The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Keeping w/ the pink
Time to call it tonight
Sweet Dreams all...
Good sleep tonight, Likes! 💤😴✨💖
Listening to Tallis on a Alexa echo 8. first Canon, then If ye Love me and now lamentations if Jeremiah II.
Standing an the edge of what was Byron’s world when not watching violent tv series :)
I heard the score of Wicked today having never seen Wicked, it was pretty awful except for one song, Popular, maybe. I’d never heard of the composer, and certain no John Berry, John Williams, Rachel Portman, Maurice Jarre, Previn, etc…
Listening to Tallis on a Alexa echo 8. first Canon, then If ye Love me and now lamentations if Jeremiah II.
Standing an the edge of what was Byron’s world when not watching violent tv series :)
I heard the score of Wicked today having never seen Wicked, it was pretty awful except for one song, Popular, maybe. I’d never heard of the composer, and certain no John Berry, John Williams, Rachel Portman, Maurice Jarre, Previn, etc…
The book is better than any play or movie.
Virgin coconut oil does contain a negligible amount of naturally occurring trans fat. It is also high in MCTs which are medium chain triglycerides. They are good for energy and brain health.

I use it in baking, especially my brownies, as it gives them a somewhat exotic taste. I also use it for popcorn and as a skin oil to combat dryness. It is has a naturally occurring antibiotic effect, however, I never use it on my face as it's comedogenic.

It's a high smoke point oil like avocado oil. I use all three.
Thank you. I volunteer to be your sous chef.
My nephews girlfriend just broke up with him over a text...then blocked him....

My nephew is better off because their lives were going in different directions. They were sure unevenly yoked in relation to lots of things and her mothers are a nightmare. One is an alcoholic. The other is manipulative and has lots of untreated mental health issues....except for the pot and other sundry methods she uses to treat....

I have never been so grateful for a breakup in my life. That being said..

what a little bitch to break my boys heart...he is a prize and if I was a girl mom I would be happy to have him dating my nephew. I am not just saying this... he is so respectful and kind and just a good boy..... over a text.... really...little bitch.... she better not come sniffing around again.... she has done this twice... she doesn't get a 3rd chance with me

Wat knows just the right Very Charming Thing to say . . . .

Morning all. Early day. Work at zombieland today, cutting out early to visit my mom after work and then up to Hartford for meeting Thursday and Friday. Home Friday afternoon.

As much as I bitched abt work, they are flexible and good company. Even if I do have to create a report and presentation that will never be used again.

I’ll check in when I can!
End of year horse shit. I was just given a PowerPoint template to fill out by the COO.

After she explained it and walked me through it, I challenged her as to why we need to do this. “ we will look at this once, and I’m pretty sure it will never see the light of day again..”

She claimed this was different. I’m a good soldier and will spend hours putting this together. Mark my motherfucking words. It will be seen in our January management meeting, and then never be seen or used again.

  1. Your top three priorities for my function.
  2. Top three challenges.
  3. SWOT (strengths. Weaknesses etc)
  4. Suggestions on how we can work effectively as a management team.
  5. Suggestion on how we can improve quarterly governance meetings.
  6. Who else could you be supporting?
  7. Describe how you engage with business stakeholders.
  8. Etc.
I recall doing something similar back in the day. So deep inside a picture I hid a demeaning message and let everyone know. When we got to that part of the presentation everyone snickered and our President just got a funny look on his face. You had to be there!
Morning all. Early day. Work at zombieland today, cutting out early to visit my mom after work and then up to Hartford for meeting Thursday and Friday. Home Friday afternoon.

As much as I bitched abt work, they are flexible and good company. Even if I do have to create a report and presentation that will never be used again.

I’ll check in when I can!
Enjoy! Hope that snow is not too bad.
Agree about those studies and it’s like we get jet lag twice a year. The original reason is no longer applicable.
I ws thinking of the original reason. One thing was the cost of light as in candles and lamp oil vs now we just flip a switch. I lived in Amish country and they do not use electricity and they do not follow DST. They use gas laterns which work pretty well.
Scientists got together to study the effects of alcohol on a person’s walk, and the result was staggering.

Why is it unwise to share your secrets with a clock? Well, time will tell.

I once worked at a cheap pizza shop to get by. I kneaded the dough.

Never buy flowers from a monk. Only you can prevent florist friars.

I have a weird talent where I can tell what’s inside a wrapped present. It’s a gift.

What did the surgeon say to the patient who insisted on closing up their own incision? Suture self.

I’ve started telling everyone about the benefits of eating dried grapes. It’s all about raisin awareness.

What do you say to comfort a friend who’s struggling with grammar? There, their, they’re…

Why do bees stay in their hives during winter? Swarm.

Saw a man standing on one leg at an ATM. I asked him what he was doing and he replied, “Just checking my balance.”
Morning all and…hey it’s my day! Happy HumpDay! Lot on docket today. CT Scan, then off to look at Bass guitars for the youngest (Santa’s laying down the bass line this year), then to look at some speakers at a vintage shop for a build I’m trying to make, off to the ABC store for gifts of liquid gold for my dart mates, and dart league tonight…whew! Oh, and need to get my Christmas cards in the mail. Not quite Woderer or Wat busy, but hey, I try!

Good to see everyone is starting to feel a little better. The weather has been nice here, but he cold snap is coming…
Your 5th day Z.

Agree about those studies and it’s like we get jet lag twice a year. The original reason is no longer applicable.
I still have to say I prefer the time change. In the cooler months I like the sun to come up in the morning.
In the long run time is man made. I’ve always been able to over come jet lag. But I mostly travelled for pleasure. Really just sampling foods from as many societies as I can. Stay up the first day so I can sleep at night and wake up in new time. I also sleep very well on planes.
Work or partying can make sleep something you get when you can. You have to have it and can’t bank it. When you have been deprived getting more sleep than you need feels good but isn’t helpful unless you are fighting a bug. Or maybe sleep is a way of not having to endure the malady.
With or without the change the days and nights will always will always happen how they will. We are on a rock that is spinning on a tilt to or from the sun depending on the time of year. DST is a convenience.
I also find I sleep better at sea level on or near the coast of a north south sea like the Atlantic or pacific. The north side of the Mediterranean not so much. In mountains I wake up often and early. Unless I’ve been hiking or skiing. In general more activity the harder I sleep.