The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

I'm trying to remember who said it: "Everything I enjoy is either, illegal, immoral, or busy on Saturday night."
Good evening all.
I'm currently in Eugene, Oregon five hours South of where I live to be the responsible adult.
My adult daughter is going through a procedure tomorrow morning and I will be driving her to and from before making sure she's okay and driving back to the Ponderosa.
She's currently trying to sleep between bathroom runs.
Meanwhile, I am in the living room trying to unwind a bit to sleep myself.
Hope everyone is having a great night.
That is awesome you’re there for her.

Keep us posted on how it goes. 🙏
Good morning to so many who are up and around this morning. I broke the mold of sleep last night as my dog had to go out too many times and still had an accident. Something bothered his stomach but not sure what.

This morning I can only have one cup of coffee and one Ensure (yech). Then nothing to eat or drink after 10 am. The MRI with contrast is at 630 pm. I am looking forward to the Valium they will give me. Maybe I will sleep through it.
I thought I was all caught up, and then I missed an entire page.

Hope everyone has a great day. I’m back to corporate Zombieland. It ain’t all bad - just overly complicated.

As Dallas Wayne sez when he signs off from Willie’s Roadhouse:

“Be safe, be good to each other... for God's sake, it's the right thing to do.“

Have a good day today all!!!
Good morning to so many who are up and around this morning. I broke the mold of sleep last night as my dog had to go out too many times and still had an accident. Something bothered his stomach but not sure what.

This morning I can only have one cup of coffee and one Ensure (yech). Then nothing to eat or drink after 10 am. The MRI with contrast is at 630 pm. I am looking forward to the Valium they will give me. Maybe I will sleep through it.
Good luck today B2!!! Thinking of you, bud!
Good morning,
Good luck. Congratulations. Best wishes. Great idea. Thanks so much. Your awful. We should hang out.
That about covers the two pages I missed last night. Everyone, just attach your own salutations to which ever one applies.
Off to the basement before coffee.

EDIT: I feel much better after having a small toddy to get my eyelids heavy last night.
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Good morning to so many who are up and around this morning. I broke the mold of sleep last night as my dog had to go out too many times and still had an accident. Something bothered his stomach but not sure what.

This morning I can only have one cup of coffee and one Ensure (yech). Then nothing to eat or drink after 10 am. The MRI with contrast is at 630 pm. I am looking forward to the Valium they will give me. Maybe I will sleep through it.
Best wishes at the doc today....
Have a good Tuesday everyone. Hump day tomorrow then it is downhill to the weekend ..... Just wondering where to go in my campervan.
You rang?

Oh, never mind….seing you’re from Wales, but now in different Latitudes….do you still call it a Caravan down there? Inquiring minds want to know! 😂

It is my day, but sadly still sidelined with this chest thing…second day of Anti-B’s so it’s starting to work and getting some good rest now at least with limited coughing fits.

Hope everybody had a great HumpDay! I’ll be enjoying as best I can! Now, the MZ…

Up early .... tired and have a headache. I get these dumb ocular migraines. Prob from stress. Headache isnt to bad more annoying than anything. I took lots of meds to try to combat it. Ocular migraines are funny. I get an aura in my right eye. It goes away and like clockwork a headache in one hour. Tylenol motion and magnesium and slugged down with a caffeine drink helps a lot. Glad everyone is ok for the most part. Tdk is keeping wat on the up and up and busy. Ethyl is monitoring the perimeter. geezer cat is maintaining thermal preparedness and Panther is doing Panther things. Grey is back and his family is doing well. The boys are on the hill. OM is up running and getting her coffee. Cowboy is safe from the fires, but not stupid people. Unfortunately they are everywhere. B2 is staying warm with his old pup by his side HDH is at work. L2 is gathering snippets and doing research. Lilianna is hopefully getting better and back to us soon. We are all freezing and coffee is still...well coffee....
Sorry to hear about this. I’ve never heard of ocular migraines, but that sounds horrible…as if you needed reminding. Do whatever it takes to knock that back. Sending you loads of hugs and hoping you feel better.

This is the time of year I start to get cabin fever. Even though I’m not snowed in and most of y’all would laugh at what we consider a “cold snap”, ya still can’t get out and do anything…on the water at least. Traditionally this is the time I’d retool the tackle box, oil old reels, and get ready for the season. This is always accompanied by JB on the box.

This song goes out to you MissK, and anyone that just needs a little easy listening to take your mind off bad weather and all the aches and pains that seem to walk hand in hand with old man winter. Take it away James…

I thought I was all caught up, and then I missed an entire page.

Hope everyone has a great day. I’m back to corporate Zombieland. It ain’t all bad - just overly complicated.

As Dallas Wayne sez when he signs off from Willie’s Roadhouse:

“Be safe, be good to each other... for God's sake, it's the right thing to do.“

Have a good day today all!!!
Willie’s Roadhouse is the hidden gem on Sirius. Love the DW show, and man, just when I thought I’d heard every country song out there, he throws me something new! Or at least new to me!