Stupid Human Tricks


I must have written votes because they both start with a V, but you would think I surely could have noticed before I did this three times in a row. Well...

I will check on that Beginners Guide to To Self-Promotion to see what it is. But, as you said (and I am constantly followed by Murphy's Law), I could shoot myself in the foot with this.

And, I do know that someone only has to have your story on the screen to rack up a view, so it isn't like they read it and didn't like it, and just blew me off. LOL, but there very well could be some of those, too!
Anyway, thanks.

I am still waiting for a humorous feedback.
Read through question

One of the other erotic story sites records "views/reads" which tells how many readers stay to the end of a story. They post the actual numbers and calculate the percentage.

In some ways that feature expands on the voting process. Authors know how many people stay to the end. I think that info would be useful to know. And it might mitigate some of those spiteful 1's that seem to plague everyone.

I have no idea how complicated it would be to add this feature. I would like to see this feature considered, if it is possible to do.
I've said it before on another thread and I'll say it again now, chance can play a major part in your views/votes. Much can depend on where on the 'New' list page your opus appears. 'Prom' popped up at either second or third on the page when it was first posted. I guess a lot of people must go to the New page and just start reading the stories. Whatever, the tale picked up almost 20000 views in about twenty-four hours, with over 100 votes. I don't have the figures for the first few days, but I found a note of mine that says on March 23 (5 days after posting) the story had 31178 views and 443 votes. I just checked and it is now on 42560 views and 560 votes. I always include a footnote to ask readers to vote. Sometimes it works.

Funny Feedback

Still looking for more interesting feedback letters!!

Here is a funny feedback I got. I wrote a piece for the How To Section. I had gotten several requests via feedback for ideas on better writing. Plus, my first story got posted with far too many typo's despite some effort on my part to pre-edit. As I re-edited my first Jeannie story, I made a checklist of the easy things any writer could do to catch common errors.

Even though it had a non-erotic title, and was listed as being in the How To section. I got a couple of feedback expressing annoyance[read downright pissed] that it wasn't a sex story. When I got the following feedback I got a great laugh. Because it was so cleverly crafted, it took a few moments before I realized my leg was being pulled by a clever author, regrettably anon:

I was disappointed with your recent story, "Easy Guide to Better Writing." At first, I was intrigued by the title, expecting this so-called easy guide to better writing to transform into an easy path to better sex. Instead I got was sounded suspiciously like what my eighth-grade English teacher once told us in class. In fact, it sounded TOO much like her exact words! Did you plaigerize this whole story from Mrs. Walker? C'mon, be honest and admit it! For one thing, she was incapable of writing erotica, and this story was certainly NOT erotica! :D

Back to voting for a moment. One reason for more reads than votes I've learned from feedback that I don't recall seeing mentioned. A number of readers print out a story so they can read it horizontally. Two thoughts here. One, if they vote at all, it means they view it once to print it, then view it a second time to reach the vote buttons.

Alex, I couldn't agree more with you regarding the luck factor. You don't know what day of the week your story hits. Position on the page matters. How many good or bad stories in front of yours seems to effect how many reach your story on that visit. And even if you earn an H, it may be several hours before it appears on the New Story list. I need to find a job, I have too much time on my hands if I'm noticing all this stuff.



I do wish I could add some feedback here, humorous or mean, but all I get are small one liners telling me "hot story" or "can't wait for more" or things like that. I guess that is good too, though.

I am a writer. Maybe I should write an anon. feedback, then post it here and say
"Hey, everybody, guess what I just got?"

Nah, that wouldn't be right. And, if I was going to do it, I have already spoiled it, by telling you about it.

And, isn't that plagiarism by proxy, or something?
jon.hayworth said:
I believe to some extent American English froze with the revolution - the same happened in Canada their French is archaic.

Of course as Hollywood subjects us to a diet of US English, we can live with and understand Americanisms far easier than vice-verca, when did you last watch a British film?

jon :devil: [/B]
Well, I have seen a FEW British TV shows. (And far fewer
American ones than the average Yank.)
What I *do* spend my time on is reading British novels,
especially mystery stories.
So I recognise Briticisms, but mostly obsolete ones.
Dorothy Sayers, after all was writing a half century ago.
Kipling is even worse. He died in 1936.
jon.hayworth said:
I believe to some extent American English froze with the revolution - the same happened in Canada their French is archaic.


I doest dissagree with thine interpretation. Sayest thou that Americans speaketh the same now as theyest did in the days of Thomas Jefferson? Nay! I sayest to thou, nay. For it tis not true.

Readest thou the constitution, verily even the declaration of independance and thouest wilst see mighty differences in our speech.

Seriously American English has evolved a lot, even in just the last few decades. I assume that British English has done the same. Shoot, even inside America our language is very different. Texans don't sound like New Yorkers who don't sound like Californians, who don't sound like people from Chicago. We are a great diverse nation, much the same as Great Britain and Canada.

DVS, Alex you both have sick minds. Makes me feel so at home!

My favorite non-Sci Fi show is Lovejoy. Is that British enough? Oh, and my favorite Sherlock Holmes, and the only ones I'll watch, are Jeremy Brett and Basil Rathbone. I even know not all Englishmen drop their H's. Is my anglophile rating showing any improvement?

I had a friend in Summer Stock who could improvise in Shakespearean English for minutes on end, wish he could be here.

I'd still like to hear anyone's FAVORITE feedback. I hereby wave a magic wand, no one will think it's self-promotion. I'd sure like to learn what kinds of clever/dumb things other people hear from their readers.

British English is not a good thing to say to a patriotic Englishman like me. There are four countries in Britain and in some cases, different languages (Although Welsh and Gaelic are second languages now).

In case anyone's wondering, I've got a posh English accent. Probably not presenting a good impression to Americans who think that all English accents are either Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels or Jeeves and Wooster. Incidentally my accent is just perfect for one of those dastardly Englishmen in US films.

Ray, I'm disappointed to see you gave into peer pressure to lose the Oompa Loompa. Good new picture though.

I say old man, jolly good show, what?

The Earl
My H is leaving

Wm_Sexspear said:

My concern about the 1 vote is that it carries disproportionate power.....Along comes Mr. Wonderful, who decides your freely given hard work isn't up to his high standards.....Bang, you get a 1.

Bang is right!
I had two stories with an H for nearly two whole days. That may seem like chicken feed to you good writers, but it was heaven for the short time I had 'em.

The person (suspect?) who didn't like my stories voted in the early hours of the morning. I am assuming sometime between the hours of 1-5 AM, central time. Yes, I have been watching the voting for a few days. That is when my totals always go down. During the day and evening hours, things seem more normal. So, I am thinking the person is not a morning person, out of coffee, can't sleep or just decides to pick this time of day to ruin mine. Well, it was fun while it lasted. Life does go on, LOL.
Not Necessarily, DVS!

Then again, it could be someone over their midday meal in Rumblejumblepoor, struggling to learn idiomatic English .

They vote a one, since everyone has seen news footage of American sport fans insisting they are #1. This is how your reader can be certain that awarding your story a #1 is the kindest thing to be done for this favoured American author.


BTW: If you believe that, I would truly like to contact you concerning certain real estate developments in Florida and Death Valley.
I do wish there was more than the teeny, tiny word (best) in a 9 point[?] font. I really do think someone who rarely votes or has ancient eyes like mine could hit a 1 thinking they're making a positive vote. I'd feel better if each vote button was labelled, example:

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1 - fell asleep/
2 - fell off chair laughing/
3 - read every second sentence/
4 - grinned twice/
5 - jacked off!

1 - use your goddam spellchecker!/
2 - do you own a dictionary?/
3 - i'm not sure that angle is possible/
4 - hmmm now there's a thought/
5 - perfection
Your Votes Get My Vote


Wildsweetone is the winner. Your labels are much better than my first thougts. They surely represent something our readership could relate you.

God save me from NORMAL people. :rose:
DUH! I must be pretty dense, or something. I just now caught what this is. I love it, too.
Is the second one meant to be just from an intellectual person? Of course, they would NEVER say they 'jacked off' like us commoners would.
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that's about as much as the readership voting means to me in reality. i wish it were otherwise, but with too many variables, i place little credence on the voting scores. i have the votes turned on for experience only, and my almost total lack of interest is the result of that experience.

btw i never heard of the expression 'jack off' until i came on lit three thousand years ago. rofl

does that mean i'm common? darn. i do try to be uncommon too.
OK, look at it this way...
You included both versions of this.
One for the commoners and one for the elite class. So, you could still be one of the elite, just thoughtful enough to include the list for we commoners.
(I must have been a negotiator or mediator in a past life)
oh yes indeed...

i could of course, have simply read the expression somewhere...

hmmm negotiator or mediator eh...

well heck that's an improvement on some guesses i reckon :p *teasing*
Ok ppl...a vote is just a vote...right? I believe that if you like your story and your significant other(s) like it, and a few friends, AND you are satisfied with it, then forget the votes. They are only numbers. What about the number of times your story has been read? One of mine, under an old name was read 120,000 times! I don't really care if a few ppl read it multiple times, that just proves it was good masturbatory material. Not everyone who reads and likes the stories votes. I usually don't vote, but if I really like a story, I'll read it a few times, just because it's that good.:)
I didn't do the Wright Thing!

There have been some delightful contributions from a few people, but I sure had hoped that more folks would have an interesting Feedback Story to share.

Minutes ago I got a good one from an incest story titled A Little Blue Dress. I had debated whether to submit it as Incest or Humor. In retrospect, I wish I had posted it into humor. The teaser I have with it reads ' He tells sister something that shocks them both.' It is a short story, with a twist, and surprise ending I don't recall seeing anywhere. It DOES tip the reader that a brother and sister are involved.

The vast majority of the feedback on the piece expressed delight. However, the following feedback indicates it didn't measure up to this literary critic's high standards:


I have thus far resisted the urge to inform this disappointed gentleman that I don't do Orville and Wilbur stories.
Re: I didn't do the Wright Thing!

Wm_Sexspear said:

I have thus far resisted the urge to inform this disappointed gentleman that I don't do Orville and Wilbur stories.

God, I wish I got such interesting feedback. I think most of mine comes from sex starved young girls wanting someone to submit to.
Now, don't get me wrong...that would be fun, too, but only in short term.

When you look at the deeper meaning to things, we all are looking for that special literary feedback which will open the door to our creative mind and tell us the answer we are seeking...That special feedback to help us search deep in our sole and bring forth the creative spark that is needed to Wright that special story.

I don't think you are giving this feedback the credit it is due. He is yelling at you...yelling to you...calling to you!
It is your Wrighting mind calling to you. It is trying to bring that special story out of you. He is trying to get you to Wright that story. You are only seeing the the words on the surface. You have to read between the lines. You have to look deep into the words...deep into the meaning of the message it brings.

Listen to what it says...
He is telling you to Wright a story about a mother and her sons. An incestual Wrighting about a mother and her two sons. Don't you see it? He wants you to Wright about Orville and Wilbur. See it? Wright about Orville and Wilbur...WOW Turn WOW upside down and what do you have? MOM!
Orville and Wilbur must have had a secret life with their mother and you are to Wright about it. Do it. It is your destiny. Trust me. You should do an Orville and Wilbur story. It will fly.
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Quasi, you're assessment of DVS is WRIGHT ON!!

DVS, I've considered the merits of your persuasive argument. I now can picture a story were horny young Orville and Wilbur gang bang their Mom, I'll be calling it the Wright Stuff.

Oh, yeah. DVS, any time you have more sweet young things than you can handle...:devil:
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I have been giving this thing some more thought. Oh, I haven't changed my mind. I still think it is your calling.
But, wasn't that first Wright plane a bi-wing or maybe even a tri-wing? That must mean something. Maybe those brothers liked to drive each other home, after their flight attempts. The plot twists just seem to continue.
And, Orville and Wilbur are such rich names for characters, you can't go wrong.

I sure wish I got this kind of feedback.

Oh, I'm just pullin' your leg a bit. Is it longer than the other, yet?
DVS, it was a BI-plane alWright. Guess they're gay Motherf*****'s !!

In a play called Don't Drink The Water, I once played an aide-decamp in a So. American embassy. He gets hit in the head by a brick during a drummed up protest.

My character spent the next 10 minutes wandering into and out of scene/stage. He thought he was both Orville and Wilbur, and therefore carried on a running conversation between the pair.

Wasn't my biggest part, but it was maybe my most fun part [just like real life]. ;-)

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