The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

I don’t get it….they’ve been winging the ball all over the gridiron all season. Today they just ran it? When they did throw it looked like the old wishbone Army teams.

Oh well. Great season and a bowl game! Congrats to both programs for stellar years and putting the service schools back on the CFB map!
Yeah, it was a poor performance and a tough way to end the regular season. Navy was just more ready. 🫤

There’s still a bowl game…. And an 11-2 record is nothing to sneeze at.
Well, I was perfectly fine until I looked at the time...
so tired now... so I'll say, "Sweet Dreams all"
Hope you slept well L2!!
Oh, no! I hope you get it knocked out quickly!!
There's been some chat the last couple days about sinus infections. Really no fun!

Neti pots, face masks for heat/cold, vaporizors, fluids, rest... I'm sure if I missed something that @Lilianna23 and @Missk_2022 will fill in the rest. They're so awesome at the medical and self-care stuff!!
I have had my share of sinusitis. It’s miserable. Heat really helps me especially packs or wash cloths and a sinus rinse using a squeeze bottle with warm saline solution. Remember to start with hot or warm filtered water rather than tap water. There are certain bacteria in the plumbing that can make the sinuses worse!
Drink LOTS of fluids! Not just water but also soups and teas.

Take a hot shower and massage both above your eyes and just below the cheekbones. This, combined with the steam, will help loosen the junk in your sinuses.

Try gargling with warm salt water if you have a sore throat from post-nasal drip.

REST! Get as much sleep as you can.

If you have a fever, consider being seen by a provider for antibiotics. If you don't have a fever, or just a low grade fever, it's more likely viral. Antibiotics won't do anything to kill viruses.

I hope you feel better soon, sweetie! 🫂🫂🫂
I’m printing this and posting next to my mirror in the bathroom. In the midst of sinus pain, I can not think straight!
I fell asleep early last night watching Elf (after recording Army/Navy and watching it over dinner.)

Busy day. Delivered firewood, filled up my wood bins. Raked the farm yard with the tractor and got our Christmas tree.

Since the outdoor burn ban has been lifted, we had a nice late afternoon fire before dinner.

Didn’t get to my moms, but I’ll get there today.

Someone bought nearly all of my kindling this week so I am selling it in bulk.

I fell asleep early last night watching Elf (after recording Army/Navy and watching it over dinner.)

Busy day. Delivered firewood, filled up my wood bins. Raked the farm yard with the tractor and got our Christmas tree.

Since the outdoor burn ban has been lifted, we had a nice late afternoon fire before dinner.

Didn’t get to my moms, but I’ll get there today.

Someone bought nearly all of my kindling this week so I am selling it in bulk.

A busy day you had. It’s no wonder you fell asleep early. As we get older I find I go to sleep early. I’m also up early.

The cold rain is here. Right now it’s just above freezing.
I'm making another Dr appointment's no joke.. but I'm a survivor so don't worry...I'll message I don't hog the thread... be well sweetie 🥰
Hey Kathy great to see you in The Bar sorry to hear you are needing a Drs appointment though and hope you are okay. Can I get you a drink we haven't chatted for ages! kisses
I'm thinking I should have offered you an all expenses paid trip here to do my project! It might not have been less expensive, but it would have been done right and on time, I think! 😘💞

It would have been done daily with Measurable Progress. That's what you wanted and deserved.

The noise would get you back on a day shift schedule, too.
I was walking through a quarry…I said to the foreman, “That sure is a big rock!” “Boulder,” he corrected me. So I stuck out my chest and shouted, “THAT SURE IS A BIG ROCK!!”

Two hats were hanging on a hat rack. One said to the other, “You stay here. I’ll go on ahead.”

I have a broken barometer that I really need to sell. No pressure.

The calendar’s days are numbered.

Two plates are sitting on a table. One says to the other, “Tonight, dinner is on me.”

I was going to be a doctor, but I didn’t have enough patience.

Two fish swim into a concrete wall. One turns to the other and says, “Dam!”

Why did the scarecrow win an award? He was out standing in his field.

What do you call a rapper who doesn’t follow their own advice? A hip-hopocrite.

I, for one, like Roman numerals.

You’ll never guess who I bumped into on the way to the opticians! …Everyone.

What’s the difference between swine flu and bird flu? Bird flu needs tweetment while swine flu requires oinkment.

Is it me or are circles pointless?

I’m a perfectionist with a procrastinator complex. Someday I’m going to be awesome.

We had an argument about which vowel is the most important. I won.

What happens if the average number of bullies at a school goes up? The mean increases.
you have been opening the Christmas crackers before the big day!
I took a concealed carry class and I am very careful. The guy next to me was so scary. He was firing like he was in a gang or a rap video....he did not return for second half of class.... I was scared shooting next to him..... shooting with the gun horizontal. Pointing it everywhere but in front of him. At one point he shoved it down the back of his pants..... we were in pairs with a trainer to supervise. Our trainer said to me. "Just keep shooting" and he was on that guy.... to the tune of wtf are you doing?

That guy would be tossed off my range inside of 4 seconds. One does not fuck about with firearms. Load them, and one fucks about even less.