"We will remain for a while, to enjoy your hospitality." I stated stiffly. I was the mission commander, even though I would defer to Dr. Shaw on the diplomacy side. We were marines, not diplomats. Dr. Shaw glanced at me, but I couldn't detect his feelings on the subject. I went on. "I want to see our people immediately."
"Certainly" said Bastet, as I translated Captain Taggerts words, "they are in the festhall, please, come and join the feast".

With that, she rose from the throne, and walked towards an archway. Two Jaffa stood beside it pushed open the stately doors and the sounds of laughter and merriment swept into the throneroom.

"You may rise" said the Jaffa commander who had led us here, and we did so, following the Goa'uld Queen into the adjoining room.

Bastet had taken a place on a pile of multi-hued cushions, lounging out almost, well, cat-like on them. In a rough circle, about a mass of plates filled with obvious delicacies, though we could not identify any of them, save for being fruit, or meat, or drink, were a number of guests, the members of SG-10 amongst them. They certainly looked fit and hale.

Bastet had obviously drawn their attention, as she entered, but she nodded towards us, and they looked round, and quickly stood, saluting.

The SG-10 Captain, Karl Rudman, strode over to Captain Taggert, an eyebrow raised.

"Captain" he said, "Glad to see you've arrived. Bastet has been a surprisingly gracious host, even though she made it clear that we were her prisoners, until such matters were settled for our release..."

His voice trailed off, obviously looking for a reply, and he caught sight of me and Rose.

"Civilians?" he added, nodding across to us, "better you than me, Captain" he chuckled soflty, only just catching my ear.

[Edited by Kepic on 11-12-2000 at 11:53 AM]
OOC: Charlie Mike means continue the mission.

IC: I leaned closer to Captain Rudmann, so the civilians wouldn't hear. "It's worse than that Karl. That's Rose. Captain Thorn's daughter. I really hope they don't get themselves killed off."

He laughed. "They'll be fine. What's the plan?"

"Charlie Mike." I stated. Rudmann frowned.

"That could be problematic."

"Orders. Charlie Mike. Dr. Shaw is going to attempt to open up diplomatic channels with Bastet and help form some sort of treaty." I eyed Dr. Shaw uncertainly. "I believe if anyone could do it, he could. We are ordered to support him. If he fails in his mission, then we pull him out."


[Edited by KillerMuffin on 11-12-2000 at 11:50 AM]
Rose / Brier

Brier looked longingly at the food. I sighed.

*Just wait a minute Brier...* I thought at him.

*I mean, it's just food...*

*To you. But this is something I won't get on your planet...Think of it as...You trying to get a cheesburger here....*

I fight the the smile and look nervously around. No one else in my group seemed interested in sitting so I stayed by Dr. Shaw. The Captain wasn't thrilled having me anyway.

Then dad always said he hated when the General made him take civilians anywhere. I never quite knew what he was talking about, Top Secret stuff meant he'd lie to me if I asked anyway, so I'd just listen and nod. His biggest complaint, of course, was the fact that he really wasn't sure how a civilian with out training would act.

Of cource, I hadn't relized the kind of pressure he had been put under until I'd been transported a thousand years away with him....

I brushed away a pesky tear and kept my/Brier's ears open. We knew the language and a few other dilects. I also knew about three words in French, but I doubted it would help our mission.
Dr M Shaw

The two SG Team Captains sat down together, as the rest of the marines found free places about the feast Bastet had laid out across the floor. Servants bustled about, refilling goblets and bringing more platters filled with food.

"Thank you for your hospitality" I said to Bastet.

"You are most welcome" she replied, "You make a change from the usual uncouth System Lords I sometimes must entertain here".

"Thank you" I said, breaking a chunk from what looked like some kind of bread.
Rose/ Brier

Brier was overjoyed when we finally sat down. I fought a smile as we picked some type of meat and bread. Brier took control as he knew what was good. I let him. I had to admit the food was good. I had no idea what it was. But it was good.

The wine was also good, a sweet spicy flavor. Brier only took a few sips though. At my protests he cationed it was very alcholic. We'd already had more then enough.

I walked in behind the people from earth, i desided to sit down near by the gu'wal that had come with them, i bowed to baset, then sat down next to her, i took a glass filled it with wine, a large chunk of meat that was a leg and a peice of bread, I knew i had to tell them but i didn't know how or when, since i would die if baset found out...i didn't know what to do.i took a bite of meat and bread, and washed it down with a drink from my wine.

OOC: OK THEN how come rose can talk to hers!? hu? awnser me that damnit!

[Edited by Dirk13 on 11-18-2000 at 01:50 PM]
OOC: Sorry Dirk, Rosethorn is right - Jaffa are hosts to Goa'uld young, which gives them remarkably long lifespans, increased immune systems, and strength, but the Goa'uld inside them are immature larvae.
I was a marine, not a diplomat. Overcome and adapt, Muff. I picked up the funny looking food and dubiously eyed it, then Dr. Shaw. I followed his example and ate it. Bastet seemed to be enjoying his company quite a bit. I frowned a moment, considering it and it's ramifications.

Silently, like the rest of the marines in the room, I ate and watched what was happening between our Egyptologist and the Queen.
OOC: Rose actually has her Goa'uld connected to her brain. A Jaffa has the Goa'uld in his stomach area. He basically just incubates it. It does give him the remarkably long lifespans, increased immune systems, etc, Kepic described.
OOC: ahhhh...ok, me sorry....couldn't figure it out, sorta confusen in a way, but yeah they are usually in the stomach, you have the brain...damn you, lucky.
Dr Shaw

The two Captains talked a little in hushed tones, but they seemed to be enjoying the feast that our Goa'uld host, Bastet, had provided, as were the other marines, besides myself and Rose of course. The food and drink were delightful - many of the tastes were unlike anything I had experienced before.

A Jaffa knelt beside Bastet and whispered in her ear. A look of concern crossed her face for a moment, then her eyes briefly flashed. She stood.

"It is with regret I must end this feast", she said, "I have just been informed that their is a Goa'uld lord and his entourage waiting at the Stargate, and seeking an audience with me. Your presence would not... be advantageous. He is not well inclined to your people, I believe. My Jaffa will escort you back to the gate, on a route to avoid my new guest. I apologise, this was not unentirely unexpected, but I had hoped for some time at least to entertain you all properly. I hope we can continue our negotiations at a later date, Doctor."

"As do we" I said, "thank you for your hospitality once again."

"You are welcome" she said, then turned to face the Jaffa commander who had first escorted us here. "Ka'uwal, please take my guests to the stargate, so they may all return home" Bastet said, her voice now commanding, "make sure they are kept out of the sight of my half-brother and his Jaffa. We do not want to provoke his quick temper."

"As you command, your Highness" he replied, with a low bow.

SG-10's equipment was quickly brought to them, and our two teams left the palace of Bubastis together, to return home, under the escort of Ka'uwal and another three of Bastet's cat-helmed jaffa.

We caught a glimpse of the other Goa'uld guest and his jaffa entourage - wearing snake helmets - through the trees. They were being led to the palace on the route we had taken there, by a pair of Bastet's jaffa.

"That is Heru-ur" said Ka'uwal, "a powerful system lord, who I believe your people have already had... dealings with. He is half-brother to my Queen."

Just as he said that, one of Heru-ur's jaffa glanced in our direction, and said something, pointing at us. The rest turned and looked. Heru-ur looked at the two cat-headed jaffa who were leading his party, and shouted something at them, before raising a hand and firing with the ribbon device he wore, knocking them to the ground.

"He will be forced to leave Bubastis by my Queen and her jaffa, but not before he seeks our deaths! Come, I must get you to the gate, and quickly!" Ku'awul said hurriedly, as the snake-headed jaffa were taking aim through the tree's with their staff weapons. Ku'awul ordered the three jaffa with him to hold Heru-ur up, and they took cover, as the bolts started to fly.

"Can't we help?" asked Captain Taggert.

"No, it would be unwise" Ku'awul said, as we increased our pace through the forest back to the Stargate, "Bastet had a plan to be able to explain your presence away, but not if you return Heru-ur's aggression. She will be forced to label me as a traitor, howver, to maintain her story -"

"You will be not be able to remain on Bubastis, either, on pain of death" Rose said.

Ku'awul glanced at her, and nodded. "That is true, but it cannot now be helped."

I looked at Captain Taggert. "We could take him back with us to Earth" I suggested. It wasn't my choice to make, but it was a possible option.

We ran to the stargate, i heard that they might take me with them, it would lighten my burden of telling them the about the man we had just incountered, he might even start a war between the ga'ual, which would not be good, because of the invitance of the humans. I put up my shield, and raised my gun like staffs, and was firing at one of the men that had just come through the gate, he had ran after us and knew that they would be an easy target to pick off. I quickly disposed of him "quickly enter in the code, before he comes after us with the rest of them" One of the men hooked up this strange device i had never seen and the gate began to move, thank the gods, we would be out of here soon. I looked and saw one of my guards run to me "you must hurry, we are holding him off as long as we can" he said to me in a language the humans probibly could not understand.
"quickly run and hide, you should not have to die too, run and hide in the base below the temple, were basset would hide during battle, you will be safe untill this blows over" i said back in the same tounge, he nodded and ran off, i turned and saw the stargate opening, the one who seemed in charge turned to me "come on now, you are coming with us, you shouldn't die too" i nodded and ran in after him as fast as i could.
My marines moved into a standard return formation, the SG10 marines taking up flanking positions. "Bring the Jaffa along if he is so inclined." I told Dr. Shaw. Turning to the Sergeant in charge of commo, "Incoming. SG-6 standard formation Alpha Charlie."

I pressed the button on the GDO and moments later, the FRED went through, followed by the first of the marines.
Dr Shaw

"You can come back with us, if you wish" I told Ka'uwal.

"I will have to relinquish him of his staff weapon, though" Captain Taggert added. I told him this also, and with a nod, he held it out to the Captain. She took it from him.

As we arrived back in the SGC, the General looked down at us from the command room above and smiled, speaking into the mic. He glanced at the Jaffa but said nothing.

"Welcome back, SG-6, SG-10" he said. "Get checked out with Dr Frasier, then report to debriefing, Captain Taggert, team six... Captain Ruddman, I'll debrief you after SG-6."

"Yes sir" saluted the SG-10 Captain, "it's good to be back, sir."

"I'll have to confine the Jaffa until at least after the debriefing" added the general, "Captain Taggert, take him to the holding cells on your way to the Infirmary."

I translated this to Ka'uwal, and he nodded. "I will obey" he told me, "it is a wise and understandable precaution."
Rose / Brier

I sighed at being poked and prodded, though Brier and I both agreed it was an understandable precaution.

*Still...* I grumbled to him. *I hate this...*

*But it could save you or the others if you were...*

I felt my head turn and found myself watching a blonde Barbie clone walk by from somewhere. And I was checking her out. Ok, so Brier was checking her out, but still....

I jerked control back.

*DON'T DO THAT!* I yelled mentally.

*You do the same to men...*

*It's different....*

*How so?*

The argument lasted till the next someone walked up with a question.

i quietly walked into a chamber which seemed to be for prisoners, i did not mind it due to the fact i would do the same to them if it was needed. I sat down, this would be a long time, so i pulled out a small computer i carried with me and looked over some of weapons which were just being developed by basset, she wanted more powerful, the problem was, most all of these did not work.
Dr Shaw

After myself and the rest of SG-6 were checked out, we headed back into the main compound to debriefing. General Hammond was waiting for us, and he smiled as we entered.

"At ease, Captain" he said to Captain Taggert, as she saluted, "you did good. Take your seats, people. Lets start the debriefing."

We sat down about the table.

"Well, Doctor Shaw, how was your first Stargate trip? And what is your opinion on Bastet?" he asked.

"As to the Stargate, travelling through it was an intriguing experience" I said, "As to Bastet, she certainly didn't seem hostile, sir, at least from the brief encounter we had with her" I replied. "I would recommend establishing a line of communication with her, as she is a possible ally."

"I'll take that into consideration, Dr Shaw, thank you" the General said, then turned to the Captain.

"Captain Taggert, what is your view on the last mission?"

OOC: I'm going to throw a loop into this shortly, so be warned... heh heh heh...
I considered what to say carefully. "The mission was successful and we found the hostiles weren't very hostile. Despite Dr. Shaw's opening dialog with Bastet, I would still classify her as hostile. We were ordered not to return to her territories point blank or action will be taken against us.

"We were not exactly invited to return. This is not the actions of a friendly government."

"We were considering moving her to neutral status." The General stated. It took everything I had to hold down my temper.

"With all due respect General, this government is responsible for holding marine personnel hostage."

"They were well treated. We're inclined to overlook it. Did you collect any intel?"

"SG-10 has data sir."

The General leaned back in his chair and considered us narrowly.
Dr Shaw

There was a knock on the door, and a guard entered.

"Sorry to disturb the debriefing, sir" he said, closing the door behind him.

I suddenly recognised him as one of the marines from SG-10.

"Why aren't you in the infirmary, Sergeant?" asked the General, "Doctor Frasier should be checking you over..."

"Sorry sir, SG-10 didn't visit the doc" replied the marine, as he unshouldered his rifle and readied it.

"Sergeant Hawkes?" said the General, standing up, "what is the meaning of this?"

"All will be explained when my Queen arrives, General" said Hawkes, "please, sit down, sir."

"Your Queen?" the General said, anger flushing his face, "you're a US Marine, man!"

"Not any more, sir. I am one of Queen Bastet's new Jaffa. Sit. And everyone keep their hands on the table before them."

"Neutral status, sir?" Captain Taggert said to the General, a slightly smug air to her voice, as he sat back down.

"I can't allow this, Sergeant" the General said, "this is a court martial offence."

"Sorry sir, but its already begun. Captain Ruddman should have opened the Gate by now... Bastet is probably already on her way."

I looked about at the rest of the SG-6 team. With their hands on the table, there was no way they could get to a weapon before Hawkes began to open fire...

Except... maybe...

I glanced sideways at Rose. She was wearing her Goa'uld ribbon palm device. Hawkes hadn't spotted it yet, I was obscuring his view. He probably wasn't paying much attention to me and the young woman anyway. I nudged her foot with mine and glanced at her hands. She seemed to catch what I was looking at.

"Excuse me, Sergeant?" I asked. He looked briefly at me, keeping his weapon trained on the SG-6 marines.

"Doctor Shaw, isn't it?" he said, "don't tell me you want to use the latrine."

"Yes, and no" I replied, hoping that wasn't going to be the case, "have you met Brier?"


* * *

In the holding cells, Ka'uwal waited patiently. A marine entered, and nodded the two guards stationed outside out.

"Yes sir" they replied, leaving the room. Ka'uwal recognised him as one of the men captured by Bastet, from what the humans called team SG-10.

"Ka'uwal, Queen Bastet will be here shortly" said the marine, moving up to the bars and holding through them a Jaffa energy pistol (OOC: Can't remember what they're called, they stun a victim by causing intense pain), "our Queen will rule this world as is her birthright. When the guards return, come quickly to take your place by her side once more."
Rose / Brier

*Well...This is...*

*Unexpected...* Brier finished. Dr. Shaw suddenly nudged our foot. I looked at him and he nodded at my hand. Brier praised him silently. I nodded slightly in understanding.

"Excuse me, Sergeant?"

"Doctor Shaw, isn't it?" he said, "don't tell me you want to use the latrine."

"Yes, and no, have you met Brier?"


Brier took control, our eyes glowed and Brier fired the ribbon device.

"A very good idea Dr. Shaw. But as I assume the others are in a similar state, what shall we do?" Brier questioned softly, looking at the fallen, but not dead, SG member.
Dr Shaw

"I think that's up to the military now" I said to Rose/Brier. "I hope I did good, General?"

"Yes, Dr Shaw, quick thinking" he replied, nodding at me, "but we have a larger problem looming, it seems. SG-10 have apparently turned on us..."

"I might suggest thats due to the goa'uld larvae inside of them, General, and perhaps Bastet's aphrodisiacs too" I said.

"We can reverse the aphrodisiac, but what about the larvae?"

"The sarcophagus, General" Brier stated. "It can reverse the wounds inflicted on the human body to insert a goa'uld larva."

I nodded, "a good idea, Brier" I said, returning the compliment.

"Very well, it seems we have a possible plan, but very little time to go over its fine print... Captain Taggert, SG-6, use your initiative. We can't let Bastet succeed where Hathor failed."

The new gauwal handed me my special weapon, i quickly turned it into two smaller energy pistols, and shot him down, "so...this was her plan...." I quickly moved down the hall, when i saw one of the men salut me, and i smelled the gauwal...i shoot them, it was only a stun, i drug them into the cell i was set in and locked it. I had captured 4 of them, who knows how many there were. I quickly made my way to the confrence room, i opened the door, and looked in. I used my native tounge "kwau, dominsteo coreno solot basset?" (eh...i don't know gauwal, so im sorta maken it up if thats ok) the one who had been translating before said "so, what will we do about basset?" the others looked at me strangly.
"Okay marines, this is how we'll play it." I said, leaning over the table. Rage like I'd never felt before exploded through me. The plan was simple and relied upon the adaptive under fire abilities of the marine.

"Greene, you're the closest to Hawke, put on his blouse and gear. Hold the gun on Rose. Vasquez, Gunny, you'll walk in front carrying Hawke. We're going to the sarcophagus. If anyone asks, it's her goa'uld (sp?)."

"We had the sarcophagus moved to Captain Thorne's office." The General supplied helpfully.

"Good, privacy to clean up Hawke, if we can sir." I turned back to the marines. "Remember that SG10 are hostiles now. Until they've been decontaminated, they are the enemy. If there is no other alternative you are authorized to use deadly force. Keep it quiet okay? We have to have control of SGC before that bitch gets here."