to not take a mate. My profession requires that I spend long periods of time alone. I have taken several thousand temporary companions, of several different genders. But I'm not sure if that's what you mean.*

Moving across the room S'H'ara inverted a chair and leaned forwards across the back. Facing Marigold, her wings open and stretching for a moment before they folded back into place, the tail curling around her own waist.
Captain Torres

Miguel continued to work in his ready room for another couple of hours. But he was quickly growing tired of looking at status reports of repairs. It just reminded him of the mess they were in. He even tried looking at the star charts that the Menday had given them, but it was only a matter of time before he felt as if he were looking at the same thing. He needed to go for a walk.

Miguel left his ready room, when the Operations Officer stood up, he gestured for him to keep his seat. "If you need me for anything, call me."

The young officer nodded, although Miguel really didn't notice since he was already entering the turbolift. He really didn't know where he wanted to go, just needed to get off the bridge for awhile. If he were planetside he'd go get some air, the next best place was the garden. The at least he could be around some real trees.
Jo'lee was in desperate straights the weapons were at half power an no one in her crew respected her. "Where oh where is the captian" he tail curled up in a question mark. she moved up and down the halls the computer was having a personality identity crisis.

"computer where is the captain" she asked again trying not to go on all fours and tear up the carpet. she was coughing up hairballs and stressing. "Go find him yourself" responded the computer before shutting off again. she entered another room and found no one.

"Come one this cant be happening" she was sure she was having a dream and went to fin someone to wake her up. "Miguel can you pinch me" she said turning around. she was sure it was a dream no way all these thing coul dbe hoing wrong to her at once.
Captain Torres

Miguel had been just enjoying the peace and quiet of the Botanical garden, when he heard his name called. It actually took him a bit by surprise as he looked towards where the voice had come from.

He saw that it was the new Chief of Security. She was having some problems adjusting to the new position, she wasn't the only one. They had lost quite a few of the senior officers, and some of these younger ones were still pretty raw. "What did you call me Lieutenant?"
Marigold Dolye - S'H'Ara's quarters

Mari nodded, "Well, I only hope I didn't offend by asking that question. Sometimes, peculiar to humans I think, its a sensitive area." She smiled a little apologetically, "By nature we don't really like being alone all of our lives."

Tapping her chin again, she visibly stopped herself and then took another appreciative sip of her hot chocolate. Putting on a thoughtful frown, she changed direction yet again, "What do you make of the Mendar. I mean to ask... what are you perceptions of them."

She kept her thoughts to herself, but even S'H'ara (though she would be avoiding it) could sense the anxious and unsettling nature of her question.
she curled her tail around her hand "sorry captain i am just having the worse day ever" she handed him the report it was very complete and equally as bleak it would take days to get weapons up to full power. they could get half the weapons up sooner only by cannibalizing the other half. she held up her hand expecting more then a tongue lashing. she was still not used to human ways of doing things.
Captain Torres

"We all are Lieutenant. But we'll get through this." he said trying to reassure her. He then started looking at the PADD she had given him. He didn't like the idea of cannonablizing components from one system in order to fix another. But right now the first order of business was survival.

"Our new Chief Engineer was just ordered to get some rest, before she collapsed on the job. However you have permission to take what you need from the minor systems that won't effect her repair effort. Hopefully when we get to this planet we'll be able to get everything we need to fix the Chimera up complately." he ordered.
She could get a third of the phasers online in only twenty four hours taking the holodeck, and some of the sciences offline. "Yes sir ill need some parts to get the photos and quantum's online" a torpedo had almost detonated in a launcher dumping it load inert but depolarizing the launcher.

she would have to dismantle several torpedoes to neutralize the affecting charge. "Ok is there anything more i can do for you" she asked knowing she had her work cut out for her a lot of heaving lifting. even with the sled it was going to be a lot of hard work.
S'H'ara - S'H'ara's quarters

*Why would I be offended by a question? As for the Mendar, I found them to be arrogant, aloof, obnoxious, and incompetent. They have reached for the stars to early in their species lifespan. They have not yet achieved proper knowledge of the stars before running. Their leader was very, informative, though.*

*With a little time and work, I could locate the star patterns and astropathic signatures of the planets he’s been to. Including his home world.*

*He and his people will be back. They found several individual’s to be quantifiable for addition to his peoples genome. And this vessel also was rather.. interesting. Many of the weapons are far far better than what they have. If they hadn’t been so decimated by the battle with the P'Rotek they would have tried to capture your vessel.*

*As it is, they will be back, with more people. And more ships. Although you may find an ally with the Eldarian species. The image of the Eldarian corpse in the Leaders mind was remarkable similar to your Subleader, Commander A’Lex of the House of T’Ker.*
Captain Torres

"Just let you people know how much I appreciate the hard work they've been doing the last several days. I know it's hard, but all of you are doing great." Miguel told her. "Just do your best to keep as many of them rested as you can without hurting the efficiency of the repairs." Miguel told her.
Marigold Doyle - S'H'Ara's quarters

Mari nodded. The brief estimation that S'H'Ara had had of the Mendar seemed to fit her own perspective easily enough. "It was assumed, from their structure, that they weren't technologically advanced enough to have 'reached for the stars' and still be at war with the P'Roteck." She nodded thoughtfully, "But their structure suggests that they don't give up easily. Its a sticky situation, you see. We're new to this system and its hard to guage exactly who to contact. We are far from taking sides - and the cosmos forbid that if we do, we take the wrong side."

This time she took a longer drink from her hot chocolate. It was already cooling, but she didn't mind, it was educational to be with this clearly intelligent woman. "Have you any indications of who the P'Rotek are? Were you given any signs or images when the Mendar spoke of them. And did you manage to find out just what this war is about?"

She pulled out a PADD and noted the name of the race S'H'Ara had spoken of. Perhaps she could find out some more information on these 'Eldarians' once she got into the Mendar's data stores.
S'H'ara - S'H'ara's quarters

*The P'Rotek are a xenoform dedicated to the worship of a deity. All those that do not follow their belief system must be destroyed. Whether this be a ship amongst the stars, or a planet of billions. In the first contact of the P'Rotek and the Mendar, I believe the P'Rotek were the aggressor. But since I was not investigating that information in the minds of the Mendar I cannot confirm that information.*

*And the species is P'Rotek, not P'Roteck. To clarify it is a hard ‘K’ sound, sound a soft ‘ck’. It’s a minor point, but it may help when you meet them. Probably not, but maybe. Once they encounter this ship and your species, they will eliminate you.*
Marigold nodded at the correction. Human dialects were often much softer than any she had encountered during her internships or even on the Chimera herself, but she usually paid more attention than that. Slip of the tongue, she supposed. Perhaps she was being far too casual with their guest? Perhaps she had already taken up too much of the woman's time?

Trying hard not to shake her head, she smiled instead, "Thank you for that information, S'H'Ara. Is there anything else that you wish to know? I've been asking all the questions; forgive me for not giving you the chance."

She was sorry to say that in human history, the worship of a deity had often resulted in war. She knew where the P'Rotek were coming from, at least, then. Religious wars were often ones that people should not involve themselves with.
S'H'ara - S'H'ara's quarters

*Where is your Homeworld? May I have access to astrographical charts? Biogentieic patterns of the lifeforms your fleet of starships have encountered? What are the levels of advancement you use to categorize the societies that you have encountered? How did you come to this determination? Why have I seen no Mechanicus adeptus? Where is your Astropath? Have you encountered the Necrontyr?*
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Planet side..

Joint Post
Commander A'Lex T'Pol T'Ker - XO - Bridge
Captain Miguel Torres

Miguel sat in his chair as he looked ahead at the viewer. It had been roughly 20 minutes since the away team had beamed down and begun their initial survey of the world. Ship’s sensors had already determined that there seemed to be no sentient life below, as well as the Mendar claim that the planet was mineralogical dream.

However just because sensors said things were clear, didn’t mean they actually were. As such following standard procedure an away team had been sent for a personal investigation. If all went well Miguel would order the beaming down of the work details that would begin mining operations, as well as those that would be exploring the planet for additional sources of food. If everything turned out good, the week long trip to get to this world would have been worth it. He just needed to be patient and await the assessment of the away team.

Tapping her comm badge A’Lex said. "Captain. Preliminary investigation indicates that the beam down site is designated a safe and secure zone. A Marine detail is in place at the perimeter. Are you still desiring to visit the planet surface?"

Miguel activated the comm. from his chair. “That’s good to hear Commander. And yes I would like to beam down and look at things for myself.” He replied.

"I will inform the landing party of your intent to visit. A secondary security detail will be waiting for you in transporter room one."

Miguel shook his head as he felt the use of a second team of guards just for him was overkill. However he would do whatever it would take in order to get the chance to get to the planet. He could have gone down if he chose so, on his own discretion, however he would relent to Commander T’Ker’s opinion. “I’ll be down shortly.” He said as he stood up and motioned for the young officer at the science station to assume command.

A few minutes later the blue-white swirl of energy had subsided and Miguel along with his two guards were breathing fresh air. He looked around, she had chosen a good clear area. Nice and big, perfect for a base camp. As he walked over to his first officer he could see a forest surrounding a rather nice size mountain. It wasn’t to large, but it would be one hell of a climb.

Moving across the Clearing A'Lex held out a data padd. "Current reports, sir. Preliminary mineral locations as well as potential food supply locations."

"Very good. I've ordered the first set of supplies to be beamed down, which will be the modular shelter for the command post along with the detail to put it up. Then we'll start beaming down the other details and their equipment." he told her as he looked the reports over.

She'd already voiced her opinion over the lack of need for a localized command center. Unnecessary and a waste of time. But she'd obey the order. As illogical as it was.

He knew she thought the use of a localized command center wasn’t necessary, but it was standard procedure and even though there were times he’d stray from them, he didn’t think this was one of those times. “Alright Commander I’ll leave you in charge here for now I’m going to look around for a bit.” he said and started to walk off towards the mountain.

"Very well Captain. Will there be anything else?"

"Nope just proceed as planned." he told her as he walked off, the two guards following his every step.

Turning away A'Lex began directing the planetside personnel.
Captain Torres


It took them a few minutes to get to the mountain, and then started to walk around the base of it. They had gone several hundred yards around the base when they found a cave. Since they were still surveying the area, Miguel and the two guards had brought some wrist lights with them and since he didn’t think there was any danger Miguel decided to go in and check things out.

He tapped his comm. badge “Torres to T’Ker. We’ve found a cave at the mountain about a kilometer away from the camp site. We’re going into investigate.” He said as he began to enter the cave. His left arm up shining the light forward as he looked at his tricorder in his right hand, running continuous scans.

(Tags T'Ker and any security that wants to go with the Cap'n)
Emily Star - Security

Emily held her phaser level, her eyes glancing quickly all around.

"Sir," she said, quickly levelling up with the Captain,"I'd feel a lot better if I went first. You're the Captain, the ship relies on you and technically you shouldn't be down here..but..if you are to be allow me or another to take point."

She was new and she didn't know him very well. She hoped he wouldn't be upset but there was no way she could let him walk into danger.

<Tag Capn>
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Captain Torres

Miguel sighed. "I don't think I would have survived 10 years as a member of CEAR if I didn't know how to takecare of myself Lieutenant." he said with a slight chuckle.

He knew she was just doing her job. "Fine but I swear if I'm not allowed to have some fun I'm going to go crazy." he said with a smile as he let her take the lead.

<Lt. Star>
Commander A'Lex T'Ker - XO - Planetside

Moving forward Henderson tapped his badge. “Commander T’Ker, I’ve discovered signs of civilization. Or rather ruins of one.”

“What’s your location?”

“I’m..” a soft inhalation followed. A gasp of surprise.

“Ensign?” Commander T’ker asked.

When silence followed she tapped her commbadge again. “All teams report in. Captain Report in.”


“Mitchell’s reporting.”

Thompson here.”


<tag: Star, Captain, anyone else on the planet>
Captain Torres

They had moved into the gave and thus far it was just a normal cave. Or so it seemed. He had lost track of how much time had passed, or how far into the cave they had gone into when the walls smoothed out as if artifically made. They came across a large archway with some engraved etchings. "Well it looks like there used to be a civilization of some sorts here." he said as he continued to look writings.

He was lost in it, when he heard a staticky call come over the comm. signal. It was obvious that there was something in the mountain that was jamming communications, or at least making it difficult. He focused his attention and listened and heard T'Ker calling out for others to report, if his comm badge had picked that up, then she had to have called for him as well. Which meant something had to have happened.

"Something isn't right, we'll come back here later. Let's get back to the camp. Double time!" he said and began, as best as he could, to make his way out of the cave. Periodically he would tap his comm badge in an effort to contact his first officer. "Commander Status report?"

(T'Ker, Star)
Marigold Doyle - S'H'Ara's Quarters

Marigold listened as a veritable storm of questions suddenly came her way, it seemed that the woman had only been polite in not voicing her questions earlier. Doyle resisted the urge to shrug with a mental effort, and started to catalogue the questions and answers in her mind. Mentally, she ticked off those she knew offhand and those she could direct S'H'Ara in asking the computer. Some of the terms she did not know but she intended on finding out.

"Firstly, to view Star Charts all you need do is command the computer to 'find location of...' and state the location. You can allow for a galaxy view, to solar system, to current system of planets. We here on the Chimera have a unique advantage because we possess holographic charts that most other starships don't. Accessing the charts shouldn't be a problem, its common knowledge. Once you find a location, you can ask the computer facts you wish to know about said location. For instance, if you want to ask the population of earth, you simply command, "Computer, show current social population of Earth" or animals, or even plants."

She paused for a breath and considered the next question in the queue, "If you want the biological information of any species, simply locate it first using the computer and ask it direct questions. A generalised summary will be your first port of call, but you can then delve deeper. Your escorts can help with wording if I'm not around. As for classing advancements, I assume you mean technologically speaking? - a system of classes have been created. Depending on the class of the individual species and the planet on which they live, you can gain some immediate information on their social structure, biology, technical advancement and so forth. I won't go into the classes now, as there are simply too many. Should you need information, simply state what class you want to investigate or ask for a list of classes and their definitions."

"The means of coming up with the classifications have just been done this way. Its the easiest in our social structure to understand - some times a new way can be found and implemented, but they are usually for unusual circumstances or events."

Tilting her head to side quizzically, Mari gave a little smile, "As for your other questions, I'm afraid that i can't answer them before I ask some of my own. May I ask of a description that will allow me to understand the term, 'mechanicus adeptus' and who are the Necrontyr?"