"The Altered One's" The Beginning.


She hoped on the back of the bike, feeling the rumble and power of the machine between her legs as she wrapped her arms around his waist,
"lets ride."
I felt the woman get on and wrap her arms around me. I stopped for a second, her scent filling my nostrils. I then gunned the engine, sending the bike flying down the alley, chasing behind the man that had just left us.
As soon as Gunther hit the forest, he jumped into the trees making his travel much quicker. He kept his nose in the air trying to get the exact point where Hokage is. He then looked back to check on the other two. They're not far behind... that good, I guess. Gunther then pointed his hand torwards the way he caught Hokage's scent, then headed that way himself.

"I can see it's a fucking wolf," Hampton said to one of the patrol sergeants. Officers had arrayed themself in a semi-circle around the animal, with one officer in the lead, between them and the beast. Jesus, Hampton thought. They were all steady, with their sidearms, shotguns, and whatever else they had trained on the wolf.

"Weapons hold!" Hampton shouted, stepping through them. "Lower them," he ordered. Hampton pushed his way next to Officer Sparrow.

"If I didn't know better," the chief said to Michael, "I'd swear it was trying to talk to us." Hampton looked to the officer, then to the wolf, and beyond to the girl. He turned to the other police officers. "Back off," he told them, "give us a little space."

Hampton turned his head, scannin quickly across the rooftops. He could just make out the silhouette of one of Swat One's sharpshooters. The rifleman no doubt had the telescopic sight of the Remington .308 trained on the animal. Knowing that he was covered in case the wolf threatened, Chief Hampton moved his arm outward and away from him, indicating to the animal that he could go as he wished.
Rydia More

IC: I began to stretch my arm as I walked into the city streets. How strange I've never had a wound last so long. When I put the bullet trhew my head it did nothing and yet a knife to my shoulder seemed to work. Damn these mucles are tight now, I'm likely to get a cramp.

I laughed at the thought of me complaining of a small cramp, but then my face became seriuos. No wodner things have been so bad for me. I can't even help out those closest to me. I was to kill those two but yet I let the kidnappers get away. Why do I even burden my sister by liveing?

I look at my wrists, I've cut it many times and yet tehre was no scare. "I can't die." I'm a desiese the world refuses to destroy. I stop on the street a mile or two from home. Do I really want to return? She'll suffer more if I do. I've burdened my sister enough, but then again she says I'd buren here more If I did kill myself or run away. Thats why she came loooking for me.
Weather report

It will be a nice sunny day today, upper 70's in the afternoon, falling to the mid 50's tonight, slight cloudyness tomorrow with showers by the weekend.
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Portia said her goodbyes to the anxious parents, using her powers to calm them down and have them believe that she gave them a valid reason for leaving before the girl was returned. Her driver began to make their way to the gated community in which she resided. While making their way through Jokertown the car stopped outside a darkened alleyway and Risque emerged, quickly entering the car and sitting across from Portia.

"You left the crisis a bit early."

"Bored, and things were degrading."

"I see."

While the driver could barely make out his employer's Italian features through the tinted glass, Risque was not subject to her illusion and could see the diabolic figure before him in all of her horned glory.

"The kidnappers had already been apprehended, we were fighiting vigilantes. Quite bothersome, they too were altered."

Portia stuck her tongue behind her pointed canine and clicked the muscule against the tooth.
Hokage growled under his breath, he glared at every cop before him. He knew there were snipers waiting for him too make one wrong move, he smelled them as left the child.

Hokage risen one of his legs as if he was going to pee, making the officers nearest to his leg jump back, and giving him the opening he wanted. With out warning, Hokage shot past them like lightning. He left so quickly the snipers coulden't get an focus on him, and finding him in the forest was near impossible.