Star Wars: Return of the Sith


He looked back at Star Destroyer as the freighter continued to fire at it and flew in fast. He knew that he had to get out of there but he also knew that he had to help the people in that freighter. He flicked on his comm unit, "Freighter pilot- if we are leaving then we are leaving at the same time. Do you understand?"

He turned his X-wing around and began to fire at the Star Destroyer, hoping that the freighter and himself would get out of this in one piece.
Jedi Master Duu'Raan

The Jedi Master overlooked the jungle moon of Yavin 4, opening himself to the Force. He could feel the subtle tremors of life deep in the forest, the life forces of both predator and prey. Such places were where the Force flowed strongest, supported by life as microscopic as a bacterial germ, and as large as the great trees that spread outward from the Great Temple that served as the home of the Jedi Academy, where all the younger children were trained before being accepted as Padawan.

"The Force is many thingss, my friend. A tool, and a companion... it is energy, and life. And it iss also peace... and war. Therein liess the danger of Jedihood. There are times when we are forced to use our gift for martial gainsss. Those timess are tragic, even when necessary, in that they bring uss closer to the Dark Side than we should ever need to tread..."

He shook his reptillian head, and turned to look up at his towering Wookiee apprentice.

"We musst be ever vigilant in our quest to see justice done, and yet we mussst be even more vigilant in our application of the Force during those trying timess. Fighting evil with evil is never the answer, no matter how tempting it might be. And, mark me, you will be tempted, as are we all."

He looked back over the forest, and closed his eyes, his forked tongue flicking out over his lips to taste the air.

"Remember, the Force can bring you peace, if you look for it. Can you feel it my Padawan?"
*The large wookie looked down to watch his master as he spoke, and felt with the force, the life around him. Doprekka opened himself to the force as well and "looked" around him with it, the energies of that mysterious Jedi power enhancing his senses and giving him an awareness unlike any other. He closed his eyes and "felt" the beings of the jungle, each tiny scurrying insect and large prowling mammal. It was a wonder to feel so much and yet not get lost in it all. Looking back down to his master as he continued on about the Dark Side and the Light Side and how they can sometimes come dangerously close to one another, he simply let out a small bark of acknowledgement. Though to him, there was only one way. The dark side led to destruction, doom, and death. Peace and honor could not be attained by such methods. Towards the end of his masters lecture he nodded once more and gave acknowledgement.*

(Yes Master, I feel the Force.)
"Ahhh, yess... but do you feel peace?"

The Padawan never got to answer, as an apprentice of about 5 years of age came running up.

"Master Duu'Raan?"

The Jedi Master turned toward the child, careful not to grin. A mouthful of sharp teeth sometimes had a different effect than the desired to a child.

"Young one, you know better than to interrupt an instruction."

The boy blushed, slightly, and bowed his head. "I'm sorry Master."

Duu'Raan sighed. "Well, what iss it child."

"Word just came in that Mached V has fallen.

Duu'Raan's slitted pupils widened slightly in surprise. "The Jedi that were there, what of them?"

"Escaped, Master."

"Troubling newsss. Inform Master Basaal that we'll be there shortly. Run along."

The boy turned and sprinted for the Temple.

"Troubling newss indeed, Doprekka." He started walked toward the Temple, motioning his Padawan to follow. "Things are coming to a head in the galaxy. The Sssith grow stronger. And now, someone feels confident enough to sstrike at a Jedi sstronghold. What are your thoughtss, my friend?"
*Doprekka looked from the child as he finished his news and quirked a brow as he looked to his master. Though he says nothing, he listens on to what his Master has to say and follows along as he is motioned to, even with such dire news the wookie only shakes his head, when asked of his own views he looks to the ground for a moment, always one to consider his words before speaking them, often times considered by many who do not know him to be slow of mind as he is so slow to respond to many questions, looking up once more as they continue they're walk he replies.*

(I find the news...troubling, Master. Are the Sith so great in number and power, that they tread and combat so openly now? If so, I fear we have much to lose at this rate, before we begin to gain.)
"I fear you are correct, my friend. That iss ssomething we must meditate upon, later."

Duu'Raan had a great deal of respect for his student, and as such placed a great deal of responsibility onto him. Of course, the Wookiee's age and maturity made his apprenticeship unique. He was older than nearly all the current Jedi, which was one reason his apprenticeship was taken on by Duu'Raan.

The other was his temper, the thing perhaps that Wookiees were most famous for. It was hoped that Duu'raan's serenity would positively affect Doprekka.

"Your insight servesss you well. I feel I'll be counting on you a great deal in the trialss to come."

He entered the Temple, and stretched out with the Force, searching for the other Jedi Master...
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*Doprekka gave a nod to the words of his master and slid his large hands within the sleeves of his robes as they walked on to the temple. He had spent many years with Duu'Raan, and in fact had learned many things from the serene Master. Much of patience had been learned from him, as well as calm. For that alone he was grateful, but for the respect he was shown by his Master he could not be grateful enough. Duu'Raan was Honor'kin to him now. There was no other way to express his connection with his Master. And so he continued walking along beside Duu'Raan, in relative silence. Simply allowing his mind to contemplate the actions of the Sith.*

"Freighter pilot- if we are leaving then we are leaving at the same time. Do you understand?"
The Rogue Pilot's voice stated over the communcations link.
His thoughts were accurate, I felt. The best chances of survival would most likely be if we both acted together. I waited to see what Nastasia would reply.
"Agreed, Rogue Pilot," she said. "We'll take one more pass, then turn in mid-pass and cut back. Hopefully, this will distract their fire."
The ship was already moving quickly past the safety zone we'd wondered into, but she was already turning the vessel and taking it back in. I kept my eyes peeled, shifting them from the monitor for the targets on the bottom to the open field of vision before me, firing at whatever place seemed the most vulnerable but knowing that unless I fired at a weapons port, I couldn't do any damage.
We were halfway when the ship slowed suddenly, pivoting suddenly and facing back the way we'd come.
"Now, Rogue pilot," Nastasia announced, then the engines fired and the ship suddenly took off, heading out toward dark space.

An ancient art that was still effective...most of the time. But then and there, it wasn't so effective as I needed it to be.I opened my eyes, looking out the glass at the stars as they rolled past.
I closed my eyes again, trying to concentrate on one thing, then push it from my mind, hoping this technique would leave my mind empty.
SLowly, my body found ease and relaxation, though not to the extent I would have hoped.
After a short period of time, I found myself stanidng, hand moving to my lightsaber.
WHen my mind returned to the here and now, I realized I was alone, onboard the Solo, safe and without reason for alarm.
My hand fell to my side, the image that had caused my alarm gone from my memory as though it had never been there.
What the...?
I took in a deep breath, not finding any comfort in my being alone in the room, then decided to head toward the bridge. I needed to speak to someone, to find the answers my brain was hiding from me.
Something wasn't right, and I couldn't help but think it had something to do with Raine. Not so much her death, if she was indeed dead, but something else altogether.
And I knew exactly who could be the help i desired.

The transmitter beeped on Luke's belt, and his hand shot toward it, bringing it to his mouth.

"Ummmm, hello?"

"Luke?" Tynan's voice flowed out of the communicator.

"Tynan! Are you out of the bacter tank?"

"Bacta. And yes, I'm out. Where are you?"

"The bridge. Daelon is here, and so is Jedi Master Kelson. And some guys in uniforms."

The device was quiet for a moment, before Luke heard Tynan's voice again. "Stay there. I'm on my way."

The transmission cut off, and Luke looked around the bridge. On of the guys in a uniform was looking at him with a frown on his face. Luke thought it might be the Captain. He looked like he was about Tynan's age. The other men nearby were all Jedi, including one that he hadn't seen before. He must not be used to being on a ship either, by the way he was looking around at everything.

The man in uniform looked at Jedi Master Kelson, and spoke, respect in his voice. "The Star Destroyer is under the command of Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'Tok. He's invited us to go with him to Coruscant. Or we can take you to Yavin 4, or wherever you'd like to go. I'd prefer not to sit here any longer than necessary."
Master Duur'aan

Master Tao'da Basaal stood quietly after relaying what he knew of the attack, one of his large Mon Calamari eyes on Duur'aan, and the other fixed on Doprekka. The head of the Academy's calm tranquility was soothing to Duur'aan.

Of all the Jedi he had ever met, Master Basaal was most like himself, Duur'aan believed.

"Do we know where the ssurvivorss are, Master Basaal?"

"We do, Master Duur'aan," Basaal replied in a gravelly voice. "I'm opening a channel to them, now."

Duur'aan nodded his reptillian head. "Thiss new threat concernsss me. Perhapss a meeting of the Jedi Council is in order?"

Basaal nodded his head. "Perhaps it is, my friend. Perhaps it is."
The Solo

"Captain," the Comm Officer called out. "We have Jedi Master Duur'aan from Yavin 4 transmitting."

Dar looked to Master Kelson. "Would you like to take it, Master?"
Jedi Master Duu'raan

Duu'Raan bowed to the viewscreen, and Master Kelson bowed back. Then the screen cut off. The Solo would arrive as soon as was possible. He turned to his apprentice.

"Why don't you practice with you lightsssaber, my friend. Two remotesss."

His Padawan was already proficient with the blade. It was more to give him some exercise than anything else. Duur'aan walked over and sat on a stool to watch.
Captain Dar Thandor

"Set course for Yavin 4," Dar commanded.

"Aye, Captain," came the reply from helm.

"It'll be a few hours," Dar informed the Jedi. Luckily, they weren't very far from Yavin to begin with.

He looked toward his Comm officer. "Inform Master Fran'tok of our destination, as Master Kelson asked. And pass word to the rest of the fleet."

"Aye, Captain."

"Ready to jump, Captain."


In the viewport, the stars became lines as the Solo jumped to hyperspace.

Tynan marched through the ship, the dark brown Jedi robes flowing behind him. They were a generic cut, not like the personalised robes most Jedi wore.

He got onto the lift, and took it to the bridge. After a few moments, the door opened on the bridge. He stepped off it and studied the room. There were guards present, but none of them stopped him. Probably because none of the Jedi seemed surprised to see him, although they all glanced at the robes he wore. He frowned, and looked for the boy. He was standing by Marius, and the Commander of the vessel. When he saw Tynan, a grin split his face, and he ran over, plowing into Tynan's legs and hugging him with all the force of a mini ion cannon.

"Easy, boy. I'm fine." He awkwardly patted the boys head.

Luke pushed himself away. "I knew you would be. We're going to someplace called Yavin! Is that where the Jedi live?"

"Only before they become Padawans, and they few Masters who stay to train them." He forced a grin. "That's where you'll be trained, until you find a Master."

Luke's face fell. "I want you to train me."

Tynan shook his head, and looked around the bridge before looking at the boy again. "That's not possible."

"Why not?"

Tyna sighed, and dropped to one knee, looking the boy in the eyes. "Not everything in life goes the way we wish it. A Jedi must concentrate on what is, not what he wishes. Understood?"

Luke lowered his head, and nodded.

Tynan sighed. "I'm not a Master, Luke. I'm not even a Jedi any longer."

"Maybe I want to be a bounty hunter, too."

Tynan looked at him for a moment. "You must learn to control the Force, before you can make such decisions. To do that you need a proper Master."

Luke opened his mouth again, but Tynan forestalled him. "We'll discuss this later, in private."

Luke nodded, and Tynan rose to his feet. he walked over to Master Kelson and retrieved his lightsabers from the Jedi Master, hooking them all on his belt. He now carried four. His two, the one he planned on giving Luke, and his old Master's green blade.

"Now, if you'll all excuse us," he bowed his head to the others, and left the bridge with Luke in tow.

Daelon bowed his head, overcome by his thoughts for a moment. He glanced across to see Luke embracing Tynan, and he was reminded of his own youth.
Oh, for innocence again, he thought with regret. But no, his hands had too much blood on them. The blood of his enemies, and the blood of Raine. That is, if she was dead.
The odds are slim, he thought as he turned his attention to space outside. He could feel his emotions beginning to surface, and before they did, he turned to Kelson, hurriedly bowing, and then bowing to the other Jedi.
"I have to leave, sorry. I'll... talk with you again." he said quickly, before striding out of the room as fast as he could. He could feel Kelson's burning stare in his back, but he did not slow.

As I entered the bridge, I heard the order being given to proceed to Yavin 4. Odd, I thought, given how much I too had wanted to go there. The Jedi were planning a meeting. Yavin 4 only made sense, as it was at the heart of every Jedi's training. I stopped near Daelon, who looked greatly troubled by what had happened. How did I tell him it wasn't his fault? There were no words that could comfort him. I just stood there, watching as the stars blurred together, and we met with hyperspace yet again.
I wanted, needed to see Master Basaal.
He would know what needed to be done, if I could complete my training or not.
I stood silently as Tynan entered and the boy Luke ran to his side. As Tynan explained the predicament to Luke of why he couldn't train the boy, I wondered if Raine would approve of his words. I could picture her face, eyebrows wrinkling in irritation at Tynan's refusal to accept his true self, passing himself off as no longer a Jedi, as though he were less of heart than he should be. Oddly, it brought a smile to my face.
Memories, I thought. I still have those, no matter what...
I watched as Tynan exited the bridge and wondered just what words Basaal might have for the man should they speak on Yavin 4.
Colonel Gavin Darklighter

"That's it, and good job." Gavin just finished Rogue squadron's debriefing, and the squad filed out, somewhat downcast at their missing comrade.

Gavin wasn't too happy with it either. Still there was a chance that Bal was alive, and if so, he could easily find his way back to Rogue Squadron. All members of Rogue Squadron had a transmiter that would bounce a signal around several abandoned moons and get in contact with the squad. It was untraceable, and top secret. The only drawback was that it had to be initiated by the missing pilot. Gavin couldn't use it to find Bal, for example. That would cause some sort of encryption problems, so the scientists who invented it said. But at least it was something.
D'rack Fran'tok

"Commander?..." D'rack said as he turned from the veiwport.

"Yes sir?"

"Set a curse for Yavin IV..."

"As you wish."

D'rack turned hishead back to the veiwport, as he saw the stars moving from a stop, faster and faster tell they look like lines, then the Renegadewas in hyperspace.
Bal turned his X-wing and flew after the freighter as the Star Destroyer continued to fire at it. He had a feeling that the crew of that ship didn't want to let him go but he had to get back to his friends. He opened a comm channel to the freighter, "I hope that you know where you are going as I need to get back to my friends and by the looks of it I don't think that I am going to do it alone. I am asking if you could please help me to get back to where the Rebels are and I think that they might be able to reward you. What do you say pilot- are you up to helping a poor defenceless pilot or aren't your piloting skills up to it?"
He smiled at that last remark as he knew any freighter pilot would take him up on that challenge- just so that he would owe them one later on.

Daelon cast a sideways glance at his friend, Marius, and for a moment their eyes met, but immediately Daelon looked away, his guilt rising up as he looked into those eyes. He walked away as fast as possible, and once he was out of the bridge, he walked even faster, nearly breaking into a jog as he passed many people in the corridors, not sure where exactly he was going, only that he needed to cool off, to think things through a bit.

I heard the Rogue pilot's request and chllenge and thought I could get him there, oh yeah...
I opened my mouth to reply, but Nastasia's voice cut me off. Calm, and collected, she replied, "Granted, Rogue Pilot, we'll escort you wherever you need to go. Just lead the way."
I relaxed some as the Star destroyer appeared to be getting more distant, the attack actually slowing some.
I waited to follow the pilot into hyperspace.

Daelon's refusal of eye contact, at least extended eye contact, was disturbing me. How could a friend of so long turn away as such. And it ws more than just guilt I thought. It seemed there was somethig else beneath the surface.
Maybe I was just imagining it, though. The day had gotten too stressful, and far too confusing. I would worry about him as well though, I was realizing. Friends who had always been a given were now becoming a great worry to me. A responsibility.
Those you trust most are often those who most need your trust, Raine's voice in my head again. I guessed she'd always be there; it wasn't a disappointing thought. It would be good to have her around, if only in that way. And she was right. Daelon had earned my trust, not my suspicions. I owed him, and it was the way of a Jedi to pay such debts, especially to a friend.
I debated following him, but decided to let him leave. He might just need some time alone, to think of meditate, or whatever. Violating such personal time was not the action of a friend.
I stood quietly as the others talked for a few seconds, then turned to the captain as we came out of hyperspace and Yavin 4 could be seen floating in front of us."When, captain," I began, "can we expect to depart for the surface?"
Captain Dar Thandor

Dar turned toward the Jedi. "It will take the ship about 20 minutes to fix ourselves in orbit, but if you wish to leave now, I'll have all craft from Mached V cleared to disembark." He nodded to his Comm Officer, who relayed the command to the docking bay.
Jedi Master Duu'Raan

Jedi Master Basaal's gravelly voice broke Duu'Raan from his meditation.

"The Solo is in system, Master Duu'Raan," Master Basaal said.

"Thank you, Masster Basaal." He turned toward his padawan, who was still practicing on the remotes. "Doprekka, the Master'ss will be here sshortly, and I'm afraid there will be little for you to do. It would be an excellent time to head out into the foressst and meditate on those questionss we had earlier."