Supergirl: Identity (OOC / Casting Call)

I need to hang this up in the breakroom:


Abra, it's not working! :: cries! :: We can't see your cool pictures because hotlinking is disabled!

(Besides, everyone knows that one with "V for Vendetta" was the bestest one. Chaotic Good? That one makes me happy in inappropriate ways.)
well poo! I could see it


oh well, I tried

The same thing happened to me with that Flash page I posted awhile back with the ninjas.

I think you can see it because you've looked at it recently in the context of the main page, and thus the picture is saved to your cache or something.

Blargh. M'sorry.
when i first saw it I thought they were being killed. But after I saw it the second time, I thought maybe they're being transformed into something new.
when i first saw it I thought they were being killed. But after I saw it the second time, I thought maybe they're being transformed into something new.

The Lyrics will help with what they're doing;).

Artist: Avenged Sevenfold
Album: City Of Evil
Title: Beast and the Harlot

This shining city bulit of gold, a far city from innocence.
There's more than meets the eye 'round here, look in the waters of the deep.
A city of evil.
There sat a seven-headed beast, ten horns raised from his head.
Symbolic woman sits on this trone, but hattred strips her and leaves her naked.
The Beast and the Harlot.

She's a dwelling place for demons.
She's a cage for every unclean spirit, every filthy bird.
And makes us drink the poisoned wine to fornicating with our kings.
Fallen now is Babylon and the Harlot.

The city dressed in jewels and gold, fine linen, mryth and pearls.
Her plagues will come all at once as her mouners watch her burn.
Destroyed in an hour.
Merchants and captains of the world, sailors, navigators too.
Will weep abd mourn this loss with her sins piled to the sky.
The Beast and the Harlot.

The day has come for all us sinners.
If you're not a servant, you'll be struck to the ground.
Flee the burning, greedy sity.
Lookin' back on her to see there's nothing around.

I don't believe in fairytales and no on e wants to go to hell.
We've made the wrong decision and it's east to see.
Now if you wanna serve above or be a king below with us.
You're welcome to the city where your future is set forever.