Strange Land (Take 2)

::nyte frowned as she caught the mango, rather taking the hard way and bearing with her shoulder. she glared at bre as she placed the sword to his heart:: Remember last time brenna ::nyte still bore the scars from the last time ea tried to drain her dry and elemate the things dearest to aric::

::nyte held the sword there as she looked over to vixen, speaking her explination in a slow simple way so she could understand::
Joreth walked into the midst of them and asked if they wanted to hear the legend.
::nyte growled at the interuption, holstering the rapier besides her own sword::

::she grabed joreth by his shirt lifting him off his feet:: WE...DONT...GIVE...A...DAMN...ABOUT...THE...LEGAND!!! WE JUST WANT TO GO HOME::she snarled her eyes glowing a very bright yellow her fangs blazing. She growled then sunk her fangs very deeply into into his cartoid artery, draining him near to empty before just throwing him into a heap. She daintly wiped her mouth then healed the shoulder wound::

::she pulled out the sword again placing it back to arics chest:: now where were we? ::she asked leaving sith, garret and vixen gaping at how she delt with the annoyance::

[Edited by Nyte on 08-12-2000 at 12:59 AM]
Vixen scowled at Nyte, aware of the woman's simplistic explanation as some sort of person slight. She decided to ignore it for now. "So what? You're gonna nail him with your big strong sword if he glows red at ya?" Vixen said in a taunting voice.

Vixen almost hit Joreth herself as she heard him go on about some legend again, but Nyte was quicker, picking him up and... "OHHHH YUCK!" Vixen's nose wrinkled with distaste as she watched Nyte suck the man's blood almost completely before throwing him away like a piece of rubbish. "That's seriously disgusting... ewww... you really are a leech!" Vixen said, ducking just in time as Nyte swung her sword at her head.

Brenna looked up and yelled at them both, "would you two stop it!? We need to make sure Aric is okay and then we need to get out of here!" They all looked up as the elf appeared.

"Who the hell are you?" Vixen asked voicing everybody's thoughts...
OOC:dont get mad at the name
I am Legolas, a ranger of Sorts and was happening by when i heard those horrible crys and expected to find nothing more than Carrion! But you live witch brings me great happyness! Are you lost? Or have been recently Robbed???
Joreth drowzily stood up."Do yo even know what the legend is about, bloodsucking bitch?" Joreth hissed at her pulling out the Blackblade. She tried to lunge but before she could he swiped at her and sliced at her shoulder."I may not be a mage, but no one sucks my blood", he screamed at her. "Now, whether you like it or not, I'll tell you the legend. The legend is about the downfall of all great serpents and dragons and drakes. The actual legend is that somewhere in the middele of the world is an enormous castle, larger than three large countries. In it resides the nightmarish Serpent king. You have all been told nursery rhymes about him when you were children. Anyway, he controls all Dragons and great serpents. Kill him and kill all the giant beasts with scales. Now, the problem is to kill him, one must have the Dragonblade, without it, don't even come near him. The only spot which is vulnerable is a large spot on his back. The spot will be shaped like the dragon blade. The other problem is, no one knows exactly where the blade is, although it is rumored that a hermit named Othias has it. Another problem is he lives in the rainy North", Joreth sheathed his sword, finishing the tale.
"That is an Old and Tired tale Uninformed warrior!"
Draws DragonSting(Yes DragonSting not the sword referred to in the story)
"That Dragon has long been tamed by the unknown masters of darker lands!"
"But come other travelers! i have an elven encampment not too far ahead where i can have you clothed and Fed till you burst!"
::looks at Nyte and nods remembering that time too:: ok but you move that thing when he wakes up with gold eyes. ::is very positive wanting her lover back:: And that was very rude Nyte ::sparing a glance at the fellow she just made her dinner, turns her attentions back to Aric waiting to see if he wakes with Gold or Crimson eyes. Slowly his lashes flutter and his eyes open and Brenna murmers:: Gold... ::his eyes open and takes in Nyte and Bre before him and starts to sit up until he feels a prick:: Umm... Nyte would you mind? ::She smirks as she removes the blade from his chest:: Thank you, m'love ::it registers Bre is back with them now and he almost crushes her in a hug, burries his face in her hair and murmers:: Oh Brenna... you are safe. ::he kisses her softly under her ear, then they both turn to see the ruckus with Joreth. Bre gasps as he calls her a name. Bre jumps to her feet and crosses the space between them:: NO ONE CALLS HER A BLOOD SUCKING BITCH BUT ME! ::decks him soundly and a fire roars up around him, encircling him. Now apologize or be extra crispy!

[Edited by Brenna on 08-12-2000 at 01:19 AM]
"I apologize, Brenna", he said looking around him in anger. "And Legolas, the Dragonblade must first be found. The Serpent King cannot be killed without it. So who is misinformed. And what is with you people, suck my blood, encircle me in flames. I was as close to dying as any of you. More, as I got swalloed. And I am what seems to be the only calm one here", he said, looking at all of them.

OOC: Roland, don't get too cheesy on me, okay? I read Tolkien all the time, as he created me, but at least I don't shove his characters into stories. Aw, what the heck. I think Legolas is cool, so just bring in Gimli, and we can rewrite this into the Two Towers.
::nyte growled:: if you piss me off again, your quest will be meaningless cuz they will be shipping you back home in a damn think hes ::guesters back to aric:: evil you havent seen anything ::she pulled out both the shadow blade and arics rapier to drive her point in::

::he nodded and backed off far away as he could from nyte::

Give me that! :;aric yanked the rapier away from nyte being careful not to cut her with that blade. he would hate to have to see her die in a mannor such as the one the blade delivers seeing as the antidote only grew in rhydin::

::nyte glared at joreth:: besides if you kill the dragon king, we ::nods over to aric and bre:: would have to hurt ya. drago is a pretty good friend of ours.

:):smirks:: like the ego boost there eh aric?)

(btw drago is a rhydin character bre, nyte and aric knows thats the king of draconius. heres his info: )

[Edited by Nyte on 08-12-2000 at 01:43 AM]
"The dragon king is the friend of no one, madam. No one except for his own creatures or spies has seen him and lived. He butchered the city I lived in. Me and my sister were spared because we were foraging at the time. We found a few lesser serpents and killed them, so are you telling me you are the servant of my worst enemy?" he said, finishing in a shout.
::tilts her head in consideration:: That does not sound like the Drago we know. Perhaps we speak of two different Kings of the Dragons. This being an different realm than our home.
::mumbles under her breath:: or that damn cousin of dragos.....

no that doesnt sound like the dragon king we know at all. i owe drago my life...

::nyte stalked closer to joreth, backhanding him hard:: Thats for the shoulder, she glared letting her eyes go yellow to scare him in soiling his pants.::

[Edited by Nyte on 08-12-2000 at 01:56 AM]
" Ha! You must talk of the kind King of the Dragons, he leads the only clan of dragons brave enough to seperate from the SERPENT king. I know the Dragon King well. I talk of the King of Serpents. Though that was what he originally ruled, he slowly conquested the majority of the dragons", Joreth said, breaking out into tears," My home, my family slaughtered, mercilessly, I found their bodies gnawed on, my father had droppings all over him. They had to torn my mothers shirt off and ripped off her teats. I'll kill them, I'll kill them all", he shouted, shaking and tears pouring uncontrollably. He ran alone into the forest and sat down behind a tree.
::sees the madman run off:: should of roasted him bre :hums chestnuts roasting over an open fire::
Joreth ran out of the forest quickly, not crying anymore, but instead drawing the blackblade."Oh, shit!" he screamed. "Run, run very quickly", he said still running. A huge monster walked out of the forest."Would you all like to know what that is? That is a carnivorous Skyshroud Behemoth, following it are 9 more. Behind them were two of the gargantuan Thorn Elementals. And far worse than all the rest, comes the Greatest beast of the forest. The Avatar of Might, an ultraly powerful beast who is known for his cruelty with everything not of is domain. Therefore, I suggest we all run", he said taking the time to throw an axe at the beast. It cut into it's head, but the the behemoth simply pulled it out and crushed with it's pinky."That axe was made of solid steel, the best in the land, and it crushed it as if it was a twig, so let's all for once, agree with me and run, and i forgot to tell you, the Avatar is magical", he screamed running.
::taking heed of Joreth's warning Bre chants a transport spell, the spell sucked them all out of reality and redeposited them on the edge of a city. Bre moans and passes out, the spell having pulled a great deal of power from her quickly. Aric catches her and picks her up in his arms. The other travelers look at each other in shock at such an abrupt departure. Then Vixen look around once more and frowns:: Where is Joreth? ::Aric coddles Bre and says:: He was too far away. It was a localized spell she used. He must have been just out of range... He was either left behind or lost in Between ::everyone nods solemly and have a moment of silence on the loss of their companion:: Now... ::Nyte pipes up:: Just were the bloody blue blazes did Bre dump us?

[Edited by Brenna on 08-12-2000 at 03:01 AM]
"Holy shit", Joreth thought."They transported and left me", he ran quickly, though. Soon he had run out of the forest's vicinity. A dragon sat there. "Halleluia", he said out loud," Than, you are still here, praise god", he said, climbing up on it."Let's go", he told it. It flew out of the mountains and went towards his castle. "Look, Than, there are strangers outside my city, I wonder who they are, swoop in and get a closer look. He saw an unconcious figure being held by someone else." Ah, hell, OPEN THE GATES!" was the shout that came from Joreth's throat."Have them brought into the castle", he told a gaurd. Then he got into his throne room and made ready to meet the strangers.
::nyte shivered feeling like someone was walking on her grave yet the feeling wasnt from any one of them. just there...::

yknow i think that irratant is caught in between ::she remarked to aric::

::joreth saw them, could hear them but it seemed that they couldnt hear or see him::

Hmm...that could be most unfortunate indeed ::aric said, setting bre down under a tree:: if hes caught there he cannot be freed. it is a trap for unfortunate souls and no one on either side can help him.

oh well ::nyte smirked, polishing up her shadow blade with her cape non chalantly:: au revior to bad rubbish
The gates opened in front of Nyte. A gaurd stepped out and pulled out a scroll,"Lords and Ladies, our lord wishes to meet with you in his castl, he says please do not decline", the gaurd said.
ooc: the previous post will be ignored as you can see in the other posts that your character is caught in limbo where they cant see or hear him

[Edited by Nyte on 08-12-2000 at 03:04 AM]
OOC: did i just get forgotten here or should i pop up as the lord of this castle :D i think im gonna pop up as the lord...with Gimli just to make morgoth Happy
OOC: you werent forgotten...just pop right on in there ::grins::
*You are ushered into the hall witch looks like a giant grove of trees and other such things*
"Welcome to my Humble Abode!"
*the voice cries out as you realize it is the same elf you just elfen children run about the Yard witch seems to escape all clouds you can smell Cooking and Wine the likes of witch are not seen except in the halls of Lorien*
"I am Legolas Owner of this castle, This is my Friend, The Dwarf Gimli Son Of Gloin"