The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

coffee, coffee, coffee. please... and none of that long detailed litany of flavors and mixes. I'm old school in a few ways and one of them is that I like my coffee black and hot (Yes, I know... It's Lit and the proper way to follow a phrase like that is with wordplay about how that's also how I like my women. But that line is as old school as my caffeine preference.) Besides, I don't really have any strong preferences when it comes to the ladies.
Not when it comes to the physical side of things anyway. I definitely do have tastes on the personality/mental side. Intelligent and playful. Confident and willing to push for what she desires. That's not to say anything negative. I certainly don't mind when a woman has a bit of a submissive spin, although it can cause some hesitation for me simply because my one true requirement has always been for consent. Plus, I'm kinda a pleaser and want to be clued in to want she really wants. Sometimes that desire for full disclosure works against me, especially when what she wants is to be <i>taken</i>. My need to be certain what I'm doing is wanted doesn't mix well with some fantasies and desires.
alright coffee.jpg

The coffee's on and my valentines day story is reaching the end of the introduction!
Oh man... it's going to be one of those stories. I need to get a shorter muse
Sometimes that desire for full disclosure works against me, especially when what she wants is to be <i>taken</i>. My need to be certain what I'm doing is wanted doesn't mix well with some fantasies and desires.
This is an issue in my WIP. The woman admits in pillow talk that she sometimes fantasizes about having no choice, and he (being a pleaser) needs to find a way to make it happen. The scene is on its second rewrite, but it's fairly important because some elements are reprised in the climax of the story.
My cat, Cat, busted my headphones last night. She jumped off my computer desk, but her feet were tangled in the cord. :( The ones won't be here until tomorrow at some point. Oh, bother, I'll have to use my speakers. Fresh coffee is brewed, French roast this time. I have plenty in the digital pot!
Now that @dmallord can hear the coffee being poured, I'll have to check more frequently to make sure there's a pot of coffee available. The teapot is hot and today we have a variety of petit fours on the counter for those who need a sugar hit.

Now that the holidays are over, I can try to get back to writing more than a paragraph at a time. I'll be over in the corner trying to put words to electronic paper and keeping an eye on the coffee pot ...
Electronic paper, that's a nice turn of words. Thanks for the fresh pot. Occasionally, I do a cuppa tea, but I don't tell Juan Valdez that! ☺️
Making one last check on the coffee pot before heading to bed. Looks like someone made some monkey bread and put it on the counter.

The book covers for my series finally posted today.
Well, I've started a new story. First in several years. Right now it's about three pages in and we'll have to wait and see what category it ends up in, though early indications seem to pointing towards Romance. Not a Lit category I have ever posted in, despite the fact that I have several published works that fit there and I've attended conventions as a "Romance Author." Imp and I hit the Romantic Times Book Lovers convention like four years in a row, doing signings and panels and meeting some great people.

The new story is, oddly enough, a sequel to the first story I ever put up on Lit. I'm revisiting these characters twenty years after the last time I wrote them and it's going to be interesting to see how it goes. I think I've got the male lead's "voice" still working, but the female lead may create issues. The male lead is close enough to my own actual history that it hasn't been hard to re-enter that head space.
The coffee pot is brewing and the teapot is hot. There are some raspberry danish on the counter. Thanks to everyone who helped put the Christmas decorations away. The hardest part was capturing all of those birds flying around and I thank the person with the big net for helping getting them caged up and sent back to their owners.

Finally got my driveway opened up, thanks to my neighbor with his huge truck breaking a path through the snow.
Morning all, how's stuff in the Literotica world? Coffee is ready, Irish Cream -cream and actual whiskey. But, it is labeled Irish Cream, so I'm sticking to it.
Hello all. Still snowing here, tho not very hard. It's a soup day, cold and snowy is the perfect time to sit on the couch with a hot bowl and watch the snow fall out the window.
We had some snow this morning. What we have now is pure wet.
Now, who's hidden my coffee mug ?
Hiya HP, long time no see. I'll gladly loan you one of my dozens of coffee mugs if you'll brew a new pot. Snowing here today as well.
Speaking of snow (Hi, HP!), cabin fever is starting to set in already - this is the fourth day. The car has 4WD, but it's not really an off-road type, and it's going to be a pill breaking through the windrow the city plow crews left in our driveway apron. Storm was Sunday, but some of the area roads remain icy.

Boredom was momentarily broken by the arrival of C's new desktop. It took maybe two hours to get everything transferred and setup. However, she is still glued to her now-ancient iPad. It's so old most websites don't work right and she can't get to one of her e-mail accounts... and then gripes at me to fix it, which is beyond my geek powers. Apple stopped supporting the one she has about five years ago, and it can't be updated.

Anyway, C does not know I bought her a gently-used iPad that runs all the latest stuff. It should be here Friday. So the complaints will stop about shit not working, etc. I'll just get new complaints about "I don't know how to do this!" for anything that changed. It's hell being married to an Amish, at least when it comes to technology.
... Anyway, C does not know I bought her a gently-used iPad that runs all the latest stuff. It should be here Friday. So the complaints will stop about shit not working, etc. I'll just get new complaints about "I don't know how to do this!" for anything that changed. It's hell being married to an Amish, at least when it comes to technology.
Ah, she's related to my mum! Took her six months to get used to an iPad, but now she loves it like a baby. Anything Important is done on a Proper Desktop, mostly by my dad, who has even embraced internet banking (for one small account only) and internet shopping (but only for Waitrose and a couple other sites they trust - Waitrose is kinda like Whole Foods without the hippies).

Whenever their tech goes wrong, they go to a local shop who seem to just sell them a new one. Which to be fair does actually work. Unlike my house where there's loads of tech used for everything, mostly held together by wishes, prayers, and a driver someone wrote somewhere. There's a cliché that tailors' children wear rags and the cobbler's kids go barefoot. I live the computer-guy's wife's version.
Hi everyone, just posted a few new stories - they are all getting okay ratings but no comments? Why is that? I'd love comments and discussion on my stories but I don't think they are well written enough.
Hi everyone, just posted a few new stories - they are all getting okay ratings but no comments? Why is that? I'd love comments and discussion on my stories but I don't think they are well written enough.
My metric, after ten years and around 1.3 million words, is one Vote per hundred Views, one Comment per thousand. Lit is feedback-lite.

I've said it before, if you write really well or really badly, people will let you know. If you are competent, capable, right there in the middle of the bell-curve, Lit readers can be silent.

If you want to solicit more discussion, start a thread in the Feedback Forum. You won't get much feedback, but over time you might get some.
Hi everyone, just posted a few new stories - they are all getting okay ratings but no comments? Why is that? I'd love comments and discussion on my stories but I don't think they are well written enough.
@al55, it's hard to get much discussion of a story. Your best route is to go to the feedback forum and ask for someone to read and comment. They may comment in the forum, or they may leave a public comment. Give them a link to the story you want read, and tell them the length of the story in words, the category, and something about the story. Don't put any barriers in their way or they won't do it. It's probably a good idea to not ask specific questions until after someone's read it.

Like EB said, reader comments are rare, but if your writing needed a lot of help, then some reader would probably have already pointed that out to you.
The coffee pot is full and the teapot is hot. There are donuts on the counter, so help yourself. The ingredients to make your own omelettes for breakfast are next to the grill and the grill is hot so have fun. I made myself a ham, Havarti, and chive omelette and it was delicious.

It's another cold morning (single digits F) and the cardinals look hungry so I'm going to have to slog through the foot of snow we got to feed them. We're going to get 3" - 5" more snow tomorrow (Oh, Goody!) so I'll have even more snow to slog through.

Oh, well, at least I can write without slogging through snow so I'll be over in the corner doing that. I'll try to keep an eye on the coffee pot and make sure there's a fresh pot brewing when needed.
There's the strange white crap falling from the sky and it's very cold today!
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Their's the strange white crap falling from the sky and it's very cold today!
We've had some of it too, but it's mostly gone now. I don't even know when it happened. It wasn't there when I went out to get the newspaper. I got wrapped up in my WIP after that, and it was on the ground the next time I looked up.