The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

600 miles of driving today with a 1-hour break to load, thank goodness a friend helped with that. I'm too beat to be sleepy.

We successfully cleaned out the cabin of essentially all the personal items we cared about, and I did a hard reset on the smart TV to clear our streaming accounts. I told C, "I'll bet their dinner conversation was whether we were going to come back at all." Well, I hope so, 'cause that's the way I left it with the owner who handles the accounts, a "we'll talk about it" at the end of the year.
Still recovering from the drive yesterday. I shudder to think that I once drove from L.A. to Atlanta in two days. Ah, the joys (and stupidity!) of youth.

Coffee helped start the busy day, but real relief came with the grande margarita I had for with lunch. The nap afterwards was awesome.
Today was a particularly bad day for my SO's mother. She would keep asking when her doctor's appointment was and I would keep telling her. Then she'd remember that she had asked and apologise but could not remember the time. It's very stressful seeing someone you've known for 30 years slipping away like that ...
Today was a particularly bad day for my SO's mother. She would keep asking when her doctor's appointment was and I would keep telling her. Then she'd remember that she had asked and apologise but could not remember the time. It's very stressful seeing someone you've known for 30 years slipping away like that ...
She's lucky she has you to help.
Still recovering from the drive yesterday. I shudder to think that I once drove from L.A. to Atlanta in two days. Ah, the joys (and stupidity!) of youth.
Reminds me of a young man I once knew who drove here non-stop from the Atlanta area for my daughter's 16th birthday. We had a rule that our daughters couldn't date until they were sixteen, so he waited then showed up with an armful of long-stemmed red roses to be her first date.

He was exhausted. They went out to dinner and he fell asleep. Then he drove back the next day.
Had my annual dinner with my aunt and uncle this evening. They're in their 80s, but hale; they are always fun to be around. I love them.

Every time I speak with them, I'm more and more cognizant of the fact that they hold priceless and irreplaceable memories that nobody else has. It's a joy to learn what they have to tell.
Today was a particularly bad day for my SO's mother. She would keep asking when her doctor's appointment was and I would keep telling her. Then she'd remember that she had asked and apologise but could not remember the time. It's very stressful seeing someone you've known for 30 years slipping away like that ...
I can feel for you and your spouse. I lived it with my mother. Just be careful with her around the stove. My mother once turned a burner on high and sat an electric kettle on it, trying to make tea. We had to take the knobs off, so she wouldn't be able to turn anything on and hurt herself.

Many people with her condition start to wander, too. We have so many locks on our doors, it looks like Fort Knox. Still, she managed to get out a few times and that was pretty scary, especially when someone picked her up and brought to the police station, and she couldn't tell them where she lived.
I shudder to think that I once drove from L.A. to Atlanta in two days. Ah, the joys (and stupidity!) of youth.
I used to drive regularly between Clovis NM and Minot ND non-stop. I always drove north to Minot upon returning to base from a deployment. Not conducive to a long drive but I didn't want to spend my time off in Clovis. (You know it's bad when Minot looks better)
I used to drive regularly between Clovis NM and Minot ND non-stop. I always drove north to Minot upon returning to base from a deployment. Not conducive to a long drive but I didn't want to spend my time off in Clovis. (You know it's bad when Minot looks better)

A friend of mine used to be posted at Ellsworth. I visited him there once. He said the airmen there once had a call-and-response:

"Why not Minot?"
"Freezin's the reason."
A friend of mine used to be posted at Ellsworth. I visited him there once. He said the airmen there once had a call-and-response:

"Why not Minot?"
"Freezin's the reason."
Absolutely right. My imaginary Bailey Air Force Base near imaginary Culbertson Montana is Minot AFB and the opening paragraphs in the Pilot's Conjugal Christmas tell some of the pain of trying to load bombs in a frigid winter. My worst day on the flightline was windchills exceeding -50 degrees but there were problems on a plane with live nukes so it had to come off alert. I'm going up there next month to visit the kids and look around for a bit to see what it looks like 14 years after the big flood.
Friday Lucy.jpg
Arrgh... I really busted my hump on editing this week. Lucy knows how I feel today. I spent 3 days scrubbing a novel and getting that submitted, then I looked at my Summer Lovin story - 5000 words and I spent most of yesterday polishing and editing... and for why? It's going into Loving Wives, who's going to notice? Just for giggles I went over a favorite story of mine, Enchantress, and my editing software went into shock. so I spent the evening editing a 2 year old story. Back to the keyboard today, Summer Lovin #2 needs a good going over and All Aboard Andi's Dream Ch 14 is almost ready for final editing


Coffee is on, folks. Come get it before I start filling my sink
I'm at my parents' house today. We drove down last night. The grandparents are having fun with their adopted daughter's adopted son, whom they call their grandson. Jo is doing the lawn right now. I'm drinking coffee and wondering why Pops and I sat up drinking Irish Whiskey until the wee hours. I've been up for hours and hours, but can't get rid of this damn hangover. Pops shows not sign of being hungover.
I'm indoors to rehydrate, then I'm back into the lawn and garden fray. The afternoon is reserved for canning and pickling.
I'm at my parents' house today. We drove down last night. The grandparents are having fun with their adopted daughter's adopted son, whom they call their grandson. Jo is doing the lawn right now. I'm drinking coffee and wondering why Pops and I sat up drinking Irish Whiskey until the wee hours. I've been up for hours and hours, but can't get rid of this damn hangover. Pops shows not sign of being hungover.
Alcohol dehydrates you and gives you the hangover. Coffee exasperates that dehydration.

Us older folk know to drink plenty of water when drinking heavily, so we're less likely to get that hangover.

Try drinking plenty of water and orange juice.
Ha, I haven't weighed 90 pounds for some time. I'm still short, but now I'm round as well. It's as much a lack of sleep as the booze. I shook off my hangover a short time ago. Jo finished the lawn work, and Pops and her are talking football now. AGH! I should be writing, and I'm thinking about doing so soon. I haven't had a hangover in several months. But Mum is about to show me her new computer. She asked me if I needed a new one. I guess that'll be my birthday present. But I told her I didn't want an HP (which is what she got). She said she knew that. Levono is my brand.

Anyway, we are about to each lunch. So, I reckon I'll sign off for a bit.