Star Wars: "Begun, The Clone War Has." (OOC)

I'm having truoble thinking up some ideas for an opening post. Anyone have some ideas?

I also have a quick question to Jedi Khan. Are the "Shadow Knights" Jedi Shadows or are they something different?

In my interpretation, Shadow Knights are much more secretive and autonomous than Jedi Shadows. And they utilize the Rule of Two. Jedi Shadows do fairly the same job as Shadow Knights but the methods and means that are employed are different, and the Shadow Knights don't simply limit themselves to dealing with the Sith.

Shadow Knights can easily stand in the presence of a Sith Lord and fool the guy into thinking that the Jedi is actually a fellow Sith or a non-Force user who is no threat whatsoever.

Plus, Shadow Knights are my own creation and thus are not on the Star Wars Wiki, although given the immense scope of Star Wars, I wouldn't be surprised to find the title applied elsewhere.

I say, who's copying who? I came up with that character years ago.

Edit: Oh, I see. You liked the idea of my black lightsaber, so you decided to use it. Well, too bad. My character was up before your edit and your blade was red at that time.
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Ah but I didn't say who copied who. The idea was to have the black blade, then made it red, then I saw that the Resident Jedi used the black blade idea, so I thought it to be OK to use so I copied the Master Jedi's idea even though it was an original idea :)

So I be the copy cat, that is why I added no name to my copy cat post.
See the above edit. And black is a very, very rare color for lightsaber blades. Now where would your character have picked one up, let alone two, from? My character has the history of the previous Shadow Knights to explain how he acquired the crystal(s).
Do pale grey/blue lightsaber's have a special meaning?

Why do some only use one, and others two. Is it just combat preference?
Is there still slots open in this?

There might be. Not entirely sure.

A question to everyone: have I indicated in any of my posts in the IC that my character can be identified as a either a Jedi, a trained Force user, and/or an untrained Force sensitive by checking his presence in the Force? Or have I indicated the exact opposite, that he cannot be identified as a Jedi, etc., by checking his presence in the Force?

Is there any ambiguity in the question above or in my IC posts? And yes, I know "ambiguity" is a big word, and not often seen in written form, so let me translate: is there any doubt and/or confusion as to the meaning of anything I have written thus far in the IC?

And please, read my posts carefully. I really don't want to have an argument with someone simply to point out details that I believe I had made clear in my posts. Such arguments rarely end well for either person.

And no, I'm not angry or ranting, and I do not intend to offend or alienate. I just want to figure out if I did indeed botch something along the way.
If three or so words were misread it could indicate you were capable of being read as a Jedi (the same way you identified his presence as one). But after reading through more carefully, you've said you took precautions stopping such a reading and outcome from being concluded.

Probably just a misunderstanding. If you PM him, he'll probably be fine editing anything incorrect out. I always find they are the best starting point if its only one person who's made the error.

Situation resolved, and I edited my post to hopefully be more clear and precise. Did I accomplish that?
Dylan Cosgrove

hair color:brown
eye color:green
height: 5'2
weight:120 lbs
weapon:double barrel blaster,(a clip in the side of the blaster can be used to smuggle information
Home planet: Naboo
occupation: bounty hunter
side: secretly Republic
history: A tomboy since the day she was born, Dylan never met any friends. Her history is secretive, since she grew up with the Gungans. Once Dylan was old enough, she bought her ship, Babe II. A rusty ship from earlier years, it's crumbling apart. But Dylan can't scrap her dream.
She finally meet Gallax, her Jedi lover, on a mission. They end up falling in
love. And so the story begins....
I'll post when I can. But I'm having to take time away from Lit.

But considering this isn't a really fast RP I don't mind posting once or twice a week.
For anyone who cares or is perhaps a member of the target audience, happy Father's Day.

And now, a little bit of wisdom from the resident Jedi:

A second look may often reveal important details that were missed the first time.
I'm going to kill my character off. There is no real place for him in this thread. An explosion coming up soon
Ok. Since everyone wants to be hostile and rude to Alan, I'll make him go back to Borvo's. I tried to make our characters join up, on several occasions, but now it seems all but impossible. When all of our guys begin to group up, you'll have to go to Alan.
Hey, my character is just playing the part of a Mandalorian, hired to kidnap Illiana, who views your character as a potential nusiance at the moment.

I mean, what do you expect a guy who's in Mandalorian armor and whose Force presence indicates that he's well trained in the Dark Side to do? It's not like he's going to say "Hey, why don't you come along and we'll have a cup of caf together?"

And speaking of character actions, your character is witnessing what is apparently someone who has come to kidnap a Jedi, and you have him simply walk away without a thought, let alone a second one? You could at least have him recognize what the hell is going on in front of him and/or question what's going on. You do have options other than to simply walk away.
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I though it was someone attacking a jedi and DormantEvil's character had fended him off. I thought your character was like a friend or bodyguard to her since DormantEvil's character didn't resist or call for help. Also, my guy dispises Jedi. After all, they exiled him.
Several someones did attack Illiana, she defeated them, and now it appears for all intents and purposes that someone else has come to take her who is a bit stronger. Illiana "realizes" that she doesn't have much hope of fighting since her lightsabers have been taken and her new "assailant" is apparently well trained in the Force. She might stand a chance if some gallant young bounty hunter decided to come to her "rescue."

And yes, my character is Illiana's new master, but there's no way for your character to know that, especially considering that my character appears to be wearing Mando armor, the Dark Side is clinging to him, and he called her "merchandise." Why would a Jedi be friends with someone like that?

Oh, and he pulled Illiana's lightsaber out of your character's hand with the Force before Illiana could accept it.
Several someones did attack Illiana, she defeated them, and now it appears for all intents and purposes that someone else has come to take her who is a bit stronger. Illiana "realizes" that she doesn't have much hope of fighting since her lightsabers have been taken and her new "assailant" is apparently well trained in the Force. She might stand a chance if some gallant young bounty hunter decided to come to her "rescue."

........ DormantEvil stated with her character that she was WILLING to go with your character.

And yes, my character is Illiana's new master, but there's no way for your character to know that, especially considering that my character appears to be wearing Mando armor, the Dark Side is clinging to him, and he called her "merchandise." Why would a Jedi be friends with someone like that?

I never said Alan knew your character was Illiana's master.

Oh, and he pulled Illiana's lightsaber out of your character's hand with the Force before Illiana could accept it.

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........ DormantEvil stated with her character that she was WILLING to go with your character.

Doesn't mean your character has to accept it. In fact, he could find it a little odd that she'd give up so willingly, especially after having taken out several other assailants. I know my character would if in your character's position.

I never said Alan knew your character was Illiana's master.

And yet you thought that the Dark Side Force-user wearing Mando armor and calling Illiana "merchandise" was Illiana's friend.

Could have had your character react to that abrupt action. As is, it's almost as if the action was completely ignored, like it never happened.
And yet you thought that the Dark Side Force-user wearing Mando armor and calling Illiana "merchandise" was Illiana's friend.

No I didn't. DormantEvil said the word merchandise. All that my guy did was see what was going on, then he handed Illiana her lightsaber.

You know what. I'm tired of this thread. I simply make my character walk around the city and your complaining, even though no one else has. I'm done.
I though it was someone attacking a jedi and DormantEvil's character had fended him off. I thought your character was like a friend or bodyguard to her since DormantEvil's character didn't resist or call for help. Also, my guy dispises Jedi. After all, they exiled him.

And yet you thought that the Dark Side Force-user wearing Mando armor and calling Illiana "merchandise" was Illiana's friend.

No I didn't. character ...called her "merchandise." ...

DormantEvil said the word merchandise.

True, she did say the word "mechandise," but it was in response to my character calling her "merchandise."

Oh, and he pulled Illiana's lightsaber out of your character's hand with the Force before Illiana could accept it.

All that my guy did was see what was going on, then he handed Illiana her lightsaber.

You know what. I'm tired of this thread. I simply make my character walk around the city and your complaining, even though no one else has. I'm done.

Amazing. Simply amazing. I could say something with regards to all the evidence above, but I doubt it would even be noticed.

Oh well. Nothing I can do to stop you.

(Just a note: this is really starting to look like the original Star Wars thrillogy. Lots of men and only like a couple of women in the whole galaxy... ;) May the best "Han" win!)
Starting to feel like another Jedi could be helpful, but not sure if I can still fit in LOL
(Just a note: this is really starting to look like the original Star Wars thrillogy. Lots of men and only like a couple of women in the whole galaxy... ;) May the best "Han" win!)

Huh. Interesting thought. Thanks for the comment!

Starting to feel like another Jedi could be helpful, but not sure if I can still fit in LOL

It could be, or you could go with someone new.