The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

We used to have what they called Pop Tarts. A sort of pastry on the outside and jam in the middle. Put them in the toaster….bloody awful things and responsible for more blistered lips that cold sores lol
We have pop tarts... full of chemicals and junk..... delicious....they had frosting on them... how the hell the frosting didn't melt in the toaster is beyond me.....

I have been watching clips of English school kids trying American food.... hysterically funny
Part of the diet of course …… your reward for eating more sensible stuff perhaps? 🤔
Yesh.... I wanted sour patch kids...settled for a packet of fruit snacks... have lost 67 lbs.... I can't with til less snow and ice so I can get our there and walk..... super cold. Gonna have negative Temps this weekend. Not a lot of sidewalks out here in the country and don't want to get run over or fall on the ice.... I used to walk 4 miles a day..every day. It was good for me. I aldo did yoga and had a personal trainer through fitness center at work. Covid screwed that up. I will get out there and keep trucking along. This is a life change with goals. I will have to watch what I eat forever