The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Happy Wednesday!!! It's road trip onboarding day. Hell, I even have a voided check in my wallet to set up for ACH payroll. It's left over in there from the last job. Wat, why are you so mean??? The headhunter lady will be down that way today and wants to meet for lunch. Wat will entertain that notion. Petunia the truck is sittin' out in the cold all but ready to go.

Made extra coffee so's I can take a road cup wit' me.
Good luck and safe travels today, bud!
***** ATTENTION ******* I heard from Lili last night she's had a round of antibiotics, a round of steroids. She is starting to feel a bit better. She is seeing her doctor tomorrow to determine the next step in treatment. She wants everyone and myself to know all the love and concern we have all shown her has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated. As she misses and loves each and everyone of us just as much..... As always I will update everyone as often as I can.
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Did not sleep at all last night. Spent all night trying different methods. Finally gave up and went to the basement. It ended up being a good thing as I started lowering my inclined push ups to a new hight I didn't think I could do well enough. Pushed it and turned out better than I thought. Gonna be so sore tomorrow.

Spent about 4 hours today taking a nap and 2 hours waking up. Planning on having a night cap to help getting in bed at a decent time so I don't start a trend of staying up late.

Hope everyone is doing well. I didn't spend the time to scrutinize all the posts I missed out on and have not mastered the all inclusive makeup post that covers everyone.
Hope you get some sleep and rest today. Insomnia is a bitch.

But you made good use of your awake time!

There are opposing schools of thought on waking up. I’ve heard, yeah, you’re up - be productive. But many people also say that it’s important to try to go back to sleep.

This thread has some really good tips if you’re interested….

Thread 'How to sleep better'
Happy Wednesday!!! It's road trip onboarding day. Hell, I even have a voided check in my wallet to set up for ACH payroll. It's left over in there from the last job. Wat, why are you so mean??? The headhunter lady will be down that way today and wants to meet for lunch. Wat will entertain that notion. Petunia the truck is sittin' out in the cold all but ready to go.

Made extra coffee so's I can take a road cup wit' me.
Safe trip, and please keep us updated. 🤗😘💋❤️
***** ATTENTION ******* I heard from Lili last night she's had a round of anti bionics, and a round of steroids. She is starting to feel a bit better. She is seeing her doctor tomorrow to determine the next step in treatment. She wants everyone and myself to know all the love and concern we have all shown her has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated. As she misses and loves each and everyone of us just as much..... As always I will update everyone as often as I can.
Thanks for the update, OM!!!! ❤️
***** ATTENTION ******* I heard from Lili last night she's had a round of anti bionics, and a round of steroids. She is starting to feel a bit better. She is seeing her doctor tomorrow to determine the next step in treatment. She wants everyone and myself to know all the love and concern we have all shown her has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated. As she misses and loves each and everyone of us just as much..... As always I will update everyone as often as I can.
Thanks OM. I will be using my special powers (as vouched for by @Missk_2022) to send healing vibes her way. ;)
Oh, and tell her, when she returns, NOT to try to respond to every post she has missed!!
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Good evening all.
I'm currently in Eugene, Oregon five hours South of where I live to be the responsible adult.
My adult daughter is going through a procedure tomorrow morning and I will be driving her to and from before making sure she's okay and driving back to the Ponderosa.
She's currently trying to sleep between bathroom runs.
Meanwhile, I am in the living room trying to unwind a bit to sleep myself.
Hope everyone is having a great night.
You are a good father. I hope her procedure goes well.