StillStunned's collection of useful pointers for writers

I've decided to give up any hope of this thread un-derailing. What's next, wombat pooh?

What? You DID ask!
No. It's the same. At least to this American. I maintain a strict distinction between "lay" and "lie." "Lay" takes an object.

People DO confuse "lay" and "lie" in casual speech all the time. I don't know if that's similarly true in Britain.
Lay is also past tense of lie. I lay in bed yesterday.

The example with "was laying" or "was lying", I think in that usage you use the present tense verb, like "I was running," so, "I was lying in bed." Right?
Ovipositor stories are an uncommon kink, but they are an interesting intersection of non-human, nonconsent, and breeding fantasies.
and they feature heavily in my current unfinished magnum opus, has spead like Japanese Knotweed all over my hard disk
and they feature heavily in my current unfinished magnum opus, has spead like Japanese Knotweed all over my hard disk
I have an unfinished WIP with an alien couple using a woman to help them have their alien babies. On their planet, they have a tripartite reproductive method.
I just remembered that the natives of Barsoom also lay eggs. Including the lovely Dejah Thoris.
Thanks for this! I submitted a few stories a couple nights ago, one already got kicked back. And I’m trying to figure out what I did wrong. 🤷‍♂️
Oooh, the homophones one (things that sound the same while being written differently and have different meaning) reminds me of a story I read on here where it was clear someone was writing from hearing a story and had little idea what they were putting down, like saying EXO for an executive officer when you would write it XO, or using sight instead of site. Thankfully I have Grammarly to tell me when I make such mistakes. Yes, I also make them. English isn't my first language. I still remember the time someone corrected me on how you pronounce caveat.

And I admit I have no damn idea how grammar works because I learned English like a baby, meaning with no actual rules, just "monkey hear, monkey repeat with some vague notion of what it means".